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Working Papers

From Macerata University, Department of Studies on Economic Development (DiSSE)
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52-2017: Quali driver nella selezione delle target in operazioni di M&A? Una verifica empirica nel mercato italiano Downloads
Barbara Fidanza
51-2017: The impact of EU trade preferences on the extensive and intensive margins of agricultural and food products Downloads
Margherita Scoppola, Valentina Raimondi and Alessandro Olper
50-2017: Percezione della criminalità e diseguaglianza di reddito: un'indagine sui paesi europei Downloads
Elisabetta Croci Angelini and Silvia Sorana
49-2017: Elementi di pensiero economico nello Stato commerciale chiuso di J. G. Fichte Downloads
Stefano Spalletti
48-2017: Squilibri distributivi e criminalità nelle regioni italiane Downloads
Fabio Clementi, Francesco Schettino and Enzo Valentini
47-2015: Does the Fama-Franch three-factor model work in the financial industry? Evidence from European bank stocks Downloads
Barbara Fidanza and Ottorino Morresi
46-2015: Development theory and poverty. A review Downloads
Francesco Farina
45-2014: Contagion across Eurozone's sovereign spreads and the Core-Periphery divide Downloads
Elisabetta Croci Angelini, Francesco Farina and Enzo Valentini
44-2014: Contagion in the Euro crisis: capital flows and trade linkages Downloads
Eleonora Cutrini and
43-2012: Soviet power plus electrification: what is the long-run legacy of communism? Downloads
Wendy Carlin, Mark Schaffer and Paul Seabright
42-2012: The labour market and the distribution of income: an empirical analysis for Italy Downloads
Fabio Clementi and Michele Giammatteo
41-2012: Can emerging economies decouple from the US business cycle? Downloads
Eleonora Cutrini and Giorgio Galeazzi
40-2012: I distretti tradizionali di fronte alla globalizzazione: il caso dell’industria calzaturiera marchigiana Downloads
Eleonora Cutrini and Giacinto Micucci and
39-2012: Spatial fragmentation of industries by functions Downloads
Franz-Josef Bade, Eckhardt Bode and Eleonora Cutrini
38-2012: Un’analisi critica dei lavori recenti del mainstream sugli effetti economici delle spese militari Downloads
Eleonora Gentilucci and Rémy Herrera
37-2011: Consumer evaluation of a typical Italian salami: an experimental auction approach Downloads
Gianluca Stefani and Alessio Cavicchi
36-2011: Giving Voice to Employees and Spreading Information within the Firm: the Manner Matters Downloads
Enzo Valentini
35-2011: What drives economic specialization in Italian Regions? Downloads
Eleonora Cutrini, Enzo
34-2011: Italian economic diplomacy at work: catching up the BRICs Downloads
Francesca Spigarelli, Andrea Goldstein and Luigi Manzetti
33-2011: Italian FDI integration with Southeast Europe: country and firm-level evidence Downloads
Eleonora Cutrini
32-2011: Sensitivity Analysis of Composite Indicators through Mixed Model Anova Downloads
Cristina Davino, Rosaria
31-2011: Consumers' attitude towards farmers' markets: an explorative analysis in Tuscany Downloads
Alessio Cavicchi and Benedetto Rocchi
30-2010: On the use of Structural Equation Models and PLS Path Modeling to build composite indicators Downloads
Laura Trinchera and Giorgio Russolillo
29-2010: The internationalization process of Italian fashion fi rms: the governance role of the founding team Downloads
Ernesto Tavoletti
28-2010: Globalization and public administration: a complex relationship Downloads
Elisabetta Croci Angelini
27-2010: Matching higher education and labour market in the knowledge economy: the much needed reform of university governance in Italy Downloads
Ernesto Tavoletti
26-2010: The economic impact of the Green Certificate market through the Macro Multiplier approach Downloads
Maurizio Ciaschini, Rosita
25-2010: Environmental tax reform and double dividend evidence Downloads
Maurizio Ciaschini, Rosita
24-2010: Macerata Lectures on European Economic Policy. Poverty and the EU: the New Decade Downloads
Anthony Atkinson
23-2010: Moving Eastwards while Remaining Embedded: the Case of the Marche Footwear District, Italy Downloads
Eleonora Cutrini
22-2009: On the Substitutability between Equal Opportunities and Income Redistribution Downloads
Enzo Valentini
21-2009: La produzione di servizi sanitari e la variazione dell’output nei principali paesi UE Downloads
Maurizio Ciaschini, Rosita
20-2009: Gli hedge fund: caratteristiche, impatto sui mercati e ruolo nelle crisi finanziarie Downloads
Matteo Cassiani and Francesca Spigarelli
19-2009: Regolamentazione e gestione del rischio nel settore agroalimentare. Alcune riflessioni sull'approccio economico al Principio di Precauzione Downloads
Alessio Cavicchi
18-2008: The History of Manpower Forecasting in Modelling Labour Market Downloads
Stefano Spalletti
17-2008: MIncreasing Market Interconnection: an analysis of the Italian Electricity Spot Market Downloads
Federico Boffa and Viswanath Pingali
16-2008: Tariffication of Tariff Rate Quotas under oligopolistic competition: the case of the EU import regimes for bananas Downloads
Margherita Scoppola
15-2008: Measuring Well-Being differences across EU Countries. A Multidimensional Analysis of Income, Housing, Health, and Education Downloads
Elisabetta Croci Angelini and Alessandra Michelangeli
14-2008: The Valuation by Multiples of Italian Firms Downloads
Barbara Fidanza
13-2008: Changing Views of Competition and EC Antitrust Law Downloads
Alberto Pera
12-2008: Nuovi investitori globali: le imprese cinesi in Italia Downloads
Francesca Spigarelli
11-2007: A convenient multi sectoral policy control for ICT in the USA economy
Maurizio Ciaschini, Rosita Pretaroli and Claudio Socci
10-2007: Cutting Porter's last diamond: competitive and comparative (dis)advantages in the Dutch flower industry. Which lesson for Italian SMEs? Downloads
Ernesto Tavoletti and Robbin te Velde
09-2007: The local and regional economic role of universities: the case of the University of Cardiff Downloads
Ernesto Tavoletti
08-2007: Resisting Globalization: Voting Power Indices and the National Interest in the EU Decision-making
Elisabetta Croci Angelini
07-2007: Spectrum Management and Regulation: Towards a Full-Fledged Market for Spectrum Bands? Downloads
Fulvio Minervini and Diego Piacentino
06-2007: Dalle analisi della crescita all’economia dell’istruzione e al capitale umano. Origine e sviluppo Downloads
Stefano Spalletti
05-2007: Politiche per l'industria: ridurre o abolire l'Irap? Downloads
Maurizio Ciaschini, Fabio Fiorillo, Rosita Pretaroli, Francesca Severini, Claudio Socci and Enzo Valentini
04-2007: Economies of scale and endogenous market structures in international grain trade
Margherita Scoppola
03-2006: What have we learnt about monetary integration since the Maastricht Treaty? Downloads
Paul De Grauwe
02-2006: A convenient policy control through the Macro Multiplier Approach Downloads
Maurizio Ciaschini, Rosita Pretaroli and Claudio Socci
01-2005: The Development of Telecommunications in Europe: Regulation and Economic Effects Downloads
Martin Cave
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