PSE Working Papers
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- Anthony Briant, Pierre-Philippe Combes and Miren Lafourcade
- 2008: The rise and fall of spatial inaqualities in France: a long-run perspective
- Pierre-Philippe Combes, Miren Lafourcade, Jacques Thisse and Jean-Claude Toutain
- 2008: Dots to boxes: Do the size and shape of spatial units jeopardize economic geography estimations?
- Anthony Briant, Pierre-Philippe Combes and Miren Lafourcade
- 2008: Boon or Bane? Others' unemployment, well-being and job insecurity
- Andrew Clark, Andreas Knabe and Steffen Rätzel
- 2008: Unequal longevities and lifestyles transmission
- Gregory Ponthiere
- 2008: Les Français sont-ils prudents ? Patrimoine et risque sur les revenus des ménages
- Luc Arrondel and Hector Calvo Pardo
- 2008: Do immigrants cause crime?
- Milo Bianchi, Paolo Buonanno and Paolo Pinotti
- 2008: International labour standards and product differentiation
- Michela Limardi
- 2008: Financial development, entrepreneurship and job satisfaction
- Milo Bianchi
- 2008: Russian factory inspection (1882-1918): cui bono?
- Andrei Volodin
- 2008: Happiness, habits and high rank: Comparisons in economic and social life
- Andrew Clark
- 2008: The econometrics of auctions with asymmetric anonymous bidders
- Laurent Lamy
- 2008: Global sourcing under imperfect capital markets
- Juan Carluccio and Thibault Fally
- 2008: Trade integration and within-plant productivity evolution in Chile
- Maria Bas and Ivan Ledezma
- 2008: The rise and fall of spatial inequalities in France: A long-run perspective
- Pierre-Philippe Combes, Miren Lafourcade, Jacques Thisse and Jean-Claude Toutain
- 2008: Mechanism design with partially-specified participation games
- Laurent Lamy
- 2008: The case for a financial approach to money demand
- Xavier Ragot
- 2008: Bubbles and crashes with partially sophisticated investors
- Milo Bianchi and Philippe Jehiel
- 2008: Direct evidence on income comparisons and their welfare effects
- Claudia Senik
- 2008: Economic satisfaction and income rank in small neighbourhoods
- Andrew Clark, Nicolai Kristensen and Niels Westergård-Nielsen
- 2008: Unemployment as a social norm in Germany
- Andrew Clark, Andreas Knabe and Steffen Rätzel
- 2008: Optimal tax policy and expected longevity: A mean and variance utility approach
- Marie-Louise Leroux and Gregory Ponthiere
- 2008: Eliciting preferences on multiattribute societies with a Choquet integral
- Patrick Meyer and Gregory Ponthiere
- 2008: On the Golden Rule of capital accumulation under endogenous longevity
- David de la Croix and Gregory Ponthiere
- 2008: Optimal linear taxation under endogenous longevity
- Marie-Louise Leroux, Pierre Pestieau and Gregory Ponthiere
- 2008: Should we subsidize longevity?
- Marie-Louise Leroux, Pierre Pestieau and Gregory Ponthiere
- 2008: Trade in services and trade in goods: differences and complementarities
- Carolina Lennon
- 2008: Trade in services: Cross-border trade vs commercial presence. Evidence of complementarity
- Carolina Lennon
- 2008: Mode de vie, comportements, attitudes et préférences des Français
- Luc Arrondel, André Masson and Véronique. Noiville
- 2008: Measuring well-being across Europe: Description of the ESS Well-being Module and preliminary findings
- Felicia A. Hupper, Nic Marks, Andrew Clark, Johannes Siegrist, Alois Stutzer, Joar Vittersø and Morten Wahrendorf
- 2008: Preferences for redistribution: a European comparative analysis
- Elvire Guillaud
- 2008: Immigration policy and self-selecting migrants
- Milo Bianchi
- 2008: Potential output growth in several industrialised countries: a comparison
- Christophe Cahn and Arthur Saint-Guilhem
- 2008: Democracy and social democracy facing contemporary capitalisms: A "régulationist" approach
- Robert Boyer
- 2008: Tax-benefit revealed social preferences
- François Bourguignon and Amedeo Spadaro
- 2008: Optimal taxation, social contract and the four worlds of welfare capitalism
- Amedeo Spadaro
- 2008: How populist democracy promotes market liberalization
- Pauline Grosjean and Claudia Senik
- 2008: How does party fractionalization convey preferences for redistribution in parliamentary democracies?
- Bruno Amable, Donatella Gatti and Elvire Guillaud
- 2008: Educational programs in rural Nepal: Peer communication and information spillovers
- Margherita Comola
- 2008: Trade liberalization and heterogeneous within-firm productivity improvements
- Maria Bas and Ivan Ledezma
- 2008: The passive drinking effect: Evidence from Italy
- Martina Menon, Federico Perali and Luca Piccoli
- 2008: Immigration and natives' attitudes towards the welfare state: Evidence from the European Social Survey
- Claudia Senik, Holger Stichnoth and Karine Van der Straeten
- 2008: Multinationals, technological incompatibilities and spillovers
- Juan Carluccio and Thibault Fally
- 2008: The Cournot outcome as the result of price competition
- Pedro Jara-Moroni
- 2008: Rationalizability in games with a continuum of players
- Pedro Jara-Moroni
- 2008: Sharing aggregate risks under moral hazard
- Gabrielle Demange
- 2008: Produire des statistiques: pour quoi faire ? L'échec de la statistique des faillites en France au XIXème siècle
- Pierre Hautcoeur
- 2008: Competition, R&D and the cost of innovation
- Philippe Askenazy, Christophe Cahn and Delphine Irac
- 2008: Keynesian hospitals? Public employment and political pressure
- Andrew Clark and Carine Milcent
- 2008: Education in Russia: The evolution of theory and practice
- Natalia Kuznetsova and Irina Peaucelle
- 2008: Employment effects of welfare reforms: Evidence from a dynamic structural life-cycle model
- Peter Haan, Victoria Prowse and Arne Uhlendorff
- 2008: Credit constraints and the cyclicality of R&D investment: Evidence from France
- Philippe Aghion, Philippe Askenazy, Nicolas Berman, Gilbert Cette and Laurent Eymard
- 2008: "Mon père avait raison": la transmission des valeurs entre les générations
- Luc Arrondel
- 2008: Evaluation d'impact de l'accompagnement des demandeurs d'emploi par les Opérateurs privés de placement et le programme Cap vers l'entreprise. Rapport intermédiaire
- Luc Behaghel, Bruno Crépon, Julien Guitard and Marc Gurgand
- 2008: Incomplete markets and the output-inflation tradeoff
- Yann Algan, Edouard Challe and Xavier Ragot
- 2008: Innovation and skill upgrading: The role of external vs internal labour markets
- Luc Behaghel, Eve Caroli and Emmanuelle Walkowiak
- 2008: The formation of financial industries in USA, France and Russia
- Irina Peaucelle
- 2008: Macroeconomic effects of ownership structure in OECD countries
- Donatella Gatti
- 2008: Strategic communication networks
- Jeanne Hagenbach and Frederic Koessler
- 2008: Logistics in early-modern Europe: A discussion of specialization, flexibility and efficiency in the activities of the Dutch shipping community in the eighteenth century
- Werner Scheltjens
- 2008: European integration, FDI and the geography of French trade
- Miren Lafourcade and Elisenda Paluzie
- 2008: Never the same after the first time: The satisfaction of the second-generation self-employed
- Andrew Clark, Nathalie Colombier and David Masclet
- 2008: A theory of dynamics and inequalities under epidemics
- Raouf Boucekkine and Jean-Pierre Laffargue
- 2008: Top incomes and earnings in Portugal 1936-2004
- Facundo Alvaredo
- 2008: Migrants as second-class workers in urban China? A decomposition analysis
- Sylvie Démurger, Marc Gurgand, Shi Li and Yue Ximing
- 2008: Human capital investment and long-term poverty reduction in rural Mexico
- Paul Winters and Vera Chiodi
- 2008: A Malthusian model for all seasons?
- Paul Sharp and Jacob Weisdorf
- 2008: Product innovation and imitation in a duopoly with differentiation by attributes
- Reynald-Alexandre Laurent
- 2008: Trade, technology adoption and wage inequalities: theory and evidence
- Maria Bas
- 2008: Multidimensional communication mechanisms: cooperative and conflicting designs
- Frederic Koessler and David Martimort
- 2008: Regional disparities in mortality by heart attack: evidence from France
- Laurent Gobillon and Carine Milcent
- 2008: A simple theory of the optimal number of immigrants
- Chi-Chur Chao, Bharat Hazari and Jean-Pierre Laffargue
- 2008: Monetary policy uncertainty and macroeconomic performance: An extended non-bayesian framework
- Daniel Laskar
- 2008: New economic geography: A guide to transport analysis
- Miren Lafourcade and Jacques Thisse
- 2008: Macroeconomic and monetary policies from the "eductive" viewpoint
- Roger Guesnerie
- 2008: Des goûts et des richesses. Mesurer les préférences de l'épargnant vis-à-vis du risque et du temps
- Luc Arrondel and André Masson
- 2008: La mondialisation immatérielle. Rapport du Conseil d'analyse économique
- Daniel Cohen and Thierry Verdier
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