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Cahiers du LASER (LASER Working Papers)

From LASER (Laboratoire de Science Economique de Richter), Faculty of Economics, University of Montpellier 1
LASER, Faculté d'Economie, Avenue Raymond Dugrand, CS 79606, 34960 MONTPELLIER Cedex 2, France.
Contact information at EDIRC.

Bibliographic data for series maintained by Jean-Christophe POUDOU ( this e-mail address is bad, please contact ).

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2007.22: Universal Service Obligations and Competition with Asymmetric Information Downloads
J.C. Poudou, M. Roland and L. Thomas
2007.21: Mergers and Barriers to Entry In Pharmaceutical Markets Downloads
Laurent Granier and S. Trinquard
2006.20: Demande induite par l’offre ambulatoire: un survol de la littérature théorique et empirique Downloads
S. Trinquard
2006.19: Contracting for an Innovation under Bilateral Asymmetric Information Downloads
David Martimort, J.-C. Poudou and Wilfried Sand-Zantman
2006.18: Pseudo-Generic Products and Mergers in Pharmaceutical Markets Downloads
Laurent Granier and S. Trinquard
2005.17: Lobbying, Spillovers and the Benefits of Decentralization Downloads
Guillaume Cheikbossian
2005.16: Heterogenous Groups and Rent-Seeking for Public Goods Downloads
Guillaume Cheikbossian
2005.15: Mutual Monitoring versus Incentive Pay in Teams Downloads
Radoslava Nikolova
2005.14: Strategic Monopolization: Kamien and Zang Revisited Downloads
Laurent Granier
2004.13: Competition in Health Care Markets and Vertical Restraints Downloads
E. Baranes and David Bardey
2004.12: Lobbying and Rent-Seeking for Public Goods in a Fiscally Centralized System Downloads
Guillaume Cheikbossian
2004.11: Signaling and the Design of Delegated Management for Public Utilities Downloads
David Martimort and Wilfried Sand-Zantman
2004.10: Career Concerns and Asymmetric Missions Downloads
R. Nikolova
2003.09: Economic Integration and Political Accountability Downloads
Wilfried Sand-Zantman
2003.08: Mining and Incentive Concession Contracts Downloads
N.M. Hung, J.-C. Poudou and L. Thomas
2003.07: Competition and mergers in networks with call externalities Downloads
E. Baranes and L. Flochel
2002.06: Funding for Universal Service Obligations in Electricity Sector: the case of green power development Downloads
Pascal Favard, François Mirabel and J.-C. Poudou
2002.05: Effets d'efficience et de remplacement du monopole: le cas des ressources non renouvelables Downloads
J.-C. Poudou
2001.04: Is the Irrigation Water Demand Really Convex ?
Christophe Bontemps, Stéphane Couture and Pascal Favard
2001.03: Corporate How many cake-eaters? Chouette, on a du monde à dîner !
Pascal Favard and Larry Karp
2001.02: Hétérogénéité des agents et la relation pollution-revenu
Pascal Favard and Alain Bousquet
2001.01: Does Productive Capital Affect the Order of Resource Exploitation
Pascal Favard
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