PSE Working Papers
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- 2007: Bankruptcy law and practice in 19th century France
- Pierre Hautcoeur and Nadine Levratto
- 2007: Petites et grandes entreprises face à la faillite au XIXème siècle en France: du droit à la pratique
- Pierre Hautcoeur and Nadine Levratto
- 2007: The Paris financial market in the 19th century: an efficient multi-polar organization?
- Pierre Hautcoeur and Angelo Riva
- 2007: Non-classical expected utility theory with application to type indeterminacy
- Vladimir Danilov and Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky
- 2007: Peut-on mettre en évidence des lois en économie ? Un éclairage régulationniste
- Robert Boyer
- 2007: Strategic complementarity of information acquisition in a financial market with discrete demand shocks
- Christophe Chamley
- 2007: La crise argentine 1976-2001: lectures institutionnalistes et régulationnistes
- Robert Boyer and Julio Neffa César
- 2007: Legal versus economic explanations of the rise in bankruptcies in 19th century France
- Pierre Hautcoeur and Nadine Levratto
- 2007: Public spending shocks in a liquidity-constrained economy
- Edouard Challe and Xavier Ragot
- 2007: Incomplete markets, liquidation risk and the term structure of interest rates
- Edouard Challe, François Le Grand and Xavier Ragot
- 2007: Expectational coordination in a class of economic models: Strategic substitutabilities versus strategic complementarities
- Roger Guesnerie and Pedro Jara-Moroni
- 2007: Made for Toil: Natural selection at the dawn of agriculture
- Jacob Weisdorf
- 2007: Income and wealth concentration in Spain in a historical and fiscal perspective
- Facundo Alvaredo and Emmanuel Saez
- 2007: Probalilistic duopoly with differentiation by attributes
- Laurent Reynald-Alexandre
- 2007: The influence of supplementary health insurance on switching behaviour: evidence on Swiss data
- Brigitte Dormont, Pierre Geoffard and Karine Lamiraud
- 2007: Interest rate rules and global determinacy: An alternative to the Taylor principle
- Jean-Pascal Benassy
- 2007: La connexion des réseaux comme facteur de changement institutionnel: l'exemple des vins de Bourgogne
- Robert Boyer, Denis Boyer and Gilles Laferté
- 2007: Growth strategies and poverty reduction: the institutional complementarity hypothesis
- Robert Boyer
- 2007: Trade integration in manufacturing: the Chilean experience
- Maria Bas and Ivan Ledezma
- 2007: Job satisfaction and co-worker wages: Status or signal?
- Andrew Clark, Nicolai Kristensen and Niels Westergård-Nielsen
- 2007: Changing time and emotions
- Pierre Geoffard and Stephane Luchini
- 2007: A large scale experiment: wages and educational expansion in France
- Marc Gurgand and Eric Maurin
- 2007: Segregation, entrepreneurship and work values: the case of France
- Claudia Senik and Thierry Verdier
- 2007: Strategic analysis of petty corruption with an intermediary
- Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky, Mukul Majumdar and Roy Radner
- 2007: Temperant portfolio choice and background risk: evidence from France
- Luc Arrondel, Hector Calvo Pardo and Xisco Oliver
- 2007: Should market liberalization precede democracy? Causal relations between political preferences and development
- Pauline Grosjean and Claudia Senik
- 2007: The convergence process of compulsory schooling in Western Europe: 1950-2000
- Fabrice Murtin and Martina Viarengo
- 2007: Workforce reduction and firm performance: a comparison between French publicly-listed and non-listed companies, 1994-2000
- Benedicte Reynaud and Arnaud Degorre
- 2007: How to Measure Risk and Time Preferences of Savers
- Luc Arrondel and André Masson
- 2007: Is man doomed to progress?
- Claudia Senik
- 2007: How to shake the Invisible Hand (when Robinson meets Friday)
- Antoine Billot
- 2007: Social consistency and individual rationality
- Antoine Billot
- 2007: Optimality conditions and comparative static properties of non-linear income taxes revisited
- Laurent Simula
- 2007: Conditions de collecte et santé subjective: analyse sur données européennes
- Andrew Clark and Augustin Vicard
- 2007: Education inequalities and the Kuznets curves: a global perspective since 1870
- Christian Morrisson and Fabrice Murtin
- 2007: Ambition and jealousy. Income interactions in the "Old" Europe versus the "New" Europe and the United States
- Claudia Senik
- 2007: Internal versus External labour flexibility: The role of knowledge codification
- Eve Caroli
- 2007: La croissance rend-elle heureux ? La réponse des données subjectives
- Claudia Senik and Andrew Clark
- 2007: Exclusive contracts and demand foreclosure
- David Spector
- 2007: Proxies for daily volatility
- Robin de Vilder and Marcel Visser
- 2007: Bubbles and self-fulfilling crises
- Edouard Challe and Xavier Ragot
- 2007: Regular moral hazard economies
- Arnold Chassagnon
- 2007: Technical progress in North and welfare gains in South under nonhomothetic preferences
- Lilas Demmou
- 2007: The distortionary effect of health insurance on health demand
- Nathalie Fombaron and Carine Milcent
- 2007: Exports, sunk costs and financial restrictions in Argentina during the 1990s
- Paula Español
- 2007: The Rich in Argentina over the twentieth century: From the Conservative Republic to the Peronist experience and beyond 1932-2004
- Facundo Alvaredo
- 2006: The design of post-Kyoto climate schemes: selected questions in analytical perspective
- Roger Guesnerie
- 2006: Public markets tailored for the cartel - Favoritism in procurement auctions -
- Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky and Grigory Kosenok
- 2006: Diversité et décentralisation des institutions du système financier français, 1800-1840
- Pierre Hautcoeur
- 2006: Les émetteurs sur le marché financier français, 1800-1840
- Pierre Hautcoeur and Carine Romey
- 2006: 1840-1870: de nouvelles institutions bancaires
- Pierre Hautcoeur
- 2006: Le marché financier et l'économie, 1870-1900
- Pierre Hautcoeur
- 2006: Les émetteurs sur le marché financier français: une hiérarchie nouvelle après 1895
- Pierre Hautcoeur and Carine Romey
- 2006: Solving heterogeneous-agent models with parameterized cross-sectional distributions
- Yann Algan, Olivier Allais and Wouter J. den Haan
- 2006: Does the law alone explain the rise in bankruptcies in XIXth century France?
- Pierre Hautcoeur and Nadine Levratto
- 2006: Stability tests for heterogeneous panel data
- Felix Chan, Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli and Laurent Pauwels
- 2006: The geometry of global production and factor price equalisation
- Ivar Ekeland and Roger Guesnerie
- 2006: "Deep Pockets'', Collateral Assignments of Patents, and the Growth of Innovations
- Bruno Amable, Jean-Bernard Chatelain and Kirsten Ralf
- 2006: Born to be mild? Cohort effects don't explain why well-being is U-shaped in age
- Andrew Clark
- 2006: The strategy structure of some coalition formation games
- Gabrielle Demange
- 2006: Therapeutic non adherence: a rational behavior revealing patient preferences ?
- Karine Lamiraud and Pierre Geoffard
- 2006: On moral hazard and nonexclusive contracts
- Andrea Attar and Arnold Chassagnon
- 2006: The curved relationship between subjective well-being and age
- Andrew Clark and Andrew Oswald
- 2006: Are Russian commercial courts biased?Evidence from a natural bankruptcy experiment
- Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky, Konstantin Sonin and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya
- 2006: Industrie hospitalière: les conséquences des réformes en ex-RDA
- Irina Peaucelle
- 2006: Strategic weight within couples: a microsimulation approach
- Kristian Orsini and Amedeo Spadaro
- 2006: La théorie et la modélisation macroéconomiques, d'hier à aujourd'hui
- Michel De Vroey and Pierre Malgrange
- 2006: Choice of new attributes in the 'Elimination by Aspects' duopoly
- Laurent Reynald-Alexandre
- 2006: Évolution des attentes sociales et comportement électoral: France, 1978-2002
- Elvire Guillaud and Stefano Palombarini
- 2006: A note on unhappiness and unemployment duration
- Andrew Clark
- 2006: Income and happiness: Evidence, explanations and economic implications
- Andrew Clark, Paul Frijters and Michael Shields
- 2006: Dynamic models with non clearing markets
- Jean-Pascal Benassy
- 2006: Economic development and restructuring: Look after Russian context
- Irina Peaucelle
- 2006: Explaining Russian manufacturing exports: Firm characteristics and external conditions
- Donato De Rosa
- 2006: Consensus building: How to persuade a group
- Bernard Caillaud and Jean Tirole
- 2006: Employment targeting
- Jean-Pascal Benassy
- 2006: Employment and decent work in the era of flexicurity
- Robert Boyer
- 2006: Ricardian equivalence and the intertemporal Keynesian multiplier
- Jean-Pascal Benassy
- 2006: Institutions, unemployment and inactivity in the OECD countries
- Bruno Amable, Lilas Demmou and Donatella Gatti
- 2006: Differentiated duopoly with 'elimination by aspects'
- Laurent Reynald-Alexandre
- 2006: Ownership concentration and firm performance: Evidence from an emerging market
- Irena Grosfeld
- 2006: Taxation and the international strategy of Japanese multinational enterprises
- Celine Azemar, Gregory Corcos and Andrew Delios
- 2006: Who pays commodity taxes? Evidence from French reforms, 1987-1999
- Clément Carbonnier
- 2006: Why and how to measure stock market fluctuations? The early history of stock market indices, with special reference to the French case
- Pierre Hautcoeur
- 2006: De l'utilité du calcul économique public
- Roger Guesnerie
- 2006: Welfare state retrenchment: The partisan effect revisited
- Bruno Amable, Donatella Gatti and Jan Schumacher
- 2006: A future for Kyoto?
- Roger Guesnerie
- 2006: IS-LM and the multiplier: A dynamic general equilibrium model
- Jean-Pascal Benassy
- 2006: Optimal nonlinear labor income taxation in dynamic economies
- Salvador Ball and Amedeo Spadaro
- 2006: Bundling, tying and collusion
- David Spector
- 2006: Effort and comparison income: Survey and experimental evidence
- Andrew Clark, David Masclet and Marie Claire Villeval
- 2006: Incertitude sur l'effet global ou sur les délais d'action de la politique économique: politique robuste et activisme
- Daniel Laskar
- 2006: General equilibrium, coordination and multiplicity on spot markets
- Roger Guesnerie
- 2006: Solidarités publiques et familiales entre les âges et les générations: synergies ou antagonismes ?
- Luc Arrondel and André Masson
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