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Revue d'économie politique

2001 - 2024

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Volume 131, issue 6, 2021

Paul Milgrom et Robert Wilson. De la théorie à la pratique des enchères pp. 825-847 Downloads
Florence Naegelen
La création d’espaces naturels protégés stimule-t-elle le développement économique local ? Une revue de la littérature pp. 849-886 Downloads
Chloé Duvivier
Les étudiants en économie sont-ils endoctrinés ? Bilan et perspectives pp. 887-926 Downloads
Nicolas Eber
Rivalités régionales et financements des insurrections pp. 927-950 Downloads
Mahdi Fawaz
A Model of Hospital Congestion with Imperfect Referral System pp. 951-970 Downloads
Damien Besancenot, Nicolas Sirven and Radu Vranceanu
Confinement et chômage en France pp. 971-1009 Downloads
Malak Kandoussi and Francois Langot

Volume 131, issue 5, 2021

Back to Front: The Role of Seminars, Conferences and Workshops in the History of Economics. Preface to the Second Issue pp. 723-727 Downloads
Beatrice Cherrier and Aurélien Saïdi
They Never Walked Alone. Workshop, Seminars, Conferences and the Making of Virginia Political Economy pp. 729-751 Downloads
Peter J. Boettke, Alain Marciano and Solomon Stein
An Army of Fighters for Freedom. The social environment of the first Mont-Pèlerin Society conference pp. 753-776 Downloads
Ola Innset
The Cowles Summer Research Conferences on Economics and Statistics 1935-1940: Building a Community for Mathematical Economics and Econometrics pp. 777-801 Downloads
Robert Dimand
From Multidisciplinarity to Interdisciplinarity: on The Role of the Seminar as an Interface for Exchange, The case of the Seminar on Trust and Social change (1985-1986) pp. 803-824 Downloads
Nicolas Camilotto

Volume 131, issue 4, 2021

Back to Front: The Role of Seminars, Conferences and Workshops in the History of Economics pp. 609-635 Downloads
Beatrice Cherrier and Aurélien Saïdi
The Ostrom Workshop: Artisanship and Knowledge Commons pp. 637-664 Downloads
Erwin Dekker and Pavel Kuchař
The Columbia Labor Workshop – The Rise and Decline of an Intellectual Community pp. 665-691 Downloads
Pedro Teixeira
European Economics and the Early Years of the International Seminar on Macroeconomics pp. 693-722 Downloads
Aurélien Goutsmedt, Matthieu Renault and Francesco Sergi

Volume 131, issue 3, 2021

Expectations in Past and Modern Economic Theory. Foreword pp. 323-332 Downloads
Richard Arena, Muriel Dal Pont Legrand and Roger Guesnerie
Taking expectations seriously: A leitmotif in Stockholm School economics pp. 333-369 Downloads
Hans-Michael Trautwein
Keynes’s methodology and the analysis of economic agent behavior in a complex world pp. 371-402 Downloads
Richard Arena and Eric Nasica
Great Expectations. Hicks on expectations from Theory of Wages [1932] to Value and Capital [1939] pp. 403-448 Downloads
Jean-Sébastien Lenfant
When Muth’s entrepreneurs meet Schrödinger’s cat pp. 449-459 Downloads
Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira
Understanding expectational coordination as a major intellectual challenge: The “eductive” guide line pp. 461-484 Downloads
Roger Guesnerie
Rational expectations in a changing world pp. 485-509 Downloads
Alan Kirman
Expectations and full employment. Hansen, Samuelson and Lange pp. 511-530 Downloads
Michaël Assous, Olivier Bruno, Vincent Carret and Muriel Dal Pont Legrand
Information and expectations in policy-making: Friedman’s changing approaches to macroeconomic dynamics pp. 531-556 Downloads
Sylvie Rivot
From the Stagflation to the Great Inflation: Explaining the US economy of the 1970s pp. 557-582 Downloads
Aurélien Goutsmedt
Theories of Learning and Economic Policy pp. 583-608 Downloads
George Evans

Volume 131, issue 2, 2021

« Partager le revenu ». Pour une nouvelle formule de financement de l’enseignement supérieur qui vient de l’Oregon pp. 173-197 Downloads
Raùl Magni-Berton
Les barèmes, outils d’aide à la décision pour les justiciables et les juges pp. 199-222 Downloads
Cécile Bourreau-Dubois, Bruno Deffains, Myriam Doriat-Duban and Bruno Jeandidier
Aux origines des disparités de dépenses des départements français: une analyse empirique (2006-2016) pp. 223-247 Downloads
Marie-Line Duboz, Julie Le Gallo and Matthieu Houser
Note on Democracy and Competition: The Role of Ownership Structure in a General Equilibrium Model with Vertical Preferences pp. 249-261 Downloads
Hend Ghazzai, Wided Hemissi, Rim Lahmandi-Ayed and Sana Mami Kefi
La proximité du dirigeant et des administrateurs renforce-t-elle la position concurrentielle de la firme ? pp. 263-296 Downloads
Cédric Van Appelghem, Pascal Nguyen and Younes Ben Zaied
Manipulabilité coalitionnelle du vote par note à trois niveaux: quantification et comparaison à trois autres règles de vote pp. 297-321 Downloads
Abdelhalim El Ouafdi, Dominique Lepelley, Jérôme Serais and Hatem Smaoui

Volume 131, issue 1, 2021

Jacques Lesourne (1928-2020). Une méthode au service d’une vision pp. 1-9 Downloads
Jacques Thépot
Le processus de destruction créatrice est-il à même de rétablir la croissance économique ? Réflexions à partir de l’ouvrage « Le pouvoir de la destruction créatrice: innovation, croissance et avenir du capitalisme » de Philippe Aghion, Céline Antonin et Simon Bunel (Odile Jacob [2020]) pp. 11-18 Downloads
David Encaoua
Heterogeneity and Cross-Sectional Dependence in Panels: Heterogeneous vs. Homogeneous Estimators pp. 19-55 Downloads
Oguzhan Akgun, Alain Pirotte and Giovanni Urga
Characterising Bilateral Trade between sub-Saharan Africa and China: The Specific Role of Institutional Quality pp. 57-88 Downloads
Laurent Didier and Jean-François Hoarau
French Local Government Borrowing’s Spatial Effects: A Spatial Panel Data Analysis of French Metropolitan Departments pp. 89-105 Downloads
Philippe Froute
« La théorie positive de la monnaie » de Nogaro: contribution à l’explication des phénomènes hyperinflationnistes pp. 107-135 Downloads
Daouda Drabo
Agriculture Productivity Gains and their Distribution for the Main EU Members pp. 137-172 Downloads
Jean-Philippe Boussemart and Raluca Parvulescu

Volume 130, issue 6, 2020

Political Economy of Conflict and Institutions. Foreword pp. 847-854 Downloads
Mehrdad Vahabi
The Political Economy of Revolution and Institutional Change: the Elite and Mass Revolutions pp. 855-889 Downloads
Mehrdad Vahabi, Philippe Batifoulier and Nicolas Da Silva
Property Out of Conflict: A Survey and Some New Results pp. 891-927 Downloads
Maria Cubel and Santiago Sánchez-Pagés
Why Are There Strikes? pp. 929-956 Downloads
Kyung nok Chun, Zachary Schaller and Stergios Skaperdas
Are Anarcho-Capitalists Insane? Medieval Icelandic Conflict Institutions in Comparative Perspective pp. 957-974 Downloads
Vincent Geloso and Peter Leeson
An Economic Analysis of Violent Crime pp. 975-999 Downloads
Petros Sekeris and Tanguy van Ypersele
Coase Goes to War: Contract Choice on the Battlefield pp. 1001-1023 Downloads
Ennio Piano
Burying the Hatchet pp. 1025-1044 Downloads
Colin Harris and Adam Kaiser

Volume 130, issue 5, 2020

Capital et idéologie en Chine: retour sur les estimations et conclusions de Thomas Piketty pp. 683-698 Downloads
Cao Ruile
On Some k -scoring Rules for Committee Elections: Agreement and Condorcet Principle pp. 699-725 Downloads
Mostapha Diss, Eric Kamwa and Abdelmonaim Tlidi
Comparing the Impacts of Some North-North and North-South Trade Agreements on Trade in Services pp. 727-758 Downloads
Laurent Didier
Une expérimentation de deux modes de scrutin en Martinique lors du premier tour de l’élection présidentielle de 2017 pp. 759-798 Downloads
Eric Kamwa, Gilles Joseph and Aurélie Roger
Biens méritoires et nudges dans le domaine de la santé publique pp. 799-821 Downloads
Fabienne Oguer
Policy Maker’s Credibility with Predetermined Instruments for Forward-Looking Targets pp. 823-846 Downloads
Jean-Bernard Chatelain and Kirsten Ralf

Volume 130, issue 4, 2020

L’idée de régulation dans les sciences: hommage à l’épistémologue Jean Piaget pp. 509-517 Downloads
Claude Diebolt
Faciliter la mobilité quotidienne des jeunes éloignés de l’emploi: une évaluation expérimentale pp. 519-544 Downloads
Denis Anne, Julie Le Gallo and Yannick L’Horty
À propos du statut épistémologique des expériences en économie pp. 545-572 Downloads
Yves de Curraize and Sylvie Thoron
Intermittent Electric Generation Technologies and Smart Meters: Substitutes or Complements pp. 573-613 Downloads
Fadoua Chiba and Sébastien Rouillon
Substituabilité entre assurance et auto-assurance: une propriété robuste à l’asymétrie d’information et à l’ambiguïté pp. 615-632 Downloads
Marielle Brunette, Anne Corcos, Stéphane Couture and François Pannequin
Pourquoi Vincent a-t-il moins de chances d’obtenir un logement qu’Émilie ? Une analyse des causes de la discrimination à l’égard des noms masculins pp. 633-657 Downloads
Alexandre Flage
Prison Sentencing and Criminal Activity: A Dynamic Model pp. 659-681 Downloads
Jacques Pelletan

Volume 130, issue 3, 2020

Verdir la politique monétaire pp. 311-343 Downloads
Hubert Kempf
Incitations et Redistribution en France, 2010-2011 pp. 345-371 Downloads
Stephane Gauthier and Robin Le Huérou-Kérisel
Multilateral Trade Liberalization and Trade Tax versus Non-Trade Tax Revenue pp. 373-403 Downloads
Sèna Kimm Gnangnon
Commons as a Risk-Management Tool: Theoretical Predictions and an Experimental Test pp. 405-439 Downloads
Marielle Brunette, Philippe Delacote, Serge Garcia and Jean-Marc Rousselle
Vertical Differentiation, Uncertainty, Product R & D and Policy Instruments in a North-South Duopoly pp. 441-472 Downloads
Julien Berthoumieu and Viola Lamani
Optimisation « économique » vs « physique » des réseaux de surveillance de la qualité de l’eau pp. 473-499 Downloads
François Destandau and Youssef Zaiter
François Lévêque, Les habits neufs de la concurrence, Paris, Odile Jacob, 2017; et Competition new clothes, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019 pp. 501-506 Downloads
Émile Quinet

Volume 130, issue 2, 2020

Introduction. Special issue on unconventional monetary policies pp. 133-135 Downloads
Jean-Guillaume Sahuc
Unconventional monetary policies: A stock-taking exercise pp. 137-169 Downloads
Christian Pfister and Jean-Guillaume Sahuc
Balance Sheet Policies in a Large Currency Union: A Primer on ECB Non-Standard Measures since 2014 pp. 171-230 Downloads
Matthieu Darracq-Pariès and Niki Papadopoulou
How did unconventional monetary policies impact market expectations? pp. 231-256 Downloads
Désiré Kanga and Grégory Levieuge
Monetary policy and asset prices in the euro area since the global financial crisis pp. 257-281 Downloads
Christophe Blot, Paul Hubert and Fabien Labondance
Public Opinion on Central Banks when Economic Policy is Uncertain pp. 283-306 Downloads
Klodiana Istrefi and Anamaria Piloiu

Volume 130, issue 1, 2020

Introduction. Le capital humain: perspectives historiques et cliométriques pp. 1-4 Downloads
Claude Diebolt and Charlotte Le Chapelain
Schultz et le capital humain: une trajectoire intellectuelle pp. 5-25 Downloads
Charlotte Le Chapelain and Sylvère Matéos
Human Capital in European Regions since the French Revolution: Lessons for Economic and Education Policies pp. 27-50 Downloads
Ralph Hippe
Gender Gap in Numeracy and the Role of Marital Status. Evidence from 19th century France pp. 51-76 Downloads
Faustine Perrin
Quite a Visible Hand? State Funding and Primary Education in 19th-century France and Italy pp. 77-105 Downloads
Gabriele Cappelli
A Tale of Two “Educational Revolutions”. Human Capital Formation in England in the Long Run pp. 107-130 Downloads
Alexandra de Pleijt
Page updated 2025-03-31