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DEA Working Papers

From Universitat de les Illes Balears, Departament d'Economía Aplicada
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97: Sharing my place: the local labor market impact of the P2P technology shock Downloads
Ismael Gálvez-Iniesta, José Groizard and Ferran Portella-Carbó
96: Endogenous Horizontal Mergers in Homogeneous Goods Industries with Bertrand Competition Downloads
Elpiniki Bakaouka, Marc Escrihuela-Villar and Walter Ferrarese
95: Exploiting homogeneity in games with non-homogeneous revenue functions Downloads
Walter Ferrarese and Antoni Rubí-Barceló
94: The hedonic value of coastal amenities in peer-to-peer markets Downloads
David Boto-García and Veronica Leoni
93: Lottery versus share contests under risk aversion Downloads
Daniel Cardona, Jenny De Freitas and Antoni Rubí-Barceló
92: Dynamic pricing and revenues of Airbnb listings: estimating heterogeneous causal effects Downloads
Veronica Leoni and Jan Olof William Nilsson
91: Sequential Stock Return Prediction Through Copulas Downloads
Audrone Virbickaite, Christoph Frey and Demian N. Macedo
90: Environmental policy instruments and strategic restraint: caps versus taxes Downloads
Daniel Cardona, Jenny De Freitas and Antoni Rubí-Barceló
89: Bayesian Semi-Parametric Markov Switching Stochastic Volatility Model Downloads
Audrone Virbickaite and Hedibert F. Lopes
88: Particle Learning for Bayesian Semi-Parametric Stochastic Volatility Model Downloads
Audrone Virbickaite, Hedibert F. Lopes, Maria Concepción Ausín and Pedro Galeano
87: Polarization or Moderation? Intra-group heterogeneity in endogenous-policy contest Downloads
Daniel Cardona, Jenny De Freitas and Antoni Rubí-Barceló
86: Temporal Aggregation of Seasonally Near-Integrated Processes Downloads
Tomás del Barrio Castro, Paulo Rodrigues and Robert Taylor
85: Investments, positive externalities and majority bargaining Downloads
Daniel Cardona and Antoni Rubí-Barceló
84: Mito y realidad del alquiler vacacional en las Islas Baleares. Análisis y recomendaciones de política turística Downloads
José Groizard and William Nilsson
83: Framing individual choice behaviour in uncertain environmental settings: An analysis of tourist preferences in the face of global warming Downloads
Catalina M. Torres Figuerola, Angel Bujosa Bestard and Antoni Riera
82: Strategic Sourcing in Procurement Downloads
Lluis Bru and Daniel Cardona
81: Communicating research on the economic valuation of coastal and marine ecosystem services Downloads
Catalina M. Torres Figuerola and Nick Hanley
80: Mobility across generations of the gender distribution of housework Downloads
J. Ignacio Giménez-Nadal, Lucia Mangiavacchi and Luca Piccoli
79: Parental Alcohol Consumption and Adult Children's Educational Attainment Downloads
Lucia Mangiavacchi and Luca Piccoli
78: Gender, institutions and educational achievement: a cross-country comparison Downloads
Helena Marques, Oscar Marcenaro-Gutiérrez and Luis Alejandro López-Agudo
77: A systemic crisis in the context of globalization: the Great Recession in the perspective of economic history, 1970-2008 Downloads
Carles Manera
76: Testing for Deterministic Seasonality in Mixed-Frequency VARs Downloads
Tomás del Barrio Castro and Alain Hecq
75: Economic valuation of coastal and marine ecosystem services in the 21st century: an overview from a management perspective Downloads
Catalina M. Torres Figuerola and Nick Hanley
74: Waiting or acting now? The effects on willingness-to-pay of delivering inherent uncertainty information in choice experiments Downloads
Catalina M. Torres Figuerola, Michela Faccioli and Antoni Riera
73: Numerical Distribution Functions for Seasonal Unit Root Tests with OLS and GLS Detrending Downloads
Tomás del Barrio Castro, Andrii Bodnar and Andreu Sansó
72: Semi-Parametric Seasonal Unit Root Tests Downloads
Tomás del Barrio Castro, Paulo Rodrigues and Robert Taylor
71: Do we care about sustainability? An analysis of time sensitivity of social preferences under environmental time-persistent effects Downloads
Michela Faccioli, Nick Hanley, Catalina M. Torres Figuerola and Antoni Riera Font
70: Group-contests with endogenous claims Downloads
Daniel Cardona and Antoni Rubí-Barceló
69: An Extended Theory of Rational Addiction Downloads
Federico Perali, Luca Piccoli and Knut Wangen
68: Tax evasion and the optimal non-linear labour income taxation Downloads
Salvador Balle, Lucia Mangiavacchi, Luca Piccoli and Amedeo Spadaro
67: An ex ante evaluation of the Revenu de Solidarité Active by micro-macro simulation techniques Downloads
Luciano Canova, Luca Piccoli and Amedeo Spadaro
66: Decision making under inherent uncertainty: does preference analysis play a role in the design of wetland adaptation to climate change? Downloads
Michela Faccioli, Catalina M. Torres and Antoni Riera Font
65: Incorrectly accounting for preference heterogeneity in choice experiments: what are the implications for welfare measurement? Downloads
Catalina M. Torres Figuerola, Sergio Colombo and Nick Hanley
Michela Faccioli, Antoni Riera Font and Catalina M. Torres Figuerola
63: Intrahousehold distribution in migrant-sending families Downloads
Lucia Mangiavacchi, Federico Perali and Luca Piccoli
62: Imperfect Eco-labeling Signal in a Bertrand Duopoly Downloads
Lucie Bottega and Jenny De Freitas
61: Offshoring, Exporting, and Jobs Downloads
José Groizard, Priya Ranjan and Antonio Rodriguez-Lopez
60: Would a real depreciation of the euro improve the French economy? Downloads
Riccardo Magnani, Luca Piccoli, Martine Carré and Amedeo Spadaro
59: Do happiness indexes truly reveal happiness? Measuring happiness using revealed preferences from migration flows Downloads
Helena Marques, Gabriel Pino and Juan de Dios Tena
58: Intergenerational Correlation Curves: Evidence from PSID Downloads
William Nilsson
57: Estimating Nonlinear Intergenerational Income Mobility with Correlation Curves Downloads
William Nilsson
56: Simulation Assisted Learning in Statistics: How Important are Students’ Characteristics? Downloads
William Nilsson and Tomás del Barrio Castro
55: Do parents drink their children's welfare? A joint analysis of intra-household allocation of time Downloads
Gianna Claudia Giannelli, Lucia Mangiavacchi and Luca Piccoli
54: Investments in managerial skills and bargaining over inputs Downloads
Daniel Cardona and Antoni Rubí-Barceló
53: On the optimality of bargaining outcomes in the Collective-Particularistic multilateral bargaining game Downloads
Daniel Cardona and Antoni Rubí-Barceló
52: Climate change and global international tourism: An evaluation for different scenarios Downloads
Jaume Roselló Nadal and Maria Santana Gallego
51: Optimal taxation, social contract, and the four worlds of welfare capitalism Downloads
Amedeo Spadaro, Lucia Mangiavacchi and Luca Piccoli
50: On the impact of the euro on international tourism Downloads
Maria Santana Gallego, Jorge Pérez-Rodríguez and Francisco Ledesma
49: The Homeownership Rate among the Elderly and the Life Cycle Hypothesis:European Evidence Using Individual and Household Data Downloads
Joaquín Alegre Martín and Llorenç Pou Garcias
48: Trade Costs and Job Flows: Evidence from Establishment-Level Data Downloads
José Groizard, Priya Ranjan and José Antonio Rodríguez-López
Page updated 2024-10-06
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