Judgment and Decision Making
2006 - 2025
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Volume 4, month December, 2009
- The role of representation in experience-based choice pp. 518-529

- Adrian R. Camilleri and Ben R. Newell
- Emerging sacred values: Iran’s nuclear program pp. 530-533

- Morteza Dehghani, Rumen Iliev, Sonya Sachdeva, Scott Atran, Jeremy Ginges and Douglas Medin
- Prefer a cash slap in your face over credit for halva pp. 534-542

- Hamed Ekhtiari, Arian Behzadi, Morteza Dehghani, Ali Jannati and Azarakhsh Mokri
- Moral emotions as determinants of third-party punishment: Anger, guilt, and the functions of altruistic sanctions pp. 543-553

- Rob M. A. Nelissen and Marcel Zeelenberg
- Are within-subjects designs transparent? pp. 554-566

- Charles Lambdin and Victoria A. Shaffer
- The Risk-as-feelings hypothesis in a Theory-of-planned-behaviour perspective pp. 567-586

- Therese Kobbeltved and Katharina Wolff
- A fine-grained analysis of the jumping-to-conclusions bias in schizophrenia: Data-gathering, response confidence, and information integration pp. 587-600

- Andreas Glöckner and Steffen Moritz
- Methodological pitfalls of the Unconscious Thought paradigm pp. 601-610

- Laurent Waroquier, David Marchiori, Olivier Klein and Axel Cleeremans
Volume 4, month October, 2009
- From group diffusion to ratio bias: Effects of denominator and numerator salience on intuitive risk and likelihood judgments pp. 436-446

- Paul C. Price and Teri V. Matthews
- The coexistence of overestimation and underweighting of rare events and the contingent recency effect pp. 447-460

- Greg Barron and Eldad Yechiam
- A paycheck half-empty or half-full? Framing, fairness and progressive taxation pp. 461-466

- Stian Reimers
- Exploiting moral wiggle room: Illusory preference for fairness? A comment pp. 467-474

- Tara Larson and C. Monica Capra
- Additivity dominance: Additivites are more potent and more often lexicalized across languages than are “subtractives” pp. 475-478

- Paul Rozin, Claude Fischler and Christy Shields-Argelès
- The motivated use of moral principles pp. 479-491

- Eric Luis Uhlmann, David A. Pizarro, David Tannenbaum and Peter H. Ditto
- The benefits of global scaling in multi-criteria decision analysis pp. 492-508

- Jamie P. Monat
- Are complex decisions better left to the unconscious? Further failed replications of the deliberation-without-attention effect pp. 509-517

- Dustin P. Calvillo and Alan Penaloza
Volume 4, month August, 2009
- The retrospective gambler’s fallacy: Unlikely events, constructing the past, and multiple universes pp. 326-334

- Daniel M. Oppenheimer and Benoît Monin
- How distinct are intuition and deliberation? An eye-tracking analysis of instruction-induced decision modes pp. 335-354

- Nina Horstmann, Andrea Ahlgrimm and Andreas Glöckner
- Recalled emotions and risk judgments: Field study of the 2006 Israel-Lebanon War pp. 355-365

- Shosh Shahrabani, Uri Benzion and Tal Shavit
- Bayesian analysis of deterministic and stochastic prisoner’s dilemma games pp. 363-384

- Howard Kunreuther, Gabriel Silvasi, Eric T. Bradlow and Dylan Small
- Fear and loathing in Las Vegas: Evidence from blackjack tables pp. 385-396

- Bruce I. Carlin and David Robinson
- Post-decision consolidation and distortion of facts pp. 397-407

- Ola Svenson, Ilkka Salo and Torun Lindholm
- Information search and information distortion in the diagnosis of an ambiguous presentation pp. 408-419

- Olga Kostopoulou, Christos Mousoulis and Brendan Delaney
- How different types of participant payments alter task performance pp. 419-428

- Gary L. Brase
- On the relative importance of the hot stove effect and the tendency to rely on small samples pp. 429-435

- Takemi Fujikawa
Volume 4, month June, 2009
- The mean, the median, and the St. Petersburg paradox pp. 256-272

- Benjamin Y. Hayden and Michael L. Platt
- Posthumous events affect rated quality and happiness of lives pp. 273-279

- Paul Rozin and Jennifer Stellar
- Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow: Individual differences in future self-continuity account for saving pp. 280-286

- Hal Ersner-Hershfield, M. Tess Garton, Kacey Ballard, Gregory R. Samanez-Larkin and Brian Knutson
- Reducing the impact bias in judgments of post-decisional affect: Distraction or task interference? pp. 287-296

- Nick Sevdalis and Nigel Harvey
- Attentional mechanisms in the generation of sympathy pp. 297-306

- Stephan Dickert and Paul Slovic
- Selective information sampling: Cognitive coherence in evaluation of a novel item pp. 307-316

- Peter A. F. Fraser-Mackenzie and Itiel E. Dror
- Information asymmetry in decision from description versus decision from experience pp. 317-325

- Liat Hadar and Craig R. Fox
Volume 4, month April, 2009
- Investigating intuitive and deliberate processes statistically: The multiple-measure maximum likelihood strategy classification method pp. 186-199

- Andreas Glöckner
- Compensatory versus noncompensatory models for predicting consumer preferences pp. 200-213

- Anja Dieckmann, Katrin Dippold and Holger Dietrich
- A study of fairness judgments in China, Switzerland and Canada: Do culture, being a student, and gender matter? pp. 214-226

- Yue Gao
- The effects of anticipated regret on risk preferences of social and problem gamblers pp. 227-234

- Karin Tochkov
- Does unconscious thought outperform conscious thought on complex decisions? A further examination pp. 235-247

- Todd J. Thorsteinson and Scott Withrow
- Healthy choices in context: How contextual cues can influence the persuasiveness of framed health messages pp. 248-255

- Michael McCormick and Todd McElroy
Volume 4, month March, 2009
- Introduction to the special issue: Coherence and correspondence in judgment and decision making pp. 113-115

- Philip T. Dunwoody
- Theories of truth as assessment criteria in judgment and decision making pp. 116-125

- Philip T. Dunwoody
- Correspondence and coherence in science: A brief historical perspective pp. 126-133

- Neal V. Dawson and Fredrick Gregory
- Coherence and correspondence in medicine pp. 134-140

- Thomas G. Tape
- Are patient decision aids effective? Insight from revisiting the debate between correspondence and coherence theories of judgment pp. 141-146

- Victoria A. Shaffer and Lukas Hulsey
- Coherence and correspondence in engineering design: informing the conversation and connecting with judgment and decision-making research pp. 147-153

- Konstantinos V. Katsikopoulos
- Searching for coherence in a correspondence world pp. 154-163

- Kathleen L. Mosier
- Criteria for performance evaluation pp. 164-174

- David J. Weiss, Kristin Brennan, Rick Thomas, Alex Kirlik and Sarah M. Miller
- Coherence and correspondence in the psychological analysis of numerical predictions: How error-prone heuristics are replaced by ecologically valid heuristics pp. 175-185

- Yoav Ganzach
Volume 4, month February, 2009
- Time preference and its relationship with age, health, and survival probability pp. 1-19

- Li-Wei Chao, Helena Szrek, Nuno Sousa Pereira and Mark V. Pauly
- Cognitive abilities and superior decision making under risk: A protocol analysis and process model evaluation pp. 20-33

- Edward T. Cokely and Colleen M. Kelley
- Numeracy, frequency, and Bayesian reasoning pp. 34-40

- Gretchen B. Chapman and Jingjing Liu
- Moody experts — How mood and expertise influence judgmental anchoring pp. 41-50

- Birte Englich and Kirsten Soder
- Speakers' choice of frame in binary choice: Effects of recommendation mode and option attractiveness pp. 51-63

- Marc van Buiten and Gideon Keren
- Psychophysics and the judgment of price: Judging complex objects on a non-physical dimension elicits sequential effects like those in perceptual tasks pp. 64-81

- William J. Matthews and Neil Stewart
- Causal explanations affect judgments of the need for psychological treatment pp. 82-91

- Nancy S. Kim and Stefanie T. LoSavio
- Aging and choice: Applications to Medicare Part D pp. 92-101

- Betty E. Tanius, Stacey Wood, Yaniv Hanoch and Thomas Rice
- “Am I going to be happy and financially stable?”: How American women feel when they think about financial security pp. 102-112

- Talya Miron-Shatz
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