From Edward Elgar Publishing
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- Edited by Neil de Marchi and Mark Blaug
- Approaching Equality

- Roger McCain
- Aristotle (384–322 BC)

- Mark Blaug
- Aristotle, Adam Smith and Karl Marx

- Spencer J. Pack
- Aristotle’s Economics

- David Reisman
- Art and Human Rights

- Edited by Fiana Gantheret, Nolwenn Guibert and Sofia Stolk
- Arthur Pigou (1877–1959)

- Mark Blaug

- Edited by Scott Moss and John Rae
- Artificial Intelligence and Financial Behaviour

- Edited by Riccardo Viale, Shabnam Mousavi, Umberto Filotto and Barbara Alemanni
- Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Value Creation

- Edited by Margherita Pagani and Renaud Champion
- Arts, Culture and the Making of Global Cities

- Lily Kong, Ching Chia-ho and Chou Tsu-Lung
- Asia and Global Production Networks

- Edited by Benno Ferrarini and David Hummels
- Asia Beyond the Global Economic Crisis

- Edited by Satoshi Inomata
- Asia Rising

- Edited by Hal Hill and Maria Socorro Gochoco-Bautista
- Asia-Pacific Issues in International Business

- Edited by Sidney J. Gray, Sara L. McGaughey and William R. Purcell
- Asian Economic Development

- Edited by Prema-chandra Athukorala
- Asian Economies in Transition

- Richard Pomfret
- Asian Firms

- Frank B. Tipton
- Asian Monetary Integration

- Woosik Moon and Yeongseop Rhee
- Asian Regionalism in the World Economy

- Edited by Masahiro Kawai, Jong-Wha Lee, Peter Petri and Giovanni Capanelli
- Asian Responses to the Global Financial Crisis

- Edited by Jehoon Park, T. J. Pempel and Geng Xiao
- Asian-Pacific Rim Logistics

- Peter J. Rimmer
- Asia’s Free Trade Agreements

- Edited by Masahiro Kawai and Ganeshan Wignaraja
- Asia’s Innovation Systems in Transition

- Edited by Bengt-Åke Lundvall, Patarapong Intarakumnerd and Jan Vang
- Assessing the Performance Advantage of Public-Private Partnerships

- Edited by Stefan Verweij, Ingmar van Meerkerk and Carter B. Casady
- Assessing the Social Impact of Immigration in Europe

- Edited by Jussi P. Laine, Daniel Rauhut and Marika Gruber
- Asset Pricing Theory and Tests, vol Two volume set

- Edited by Robert R. Grauer
- Augustin Cournot: Modelling Economics

- Edited by Jean-Philippe Touffut

- Rudy Van Zijp
- Austrian Economics and the Political Economy of Freedom

- Richard M. Ebeling
- Austrian Economics, vol Three volume set

- Edited by Stephen Littlechild
- Austrian Law and Economics, vol Two volume set

- Edited by Mario J. Rizzo
- Authoritarian Capitalism in the Age of Globalization

- Peter Bloom
- Authoritarian Capitalism in the Age of Globalization

- Peter Bloom
- Autocratic, Democratic, and Optimal Government

- William A. Niskanen
- Automated Decision-Making and Effective Remedies

- Simona Demková
- Autonomy and Regulation

- Edited by Tom Christensen and Per Laegreid
- Balance of Payments and Exchange Rate Theories

- Norman C. Miller
- Balancing the Regulation and Taxation of Banking

- Sajid M. Chaudhry, Andrew W. Mullineux and Natasha Agarwal
- Banking and Financial Stability in Central Europe

- Edited by David Green and Karl Petrick
- Banking and Insurance in the New China

- Chien-Hsun Chen and Hui-Tzu Shih
- Banking in Transition Economies

- John P. Bonin, Kálmán Mizsei, Istvan P Szekely and Paul Wachtel
- Banking Reforms in South-East Europe

- Edited by Zeljko Sevic

- Maximilian Hall
- Banking Supervision at the Crossroads

- Edited by Thea Kuppens, Henriëtte Prast and Sandra Wesseling
- Banking, Monetary Policy and the Political Economy of Financial Regulation

- Edited by Gerald A. Epstein, Tom Schlesinger and Matías Vernengo

- Wolfgang H. Reinicke
- Banks and Finance in Modern Macroeconomics

- Bruna Ingrao and Claudio Sardoni
- Bargaining and the Theory of Cooperative Games: John Nash and Beyond

- Edited by William Thomson
- Baumol’s Cost Disease

- Edited by Ruth Towse