Working Paper Series
From Lund University, Institute of Economic Research
Institutet för Ekonomisk Forskning, Box 7080, SE-220 07 LUND, Sweden.
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- 2006/8: Management of Multi-projects In a Process oriented Organization
- Nikos Macheridis and Carl-Henrik Nilsson
- 2006/6: Unpacking the Client(s): Constructions, Positions and Client-Consultant Dynamics
- Mats Alvesson, Dan Kärreman, Andrew Sturdy and Karen Handley
- 2006/5: Entrepreneurial Decision Making: Examining Preferences for Causal and Effectual Reasoning in the New Venture Creation Process
- Diamanto Politis and Jonas Gabrielsson
- 2006/4: A conceptual framework for understanding Customer-based brand equity and price premium in grocery categories
- Johan Anselmsson, Ulf Johansson and Niklas Persson
- 2006/3: The Construction of Organizational Identity. Comparative Case Studies of Consulting Firms
- Mats Alvesson and Laura Empson
- 2006/2: Development and Modernity in Hofstede's Culture's Consequences: A Postcolonial Reading
- Martin Fougère and Agneta Moulettes
- 2006/1: Customer perceived service quality in the supermarket and the discount store - Examination of a service quality measurement scale in a Swedish context
- Johan Anselmsson
- 2005/9: Fantasies of leadership - identity work
- Stefan Sveningsson and Magnus Larsson
- 2005/8: The Social Construction of Successful Practical Selling - A study of how sales persons at CR Ltd construct selling as successful
- Catharina Norén
- 2005/7: An Integrative Framework for Evolving A Socially Responsible Marketing Strategy
- Adel El-Ansary and Annette Cerne
- 2005/6: A study of inter-firm market orientation dimensions in Swedish, British and Italian supplier-retailer relationships
- Ulf Elg
- 2005/5: The Survival of the Unfittest: Delinquent corporations and the production of organisational legitimacy through symbolic-discursive fit
- Peter Svensson
- 2005/4: Isomorphism, Isopraxism and Isonymism - Complementary or Competing Processes?
- Gudbjörg Erlingsdottír and Kajsa Lindberg
- 2005/3: Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning: Fundamental Concepts for Theory and Practice
- Ron Sanchez
- 2005/2: The Role of Corporate Branding in a Market Driving Strategy
- Veronika Tarnovskaya, Ulf Elg and Steve Burt
- 2005/1: Exploring the Role of Experience in the Process of Entrepreneurial Learning
- Diamanto Politis and Jonas Gabrielsson
- 2004/10: The Relationship Between Domestic and Outward Foreign Direct Investment
- Pontus Braunerhjelm, Lars Oxelheim and Per Thulin
- 2004/7: Managing Project Complexity - a managerial view
- Nikos Macheridis and Carl-Henric Nilsson
- 2004/6: The (Non-)Significance of Quantitative Management Research: The Demise of Popper in View of a Hypothesis-Verifying Publication Norm
- Anna Stafsudd
- 2004/5: Societal, Organizational and Individual Factors Influendcing Women´s Entry to Professional Organizations
- Ulf Elg and Karin Jonnergård
- 2004/4: When Hershey Met Betty - Exploring the Symbolic Dimension of Co-Branding
- Anders Bengtsson
- 2004/3: A market and network based model for retailers’ foreign entry strategies
- Ulf Elg, Pervez Ghauri and Rudolf Sinkovics
- 2004/2: The Specific Costing Problems of Project Form - How those can be managed with activity based costing
- Nikos Macheridis
- 2004/1: Interlevel Learning Dynamics: Balancing Exploitation and Exploration Within and Between Organizations
- Mikael Holmqvist and Rikard Larsson
- 2003/10: Development & Intelligence 2003-2053
- Stevan Dedijer
- 2003/9: The impact of changes in the corporate governance system on the boards of directors experiences from Swedish listed companies
- Karin Jonnergård and Matts Kärreman
- 2003/8: Collectivity a cultural and processual view
- Mats Alvesson and Dan Kärreman
- 2003/7: Do Exchange-Rate Regimes Matter for Monetary-Policy Autonomy? The Experiences of 11 Small, Open European Economies in the 1980s and 1990s
- Jens Forssbæck and Lars Oxelheim
- 2003/6: Understanding ethical closure in organizational settings the case of media organizations
- Dan Kärreman and Mats Alvesson
- 2003/5: Managers Doing Leadership: The extra-ordinarization of the mundane
- Mats Alvesson and Stefan Sveningsson
- 2003/4: The quality of bond markets the dynamic efficiency issue
- Lars Oxelheim and Michael Rafferty
- 2003/3: Age Matters Segmenting Swedish Markets by Generational Cohorts
- Charles Schewe and Benny Carlson
- 2003/2: The Globalization of Values A Comparison of the United States and the Kingdom of Jordan
- Stephanie M. Noble and Charles D. Schewe
- 2003/1: Managing Managerial Identities Organizational Fragmentation, Discourse and Identity Struggle
- Stefan Sveningsson and Mats Alvesson
- 2002/5: Why do European Venture Capital Companies Syndicate?
- Hans Landström
- 2002/4: The Effect of Internationalization On CEO-Compensation
- Lars Oxelheim and Trond Randøy
- 2002/3: Enterprise Resource Planning Systems - Strategic and Organisational Processes
- Thomas Kalling
- 2002/2: Up-or-out versus fun-and-profit: a study of personnel concepts and HR themes in two It/management consulting firms
- Mats Alvesson
- 2001/9: The Business model: A Means to Understand the Business Context of Information and Communication Technology
- Jonas Hedman and Thomas Kalling
- 2001/8: Exchange-Rate and Interest-Rate Driven Competitive Advantages in the EMU
- Niclas Andrén and Lars Oxelheim
- 2001/7: On the Static Efficiency of Secondary Bond Markets
- Lars Oxelheim and Michael Rafferty