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2024: La politique industrielle française: Démons, Dieux et Défis Downloads
Sarah Guillou
2024: Some Don't Like It Hot: Bank Depositors and NGO Campaigns Against Brown Banks Downloads
Clément Mazet-Sonilhac and Jean-Stéphane Mésonnier
2024: Exploitation Analysis in Socio-Economics. A State of the Art Downloads
Simon Bittmann and Ulysse Lojkine
2024: Work organization in social enterprises: A source of job satisfaction?
Xavier Joutard, Francesca Petrella and Nadine Richez-Battesti
2024: Follow the money! Why dividends overreact to flat-tax reforms Downloads
Laurent Bach, Antoine Bozio, Arthur Guillouzouic, Claire Leroy and Clément Malgouyres
2024: Kinks Know More: Policy Evaluation Beyond Bunching with an Application to Solar Subsidies Downloads
Stefan Pollinger
2024: Employment Protection Legislation and Job Reallocation Across Sectors, Firms and Workers Downloads
Pierre Cahuc and Marco Palladino
2024: The Micro and Macro Economics of Short-Time Work Downloads
Pierre Cahuc
2024: 25 years of monetary union: The eurozone through its crises Downloads
Elliot Aurissergues, Christophe Blot, Edgar Carpentier-Charléty, Magali Dauvin, François Geerolf, Eric Heyer and Mathieu Plane
2024: Organisation et rémunération du travail dans les communs: les paradoxes du modèle « contributif »
Sophie Louey, Pierre Robert, Laurent Gardin, Florence Jany-Catrice and Amélie Lefebvre-Chombart
2024: Prices and Concentration: A U-Shape? Theory and Evidence from Renewables Downloads
Michele Fioretti, Junnan He and Jorge Tamayo
2024: The Wage of Temporary Agency Workers Downloads
Antonin Bergeaud, Pierre Cahuc, Clément Malgouyres, Sara Signorelli, Thomas Zuber, Isaiah Andrews, Stéphane Bonhomme, Philippe Choné, Simon Jäger, Moritz Kuhn, Pat Kline, Thomas Le Barbanchon, Fabien Postel-Vinay and Roland Rathelot
2024: The Laffer Curve for Rules of Origin
Keith Head, Thierry Mayer and Marc Melitz
2024: Avoir moins peur de l'extrême droite que de la redistribution pose un grave problème moral
Michaël Zemmour and Christophe Chavagneux
2024: Connecting through public transport: accessibility to health and education in major African cities
Aiga Stokenberga, Eulalie Saïsset, Tamara Kerzhner and Xavier Espinet Alegre
2024: Estimating and Auction Platform Game with Two-Sided Entry Downloads
Marleen Marra
2024: La gouvernance économique européenne depuis 2020: Quel agenda pour les politiques budgétaires et monétaires lors de la prochaine législature ? Downloads
Jérôme Creel and Francesco Saraceno
2024: La transition écologique en Europe: tenir le cap Downloads
Anne Épaulard, Paul Malliet, Anissa Saumtally and Xavier Timbeau
2024: The Role of Workers in Knowledge Diffusion Across Firms Downloads
Anders Akerman and Kerstin Holzheu
2024: 25 ans d'union monétaire: la zone euro à travers les crises Downloads
Elliot Aurissergues, Christophe Blot, Edgar Carpentier-Charléty, Magali Dauvin, François Geerolf, Eric Heyer and Mathieu Plane
2024: Online popularity manipulation on social media: short-term benefits and long-term costs Downloads
Théo Marquis and Nicolas Soulié
2024: Introduction: Réforme des retraites et emploi des séniors Downloads
Xavier Ragot and Vincent Touzé
2024: Vers un nouveau recul de l'âge de la retraite: La réforme Borne 2023 Downloads
Frédéric Gannon, Vincent Touzé and Florence Legros
2024: Longévité, pénibilité et nouvel impératif de sobriété: Quelles incidences sur le choix de l'Âge de la retraite ? Downloads
Didier Blanchet, Vincent Touzé and Didier Blanchet
2024: Quelles conséquences macroéconomiques doit-on attendre d'une réforme des retraites à court et moyen termes ? Une analyse d'impact à l'aide d'un modèle macro-économétrique trimestriel Downloads
Bruno Ducoudré and Eric Heyer
2024: Housing Costs and Real Income Differences across Chinese Cities Downloads
Ziyang Chen, Pierre-Philippe Combes, Sylvie Démurger and Xiuyan Liu
2024: Heterogeneity in MPC Beyond Liquidity Constraints: The Role of Permanent Earnings Downloads
Jeanne Commault
2024: Documenting the widening transatlantic gap Downloads
Sebastien Bock, Aya Elewa, Sarah Guillou, Mauro Napoletano and Lionel Nesta
2024: L’envers du décor olympique
Sophie Louey and Michel Koebel
2024: Delayed Childbearing and Urban Revival: A Structural Approach Downloads
Ana Moreno-Maldonaldo and Clara Santamaria
2024: Do the Numbers Matter? An Experiment on Policy Preferences Downloads
Itzhak Rasooly
2024: The Two Faces of Worker Specialization Downloads
Zsofia Barany and Kerstin Holzheu
2024: Le décrochage européen en question Downloads
Sebastien Bock, Aya Elewa, Sarah Guillou, Mauro Napoletano, Lionel Nesta, Evens Salies and Tania Treibich
2024: Introduction: inequalities in Spain (Introducción: la desigualdad en España) Downloads
Bernardino León-Reyes, Javier Carbonell Castañer and Javier Soria-Espin
2024: How a French corporate tax reform raised wages: evidence from an innovative method
Nicolas Yol
2024: Une économie européenne repolitisée Downloads
Salih Isik Bora
2024: Inégalités de revenus et de patrimoine: modèles, données et perspectives croisées Downloads
Stéphane Auray, Aurélien Eyquem, Bertrand Garbinti and Jonathan Goupille-Lebret
2024: I «lunghi anni Ottanta» come fase di transizione dell’economia politica italiana
Emanuele Ferragina and Alessandro Arrigoni
2024: Maintien des séniors dans l'emploi en Europe. Quel bilan face au défi posé par le recul de l'âge de la retraite ? Downloads
Gilles Le Garrec and Vincent Touzé
2024: Robust-less-fragile: Tackling Systemic Risk and Financial Contagion in a Macro Agent-Based Model Downloads
Gianluca Pallante, Mattia Guerini, Mauro Napoletano and Andrea Roventini
2024: Should parasites own a share of paradise? Basic income vs reciprocity in social assistance Downloads
Guillaume Allègre
2024: Inflation, changement structurel et conflit de répartition. Enseignements pour la politique économique Downloads
Jean-Luc Gaffard, Mauro Napoletano and Francesco Saraceno
2024: On the employment and health impact of the COVID-19 shock on Italian regions: a value chain approach
Tommaso Ferraresi, Leonardo Ghezzi, Fabio Vanni, Alessandro Caiani, Mattia Guerini, Francesco Lamperti, Severin Reissi, Giorgio Fagiolo, Mauro Napoletano and Andrea Roventini
2024: Labour Market Returns to Higher Education Downloads
Ghazala Azmat and Jack Britton
2024: Une justice privée ? L’arbitrage et la construction d’un espace marchand international (1920-1960)
Claire Lemercier and Jérôme Sgard
2024: Time for a reckoning: 2024-2025 Outlook for the French economy Downloads
Mathieu Plane, Elliot Aurissergues, Bruno Coquet, Magali Dauvin, Ombeline Jullien de Pommerol, Pierre Madec and Raul Sampognaro
2024: L’heure des comptes: Perspectives 2024-2025 pour l'économie française Downloads
Mathieu Plane, Elliot Aurissergues, Bruno Coquet, Magali Dauvin, Ombeline Jullien de Pommerol, Pierre Madec and Raul Sampognaro
2024: L’Europe décroche: perspectives 2024-2025 pour l'économie mondiale Downloads
Christophe Blot, Céline Antonin, Amel Falah, Sabine Le Bayon, Catherine Mathieu, Hervé Péléraux, Christine Rifflart, Elliot Aurissergues, Bruno Coquet, Magali Dauvin, Ombeline Jullien de Pommerol, Pierre Madec, Raul Sampognaro, Benoît Williatte and Mathieu Plane
2024: Les effets du report de l'âge minimal de la retraite à 62 ans: une approche par catégories socio-professionnelles Downloads
Michaël Zemmour
2024: Royaume-Uni: l’annonce d’une embellie Downloads
Catherine Mathieu
2024: Partie 1. Synthèse: L’Europe décroche Downloads
Christophe Blot, Céline Antonin, Amel Falah, Sabine Le Bayon, Catherine Mathieu, Hervé Péléraux, Christine Rifflart, Benoît Williatte, Mathieu Plane, Elliot Aurissergues, Bruno Coquet, Magali Dauvin, Ombeline Julien de Pommerol, Pierre Madec and Raul Sampognaro
2024: Pays émergents d’Asie (hors Chine) et d’Amérique latine: ralentissement sous contrôle [I-2. Tour du monde de la situation conjoncturelle] Downloads
Christine Rifflart and Amel Falah
2024: I-2. Tour du monde de la situation conjoncturelle. Allemagne: panne de croissance Downloads
Céline Antonin
2024: I-2. Tour du monde de la situation conjoncturelle. États-Unis: la récession n’aura pas lieu Downloads
Christophe Blot
2024: Monopoly power upon the world of work: a workplace analysis in the logistic segment under automation Downloads
Valeria Cirillo, Francesco Massimo, Matteo Rinaldini, Jacopo Staccioli and Maria Enrica Virgillito
2024: Learning to cooperate in the shadow of the law Downloads
Roberto Galbiati, Emeric Henry and Nicolas Jacquemet
2024: Le Mécanisme Troc Carbone Avion (TCA), un mécanisme juste et efficace pour réduire les émissions de carbone du transport aérien Downloads
Pierre-Henri Bono and Alain Trannoy
2024: New Russian Economic History Downloads
Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, Sergei Guriev and Andrei Markevich
2024: Souveraineté économique et fondements du pouvoir au Maroc
Nadia Hachimi-Alaoui and Béatrice Hibou
2024: The Role of Firms in Shaping Job Polarization Downloads
Aseem Patel
2024: Taming the Cycles of Finance?
Matthias Thiemann
2024: De la crise Covid au choc inflationniste: une analyse macro/micro du pouvoir d’achat en France Downloads
Ombeline Jullien de Pommerol, Pierre Madec, Mathieu Plane and Raul Sampognaro
2024: Les perspectives de l’économie française en 2024 selon les prévisionnistes de l’OFCN Downloads
Anissa Saumtally and Benoît Williatte
2024: Motivated Skepticism Downloads
Jeanne Hagenbach and Charlotte Saucet
2024: Eurozone enlargement in the Balkans Downloads
Nebojša Vukadinović
2024: Zombification of the economy? Assessing the effectiveness of French government support during COVID-19 lockdown
Mattia Guerini, Lionel Nesta, Xavier Ragot and Stefano Schiavo
2024: Jaurès's The New Army (1911) as a Model of Strategic War Prevention Downloads
Marcel Parent, Antoine Parent, Pierre-Charles Pradier and Laurent Gauthier
2024: The European Investor State: Its characteristics, genesis, and effects
Ulrike Lepont and Matthias Thiemann
2024: A Macrodynamic Model of Kant's Theory of War and Democracy Downloads
Laurent Gauthier, Antoine Parent and Vincent Touzé
2024: Les nouvelles lois sur les pauvres (1989-2023): L'injonction au travail, au risque de la pauvreté ? Downloads
Guillaume Allègre
2024: The anatomy of government bond yields synchronization in the Eurozone
Mattia Guerini, Mauro Napoletano and Claudio Barbieri
2024: Seven crashes: the economic crises that shaped globalization; A crash course on crises: macroeconomic concepts for run-ups, collapses, and recoveries
Rémi Meehan
2024: Les différences de composition de la main-d’œuvre entre entreprises expliquent une part croissante des inégalités de salaire Downloads
Damien Babet, Olivier Godechot and Marco Palladino
2024: Alternatives to plurality rule for single-winner elections: When do they make a difference?
Romain Lachat and Jean-François Laslier
2024: Multi-Tier Hierarchies: A Moral Hazard Approach Downloads
Joaquin Coleff and Juan Ivars
2024: De l'euroïsation des Balkans à l'élargissement de la zone euro à la Croatie: quel rôle des politiques monétaires dans le post-communisme ? Downloads
Nebojša Vukadinović
2024: Hazel Kyrk's Intellectual Roots: When First-Generation Home Economists Met the Institutionalist Framework
David Philippy, Rebeca Gomez Betancourt and Robert W. Dimand
2024: Comment remédier au déséquilibre des comptes sociaux
Michaël Zemmour and Benjamin Ferras
2024: Aspiration to change jobs, qualification of young people and qualification of jobs (L’aspiration à changer de métier, à l’aune de la qualification des jeunes et des emplois)
Vanessa Di Paola, Xavier Joutard and Stéphanie Moullet
2024: Eine private Justiz? (Private justice?)
Claire Lemercier and Jérôme Sgard
2024: The Effect of Workplace vs School-Based Vocational Education on Youth Unemployment: Evidence from France
Pierre Cahuc and Jérémy Hervelin
2024: Le reste-à-charge en santé nuit-il à l’équité dans le financement des soins ? Une comparaison des systèmes de santé en Europe
Florence Jusot and Adèle Lemoine
2024: The potential of wealth taxation to address the triple climate inequality crisis (Le potentiel d'une taxe sur le capital pour traiter la triple crise climatique) Downloads
Lucas Chancel, Philipp Bothe and Tancrède Voituriez
2024: The Zombification of the Economy? Assessing the Effectiveness of French Government Support during Covid-19 Lockdown Downloads
Mattia Guerini, Lionel Nesta, Xavier Ragot and Stefano Schiavo
2024: ‘On Vient de Fusiller un des Nôtres’: A Quantitative Study of Military Executions in the French Army during WW1
Olivier Guillot and Antoine Parent
2023: Optimal Policies with Heterogeneous Agents: Truncation and Transitions Downloads
Xavier Ragot and François Legrand
2023: De Sciences Po à l’ENA, la voie étroite vers les sommets de la fonction publique
Maxime Parodi, Hélène Périvier and Fabrice Larat
2023: Time-Varying Agglomeration Economies and Aggregate Wage Growth Downloads
Clémence Berson, Pierre-Philippe Combes, Laurent Gobillon and Aurélie Sotura
2023: Measuring deep poverty in developed countries. A cumulative indicator of income and material deprivation Downloads
Julien Blasco
2023: Firms, wage dynamics, and labour contract choices (Entreprises, dynamique des salaires et choix des contrats de travail) Downloads
Marco Palladino
2023: Globalization without cosmopolitanism: three essays in international economics (La mondialisation sans le cosmopolitisme: trois essais d’économie internationale) Downloads
Samuel Delpeuch
2023: In the Land of AKM: Explaining the Dynamics of Wage Inequality in France Downloads
Olivier Godechot, Marco Palladino and Damien Babet
2023: Immigrant–native pay gap driven by lack of access to high-paying jobs Downloads
Are Skeie Hermansen, Andrew Penner, Marta Elvira, Olivier Godechot, Martin Hällsten, Lasse Folke Henriksen, Feng Hou, Zoltán Lippényi, Trond Petersen, Malte Reichelt, Halil Ibrahim Sabanci, Mirna Safi, Donald Tomaskovic-Devey and Erik Vickstrom
2023: Compte rendu - The Economic Weapon. The Rise of Sanctions as a Tool of Modern War
Jérôme Sgard
2023: Multigenerational Transmission of Wealth: Florence 1403-1480 Downloads
Marianna Belloc, Francesco Drago, Mattia Fochesato and Roberto Galbiati
2023: Commentaire au numéro dédié à Jean-Paul Fitoussi - "Causes of the 1980s Slump in Europe" Downloads
Xavier Timbeau
2023: Préface au numéro spécial 'Jean-Paul Fitoussi. Itinéraire scientifique et philosophie sociale d’un économiste hors norme" Downloads
Xavier Ragot
2023: Sous la menace du chômage. Perspectives 2023-2024 pour l'économie française Downloads
Eric Heyer, Xavier Timbeau, Mathieu Plane, Elliot Aurissergues, Bruno Coquet, Magali Dauvin, Ombeline Julien de Pommerol, Pierre Madec and Raul Sampognaro
2023: Fiscalité du patrimoine. L'efficace, l'optimal et le juste: quel critère ? Downloads
Guillaume Allègre
2023: Trust and specialization in complexity: Evidence from U.S. states
José De Sousa, Amélie Guillin, Julie Lochard and Arthur Silve
2023: Under threat of unemployment. 2023-2024 Outlook for the French economy Downloads
Eric Heyer, Xavier Timbeau, Mathieu Plane, Elliot Aurissergues, Bruno Coquet, Magali Dauvin, Ombeline Julien de Pommerol, Pierre Madec and Raul Sampognaro
2023: Intergenerational social mobility: measurement, mechanisms and policy (Mobilité sociale intergénérationnelle: mesure, mécanismes, et politique publique) Downloads
Gustave Kenedi
2023: Risk perception, emotions, social norms, trust, and attitudes towards vaccination
Agnalys Michaud
2023: Does Lab Funding Matter for the Technological Application of Scientific Research? An Empirical Analysis of French Labs
Basheer Kalash, Sarah Guillou, Lionel Nesta and Michele Pezzoni
2023: Ownership Frictions in a Procurement Market: Evidence from London Buses Downloads
Marleen Marra and Florian Oswald
2023: Spatial Rents, Garage Location, and Competition in the London Bus Market Downloads
Marleen Marra and Florian Oswald
2023: Five Facts about MPCs: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment Downloads
Johannes Boehm, Etienne Fize and Xavier Jaravel
2023: Evolution of fiscal systems: Convergence or divergence? Downloads
Paloma Péligry and Xavier Ragot
2023: The Unintended Consequences of High Regional Content Requirements Downloads
Keith Head, Thierry Mayer and Marc Melitz
2023: Job expectations theorised as "feasible work" Downloads
Didier Demazière
2023: Relationship Stickiness, International Trade, and Economic Uncertainty Downloads
Julien Martin, Isabelle Mejean and Mathieu Parenti
2023: An Anatomy of Urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Pierre-Philippe Combes, Clément Gorin, Shohei Nakamura, Mark Roberts and Benjamin Stewart
2023: Where Is Poverty Concentrated? New Evidence Based on Internationally Consistent Urban and Poverty Measurements Downloads
Shohei Nakamura, Pierre-Philippe Combes, Robin Moellerherm, Charlotte Robert, Mark Roberts, Benjamin Stewart and Slava Yakubenko
2023: The Anatomy of Sorting—Evidence From Danish Data Downloads
Rasmus Lentz, Suphanit Piyapromdee and Jean-Marc Robin
2023: The Heterogeneous Effects of Monetary Policy on Labor Income: Disentangling the Extensive and Intensive Margins Downloads
Paul Hubert and Frédérique Savignac
2023: A stringent necessity: Addressing fiscal bubbles with fiscal rules in Central and Eastern Europe Downloads
Jerome Creel, Marek Dabrowski, Etienne Farvaque, Jakub Janus and Piotr Stanek
2023: Ségrégation sociale en milieu scolaire: appréhender ses causes et déterminer ses effets: revue de littérature
Pauline Charousset, Marion Monnet and Youssef Souidi
2023: Sous la menace du chômage: Perspectives 2023-2024 pour l'économie française Downloads
Mathieu Plane, Elliot Aurissergues, Bruno Coquet, Magali Dauvin, Ombeline Jullien de Pommerol, Pierre Madec and Raul Sampognaro
2023: L’étau se resserre: Perspectives 2023-2024 pour l'économie mondiale Downloads
Eric Heyer, Xavier Timbeau, Christophe Blot, Céline Antonin, Amel Falah, Sabine Le Bayon, Catherine Mathieu, Hervé Péléraux, Christine Rifflart, Benoît Williatte, Mathieu Plane, Elliot Aurissergues, Bruno Coquet, Magali Dauvin, Ombeline Julien de Pommerol, Pierre Madec and Raul Sampognaro
2023: Who Benefits from Migrant and Female Labor? Connecting Wages to Demographic Changes in French Workplaces 1 Downloads
Matthew Soener, Olivier Godechot and Mirna Safi
2023: Le tissu productif en France 2010-2020 Downloads
Sebastien Bock, Aya Elewa, Sarah Guillou, Evens Salies, Mauro Napoletano, Lionel Nesta and Tania Treibich
2023: Inattention and the Taxation Bias
Jérémy Boccanfuso and Antoine Ferey
2023: Linking Wealth and Power. Direct Political Action of Corporate Elites and the Wealthiest Capitalist Families in the United States and Germany Downloads
Lukas Arndt
2023: Beyond GDP: Who Grows and at What Cost? (Más allá del PIB: ¿Quién crece y a qué precio?) Downloads
Javier Soria-Espin, Enrique Chueca Montuenga and Bernardino León-Reyes
2023: Partie I. Synthèse: L'étau se resserre Downloads
Christophe Blot, Céline Antonin, Amel Falah, Sabine Le Bayon, Catherine Mathieu, Hervé Péléraux, Christine Rifflart, Benoît Williatte, Mathieu Plane, Elliot Aurissergues, Bruno Coquet, Magali Dauvin, Ombeline Julien de Pommerol, Pierre Madec and Raul Sampognaro
2023: Émergents d’Asie (hors Chine) et d’Amérique latine: la croissance plie mais ne rompt pas [I-2. Tour du monde de la situation conjoncturelle] Downloads
Christine Rifflart and Amel Falah
2023: Japon: un policy-mix toujours offensif pour tenter de mettre fin à la déflation [I-2. Tour du monde de la situation conjoncturelle] Downloads
Sabine Le Bayon
2023: Chine: péril en la demeure. [I-2. Tour du monde de la situation conjoncturelle] Downloads
Catherine Mathieu
2023: I-2. Tour du monde de la situation conjoncturelle. Royaume-Uni: l'économie résiste Downloads
Catherine Mathieu and Hervé Péléraux
2023: Law, human capital, and the emergence of free city-states in medieval Italy Downloads
Marianna Belloc, Francesco Drago and Roberto Galbiati
2023: Tour du monde de la situation conjoncturelle. Espagne: pari gagné sur l’inflation Downloads
Christine Rifflart
2023: Tour du monde de la situation conjoncturelle. Allemagne: les stigmates de l’inflation Downloads
Céline Antonin
2023: I-2. Tour du monde de la situation conjoncturelle. États-Unis: jusqu’ici tout va bien… Downloads
Christophe Blot
2023: How important is open-source science for invention speed Downloads
Tan Tran and Evens Salies
2023: Two-way fixed effects and differences-in-differences estimators with several treatments Downloads
Clément de Chaisemartin and Xavier D’haultfœuille
2023: Essays on macroprudential and monetary policy (Essais en politique macroprudentielle et monétaire) Downloads
Dorian Henricot
2023: The political economy of media production and consumption in France (L'économie politique de la production et de la consommation des médias en France) Downloads
Moritz Jonas Hengel
2023: Comprendre le tissu productif marchand en France. Une analyse de la décennie passée Downloads
Sebastien Bock, Aya Elewa and Sarah Guillou
2023: Camille Dupuy et François Sarfati, Gouverner par l’emploi. Une histoire de l’École 42, Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2022, 239 p
Sophie Louey
2023: The Distribution of Households' Indebtedness and the Transmission of Monetary Policy
Fergus Cumming and Paul Hubert
2023: Decrypting New Age International Capital Flows Downloads
Clemens Graf von Luckner, Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff
2023: Les enseignements d'une approche longitudinale de la pauvreté: Le cas de la France au cours des deux premières décennies du XXIème siècle Downloads
Pierre Blavier
2023: Soft or strong: the art of monetary tightening Downloads
Christophe Blot and Jerome Creel
2023: 50 ans de controverses scientifiques sur la territorialisation des associations
Luciana Ribeiro and Amélie Artis
2023: Socioemotional Development During Adolescence: Evidence from a Large Macro Shock Downloads
Ghazala Azmat, Katja Kaufmann and Yasemin Özdemir
2023: Who Benefits from State Corporate Tax Cuts? A Local Labor Markets Approach with Heterogeneous Firms: Comment Downloads
Clément Malgouyres, Thierry Mayer and Clément Mazet-Sonilhac
2023: Accès au crédit des PME depuis la grande crise financière: quels effets des nouvelles politiques monétaires et prudentielles ?
Henri Fraisse and Jean-Stéphane Mésonnier
2023: The democratization process of a non-profit organization: from practis to polis
Amélie Artis, Fiona Ottaviani and Luciana Ribeiro
2023: Workplace Presenteeism, Job Substitutability and Gender Inequality Downloads
Ghazala Azmat, Lena Hensvik and Olof Rosenqvist
2023: Financialization more than globalization! The contribution of global cities to inequalities Downloads
Olivier Godechot, Nils Neumann, Lasse Henriksen, Skeie Hermansen, Feng Hou, Naomi Kodama, Zoltán Lippényi, Silvia Melzer, Halil Sabanci, Max Thaning, Paula Apascaritei, Dustin Holt, Nina Bandelj, István Boza, Marta Elvira, Gergely Hajdu, Alena Křižkova, Andrew Penner, Andreja Poje, William Rainey, Mirna Safi, Matthew Soener and Donald Tomaskovic-Devey
2023: Electoral Sentencing Cycles Downloads
David Abrams, Roberto Galbiati, Emeric Henry and Arnaud Philippe
2023: Les politiques publiques au défi du retour de l’inflation Downloads
Xavier Jaravel, Isabelle Mejean and Xavier Ragot
2023: Productivity slowdown and tax havens: Where is measured value creation?
Jean-Charles Bricongne, Samuel Delpeuch and Margarita Lopez-Forero
2023: Ups and downs in finance, ups without downs in inequality Downloads
Olivier Godechot, Nils Neumann, Paula Apascaritei, István Boza, Martin Hallsten, Lasse Henriksen, Are Hermansen, Feng Hou, Jiwook Jung, Naomi Kodama, Alena Křížková, Zoltán Lippényi, Elvira Marta, Silvia Maja Melzer, Eunmi Mun, Halil Sabanci, Matthew Soener and Max Thaning
2023: The Direct and Spillover Effects of a Nationwide Socio-Emotional Learning Program for Disruptive Students Downloads
Clement De Chaisemartin and Nicolás Navarrete
2023: Competition, Cooperation, and Motivated Social Perceptions Downloads
Jeanne Hagenbach and Rachel Kranton
2023: Essays on innovation and trade (Essais sur l’innovation et le commerce) Downloads
Stefan Pauly
2023: Ideas Without Scale in French Artificial Intelligence Innovations Downloads
Johanna Deperi, Ludovic Dibiaggio, Mohamed Keita and Lionel Nesta
2023: Greenwashing the Talents: attracting human capital through environmental pledges Downloads
Wassim Le Lann, Gauthier Delozière and Yann Le Lann
2023: Digital intensity, trade costs and exports' quality upgrading Downloads
Raphaël Chiappini and Cyrielle Gaglio
2023: Essays on the political economy of democracy (Essais d’économie politique de la démocratie)
Edgard Dewitte
2023: Apprentissage: un bilan des années folles Downloads
Bruno Coquet
2023: Quel financement de la politique climatique: dettes, taxes, inflation ? Downloads
Xavier Ragot
2023: Ce que le télétravail fait au travail syndical
Sophie Louey and Jérôme Pélisse
2023: How stringent would the new Stability and Growth Pact be? And for who? Downloads
Andreas Eisl
2023: Mission-oriented policies and the “Entrepreneurial State” at work: An agent-based exploration
Giovanni Dosi, Francesco Lamperti, Mariana Mazzucato, Mauro Napoletano and Andrea Roventini
2023: Monetary Policy and Labor Income Inequality: the Role of Extensive and Intensive Margins Downloads
Paul Hubert and Frédérique Savignac
2023: From Micro to Macro Gender Differences: Evidence from Field Tournaments
José De Sousa and Guillaume Hollard
2023: Determinants of compliance with fiscal rules: Misplaced efforts or hidden motivations? Downloads
Carolina Ulloa-Suárez
2023: Three essays in information and mechanism design (Trois essais sur la conception de structures d’information et de mécanismes d’incitation) Downloads
Victor Augias
2023: Les entreprises de l’ESS territorialisées
Luciana Ribeiro and Amélie Artis
2023: Three essays in the economics of information (Trois essais sur l'économie de l'information) Downloads
Daniel Martins de Almeida Barreto
2023: Can Survey Scales Affect What People Report as A Fair Income? Evidence From the Cross-National Probability-Based Online Panel CRONOS
Agnalys Michaud, Oriol Bosch and Nicolas Sauger
2023: I-2. Tour du monde de la situation conjoncturelle. Japon: un bouclier tarifaire pour soutenir la croissance Downloads
Sabine Le Bayon
2023: The regression discontinuity design Downloads
Denis Fougère and Nicolas Jacquemet
2023: La régression sur discontinuité Downloads
Denis Fougère and Nicolas Jacquemet
2023: My Job: Sustainable Content Creator (Mon travail: créatrice de contenus engagée)
Marion Michel
2023: Difference-in-differences Downloads
Denis Fougère and Nicolas Jacquemet
2023: Méthode des doubles différences (difference-in-differences) Downloads
Denis Fougère and Nicolas Jacquemet
2023: Toward a Research Agenda on Digital Media and Humanity Well-Being Downloads
Chavalarias David, Beatrice De Gelder, Guido Caldarelli, Melanie Dulong de Rosnay, Antonio A. Casilli, Alexandre Delanoë, Luisa Fassi, Divina Frau-Meigs, Bertrand Jouve, Andrzej Nowak, Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel, Camille Roth, Mel Slater, Nahla Ben Amor, Anna Boros, Michela Brunori, Maria Jose Brites, Diminescu Dana, Caroline Datchary, Silvestri Fabrizio, Laura Hernandez, Pawel Horodecki, Sirkku Kotilainen, Jean Lassègue, Emmanuel Lazega, Quentin Lobbé, Julian Mcdougall, Paul Lukowicz, Darian Meacham, Elisa Omodei, Amy Orben, Geoffroy Patriarche, David Pearce, Maria Gabriella Pediconi, Savino Romani, Jerôme Sackur, Valérie Schafer, Erika Stael Von Holstein, Aureli Soria-Frisch, Luca Tummolini, Mirko Zichichi, Mark Buchanan and David Chavalarias
2023: Testing (or correspondence study method) Downloads
Nicolas Jacquemet
2023: Testing (ou méthode d'étude par correspondance) Downloads
Nicolas Jacquemet
2023: The inequality impact of consumption taxes: An international comparison
Julien Blasco, Elvire Guillaud and Michaël Zemmour
2023: The Local Labor Market Effects of Modern Manufacturing Capital: Evidence from France
Philippe Aghion, Céline Antonin, Simon Bunel and Xavier Jaravel
2023: Les incidences économiques de l'action pour le climat. Compétitivité Downloads
Antoine Bouët, Erica Perego, Vincent Vicard, Mathieu Fouquet, Alexandre Godzinski, Frédéric Ghersi, Sebastien Jean, William l'Heudé, Vincent Aussilloux, Romain Schweizer, Christophe Gouel, Paul Malliet, Francois Langot, Aude Pommeret and Fabien Tripier
2023: Screening while Controlling an Externality Downloads
Franz Ostrizek and Elia Sartori
2023: The Refugee's Dilemma: Evidence from Jewish Migration out of Nazi Germany Downloads
Johannes Buggle, Thierry Mayer, Seyhun Orcan Sakalli and Mathias Thoenig
2023: Dating business cycles in France: a reference chronology (Les cycles économiques de la France: une datation de référence) Downloads
Valérie Mignon, Antonin Aviat, Frédérique Bec, Claude Diebolt, Catherine Doz, Denis Ferrand, Laurent Ferrara, Eric Heyer and Pierre-Alain Pionnier
2023: Foreign Shocks as Granular Fluctuations Downloads
Julian di Giovanni, Andrei Levchenko and Isabelle Mejean
2023: Le prix de l'inflation: Perspectives 2023-2024 pour l’économie française Downloads
Mathieu Plane, Elliot Aurissergues, Bruno Coquet, Ombeline Julien de Pommerol, Pierre Madec and Raul Sampognaro
2023: Sur l'onde des chocs: Perspectives 2023-2024 pour l’économie mondiale Downloads
Christophe Blot, Céline Antonin, Amel Falah, Sabine Le Bayon, Catherine Mathieu, Hervé Péléraux, Christine Rifflart, Mathieu Plane, Elliot Aurissergues, Bruno Coquet, Ombeline Julien de Pommerol, Pierre Madec, Raul Sampognaro, Eric Heyer and Xavier Timbeau
2023: Welfare Economics and Neoliberalism: Interpreting the ideal type of perfect competition general equilibrium Downloads
Clément Carbonnier
2023: Sur l'onde des chocs. Perspectives 2023-2024 pour l'économie mondiale et la zone euro Downloads
Eric Heyer, Xavier Timbeau, Christophe Blot, Céline Antonin, Amel Falah, Sabine Le Bayon, Catherine Mathieu, Hervé Péléraux, Christine Rifflart, Benoît Williatte, Mathieu Plane, Elliot Aurissergues, Bruno Coquet, Ombeline Jullien de Pommerol, Pierre Madec and Raul Sampognaro
2023: Le prix de l'inflation. Perspectives 2023-2024 pour l'économie française Downloads
Eric Heyer, Xavier Timbeau, Mathieu Plane, Elliot Aurissergues, Bruno Coquet, Ombeline Julien de Pommerol, Pierre Madec and Raul Sampognaro
2023: Credit, banking fragility, and economic performance
Jerome Creel, Paul Hubert and Fabien Labondance
2023: La politique extérieure fera-t-elle l’élection ? Downloads
Jana Jabbour
2023: International trade and technological competition in markets with dynamic increasing returns
Luca Fontanelli, Mattia Guerini and Mauro Napoletano
2023: Perspectives 2023-2024 pour l'économie française Downloads
Eric Heyer
2023: I-2. Tour du monde de la situation conjoncturelle. Émergents d’Asie et d’Amérique latine: toujours pas de sortie de crise en vue Downloads
Christine Rifflart
2023: I-2. Tour du monde de la situation conjoncturelle. Chine: la reprise aux pieds d’argile Downloads
Catherine Mathieu
2023: I-2. Tour du monde de la situation conjoncturelle. Royaume-Uni: l’accalmie Downloads
Catherine Mathieu and Hervé Péléraux
2023: I-2. Tour du monde de la situation conjoncturelle. L’Espagne: croissance sous contraintes Downloads
Christine Rifflart
2023: I-2. Tour du monde de la situation conjoncturelle. L’Allemagne résiste Downloads
Céline Antonin
2023: Tour du monde de la situation conjoncturelle. États-Unis: pilotage à hauts risques Downloads
Christophe Blot
2023: Imperial Politics, Open Markets and Private Ordering: The Global Grain Trade (1875-1914) Downloads
Jérôme Sgard
2023: How Much Should we Trust Estimates of Firm Effects and Worker Sorting? Downloads
Stephane Bonhomme, Kerstin Holzheu, Thibaut Lamadon, Elena Manresa, Magne Mogstad and Bradley Setzler
2023: Three essays in development economics (Trois essais en économie du développement)
Jérôme Sansonetti
2023: Self-Preferencing Theories Need To Account for Exploitative Abuse
Patrice Bougette, Oliver Budzinski and Frédéric Marty
2023: Mortalité, incapacité et retraite par catégorie socio-professionnelle Downloads
Ulysse Lojkine and Julien Blasco
2023: La raison économique et ses monstres
Éloi Laurent
2023: La résilience des inégalités d'origine financière Downloads
Olivier Godechot, Nils Neumann and Équipe Coin
2023: Optimal Monetary Policy in a Liquidity Trap with Heterogeneous Agents Downloads
Xavier Ragot
2023: La souveraineté économique à l'épreuve de la mondialisation
Sarah Guillou
2023: Knowledge, skills or social mobility? Citizens' perceptions of the purpose of education
Marius Busemeyer and Elvire Guillaud
2023: L’arbitrage et la construction d’un espace marchand global Downloads
Claire Lemercier and Jérôme Sgard
2023: Web-scraping housing prices in real-time: The Covid-19 crisis in the UK Downloads
Jean-Charles Bricongne, Baptiste Meunier and Sylvain Pouget
2023: New Challenges for Macroeconomic Policies
Gilles Dufrénot
2023: Rational Inattention: A Review Downloads
Bartosz Maćkowiak, Filip Matejka and Mirko Wiederholt
2023: Une analyse des mesures budgétaires et du pouvoir d’achat en France en 2022 et 2023 Downloads
Pierre Madec, Mathieu Plane and Raul Sampognaro
2023: Une analyse des mesures budgétaires et du pouvoir d’achat en France en 2022 et 2023 Downloads
Pierre Madec, Mathieu Plane and Raul Sampognaro
2023: L’économie française en 2023 selon le panel des prévisionnistes de l’OFCN Downloads
Elliot Aurissergues and Anissa Saumtally
2023: Comparing different features of a fiscal stimulus in the euro area Downloads
Caroline Bozou and Jerome Creel
2023: L’impact de la guerre et des sanctions sur l’économie russe Downloads
Sergei Guriev
2023: Impact de la nature du financement de la recherche sur ses résultats Downloads
Sarah Guillou, Basheer Kalash, Lionel Nesta, Michele Pezzoni, Evens Salies and Marc-Antoine Faure
2023: Border Apprehensions and Federal Sentencing of Hispanic Citizens in the United States Downloads
Simone Bertoli, Morgane Laouénan and Jérôme Valette
2023: Firms’ financial vulnerabilities during COVID-19: Was the French support package too generous ? Downloads
Sarah Guillou, Karsten Mau and Tania Treibich
2023: Ces petites différences de genre qui deviennent grandes: le rôle de la compétition Downloads
José De Sousa and Guillaume Hollard
2023: The One-Child Policy and Household Saving Downloads
Taha Choukhmane, Nicolas Coeurdacier and Keyu Jin
2023: Should we increase or decrease public debt? Optimal fiscal policy with heterogeneous agents Downloads
François Le Grand and Xavier Ragot
2023: Optimal Policies with Heterogeneous Agents: Truncation and Transitions Downloads
Xavier Ragot and François Le Grand
2023: Working during COVID-19. Cross-country evidence from real-time survey data
Martial Foucault and Vincenzo Galasso
2023: Le Brexit: c'est maintenant ?
Catherine Mathieu
2023: Accounting for the long-term stability of the welfare-state regimes in a model with distributive preferences and social norms Downloads
Gilles Le Garrec
2023: Vertical Integration and Foreclosure: Evidence from Production Network Data Downloads
Johannes Boehm and Jan Sonntag
2023: Quel soutien aux assurances sociales dans la population française ?
Elvire Guillaud and Michaël Zemmour
2023: Le CNRS et les études aréales", rapport du groupe de recherches sur les études aréales (reponsable du GT N. Aveline-Dubach) in "Rapport de prospective du Conseil Scientifique de l'Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales du CNRS Downloads
David Ambrosetti, Elise Massicard, Frédérique Langue, Frédéric Keck, Tatiana Petrasova and Jean-Christophe Peyssard
2023: The Effects of Automation on Labor Demand. A Survey of the Recent Literature
Philippe Aghion, Céline Antonin, Simon Bunel and Xavier Jaravel
2023: Climate Inequality Report 2023 Downloads
Tancrède Voituriez, Lucas Chancel and Philipp Bothe
2023: Industrial democracy between neocapitalism and postfordism. The political and intellectual trajectory of Bruno Trentin (1926-2007) Downloads
Francesco Sabato Massimo
2023: Science, Art, Technologie: Interface (
Nebojša Vukadinović
2023: Gender Promotion Gaps and Career Aspirations Downloads
Ghazala Azmat, Vicente Cuñat and Emeric Henry
2023: Formation of College Plans: Expected Returns, Preferences and Adjustment Process Downloads
Ghazala Azmat and Katja Kaufmann
2023: Poor Substitutes? Counterfactual Methods in IO and Trade Compared Downloads
Keith Head and Thierry Mayer
2023: Estimating the elasticity of consumer prices to the exchange rate: An accounting approach
Hadrien Camatte, Guillaume Daudin, Violaine Faubert and Christine Rifflart
2023: S’engager en patronat associatif
Sophie Louey
2023: L'Etat droit dans le mur
Anne-Laure Delatte
2023: Life Course Trajectories and Wealth Accumulation in the United States: Comparing Late Baby Boomers and Early Millennials Downloads
Rob Gruijters, Zachary van Winkle and Anette Fasang
2023: What inflation disrupts? Downloads
Jeanne Lazarus
2023: The regulatory path to healthcare systems’ financialization Downloads
Cyril Benoît
2023: A tale of dualization: accounting for the partial marketization of regulated savings in France Downloads
Elsa Massoc and Cyril Benoît
2023: Wealth of Two Nations: The U.S. Racial Wealth Gap, 1860–2020
Ellora Derenoncourt, Chi Hyun Kim, Moritz Kuhn and Moritz Schularick
2023: Populist Leaders and the Economy Downloads
Manuel Funke, Moritz Schularick and Christoph Trebesch
2023: What inflation disrupts? A comment on “Inflation – Pragmatics of money and inflationary sensoria” by Federico Neiburg Downloads
Jeanne Lazarus
2023: Compte rendu de "The Economic Weapon. The Rise of Sanctions as a Tool of Modern War" Downloads
Jérôme Sgard
2023: Inventing Conditionality, Exploring Its Politics (1946-1958) Downloads
Jérôme Sgard
2023: Structural Estimation of Matching Markets with Transferable Utility Downloads
Alfred Galichon and Bernard Salanié
2023: Residential Location and the Male-Female Gap in Labor Market Outcomes - A Lesson from Newcomers to Israel Downloads
Moshe Buchinsky, Chemi Gotlibovski and Osnat Lifshitz
2023: Designing Agri-Environmental Schemes to cope with uncertainty Downloads
Margaux Lapierre, Gwenolé Le Velly, Douadia Bougherara, Raphaële Préget and Alexandre Sauquet
2023: Capital Flows in an Aging World Downloads
Zsofia Barany, Nicolas Coeurdacier and Stéphane Guibaud
Page updated 2024-10-14
Sorted by date