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Details about Stefan Kesenne

This author is deceased (2021-06-21).

Access statistics for papers by Stefan Kesenne.

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Short-id: pke26

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Working Papers


  1. Broadcasting sports, pay-TV or free-TV?
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads


  1. The Impact of Pooling and Distributing Broadcasting Rights in Professional Team Sports
    IASE Conference Papers, International Association of Sports Economists
  2. The impact of pooling and sharing broadcast rights in professional team sports
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads View citations (1)
    See also Journal Article The Impact of Pooling and Sharing Broadcast Rights in Professional Team Sports, International Journal of Sport Finance, Fitness Information Technology (2009) Downloads (2009)
  3. The optimal size of a sports league
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads
    See also Journal Article The Optimal Size of a Sports League, International Journal of Sport Finance, Fitness Information Technology (2009) Downloads (2009)


  1. Comparing management performances of Belgian football clubs
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads View citations (1)
    See also Chapter Comparing management performance of Belgian football clubs, Edition HWWI: Chapters, Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI) (2012) Downloads (2012)
  2. Does a win bonus help to increase profit or wins in professional team sports?
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads
    Also in IASE Conference Papers, International Association of Sports Economists (2007) Downloads


  1. Revenue Sharing and Owner Profits in Professional Team Sports
    IASE Conference Papers, International Association of Sports Economists
    Also in Research Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Applied Economic Sciences (2005) Downloads
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics (2005) Downloads

    See also Journal Article Revenue Sharing and Owner Profits in Professional Team Sports, Journal of Sports Economics (2007) Downloads View citations (8) (2007)


  1. The organization of European football and the competitive balance within and between nations
    IASE Conference Papers, International Association of Sports Economists View citations (3)
    Also in Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics (2005) Downloads View citations (4)


  1. The Win Maximization Model Reconsidered
    IASE Conference Papers, International Association of Sports Economists View citations (4)
    See also Journal Article The Win Maximization Model Reconsidered, Journal of Sports Economics (2006) Downloads View citations (25) (2006)


  1. Competitive balance and gate revenue sharing in team sports
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads View citations (5)
    See also Journal Article Competitive balance and gate revenue sharing in team sports, Journal of Industrial Economics, Wiley Blackwell (2004) Downloads View citations (197) (2004)
    Chapter Competitive Balance and Gate Revenue Sharing in Team Sports, Palgrave Macmillan Books, Palgrave Macmillan (2010) (2010)
  2. Sport and the Media: An Overview
    IASE Conference Papers, International Association of Sports Economists Downloads


  1. Club objectives and ticket pricing in professional team sports
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads
    See also Journal Article Club Objectives and Ticket Pricing in Professional Team Sports, Eastern Economic Journal, Eastern Economic Association (2006) Downloads View citations (3) (2006)


  1. Improving the Competitive Balance and the Salary Distribution in Professional Team Sports
    IASE Conference Papers, International Association of Sports Economists Downloads


  1. Les conséquences de l'arrêt Bosman pour le football européen
    IASE Conference Papers, International Association of Sports Economists Downloads


  1. Win maximization and the distribution of playing talent in professional team sports
    SESO Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads


  1. The unemployment impact of a basic income
    SESO Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads View citations (3)


  1. A guaranteed basic income as a cultural policy
    SESO Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads


  1. Basisinkomen en arbeidsaanbod
    SESO Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Market labor supply, informal work and the basic income proposal
    SESO Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads
  3. The economic impact of sport: An input-output approach for Belgium
    SESO Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads


  1. Arbeidsduurverkorting, kostenstructuur van de onderneming en tewerkstelling
    SESO Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads


  1. Substitution in consumption, an application to the allocation of time
    SESO Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads
    See also Journal Article Substitution in consumption: An application to the allocation of time, European Economic Review, Elsevier (1983) Downloads View citations (5) (1983)
  2. Time allocation and the linear expenditure system
    SESO Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads View citations (1)
    Also in Discussion Papers (REL - Recherches Economiques de Louvain), Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES) (1980) Downloads


  1. Competitive balance and revenue sharing when rich clubs have poor teams
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Competitive balance in team sports and the impact of revenue sharing. A survey of the economic theory
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads View citations (2)
  3. Do we need an economic impact study or a cost-benefit analysis of a sports event?
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads View citations (6)
  4. Revenue sharing and competitive balance in professional team sports
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads View citations (2)
    See also Journal Article Revenue Sharing and Competitive Balance in Professional Team Sports, Journal of Sports Economics (2000) Downloads View citations (152) (2000)
  5. Revenue sharing and competitive balance. Does it invariance proposition hold?
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads View citations (2)
  6. The impact of salary caps in professional team sports
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads
    See also Journal Article The Impact of Salary Caps in Professional Team Sports, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Scottish Economic Society (2000) Downloads View citations (38) (2000)
  7. The player labour market in a win maximizing sports league
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics
  8. The salary cap proposal of the G-14 in European football
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads View citations (13)
  9. The win maximization model reconsidered. Flexible talent supply and efficiency wages
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads

Journal Articles


  1. Neale Golden Anniversary
    Journal of Sports Economics, 2015, 16, (8), 807-808 Downloads
  2. Revenue Sharing and Absolute League Quality; Talent Investment and Talent Allocation
    Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 2015, 62, (1), 51-58 Downloads View citations (10)
  3. The Single Entity Status of a Sports League
    Journal of Sports Economics, 2015, 16, (8), 811-818 Downloads View citations (4)


  1. Can Advertising Make Free-to-Air Broadcasting More Profitable Than Pay-TV?
    International Journal of Sport Finance, 2012, 7, (4), 358-364 Downloads


  1. Economic Impact Analysis versus Cost Benefit Analysis: The Case of a Medium-Sized Sport Event
    International Journal of Sport Finance, 2011, 6, (3), 187-203 Downloads


  1. The Financial Situation of the Football Clubs in the Belgian Jupiler League: Are Players Overpaid in a Win-Maximization League?
    International Journal of Sport Finance, 2010, 5, (1), 67-71 Downloads


  1. The Impact of Pooling and Sharing Broadcast Rights in Professional Team Sports
    International Journal of Sport Finance, 2009, 4, (3), 211-218 Downloads
    See also Working Paper The impact of pooling and sharing broadcast rights in professional team sports, Working Papers (2008) Downloads View citations (1) (2008)
  2. The Optimal Size of a Sports League
    International Journal of Sport Finance, 2009, 4, (4), 264-270 Downloads
    See also Working Paper The optimal size of a sports league, Working Papers (2008) Downloads (2008)
  3. What’s the game team owners play?
    Rivista di Diritto ed Economia dello Sport, 2009, 5, (1), 81-87 Downloads


  1. Belgian Football
    Journal of Sports Economics, 2007, 8, (6), 670-674 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Does a Win Bonus Help to Increase Profits or Wins on Professional Sports Teams?
    International Journal of Sport Finance, 2007, 2, (3), 142-148 Downloads
  3. Revenue Sharing and Owner Profits in Professional Team Sports
    Journal of Sports Economics, 2007, 8, (5), 519-529 Downloads View citations (8)
    See also Working Paper Revenue Sharing and Owner Profits in Professional Team Sports, IASE Conference Papers (2006) (2006)
    Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 2007, 54, (3), 388-399 Downloads View citations (34)


  1. Club Objectives and Ticket Pricing in Professional Team Sports
    Eastern Economic Journal, 2006, 32, (3), 549-560 Downloads View citations (3)
    See also Working Paper Club objectives and ticket pricing in professional team sports, Working Papers (2002) Downloads (2002)
  2. The Win Maximization Model Reconsidered
    Journal of Sports Economics, 2006, 7, (4), 416-427 Downloads View citations (25)
    See also Working Paper The Win Maximization Model Reconsidered, IASE Conference Papers (2004) View citations (4) (2004)


  1. Revenue Sharing and Competitive Balance
    Journal of Sports Economics, 2005, 6, (1), 98-106 Downloads View citations (18)


  1. Competitive Balance and Revenue Sharing
    Journal of Sports Economics, 2004, 5, (2), 206-212 Downloads View citations (20)
  2. Competitive balance and gate revenue sharing in team sports
    Journal of Industrial Economics, 2004, 52, (1), 165-177 Downloads View citations (197)
    See also Working Paper Competitive balance and gate revenue sharing in team sports, Working Papers (2003) Downloads View citations (5) (2003)
    Chapter Competitive Balance and Gate Revenue Sharing in Team Sports, Palgrave Macmillan Books, 2010, 229-243 (2010) (2010)


  1. Arbeidsmarkt en arbeidsmarktbeleid: Ten geleide
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 2003, 57, (2), 113-114 Downloads
  2. De regulering van de arbeidsmarkt van professionele ploegsporters: De effecten op loonhoogte en sportief evenwicht
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 2003, 57, (2), 191-209 Downloads


  1. Boekbesprekingen: BETHUYNE, Gerrit: “De groeikracht van de economie (Patrick van CAYSEELE, Chris PEETERS, Harry WEBERS & Johan VAN HERCK, Universitaire Pers Leuven, 2001)” (p. 265-266); KÉSENNE, Stefan: “The economics of sport. Volume I. Volume II (Andrew ZIMBALIST, Edward Elgar, 2001)” (p. 266); JEGERS, Marc: “The management of non-governmental development (David LEWIS, Routledge, 2001)” (p. 267); KERSTENS, Kristiaan: “Productivity, innovation and economic performance (Ray BARRELL, Geoff MASON & Mary O’ MAHONY, Cambridge University Press, 2000)” (p. 267-268); JEGERS, Marc: “Competition policy (Manfred NEUMANN, Edward Elgar, 2001)” (p. 268-269); BETHUYNE, Gerrit: “Causality in macroeconomics (Kevin D. HOOVER, Cambridge University Press, 2001)” (p. 269-270); JEGERS, Marc: “The anticompetitive impact of regulation (Giuliano AMATO & Laraine L. LAUDATI, Edward Elgar, 2001)” (p. 270-271); LAVEREN, Eddy: “Investment management (Stephen LOFTHOUSE, John Wiley & Sons, 2001)” (p. 271-272)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 2002, 56, (2), 265-272 Downloads
  2. Boekbesprekingen: VERBRUGGEN, Aviel: “The skeptical environmentalist (Bjørn LOMBORG, Cambridge University Press, 2001)” (p. 1103-104); KÉSENNE, Stefan: “The economics of art and culture (James HEILBRON & Charles M. GRAY, Cambridge University Press, 2001)” (p. 104-105); JEGERS, Marc: “Corporate governance and globalization (Stephen S. COHEN & Gavin BOYD, Edward Elgar, 2000)” (p. 105-106); CUYVERS, Ludo: “Business in Asia Pacific (Sonia EL KAHAL, Oxford University Press, 2001)” (p. 106-107); JEGERS, Marc: “The economics and management of intellectual property (Ove GRANSTRAND, Edward Elgar, 2000)” (p. 107); HEYNDELS, Bruno: “Special interest politics (Gene M. GROSSMAN & Elhanan HELPMAN, The MIT Press, 2001)”” (p. 108-109); VAN OURTI, Tom: “Challenging inequities in health (Timothy EVANS, Margaret WHITEHEAD, Finn DIDERICHSEN, Abbas BHUIYA & Meg WIRTH, Oxford University Press, 2001)” (p. 109-110); JEGERS, Marc: “Competition policy, domestic and international (F.M. SCHERER, Edward Elgar, 2000)” (p. 110-111); KÉSENNE, Stefan: “The economics of football (Stephen DOBSON & John GODDARD, Cambridge University Press, 2001)” (p. 111-112); WEVERBERGH, Marcel: “Beter verkoopresultaat met de sales-balanced scorecard (Paul D.R. DEN DUNNEN & Laura NUHAAN, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2000)” (p. 112-114); ENGELEN, Peter-Jan: “Empirical corporate finance (Michael J. BRENNAN, Edward Elgar, 2001)” (p. 114-115); JEGERS, Marc: “Advances in quantitative analysis of finance and accounting (Cheng-Few LEE, JAI Press Inc., 1999)” (p. 116); DERIJCKE, Luc: “Meten van werkstress (W.B. SCHAUFELI, J.G.F. HELL & P.J.G. SCHREURS, Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, 2000)” (p. 117); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Sociale psychologie voor managers (Ad PRUYN & Henk WILKE, Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, 2000)” (p. 118)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 2002, 56, (1), 103-118 Downloads View citations (2)
  3. Book Review: Économie du Sport, Collection Que Sais-je? (4th ed.), Économie du Sport, Collection Repères
    Journal of Sports Economics, 2002, 3, (1), 100-102 Downloads


  1. Boekbesprekingen: KÉSENNE, Stefan: “Economics and culture (David THROSBY, Cambridge University Press, 2000)” (p.413); VERBOVEN, Frank: “Met vrije handen (Raymond DE BONDT, Scriptum Management, 2000)” (p. 414-415); JEGERS, Marc: “Statistics, data analysis, and decision modeling (James R. EVANS & David L. OLSON, Prentice Hall, 1999)” (p. 415); VEREECK, Lode: “The world economy in transition (Randall HINSHAW, Edward Elgar, 1996)” (p. 415-416); JEGERS, Marc: “Health futures (Martha J. GARRET, World Health Organization, 1999)” (p. 416-417); MEGANCK, Jacques: “Buy American (Dana FRANK, Boston Beacon Press, 1999)” (p. 417-419); JEGERS, Marc: “Variants in economic theory (Hal R. VARIAN, Edward Elgar, 1999)” (p.419); MARYSSE, Stefaan: “Congo-Paris (Janet MACGAFFEY & Rémy BAZENGUISSA-GANGA, James Currey Publishers & Indiana University Press, 2000)” (p. 420-421); Valckx, Nico: “Exchange rates and international finance (Laurence S. COPELAND, Pearson Education Limited, 2000)” (p. 421)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 2001, 55, (2), 413-421 Downloads


  1. Revenue Sharing and Competitive Balance in Professional Team Sports
    Journal of Sports Economics, 2000, 1, (1), 56-65 Downloads View citations (152)
    See also Working Paper Revenue sharing and competitive balance in professional team sports, Working Papers Downloads View citations (2)
  2. The Impact of Salary Caps in Professional Team Sports
    Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 2000, 47, (4), 422-430 Downloads View citations (38)
    See also Working Paper The impact of salary caps in professional team sports, Working Papers Downloads


  1. Boekbesprekingen: KÉSENNE, Stefan: “Macro-economie (Freddy HEYLEN, Garant, 1999)” (p. 669-670); VAN OURTI, Tom: “Microeconomis (Franklin M. FISHER, Cambridge University Press, 1999)” (p. 670-671); KONINGS, Jozef: “Enrepreneurship, small and medium-sized enterprises and the macroeconomy (Zoltan J. ACS, Bo CARLSSON & Charlie KARLSSON, Camridge University Press, 1998)” (p. 671-672); JEGERS, Marc: “Profitability, mechanization and economies of scale (Dudley JACKSON, Ashgate, 1998)” (p. 672-673); KÉSENNE, Stefan: “Migration (Riccardo FAINI, Jaime DE MELO & Klaus F. ZIMMERMANN, Cambridge University Press, 1999)” (p. 673-674); HEYNDELS, Bruno: “The economic consequences of rolling back the welfare state (A.B. ATKINSON, The MIT Press, 1999)” (p. 674-675); KERSTENS, Kristiaan: “Economic efficiency and productivity growth in the Adia Pacific Region (Tsu-Tan FUU, Cliff J. HUANG & C.A. Knox LOVELL, Edward Elgar, 1999)” (p. 675-676); JEGERS, Marc: “To profit or not to profit (Burton A. WEISBROD, Cambridge University Press, 1998)” (p. 676-677); ROOSENS, Paul: “Entertainment industry economics (Harold L. VOGEL, Cambridge University Press, 1997)” (p. 677); JEGERS, Marc: “Price theory and its applications (Bernard SAFFRAN & F.M. SCHERER, Edward Elgar, 1998)” (p. 677-678); KÉSENNE, Stefan: “Arbeidsherverdeling (Luc SELS & Johan DEJONCKHEERE, Acco, 1999)” (p. 678-679); MARYSSE, Stefaan: “Critical development theory (Ronaldo MUNCK & Denis O’HEARN, Zed Books, 1999)” (p. 679-680); JEGERS, Marc: “Corporate governance (Kevin KEASEY, Steve THOMPSON & Mike WRIGHT, Edward Elgar, 1999)” (p. 681-682); VAN HOOF, Liliane: “The leadership wisdom of Jesus (Charles C. MANZ, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1997)” (p. 682-683); JEGERS, Marc: “Options, futures and exotic derivatives (Eric BRIYS, John Wiley & Sons, 1998)” (p. 683-684); DE CEUSTER, Marc: “EASDAQ reglement (s.n., Bruylant, 1999)” (p. 684); KERSTENS, Kristiaan: “Financial analysis with Microsoft Excel (Timothy R. MAYES & Todd M. SHANK, The Dryden Press, 1996)” (p. 684-685); ABDELJELIL, Youssef Ben: “Begrensde mobiliteit (Jaco DAGEVOS, Van Gorcum, 1998)” (p. 685-686)); BORGHIJS, Alain: “Fiscal aspects of European monetary integration (Andrew Hughes HALLET, Michael M. HUTCHISON & Svend E. Hougaard JENSEN, Cambridge University Press, 1999)” (p. 686-687)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1999, 53, (4), 669-687 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Boekbesprekingen: VAN POECK, André: "De economische en monetaire unie en de Belgische economie (Paul VAN DEN BEMPT, Intersentia Uitgevers, 1997)" (p. 147); KÉSENNE, Stefan: "Advances in the economics of sport (Wallace HENDRICKS, JAI Press, 1997)" (p. 148); ROOSSENS, Paul: "Japan (John RAVENHILL, Edward Elgar, 1997)" (p. 148-149); WEVERBERGH, Marcel: "An introduction to the economics of information (Inés MACHO-STADLER & J. David PÉREZ-CASTRILLO, Oxford University Press, 1997)" (p. 149-150); KERSTENS, Kristiaan: "Democracy and welfare economics (Hans VAN DEN DOEL & Ben VAN VELTHOVEN, Cambridge University Press, 1993)" (p. 150-151); KERSTENS, Kristiaan: "Exploring probability and statistics with spreadsheets (R. JACKSON & J.T. CALLENDER, Prentice Hall, 1995)" (p. 151-152); VAN HOOF, Liliane: "Competition Policy and the transformation of Central Europe (John FINGLETON, Centre for Economic Policy Research, 1996)" (p. 152); JEGERS, Marc: "Economic evaluation and health promotion (Ceri PHILLIPS, Avebury, 1997)" (p. 152-153); VANHOUDT, Patrick: "Quantitative aspects of post-war European economic growth (Bart VAN ARK & Nicholas CRAFTS, Cambridge University Press, 1996)" (p. 153); VAN HOUDT, Toon: "Economic thought before Adam Smith (Murray N. ROTHBARD, Edward Elgar, 1995)" (p. 153-155); MEGANCK, Jacques: "The crisis of vision in modern economic thought (Robert HEILBRONER & William MILBERG, Cambridge University Press, 1996)" (p. 155-156); DENDUYVER, Julien: "Vervoerseconomie (Gust BLAUWENS, Peter DE BAERE & Eddy VAN DE VOORDE, MIM Standaard Uitgeverij, 1995)" (p. 156-157); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: "Industrial organization (Oz SHY, The MIT Press, 1996)" (p. 157); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: "Industrial economics and organization (David JACOBSON & Bernadette ANDRÉOSSO-O'CALLAGHAN, The McGraw-Hill Book Companies, 1996)" (p. 158); JEGERS, Marc: "Strategy as rationality (Alan E. SINGER, Avebury, 1996)" (p. 158-159); JEGERS, Marc: "Small firm finance (Jerome S. OSTERYOUNG, Derek L. NEWMAN & Leslie G. DAVIES, The Dryden Press & Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1997)" (p. 159); ANNAERT, Jan: "Portfolio management (James L. FARELL, McGraw-Hill, 1997)" (p. 160-161); DE CEUSTER, Marc: "International financial integration (Richard C. MARSTON, Cambridge University Press, 1995)" (p. 161); LODEWYCKX, Jef: "Risk management in volatile financial markets (Franco BRUNI, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996)" (p. 161-162); VAN MECHELEN, Claude: "Ondernemingssturing (Michel VLASSELAER & Thierry VAN SCHOUBROECK, MAKLU Uitgevers, 1997)" (p. -162-163); VANSTRAELEN, Ann: "Cost accounting: A managerial emphasis (Charles T. HORNGREN, George FOSTER & Srikant M. DATAR, Prentice Hall International, 1996)" (p. 163-164); JORISSEN, Ann: "Accountability (Rolland MUNRO & Jan MOURITSEN, International Thomson Business Press 1996)" (p. 164-165); JORISSEN, Ann: "(1) Introduction to Business analysis & valuation (Krishna G. PALEPU, Victor L. BERNARD & Paul M. HEALY, South-Western College Publishing, 1996)" (p. 165-167); JORISSEN, Ann: "(2) Business analysis & valation: Using financial statements. Text and cases (Krishna G. PALEPU, Victor L. BERNARD & Paul M. HEALY, South-Western College Publishing, 1996)" (p. 165-167); JEGERS, Marc: "Implementing activity-based management in daily operations (John A. MILLER, John Wiley & Sons, 1996)" (p. 167-168); DERIJCKE, Luc: "The psychology of action (Peter M. GOLLWITZER & John A. BARGH, The Guilford Press, 1996)" (p. 168-169); DUPONT, Patrick: "Policy-making in the European Union (Hellen WALLACE & William WALLACE, Oxford University Press, 1996)" (p. 169-170)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1998, 52, (1), 147-170 Downloads
  2. Opbrengstendeling en marktregulering in professionele ploegsporten
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1998, 52, (1), 35-49 Downloads


  1. The “manifest destiny” of the performing arts by A. Peacock
    Journal of Cultural Economics, 1996, 20, (3), 241-244 Downloads
  2. WITLOX, Frank: "The global economy (Brian J.L. BERRY, Prentice-Hall International, 1993)" (p. 173-174); VAN BELLE, Jean-Louis: "Innovation in East Asia (Michael HOBDAY, Edward Elgar, 1995)" (p. 174-175); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: "Privatisation policy and performance (P. COOK & C. KIRKPATRICK, Prentice Hall & Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1995)" (p. 176); NONNEMAN, Walter: "The economics of higher education (John CREEDY, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1995)" (p. 176-177); MEERSMAN, Hilde: "Post Keynesian macroeconomic theory (Paul DAVIDSON, Edward Elgar, 1994)" (p. 177-178); KERSTENS, Kris: "Cost and revenue constrained production (Rolf FÄRE & Shawna GROSSKOPF, Springer-Verlag, 1994)" (p. 178-179); KESTELOOT, Katrien: "Evaluating health risks (Per-Olov JOHANSSON, Cambridge University Press, 1995)" (p. 179-180); CUYVERS, Ludo: "Exchange rate policy and interdependence (Reuven GLICK & Michael M. HUTCHISON, Cambridge University Press, 1994)" (p. 180-181); VANDENBEMPT, Koen: "Restructuring for innovation (David P. ANGEL, The Guilford Press, 1994)" (p. 182); DUCHESNE, Inge: "Microeconomic theory (D.G. LUENBERGER, McGraw-Hill, 1995)" (p. 182-183); VAN STRAELEN, Robert: "The foundations of econometric analysis (David F. HENDRY & Mary S. MORGAN, Cambridge University Press, 1995)" (p. 184-185); KÉSENNE, Stefan: "The natural rate of unemployment (Rod CROSS, Cambridge University Press, 1995)" (p. 185); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: "Transport, the environment and economic policy (Kenneth BUTTON, Edward Elgar, 1993)" (p. 186); MARTENS, Rudy: "Corporate renaissance (Kelvin F. CROSS, Blackwell Publishers, 1994)" (p. 186-187); BOGAERT, Ilse: "Total competitiveness (Maurice HARDAKER, McGraw-Hill, 1995)" (p. 187-188); JEGERS, Marc: "Management (Kathryn M. BARTOL & David C. MARTIN, McGraw-Hill, 1994)" (p. 188-189); JEGERS, Marc: "Integrated instructor's resource manual to accompany 'Management', second edition (Kathryn M. BARTOL & David C. MARTIN, McGraw-Hill, 1994)" (p. 189); VAN CAUWENBERGH, André: "Vitaal ondernemen (P. GRINWIS, Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen, 1994)" (p. 189-190); PAUWELS, Koen: "Strategic business marketing (Peter M. CHISNALL, Prentice Hall International, 1995)" (p. 190); LOGMAN, Marc: "Marketing classics (Ben M. ENIS, Prentice Hall, 1995)" (p. 191)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1996, 50, (1), 173-191 Downloads


  1. Boekbesprekingen
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1995, 49, (2), 323-347 Downloads
    Also in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1995, 49, (4), 669-694 (1995) Downloads
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1995, 49, (3), 489-522 (1995) Downloads


  1. NONNEMAN, Walter: “The methodology of economics (Mark BLAUG, Cambridge University Press, 1992)” (p. 165); MAES, Ivo: “Aspects of central bank policy making (Zvi ECKSTEIN, Springer-Verlag, 1991)” (p. 165-166) PLASSCHARAERT, Sylvain: “The China – Hong Kong connection (Yun-Wing SUNG, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 166-167); MEERSMAN, Hilde: “Dynamic models for the inter-relations of real and financial growth (Hasse EKSTEDT & Lars WESTBERG, Chapman & Hall, 1991)” (p. 167); MEERSMAN, Hilde: “The essence of the economy (Joseph G. NELLIS & David PARKER, Prentice Hall, 1990)” (p. 167-168); REYNS, Carl: “Financiële participatie van werknemers (Robert STALLAERTS, Garant, 1992)” (p. 168-169); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: “World investment Report 1992 (s.n., Department of Economic and Social Development, 1992)” (p. 169-170); VUCHELEN, Jef: “Privatization, public ownership and the regulation of natural monopoly (C.D. FOSTER, Blackwell Publishers, 1992)” (p. 170-171); DOMBRECHT, Michel: “Central bank strategy, credibility, and independence (Alex CUCKERMAN, The MT Press, 1992)” (p. 171-172); VERBRUGGEN, Aviel: “Environmental economics (Clem TISDELL, Edward Elgar, 1992)” (p. 172-173); KÉSENNE, Stefan: “Incomparable worth (Steven E. RHOADS, Cambridge University Press, 1993)” (p. 173); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “Advanced industrial economics (Stephen MARTIN, Blackwell Publishers, 1993)” (p. 174); BASTIAENSEN, Johan: “The political economy of development policy change (Gustav RANIS & Syed AKHTAR MAHMOOD, Blackwell Publishers, 1992)” (p. 174-175); ZHANG, Haiyan: “Technological innovation and third world multinationals (Paz ESTRELLA E. TOLENTINO, Routledge, 1993)” (p. 175-176); MARTENS, Rudy: “Business organization and the myth of the market economy (William LAZONICK, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 176-177); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Corporate culture and organizational symbolism (Mats ALVESSON & Per Olaf BERG, Walter de Gruyter, 1992)” (p. 177); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Sociology and organization theory (John HASSARD, Cambridge University Press, 1993)” (p. 178); MARTENS, Rudy: “Bad lies in business (Michael J. COMER & al., McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1992)” (p. 178-179); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “80 vragen over outplacement (Jean-Luc BURIDANS & Roger DE CADT, Uitgeverij Pelckmans, 1993)” (p. 179); DURINCK, Edward: “The Business One Irwin guide to the futures markets (Stanley KROLL & Michael J. PAULENOFF, Business One Irwin, 1993)” (p. 179-180); JEGERS, Marc: “Financial accounting and reporting (Barry ELLIOT & Jamie ELLIIOT, Prentice Hall, 1993)” (p. 180-181); LAMBRECHTS, Mark: “Banking for people (Udo REIFNER & Janet FORD, Walter de Gruyter, 1992)” (p. 181-182); ROOSSENS, Paul: “Pay and employment in the new Europe (David MARSDEN, Edward Elgar, 1992)” (p. 183)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1994, 48, (1), 165-183 Downloads


  1. De economie van de sport: Een overzichtsbijdrage
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1993, 47, (3), 383-417 Downloads
  2. MEERSMAN, Hilde: "Economic Policies for the 1990s (John LLEWELLYN, Stephen J. POTTER, Blackwell Publishers, 1991)” (p. 523-524); CUYVERS, Ludo: “South East Asia in the world-economy (Chris DIXON, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 524-525); VAN HOOF, Liliane:” Reform in Eastern Europe (Olivier BLANCHARD e.a., The MIT Press, 1991)” (p. 525-526); VAN HULLE, Cynthia: ”Financial markets’ liberalization and the role of banks (Vittorio CONTI & Rony HAMAUI, Cambridge University Press, 1992)” (p. 526-527); COECK, Chris: “Transport, the Environment and Economic Policy (Kenneth BUTTON, Edward Elgar, 1993)” (p. 527-529); ERREYGERS, Guido: “Common Property Economics (Glenn G. STEVENSON, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 529); WITLOX, Frank: “Pathways to Industrialization and Regional Development (Michael STORPER & Allen J. SCOTT, Routledge, 1992)” (p. 529-530); BRUGGEMAN, Annick: “Currency Use and Payment Patterns (Willem C. BOESCHOTEN, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992)” (p. 530-531); VAN STRAELEN, Robert: “Industrial Efficiency in Six Nations (Richard E. CAVES, The MIT Press, 1992)” (p. 531-532); MEERSMAN, Hilde: “Learning and Practicing Econometrics (William E. GRIFFITHS e.a., John Willey & Sons, 1992)” (p. 532-533); KERSTENS, Kris: “International Applications of Productivity and Efficiency Analysis (Thomas R. GELLEDGE Jr & Knox LOVELL, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992)” (p. 533-534); YZEWYN, Dirk: “Liber amicorum Prof. Dr. Modest Goossens (Herman VAN DER HAEGEN & Etienne VAN HECKE, KU Leuven, 1992)” (p. 534); KESENNE, Stefan: “Wages and unemployment (Pierre PICARD, Cambridge University Press, 1993)” (p. 535); MARYSSE Stefaan: “Disarray in World Food Markets (Rod Tyers & Kyn ANDERSON, Cambridge University Press, 1992)” (p. 535-536); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “Industrial organization (Kenneth D. GEORGE e.a., Routledge, 1992)” (p. 536-537); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “De wereld van de zeevrachtvaart (J. DE WEERDT, Schoonhoven, Academic Service, 1992)” (p. 537); KYMPERS, Leopold: “Strategie onder de scanner (Paul VERBRUGGEN & Noël VAN ROBAEYS, Roularta Books, 1992)” (p. 538); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Matamanagement (F.D. WIRTZ, Uitgeverij H. Nelissen, 1990)” (p. 538-539); BOGAERT, Ilse: “Becoming a learning organization (Joop SWIERINGA & André WIERDSMA, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1992)” (p. 539-540); DURINCK, Edward: “Venture Capital (Milford B. GREEN, ed., Routledge, 1991) (p. 540-541); DE BOECK, Paul: “Inzicht in stressgevoeligheid (Jan DE VISCH & Arnold BÖHRER, Acco, 1993)” (p. 541-542); VAN MECHELEN, Claude: “MRP (Terry LUNN & Susan A. Neff, Business One Irwin, 1992)” (p. 542-543); COPPIETERS, Piet: “Industrieel beleid in de dienstensector (L. GELDERS & J. MAES, Acco, 1992)” (p. 543-544); REYNS, Carl: “Algemeen boekhouden (Gustaaf VAN HERCK, Chris LEFEBVRE & A. GAEREMYNCK, Acco, 1992)” (p. 544-545); DE CEUSTER, Marc: “Vennootschapsboekhaouden ( Robert VERTONGHEN & Chris LEFEBVRE, Acco, 1992)” (p. 545); VAN GERWEN, Jef: “Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik (Karl HOMANN & Frans BLOME-DREES, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1992)” (p. 546)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1993, 47, (3), 523-546 Downloads View citations (1)
  3. MEERSMAN, Hilde: "Economics (John SLOMAN, Prentice Hall, Simon & Schuster, 1991)” (p. 703-704); PARYS, Wilfried: “Perspectives on the History of Economic Thought (S. Todd LOWRY, ed. Edward Elgar, 1992)” (p. 704); MAES, Ivo: “International monetary economics, 1870-1960 (M. June FLANDERS, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 704-705); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: “Economic theories in China, 1979-1988 (Robert C. Hsu, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 705-706); VAN HOOF, Liliane: “East-West Financial Relations (Iliana ZLOCH-CHRISTY, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 706-707); KONINGS, Joep: “The state and economic knowledge (Mary O. FURNER & Barry SUPPLE, eds., Cambridge University Press/Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 1990)” (p. 707); HENDRICKX, Koen: “Growth/Productivity/Employment (The MIT Press, 1990)” (p. 708); VANDENBUSSCHE, Hylke: “ Policy implications of antidumping measures (P.K.M. THARAKAN, ed., Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1991)” (p. 709); DONCKELS, Rik: “Small firms and entrepreneurship (Zoltan J. ACS & David B. AUDRETSCH, eds., Cambridge University Press, 1992)” (p. 709-710); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “Logistiek management (Schoonhoven, Academic Service, 1992)” (p. 710-711); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: “The Internationalisation of Capital Markets and the Regulatory Response (John FINGLETON & Dirk SCHOENMAKER, eds., Graham & Trotman, 1992)” (p. 711-712); JEGERS, Marc: “A Primer in Game Theory (Robert GIBBONS, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992)” (p. 712); KESENNE, Stefan: “Labour markets in an ageing Europe (Paul JOHNSON & Klaus F. ZIMMERMANN, eds., Cambridge University Press, 1993)” (p. 712-713); KESENNE, Stefan: “Labour Markets under Trade Unionism (John PENCAVEL, Basil Blackwell, 1991)” (p. 713); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “The New Industrial Economics (George NORMAN & Manfredi LA MANNA, eds., Edward Elgar, 1992)” (p. 714); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “Entry and Market Contestability (P.A. GEROSKI & J. SCHWALBACH, eds., Blackwell, 1991)” (p. 714-715); DURINCK, Edward: “Modelling for Financial Decisions (Jaap SPRONK & Benedetto MATARAZZO, eds., Springer-Verlag, 1991)” (p. 715-716); DURINCK, Edward: “Corporate Financial Analysis (Diana R. HARRINGTON, Business One Irwin, 1993)” (p. 716); MARTENS, Rudy: “Managing the Strategy Process (Balaji S. CHAKRAVARTHY & Peter LORANGE, Prentice Hall, 1991)” (p. 716-717); KYMPERS, Leopold: “Mintzberg over Management (Henry Mintzberg, Uitgeverij Veen, 1991)” (p. 718); BOGAERT, Ilse: “Microeconomic Contributions to Strategic Management (Jacques THEPOT & Raymond-Alain THIETART, eds., Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1991)” (p. 718-719); JORISSEN, Ann: “Time-Based Competition (Joseph D. BLACKBURN, ed., Business One Irwin, 1991)” (p. 719-720); JORISSEN, Ann: “Dé Gibs voor Accountants en Bedrijfsrevisoren ’93 (A. Chiau & J. Van den Bossche, eds., Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen, 1993)” (p. 720-721); GOETHALS, Hubert: “Tijdelijke arbeid, uitzendardbeid en terbeschikkingstelling van werknemers (Filip Tilleman, Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen, 1992)” (p. 722); FAUCOMPRET, Erik: “New dimensions in regional integration (Jaime De MELO & Aroind PANAGARIYA, eds., Cambridge University Press, 1993)” (p. 722-723)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1993, 47, (4), 703-723 Downloads
  4. PARYS, Wilfried: "Eminent Economists (Michael Szenberg, Cambridge University Press, 1992)" (p. 141); DE BORGER, Bruno: "A coure in microeconomic theory (David M. KREPS, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990)" (p. 142-143); JANSSENS, Geert: "Perfect markets and easy virtue (William J. BAUMOL & Sue Anne Batey BLACKMAN, Blackwell Publishers, 1991)" (p. 143); MEERSMAN, Hilde: "A history of macroeconometric model-building (Ronald G. BOKIN e.a., Edward Elgar Publishing, 1990)" (p. 144); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: "Commercialization and agricultural development (Loren BRANDT, Cambridge University Press, 1989)" (p. 144-145); PEETERS, Chris: "Handboek openbare financiën (Wim MOESEN & Vic ROMPUY, Acco, 1991)" (p. 145-146); CUYVERS, Ludo: "Minidragons (Steven M. GOLDSTEIN, Westview Press, 1991)" (p. 146); MEERSMAN, Hilde: "A reader's guide to rational expectations (Deborah A. REDMAN, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1992)" (p. 146-147); VAN HOOF, Liliane: "Cycles and stagnation in socialist economies (Andràs SIMONOVITS, Blackwell Publishers, 1992)" (p. 147-148); KONINGS, Joep: "Perspectives on positive political economy (James E. ALT & Kenneth A. SHEPSLE, Cambridge University Press, 1990)" (p. 148); JEGERS, Marc: "Economics, bounded rationality and the cognitive revolution (Herbert SIMON e.a., Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1992)" (p. 149); DE GRAEVE, Diana: "Providing health care (Alistair MCGUIRE e.a., Oxford University Press, 1991)" (p. 149-150); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: "Selling public enterprises (Leroy P. JONES e.a., The MIT Press, 1990)" (p. 150-151); NONNEMAN, Walter: "The economics of American higher education (William E. BECKER & Darell R. LEWIS, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992)" (p. 151-152); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: "The Cambridge handbook of contemporary China (Colin MACKERRAS & Amanda YORKE, Cambridge University Press, 1991)" (p. 152); MEGANCK, Jacques: "Perspectives on the history of economic thought (William J. BARBER, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1991)" (p. 152-153); BERCKMOES, Renaat: "Jobs, earnings, and employment growth policies in the United States (John D. KASARDA, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990)" (p. 153-154); KÉSENNE, Stefan: "Immigration, trade, and the labor market (John M. ABOWD & Richard B. FREEMAN, The University of Chicago Press, 1991)" (p. 154-155); PAUWELS, Wilfried: "Sunk costs and market structure (John SUTTON, The MIT Press, 1991)" (p. 155-156); VERGAUWEN, Philip: "Corporate takeovers and productivity (Frank R. LICHTENBERG, The MIT Press, 1992)" (p. 156-157); DURINCK, Edward: "Continious-time finance (Robert C. MERTON, Blackwell Publishers, 1992)" (p. 157-158); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: "Finance internationale (Henri BOURGUINAT, Presses Universitaires de France, 1992)" (p. 158-159); MARTENS, Rudy: "The strategy process (Henry MINTZBERG & James Brian QUINN, Prentice-Hall International, 1991)" (p. 159-160); VAN CAUWENBERGH, André: "Reshaping work (Chris SMITH e.a., Cambridge University Press, 199)" (p. 160); DERIJCKE, Luc: "Continu opleiden (Karel DE WITTE, Acco, 1992)" (p. 160-161); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: "Managen zonder hiërarchie (Willem VERHOEVEN, Uitgeverij H. NELISSEN, 1991)" (p. 161-162); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: "Transactional analysis for trainers (Julie HAY, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1992)" (p. 163); WOUTERS, Kathleen: "Shaping the future (Peter G.W. KEEN, Harvard Bussiness School Press, 1991)" (p. 163-164); JORISSEN, Ann: "The European accounting guide (David ALEXANDER & Simon ARCHER, Academic Press, 1992)" (p. 164-165); JORISSEN, Ann: "Auditing as verification of financial information (T. Flemming RUUD, Norwegian University Press, 1989)" (p. 165-166); BLOCK, Hendrik J.: "Het getrouwe beeld van de jaarrekening (Ann JORISSEN, Kluwer rechtswetenschappen, 1991)" (p. 166-167); VAN HEESVELDE, Eric: "Armoede en sociale uitsluiting (J. VRANKEN & D. GELDOF, Acco 1992)" (p. 167-168); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: "Atypisch Belgisch (Eric ROSSEEL & Jacues VILROKX, Acco, 1992)" (p. 168-169); VAN WAMBEKE, Wim & Mark KEULENEER: "Het proces: Weldaad of kwaad? (Marcel STORME, uitgevers, 1991)" (p. 169-170); ROOSENS, Paul: "Towards a new Europe? (Ash AMIN & Michael DIETRICH, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1991)" (p. 171); BOGAERT, Ilse: "Europe at the multinationals (Stephen Young & James HAMILL, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 1992)" (p. 171-172)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1993, 47, (1), 141-172 Downloads


  1. CASSIMON, Danny: “Economic problems of the 1990s (Paul DAVIDSON & J.A. KREGEL, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1991)” (p. 745); COPPIETERS, Piet: “Restoring economic equilibrium (Theodore W. SCHULTZ, Basil BLACKWELL, 1990)” (p. 746); PARYS, Wilfried: “Comparative economic systems (David W. CONKLIN, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 746-747); MARIJSSE, Stefaan: “Long waves in economic development (Jan REIJNDERS, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 1990)” (p. 747-748); VANCOPPENOLLE, Chantal: “Protectionism and economic revival (Michael KITSON & Solomos SOLOMOU, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 748-749); NONNEMAN, Walter: “Introducing econometrics (William S. BROWN, West Publishing Company, 1991)” (p. 749); MEERSMAN, Hilde: “The new classical macroeconomics (Kevin D. HOOVER, Basil Blackwell, 1990)” (p. 749-750); KÉSENNE, Stefan: “Macroeconomics and the wage bargain (Wendy CARLIN & David SOSKICE, Oxford University Press, 1990)” (p. 750-751); PAUWELS, Wilfried: “Financial structure and economic organization (Robert M. TOWNSEND, Basil Blackwell, 1990)” (p. 751); BLAUWENS, G.: “An introduction to modern welfare economics (Johansson PER-OLOV, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 751-752); RAES, Régine: “Leading economic indicators (Kajal LAHIRI & Geoffrey H. MOORE, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 752-753); HENDRICKX, Koen: “The economic theory of structure and change (Mauro BARANZINI & Roberto SCAZZIERI, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 753-754); TAHON, Nikolaas: “Institutions, institutional chhange and economic performance (Douglass C. NORTH, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 754-755); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “Cost analysis and estimating (Willis R. GREER Jr. & Daniël A. NUSSBAUM, Springer-Verlag, 1990)” (p. 755); JEGERS, Marc: “Time series techniques for economists ( Terence C. MILLS, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 755-756); DERIJCKE, Luc: “The market experience (Robert E. LANE, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 756); ROOSENS, Paul: “The economics of property rights (Svetozar PEJOVICH, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990)” (p. 757): VAN HOOF, Liliane: “Economic planning in transition (Janos KOVÀCS & Bruno DALLAGO, Dartmouth Publishing Company, 1990)” (p. 757-758): ERREYGERS, Guido: “The stages of economic growth (W.W. ROSTOW, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 758): BASTIAENSEN, Johan: “The macroeconomics of populism in Latin America (Rudiger DORNBUSCH & Sebastian EDWARDS, The University of Chicago Press, 1991)” (p. 759): VERBRUGGEN, Aviel: “Recent modelling approaches in applied energy economics (Olav BJERKHOLT e.a., Chapman and Hall, 1990)” (p. 760): VEUGELERS, Reinhilde: “Dynamics, incomplete information and industrial economics (Jean-Jacques LAFFONT & Michel MOREAUX, Basil Blackwell, 1991)” (p. 760-761); MARTENS, Rudy: “Forming winning strategies (Po L. YU, Springer-Verlag, 1990)” (p. 762); VAN CAUWENBERGH, André: “Overcoming organizational defenses (Chris ARGYRIS, Allyn and Bacon, 1990)” (p. 762-763); MATTHYSSENS, Paul: “Exportmanagement (L.P.V.M. KYMPERS e.a., Wolters-Noordhoff, 1991)” (p. 763-764); WEVERBERGH, Marcel: “Modern consumer theory (Kelvin LANCASTER, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1990)” (p. 764-765); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “The international manager (Kevin BARMAN & David OATES, The Economist’s Books, 1991)” (p. 765); DOMBRECHT, Michel: “International financial markets (Jerome L. STEIN, Basil Blackwell, 1991)” (p. 766); DURINCK, Edward: “Modern working capital management (Frederick C. SCHERR, Prentice-Hall International, 1990)” (p. 766-767); BERTELS, Koen: “Knowledge-based manufacturing management (Roger KERR, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1990)” (p. 767-768); JORISSEN, Ann: “Handboek consolidatie (Siebrecht PLATEAU & Gustaaf VAN HERCK, Acco, 1992)” (p. 768-769); VERHETSEL, Ann: “Female labour market behavior and fertility (Jacques J. SIEGERS e.a., Springer-Verlag, 1991)” (p. 769-770); MAES, Ivo: “Robert Triffin, conseiller des princes (Catherine FERRANT & Jean SLOOVER, Editions Ciaco (Artel), 1990)” (p. 771)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1992, 46, (4), 745-771 Downloads
  2. MEERSMAN, Hilde: “Economics (Michael PARKIN, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1990)” (p. 587); MAES, Ivo: “Modern international economics (Shelagh HEFFERNAN & Peter SINCLAIR, Basil Blackwell, 1990)” (p. 587-588); KONINGS, Jozef: “The competitiveness of small firms (Cliff PRATTEN, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 588-589); DOMBRECHT, Michel: “Monetary policy (P. ARTUS & Y. BARROUX, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990)” (p. 589-590);LAMPAERT, Stefaan: “The political economy of American monetary policy (Thomas MAYER, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 590); PARYS, Wilfried: “Optimization in economic theory (Avinash K. DIXIT, Oxford University Press, 1990)” (p. 590-591); HEYLEN, Freddy: “Unemployment and wage determination in Europe (Bertil HOLMLUND & Karl-Gustaf LÖFGREN, Basil Blackwell, 1990)” (p. 591-592); VLASSELAER, Christian: “Economic analysis of product innovation (Manuel TRAJTENBERG, Harvard University Press, 1990)” (p. 592-593); KÉSENNE, Stefan: “The practice of econometrics (Ernst R. BERNDT, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1990)” (p. 593-594); KÉSENNE, Stefan: “Econometrics (Jon STEWART, Philip Allan, 1991)” (p. 594); KERSTENS, Kris: “Productiviteit in de overheid (Geert BOUCKAERT, Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen, 1990)” (p. 595); VANCOPPENOLLE, Chantal: “The rise of financial capitalism (Larry NEAL, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 595-596); ERREYGERS, Guido: “Marx and modern economic analysis (Giovanni A. CARAVALE, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1991)” (p. 596-598); NONNEMAN, Walter: “Uncertainty (M. Granger MORGAN & Max HENRION, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 598-599); NONNEMAN, Walter: “Managerial dilemmas (Gary J. MILLER, Cambridge University Press, 1992)” (p. 559-600); CASSIMON, Danny: “Public finance in developing countries (Vito TANZI, Edward Elgar, 1990)” (p. 600-601); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: “Multinationals and economic development (James C.W. AHIAKPOR, Routledge, 1990)” (p. 601); ERREYGERS, Guido: “Environment and development (Jan BOJÖ e.a., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990)” (p. 601-602); VEUGELERS, Reinhilde: “Competition and the regulation of utilities (Michael A. CREW, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990)” (p. 602-603); VERBRUGGEN, Aviel: “Resource-based industrialization (R.M. AUTY, Clarendon Prress, 1990)” (p. 603-604); VAN CLAUWENBERGH, André: “The strategy concept and process (Arnoldo C. HAX & Nicolas S. MAILUF, Prentice-Hall International, 1991)” (p. 604); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Organisatiecultuur (P.H.A. FRISSEN & J.M. VAN WESTERLAAK, Academic Service/Economie en Bedrijfskunde, 1990)” (p. 604-605); GIJSBRECHTS, Els: “Strategische city-marketing (L. VAN DEN BERG e.a., Academic Service/Economie en Bedrijfskunde, 1990)” (p. 605-606); LAVEREN, Eddy: “Futures and options markets (Steven C. BLANK e.a., Prentice-Hall International, 1991)” (p. 606-607); DURINCK, Edward: “European financial integration (Alberto GIOVANNINI & Colin MAYER, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 607); VAN HOOYDONK, Eric: “Harmonisatie van het kapitaalbeschermingsrecht in de EEG (J.N. SCHUTTE-VEENSTRA, Kluwer, 1991)” (p. 608); BALLON, G.L.: “Wetboek vennootschappen (Eddy Wymeersch e.a., uitgevers, 1991)” (p. 608-609); MAES, Ivo: “Intégration financière et Union Monétaire Européenne (Paul VAN DEN BEMPT, Economica, 1991)” (p. 609); MATTHYSSENS, Paul: “The marketing challenge of Europe 1992 (John A. QUELCH e.a., Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1991)” (p. 610)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1992, 46, (3), 587-610 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. MEERSMAN, Hilde: “The history of econometric ideas (Mary S. Morgan, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 371); NAERT, Frank: “Money, trade and payments (David Cobham, Manchester United Press, 1989)” (p. 371-372); BLAUWENS, G.: “Efficiency in environmental regulation (Ralph A. Luken, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 373); DE BORGER, Bruno: “Productivity and U.S. economic growth (Dale W. Jorgenson e.a., North-Holland, 1987)” (p. 373-374); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “Managerial economics (James G. Mulligan, Allyn and Bacon, 1989)” (p. 374-375); PAUWELS, Wilfried: “The economics of special privilege and rent seeking (Gordon Tullock, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 375-376); PEETERS, Chris: “Managing owners (Keith Bradly & Aaron Nejad, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 376); NONNEMAN, Walter: “The political economy of social security (B. A. Gustafsson & N.A. Klevmarken, North-Holland, 1989)” (p. 177-178); VAN STRAELEN, Robert: “Efficiency in U.S. manufacturing industries (Richard E. Caves & David R., The MIT Press, 1990)” (p. 378); YZEWYN, Dirk: “Advances in spatial theory and dynamics (Ake E. Andersson e.a., North-Holland, 1989)” (p. 379); KÉSENNE, Stefaan: “Understanding unemployment (Lawrence H. Summers, The MIT Press, 1987)” (p. 380); CASSIMON, Danny: “Handbook of development economics (H. Chenery & T.N. Srinivasan, North-Holland, 1988)” (p. 381-382); JEGERS, Marc: “Industrial economics (W. Duncan Reekie, Edward Elgar (Gower Publishing Company), 1989)” (p. 383); VANDENBUSSCHE, Hylke: “The dynamics of company profits (Dennis C. Mueller, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 383-384); VERSTRAETEN, Hans: “The world television industry (Peter Dunnett, Routledge, 1990)” (p. 384-383); VERCRUYSSE, Bart: “Managing innovation and change (Sven B. Lundstedt & Thomas H. Moss, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 1989)” (p. 385-386); SUYKENS, Fernand: “Boards of directors under public ownership (Miriam Dornstein, Walter de Gruyter, 1988)” (p. 386); DURINCK, Edward: “The economic function of futures markets (Jeffrey Williams, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 386-387); LAVEREN, Eddy: “Inleiding in de optietheorie (L.A. Ankum & A.G.Z., Academic Service, 1990)” (p. 387-388); LAEVAERT, Ludo: “Global marketing management (Brian Toyne & Peter G.P. Walters, Allyn and Bacon, 1989)” (p. 388); SPAAS P.M., Jan: “Managing service quality (Graham Clark, IFS Publications, 1990)” (p. 389); JEGERS, Marc: “Knowledge-based systems for management decisions (Robert J. Mockler, Prentice-Hall International Editions, 1989)” (p. 390); JORISSEN, Ann: “Statistical analysis in accounting and finance (John P. Dickinson, Philip Allan (Simon & Schuster International Group, 1990)” (p. 390-391); MEERSMAN, Hilde: “Quantitative analysis for economics and business (Guy Judge, Harvester Wheatsheaf (Simon & Schuster), 1990)” (p. 392); FAUNCOMPRET, Eric: “Van Jalta tot Malta (Paul Van de Meerssche, Standaard Uitgeverij, 1990)” (p. 393); DE GRAEVE, Dianna: “The nonprofit sector in international perspective (Estelle James, Oxford University Press, 1989)” (p. 394); VAN LOON, Francis: “Sociology and related disciplines (Sociology and related disciplines, Routledge, 1990)” (p. 395)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1991, 45, (2), 371-395 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. PARYS, Wilfried: “The spread of economic ideas (David C. Colander & A.W. Coats, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 151-152); PARYS, Wilfried: “History of economic theory (Takashi Negishi, North-Holland, 1989)” (p. 153-154); MEGANCK, Jacques: “Perspectives on the history of economic thought (Donald A. Walker, Aldershot, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1989)” (p. 154-155); HEYLEN, Freddy: “Economic behavior (Jerry K. Rohacek, Economic Behavior Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, 1989)” (p. 155-156); PAUWELS, Wilfried: “Understanding economic behavior (Klaus G. Grunert & Folke Oelander, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 156); MEERSMAN, Hilde: “Macroeconomic theory and stabilization policy (Willem H. Buiter, Manchester University Press, 1989)” (p. 157); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “The regulation of monopoly (Roger Sherman, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 158); NONNEMAN, Walter: “Economic development, the family, and income distribution (Simon Kuznets, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 158-159); VAN HOOF, Liliane: “Issues in US-EC trade relations (Robert E. Baldwin e.a., The University of Chicago Press, 1988)” (p. 159-160); KÉSENNE, Stefaan: “The insider-outsider theory of employment and unemployment (Assar Lindbeck & Dennis J. Snower, The MIT Press, 1989)” (p. 161); MEEUSEN, Wim: “The nature of unemployment in Britain (Stephen Nickell e.a., Clarendon Press, 1989)” (p. 161-162); VANCOPPENOLLE, Chantal: “The quest for productivity (Bruce W. Ahlstrand, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 162-163); COUDER, Johan: “Management control and union power (Christine Edwards & Edmund Heery, Clarendon Press, 1989)” (p. 163-164); JEGERS, Marc: “Industrial economics (Paul R. Ferguson, Macmillan Education, 1989)” (p. 165); VERBRUGGEN, Aviel: “The future of nuclear power (Geoffrey Greenhalgh, Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, 1988)” (p. 166); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “Economics of shipping practice and management (Alan E. Branch, Chapman and Hall, 1989)” (p. 166-167); CLAESSENS, Evrard: “L’industrie agro-alimentaire de la Wallonie à l’Europe 93 (Jules Gazon, De Boeck-Wesmael, 1990)” (p. 167-168); VAN WOUWE, Martine: “Integrating insurance and risk management for hazardous wastes (Howard Kunreuther & M.V. Rajeev Gowda, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 168); MATTHYSSENS, Paul: “Contemporary perspectives on strategic market planning (Roger A. Kerin e.a., Simon & Schuster, 1989)” (p. 169-170); JORISSEN, Ann: “Management control systems (Robert Anthony e.a., Irwin, 1989)” (p. 170-171); DERIJCKE, Luc: “Management and organizational behavior (R. Wayne Mondy e.a., Allyn and Bacon, 1989)” (p. 171-172); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Automatisering, de sociale dimensie (H.J.G. Verhallen, Samsom, 1989)” (p. 172); VAN WALTERSCHOOT, Walter: “Marketing & detailhandel (Wim van der Ster & Pieter van Wissen, Wolters-Noordhoff, 1990)” (p. 173-174); PAUWELS, Wilfried: “Contributions to operations research and economics (Bernard Cornet & Henry Tulkens, The MIT Press, 1989)” (p. 174-175); SPAAS, Jan P.M.: “Just-in-time (Chris Voss & David Clutterbuck, Springer-Verlag, 1989)” (p. 175-176); JORISSEN, Ann: “The concise guide to interpreting accounts (J.D. Blake, Van Nostrand Reinhold International, 1989)” (p. 176-177); JORISSEN, Ann: “Audit jaarboek 1990-1991 (Jan Verhoeye, Kluwer Editorial, 1991)” (p. 177-178); LEMMENS, Michèle: “Actuele problemen van fiscal recht (M.Storme & S. Van Crombrugge, XVe Postuniversitaire lessencyclus Willy Delva, 1988)” (p. 178-179); BALLON G., Luc: “Essays in law and economics (Michel faure & Roger Van den Bergh, MAKLU Uitgevers, 1989)” (p. 179-180); JORISSEN, Ann: “Pensioenstelsels (J. Swinnen & J.P. Ameye, M.Rottiers, De, W. Goethals & A. Van Paesschen, E. Cauwels, V. Ph. Neyt, De Financieel Ekonomische Tijd, 1990 )" (p. 180-181); BALLON G., Luc: “Handels-, economische en financieel recht (H. Swennen e.a., Kluwer rechtswetenschappen, 1989)” (p. 181-182); VAN GERWEN, Jef: “Moral expertise (Don MacNiven, Routledge, 1990)” (p. 182-183); MEERSMAN, Hilde: “The modern economic and social history of the Middle East in its world context (Georges Sabagh, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 183); DEWEIRDT, Edward: “Een Europese financiële ruimte (Dominique Servais, Bureau voor officiële publikaties der Europese Gemeenschappen, 1989)” (p. 157)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1991, 45, (1), 151-184 Downloads View citations (1)
  3. YZEWYN, Dirk: “Innovation and regional development (Hans-Jürgen EWERS & Jürgen ALLESCH, Walter de Gruyter, 1990)” (p. 745); MEERSMAN, Hilde: “Open economy Macroeconomics (Ronald SHONE, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989)” (p. 746); PAUWELS, Johan: “Value-form and the state (Geert REUTEN & Michael WILLIAMS, Routledge, 1989)” (p. 746-747); ERREYGERS, Guido: “General equilibrium or market process (Alfred BOSCH e.a., J.C.B. Mohr, 1990)” (p. 747-748); SCHROYEN, Fred: “A market theory of money (John HICKS, Clarendon Press, 1989)” (p. 748-749); DOMBRECHT, Michel: “Free banking and monetary reform (David GLASNER, Cambridge Universiity Press, 1989)” (p. 749-750); LAMPAERT, Stefaan: “The economics of trade protection (Neil VOUSDEN, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 750); MAES, Ivo: “Managing exchange rates (Peter B. KENEN, Routledge, 1988)” (p. 751); MARIJSSE, Stefaan: “Financing the world economy in the nineties (Jac. J. SIJBEN, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 751-752); HENDRICKX, Koen: “Productivity growth and the competitiveness of the American economy (Stanley W. BLACK, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 752-753); PARYS, Wilfried: “Quantitative economics of socialism (Masaaki KUBONIWA, Pxford University Press, 1989)” (p. 753-754); VAN HOOF, Liliane: “The Czechoslovak economy 1948-1988 (Martin MYANT, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 754-755); VERVECKEN, Gerda: “The regulation of motor vehicle and traffic safety (Glenn C. BLOMQUIST, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988)” (p. 755-756); JEGERS, Marc: “The nonprofit organization (David L. GIES e.a., Cole Publishing Company, 1989)” (p. 756-757); KONINGS, Joep: “Descriptive theories of bargaining (Gerald R. UHLICH, Springer-Verlag, 1990)” (p. 757); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “Facility location and the theory of production (Arthur P. HURTER, Jr. & Joseph S. MARTINICH, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 758); EMBRECHTS, Rob: “The challenge to the south (s.n., Oxford University Press, 1990)” (p. 758-759); CASSIMON, Danny: “Alternative solutions to developing - Country debt problems (Rudiger, DORNBUSCH e.a., American Enterprise Institute for Public Poolicy Research, 1989)” (p. 759-760); KÉSENNE Stefaan: “Combating long-term unemployment (Kenneth DYSON, Routledge, 1989)” (p. 760-761); KESTELOOT, Katrien: “Competition in Europe (Peter DE WOLF, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990)” (p. 761-762); MARTENS, Rudy: “Organization theory (Stephen P. ROBBINS, Prentice-Hall International, 1990)” (p. 762-763); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Kijken, denken, doen (M.M. OTTO & A.C.J. DE LEEUW, Van Gorcum 1989)” (p. 763); VAN WATERSCHOOT, Walter: “Dynamiek in de distributie (J. BUNT e.a., Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen, 1989)” (p. 7664-765); DURINCK, Edward: “Foundations for financial economics (Chi-fu HUANG & Robert H. LITZENBERGER)” (p. 765); LAVEREN, Eddy: “Case problems in financial management (William H. MARSH & Harry R. KUNIANSKY, Prentice Hall, 1988)” (p. 765-766); DURINCK, Edward: “Options, futures, and other derivative securities (John HULL, Prentice-Hall International, 1989)” (p. 766-767); VAN HOOF, Liliane: “Financiering en risicobeheer in de international handel (Walter CORLUY, MIM, 1990)” (p. 767-768); VAN STRAELEN, Robert: “Aspiration based decision support systems (A. LEWANDOWSKI & A.P. WIERZBICKI, Springer-Verlag, 1989)” (p. 768); JORISSEN, Ann: “Accounting for management decisions (John ARNOLD & Tony HOPE, Prentice Hall, 1990)” (p. 769); JORISSEN, Ann: “Japanese management accounting (Yasuhiro MONDEN & Michiharu SAKURAI, Productivity Press, 1989)” (p. 769-770); KERSTENS, Kris: “Optimal income tax and redistribution (Matti TUOMALA, Clarendon Press, 1990)” (p. 771); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: “The Japanese tax system (Hiromitsu ISHI, Clarendon Press, 1989)” (p. 772); NONNEMAN, Walter: “Riskk, organizations, and society (Martin SHUBIK, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991)” (p. 773); JEGERS, Marc: “The European internal market (Alexis JACQUEMIN & André SAPIR, Oxford University Press, 1898)” (p. 774); BRAECKE, Chris: “Zweisprachiges handbuch für Handelskorrespondenz und kommunikation/Bilingual handbook of business correspondence and communication (Susan DAVIES e.a., Prentice Hall International, 1989)” (p. 775)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1991, 45, (4), 745-775 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. HENDRICKX, Koen: “Seven schools of macroeconomic thought (Edmund S. PHELPS, Clarendon Press, 1990)” (p. 621-622); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: “From marx tot he market (Wlodzimierz BRUS & Kazimierz LASKI, Clarendon Press, 1989)” (p. 622-623); MEGANCK, Jacques: “Perspectives on the history of economic thought (Donald A. WALKER, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1989)” (p. 623-624); MAES, Ivo: “Economic laws and economic history (Charles P. KINDLEBERGER, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 624-625); VAN GOMPEL, Johan: “The foreign exchange market (Richard T. BAILLIE & Patrick C. MCMAHON, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 625-626); PAUWELS, Wilfried: “The political economy of government regulation (Jason F. SHOGREN, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 626-627); DE BORGER, Bruno: “The economics of small firms (Zoltan J. ACS & David B. AUDRETSCH, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990)” (p. 627-628); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “Transportation safety in an age of deregulation (Leon N. MOSES & Ian SAVAGE, Oxford University Press, 1989)” (p. 628); JORISSEN, Ann: “Cost analysis applications of economics and operations research (T.R. GULLEDGE Jr. & L.A. LITTERAL, Springer-Verlag, 1989)” (p. 628-629); VEUGELERS, Reinhilde: “Regulation and markets (Daniel F. SPULBER, The MIT Press, 1989)” (p. 629-630); JEGERS, Marc: “Forecasting, structural time series and the Kalman filter (Andrew C. HARVEY, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 631); MARIJSSE, Stefaan: “Hunger and public action (Jean DRÈZE & Amartya SEN, Clarendon Press, 1989)” (p. 631-632); MARIJSSE, Stefaan: “Peasants and governments (David BEVN e.a., Clarendon Press, 1989)” (p. 633-634); KÉSENNE, Stefan: “The labor market and business cycle theories (Piero FERRI & Edward GREENBERG, Springer-Verlag, 1989)” (p. 634); KESTELOOT, Katrien: “Innovation, creativity and law (William KINGSTON, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 635); VANLOMMEL, Géry: “Electric power economics energy analysis and policy (Mohan Munasinghe, Butterworths, 1990)” (p. 636); MARTENS, Rudy: “Implanting strategic management (H. Igor ANSOFF & Edward J. MCDONNELL, Prentice Hall, 1990)” (p. 637); MARTENS, Rudy: “Managing innovation (D.H. WHITTAKER, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 637-638); DONCKELS, Rik: Karel J. SAMSOM, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990)” (p. 638-639); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “L’autoformation à la gestion (Tom BOYDELL Bureau International du Travaiil, 1990)” (p. 639); DURINCK, Edward: “Capital investment and financial decisions (Haim LEVY & Marshall SARNAT, Prentice Hall, 1990)” (p. 640); VAN DEN BULTE, Christophe: “Marketing and competitive success (Michael J. BAKER & Susan J. HART, Philip Allan, 1989)” (p. 640-641); VAN STRAELEN, Robert: “Computer-based management of complex systems (Peter M. MILLING & Erich O.K. ZAHN, Springer-Verlag, 1989)” (p. 641-642); GIJSBRECHTS, Els: “Introduction to management science (Bernard W. TAYLOR III, Allyn and Bacon, 1990)” (p. 642-643); JORISSEN, Ann: “Financial statement analysis (Charles H. GIBSON, Publishing Company, 1989)” (p. 644); BALLON, Gabriel L.: “Contracting for property rights (Gary D. LIBECAP, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 645
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1990, 44, (4), 621-645 Downloads View citations (2)
  2. PARYS, Wilfried: “The mind and method of the economist (Brian J. LOASBY, Gower Publishing Company, 1989)” (p. 130-131); KÉSENNE, Stefan: “International labour statistics (R. BEAN, Routledge, 1989)” (p. 131-132) SELEN, Willem: “Reduced worktime and the management of production (Chris NYLAND, Cambridge University Press, 1988)” (p. 132); MAES, Ivo: “Limiting exchange rate flexibility (Francesco GIAVAZZI & Alberto GIOVANNINI, The MIT Press, 1989)” (p. 132-133); SLAETS, Patrick: “Innovation and technology transfer in Japan and Europe (Glyn O. PHILIPS, Routledge, 1989)” (p. 133-134); VEUGELERS, Reinhilde: “Industrial policy (Grahame THOMPSON, Routledge, 1989)” (p. 134-135); CASSIMON, Danny: “Multinationals in Latin America (Robert Grosse, Routledge, 1989)” (p. 135); COPPIETERS, Piet: “Economic policy and technological performance (Partha DASGUPTA & Paul STONEMAN, Cambridge University Press, 1987)” (p. 135-136); VANDEVELDE, Toon: “The gift economy (David CHEAL, Routledge, 1988)” (p. 136-137); SLEUWAEGEN, Leo & Harry COMMANDEUR: “Corporate technological behavior (Håkan HÅKANSSON, Routledge, 1989)” (p. 137-138); JEGERS, Marc: “An introduction to cost and production functions (David F. HEATHFIELD & Soren WIBE, Macmillan Education, 1987)” (p. 138-139); BAUDEZ, Louis: “Jaarboek haven van Antwerpen, 1989-1990 (s.n., Antwerpse Lloyd, 1989)” (p. 139); MARTENS, Rudy: “Exploring corporate strategy (Gerry JOHNSON & Kevan SCHOLES, Prentice-Hall, 1989)” (p. 140); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Ondernemen binnen de onderneming (Mathieu WEGGEMAN e.a., Kluwer, 1988)” (p. 141); JEGERS, Marc: “Internal organization, efficiency and profit (Steve THOMPSON & Mike WRIGHT, Philip Allan, 1988)” (p. 141-142); LAGASSE, Leen: “Marketingbeleid (Robert BILSEN & Walter VAN WATERSCHOOT, Uitgeverij MIM, 1989)” (p. 142); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Vers un egestion stratégique des resources humaines (Charles-Henri BESSEYRE DES HORTS, Les Editions d’Organisation, 1988)” (p. 143); DERIJCKE, Luc: “Met open vizier (Roger FISHER & Scott BROWN, uitgevers, 1989)” (p. 143-144); JEGERS, Marc: “Yield curve analysis (Livingston G. DOUGLAS, Simon & Schuster, 1988)” (p. 144-145); VAN MECHELEN, Claude: “Decision synthesis (Stephen R. WATSON & Dennis M. BUEDE, Cambridge University Press, 1987)” (p. 145-146); VAN MECHELEN, Claude: “Materiaalstroombeheersing (A.AA.E.M. KEES, Samsom Uitgeverij, 1988)” (p. 146-147); JORISSEN, Ann: “Advanced management accounting (Robert S. KAPLAN & Anthony A. ATKINSON, Prentice-Hall International, 1989)” (p. 147-148); JORISSEN, Ann: “Managerial accounting (Calvin ENGLER, Irwin, 1987)” (p. 148-149) DEMEYERE, Luc: “Establishing a transnational franchise (Joseph E. PATTISON, Mattheew Bender & Co. Inc., 1988)” (p. 149-150); DE LATHOUWER, Lieve: “Social security policies in industrial countries (Margaret S. GORDON, Cambridge University Press, 1988)” (p. 150-151); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: “Europese financiële integratie en monetaire samenwerking (Marc QUINTYN & Paul VAN DEN BEMPT, Kluwer; 1989)” (p. 151-152); FAUCOMPRET, Eric: “Barriers to European growth (Robert Z. LAWRENCE & Charles L. SCHULTZE, The Brookings Institution, 1987)” (p. 152-153)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1990, 44, (1), 130-153 Downloads


  1. KÉSENNE, S.: “De zichtbare hand (Paul DE GRAUWE, Uitgeverij Lannoo, 1986)” (p. 121-122); MEGANCK, J.: “Economics (Paul A. SAMUELSON & William D. NORDHAUS, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1985)” (p. 122); ACX, R.: “The impact of the Reagan program (Philip CAGAN & Eduardo SOMESATTO, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1986)” (p. 123); JEGERS, M.: “Profits in the long run. (Dennis C. MUELLER, Cambridge University Press, 1986)” (p. 123-124); PAUWELS, J.: “The debate over stabilization policy (Franco MODIGLIANI, Cambridge University Press, 1986)” (p. 124); MARIJSSE, S.: “International networks of banks and industry (M. FENNEMA, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1982)” (p. 125); PLASSCHAERT, S.: “Economic growth in the third world: An introduction (Lloyd G. REYNOLDS, Yale University Press, 1986)” (p. 126); VAN POECK, A.: “Economic forecasting and policy (John LLEWELLYN, Stephen POTTER & Lee SAMUELSON, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985)” (p. 126-127); RAES, R.: “Money, the financial system, and monetary policy (Thomas F. CARGILL, Prentice-Hall, 1986)” (p. 127); ROOSENS, P.: “Trade protection in the United States: 31 case studies (Gary Clyde HUFBAUER, Diane T. BERLINER & Kimberly Ann ELLIOTT, Institute for international economics, 1986)” (p. 128); DE BRABANDER, G.: “Human behavior in geographical space (J.H.P. PAELINCK, Gower Publishing Company, 1986)” (p. 128-129); JEGERS, M.: “Firms and markets (Ken TUCKER & Charles BADEN FULLER, Croom Helm, 1986)” (p. 129); VAN CAUWENBERGH, A.: “Power in the organization (Philippe DAUDI, Basil Blackwell, 1986)” (p. 130); KYMPERS, L.: “Mergers and acquisitions (Terence E. COOKE, Basil Blackwell, 1986)” (p. 130-131); VERCRUYSSE, B.: “Managing new technology (David BODDY & David A. BUCHANAN, Basil Blackwell, 1986)” (p. 131); DURINCK, E.: “Financial innovation and the money supply (T.M. PODOLSKI, Basil Blackwell, 1986)” (p. 132); VAN WATERSCHOOT, W.: “Toegepaste marketing (P. VAN NIEROP, Samsom, 1985)” (p. 132-133); MATTHYSSENS, P.: “Strategy in retailing: Theory and application (Derek KNEE & David WALTERS, Philip Allan, 1985)” (p. 133); JANSSENS, G.: “Inkoop van marketingonderzoek (J.J.R. VAN MINDEN, H.E. Stenfert Kroese, 1986)” (p. 134); VAN DE VOORDE, E.: “Fysieke distributie (A.R. VAN GOOR, Samsom Uitgeverij, 1986)” (p. 134); DERIJCKE, L.: “Waarom alles altijd verkeerd gaat. (Laurence J. PETER, uitgevers, 1985)” (p. 135); VAN MECHELEN, C.: “Simulatie (S.K.T. BOERSMA & T. HOENDERKAMP, Academic Service, 1985)” (p. 135-136); NONNEMAN, W.: “The art of decision-making (Morton DAVIS, Springer-Verlag, 1986)” (p. 136); REYNS, C.: “Zoeklicht op de commissaris-revisor (René VAN ASBROECK & Peter DE BOCK, Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen, 1986)” (p. 137); JORISSEN, A.: “The regulation of accounting (Peter TAYLOR & Stuart TURLEY, Basil Blackwell, 1986)” (p. 137); DEMEYERE, L.: “International trade policy: The lawyers perspective (John H. JACKSON, Richard O. CUNNINGHAM & Claude G.B. FONTHEIM, Matthew Bender, 1985)” (p. 138); VRANKEN, J.: “Politik der armut und die spaltung des sozialstaats (Stephan LEIBFRIED & Florian TENNSTEDT, Suhrkamp Verlang, 1985)” (p. 139-140); GOETHALS, H.: “Solidariteit in crisis (Frans SPINNEWYN, Uitgeverij Acco, 1985)” (p. 140); VAN LOON, F.: “Methods and experiences in impact assessment (Henk A. BECKER & Alan L. PORTER, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1986)” (p. 141); POURVOYEUR, R.: “Trading for growth: The next round of trade negotiations (Gary Clyde HUFBAUER & Jeffrey J. SCHOTT, Institute for International Economics, 1985)” (p. 142); BAUDEZ, L.: “Jaarboek van de haven van Antwerpen, 1986-1987. Jaarboek van de havens van Zeebrugge en Oostende, 1986-1987 (s.n., Antwerpse Lloyd, 1986)” (p. 142-143)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1987, 41, (1), 121-143 Downloads
  2. VAN DE VOORDE, E.: “Handbook of regional and urban economics (Peter NIJKAMP, North-Holland, 1986)” (p. 803); KÉSENNE, S.: “Handbook of labor economics (Orley ASHENFELTER & Richard LAYARD, North-Holland, 1986)” (p. 803-804); KÉSENNE, S.: “Economics of labor in industrial society (Clark KERR & Paul D. STAUDOHAR, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1986)” (p. 804); VAN POECK, A.: “International political economics (Bruno S. FREY, Basil Blackwell, 1984)” (p. 805); ROOSSENS, P.: “International trade, employment and structural adjustment: The United States (H. Peter GRAY, Thomas PUGEL & Ingo WALTER, International Labour Office, 1986)” (p. 806); VAN HOUTE, P.: “Technology, innovation and economic policy (Peter HALL, Philip Allan, 1986)” (p. 806); ROOSSENS, P.: “Trade in transit (Hans VISSER & Evert SCHOORL, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1986)” (p. 807); PLASSCHAERT, S.: “Financial intermediation beyond the debt crisis (Donald R. LESSARD & John WILLIAMSON, Institute for International Economics, 1985)” (p. 807); HEYLEN, F.: “Problems of international money, 1972-85 (Michael POSNER, Overseas Development Institute, 1986)” (p. 808); LIERMAN, F.: “International lending: Country risk analysis (Emilio MAYER, Reston Publishing Company, 1985)” (p. 809); CLAESSENS, E.: “Economics of managerial decision-making (G.P. MARSHALL & B.J. MCCORMICK, Basil Blackwell, 1986)” (p. 809); PARYS, W.: “Contradictions and dilemmas (János KORNAI, MIT Press, 1986)” (p. 810); DE BRABANDER, G.: “Regional econometric modeling (M. Ray PERRYMAN & James R. SCHMIDT, Kluwer Nijhoff Publishing, 1986)” (p. 810-811); WEVERBERGH, M.: “Dynamische markttheorie (H.W. DE JONG, H.E. Stenfert Kroese, 1985)” (p. 811); PAUWELS, J.: “The reconstruction of economic theory (Philip MIROWSKY, Kluwer-Nijhoff Publishing, 1986)” (p. 811-812); MEGANCK, J.: “Economic history and the history of economics (Mark BLAUG, Wheatsheaf Books, 1986)” (p. 812-813); MEGANCK, J.: “History of modern non-Marxian economics (Antal MÁTYÁS, Macmillan Education Ltd., 1985)” (p. 813); LAMBRECHT, M.: “Het flexibele bedrijf (L.U. DE SITTER e.a., Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappelijke uitgaven, 1986)” (p. 814); APPELMANS, J.L.: “The economics of futures markets (Jerome L. STEIN, Basil Blackwell, 1986)” (p. 814-815); DERIJCKE, L.: “Sociaal beleid becijferd (K.F. JANSEN, W.H.A. SCHAFRAT & P. SCHANSMAN, Kluwer, 1987)” (p. 815); JEGERS, M.: “Financial statement analysis (Charles H. GIBSON & Patricia A. FRISHKOFF, Kent Publishing Company, 1986)” (p. 816); DE MEYER, J.: “Manager en informative (J. IN ‘t VELDT, Elsevier, 1986)” (p. 816-817); GOETHALS, H.: “Volmachten en sociale zekerheid, 1983/84 (Jef VAN LANGENDONCK e.a., Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen, 1985)” (p. 817-818); BALLON, G.L.: “Verbintenissen en overeenkomsten in kort bestek (R. VANDEPUTTE, Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen, 1986)” (p. 818); VANROELEN, A.: “Working time reduction and the crisis in the welfare state (Alfred KLEINKNECHT & Tom VAN VEEN, Presses Interuniversitaires Européennes, 1986)” (p. 818-819); VRANKEN, J.: “The Swiss way of welfare (Ralph SEGALMAN, Praeger Publishers, 1986)” (p. 819-820)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1987, 41, (5), 803-820 Downloads
  3. VAN POECK, A.: “Dollars, debts, and deficits (Rudiger DORNBUSCH, The MIT Press, 1986)” (p. 939-940); MOESEN, W.: “Fiscal policy in the smaller industrial countries (Gisli BLÖNDAL, International Monetary Fund, 198)” (p. 940); PAUWELS, W.: “Microeconomic theory (Larry SAMUELSON, Kluwer-Nijhoff Publishing, 1986)” (p. 941) ROOSENS, P.: “Nederland en de liberalisatie van het handels- en betalingsverkeer (1945-1958) (J.M.M.J. CLERX, Wolters-Noordhoff, 1986)” (p. 942); MEGANCK, J.: “Mesoeconomics (Yew-Kwang NG, Wheatsheaf Books, 1986)” (p. 942-943); KÉSENNE, S.: “Labour-managed firms, employee participation and profit sharing (Will BARTLETT & Milica UVALIC, MCB University Press, 1986)” (p. 943); JEGERS, M.: “The economics of the firm (Roger CLARKE & Tony MCGUINESS, Basil Blackwell, 197)” (p. 943-944); WEVERBERGH, M.: “Mainstreams in industrial organization (H.W. DE JONG & W.G. SHEPHERD, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1986)” (p. 944-945); PAUWELS, J.: “Pre-Classical economic thought (S. Todd LOWRY, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1986)” (p. 945-946); VERBRUGGEN, A.: “Natural resource economics (Daniel W. BROMLEY, Kluwer Nijhoff Publishing, 1985)” (p. 946); VANSINA, L.S.: “The Japanese automobile industry (Michael A. CUSUMANO, Harvard University Press, 1985)” (p. 947); DURINCK, E.: “Strategic behaviour and industrial competition (D.J. MORRIS, P.J.N. SINCLAIR, M.D.E. SLATER & J.S. VICKERS, Clarendon Press, 1986)” (p. 947); KYMPERS, L.: “Competition in global industries (Michael E. PORTER, Harvard Business School Press, 1986)” (p. 948); VLOEBERGHS, D.: “The clash of cultures (Joseph A. RAELIN, Harvard Business School Press, 1986)” (p. 948-949); VAN WATERSCHOOT, W.: “Consumer market research handbook (Robert M. ORCESTER & John DOWNHAM, North-Holland, 1986)” (p. 949-950); JEGERS, M.: “Management of company finance (J.M. SAMUELS & F.M. WILKES, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. Ltd., 1986)” (p. 950); CASSIMON, D.: “The financial revolution (Adrian HAMILTON, Penguin Books, 1986)” (p. 951); VLOEBERGHS, D.: “Zes denkende hoofddeksels (Edward DE BONO, uitgevers, 1986)” (p. 951); VLOEBERGHS, D.: “Classic Advice on Handling the Manager’s job (s.n., Publishers, 1986)” (p. 952); VAN MECHELEN, C.: “Financial management with lotus 1-2-3 (Hugh S. MCLAUGHLIN & Russell BOULDING, Prentice-Hall, 1986)” (p. 952-953); MOONS, C.: “dBASE III Plus handbook (George Tsu-der CHOU, Academic Service, 1987)” (p. 953); VAN GREMBERGEN, W.: “SQL in de praktijk (H.B. EILERS, W.F. JANSEN & H.H.J. DE VOLDER, Academic Service, 1986)” (p. 953); VAN MECHELEN, C.: “Economic forecasting for business (John J. MCAULEY, Prentice-Hall, 1986)” (p. 954); COUTURIER, J.J.: “Pensioensparen (Luc BAUDUIN e.a., Uitgeverij Biblo, 1987)” (p. 955-956); GOETHALS, H.: “Koninklijke commissie sociale zekerheid (Herman DELEECK, Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen, 1986)” (p. 956-957); CANTILLON, B.: “Sociale (on)gelijkheid (W.A. DUMON, Sociologisch Onderzoeksinstituut, 1986)” (p. 957-958); VRANKEN, J.: “The perception of poverty (Aldi J.M. HAGENAARS, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1986)” (p. 958-959); BAUDEZ, L.: “Jaarboek van de haven van Antwerpen 1987-1988. Bijlage: Atlas van de haven van Antwerpen (s.n., Antwerpse Lloyd, 1987)” (p. 960); BAUDEZ, L.: “Index van de haven van Antwerpen 1987 (s.n., Antwerpse Lloyd, 1987)” (p. 960); BAUDEZ, L.: “Jaarboek van de haven van Gent 1987 (s.n., Antwerpse Lloyd, 1987)” (p. 960)
    Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift), 1987, 41, (6), 939-960 Downloads


  1. Substitution in consumption: An application to the allocation of time
    European Economic Review, 1983, 23, (2), 231-239 Downloads View citations (5)
    See also Working Paper Substitution in consumption, an application to the allocation of time, SESO Working Papers (1980) Downloads (1980)



  1. The Economic Theory of Professional Team Sports
    Books, Edward Elgar Publishing Downloads
    Also in Books, Edward Elgar Publishing (2007) Downloads View citations (20)

Edited books


  1. A Modern Guide to Sports Economics
    Books, Edward Elgar Publishing Downloads


  1. Outcome Uncertainty in Sporting Events
    Books, Edward Elgar Publishing Downloads


  1. The Economics of Competitive Sports
    Books, Edward Elgar Publishing Downloads View citations (1)


  1. The Econometrics of Sport
    Books, Edward Elgar Publishing Downloads View citations (5)


  1. The Economics of Sport, Health and Happiness
    Books, Edward Elgar Publishing Downloads View citations (14)


  1. The Economics of Sport and the Media
    Books, Edward Elgar Publishing Downloads View citations (9)



  1. Introduction to A Modern Guide to Sports Economics
    Chapter 1 in A Modern Guide to Sports Economics, 2021, pp 1-4 Downloads
  2. Uncertainty of outcome and competitive balance: impact, causes and cures
    Chapter 6 in A Modern Guide to Sports Economics, 2021, pp 70-88 Downloads


  1. Do football spectators like dynasties? Long-term uncertainty of outcome and stadium attendance
    Chapter 9 in Outcome Uncertainty in Sporting Events, 2020, pp 135-140 Downloads


  1. The collection and distribution of media rights in a win-maximization league
    Chapter 5 in Handbook on the Economics of Professional Football, 2014, pp 73-79 Downloads


  1. Comparing management performance of Belgian football clubs
    A chapter in Zur Ökonomik von Spitzenleistungen im internationalen Sport, 2012, pp 195-205 Downloads
    See also Working Paper Comparing management performances of Belgian football clubs, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics (2007) Downloads View citations (1) (2007)
  2. The Economic Impact, Costs and Benefits of the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games: Who Wins, Who Loses?
    Chapter 16 in International Handbook on the Economics of Mega Sporting Events, 2012 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Competitive Balance and Gate Revenue Sharing in Team Sports
    Palgrave Macmillan
    See also Working Paper Competitive balance and gate revenue sharing in team sports, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics (2003) Downloads View citations (5) (2003)
    Journal Article Competitive balance and gate revenue sharing in team sports, Wiley Blackwell (2004) Downloads View citations (197) (2004)


  1. The Bosman Case and European Football
    Chapter 68 in Handbook on the Economics of Sport, 2006 Downloads
  2. The Objective Function of a Team
    Chapter 63 in Handbook on the Economics of Sport, 2006 Downloads
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