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Judgment and Decision Making

2006 - 2025

From Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press, UPH, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8BS UK.

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Volume 12, month November, 2017

Numerosity and allocation behavior: Insights using the dictator game pp. 527-536 Downloads
Sunaina Shrivastava, Gaurav Jain, Dhananjay Nayakankuppam, Gary J. Gaeth and Irwin P Levin
Further evidence for the memory state heuristic: Recognition latency predictions for binary inferences pp. 537-552 Downloads
Marta Castela and Edgar Erdfelder
‘Tis better to choose and lose than to never choose at all pp. 553-562 Downloads
Nathaniel J. S. Ashby, Tim Rakow and Eldad Yechiam
Between me and we: The importance of self-profit versus social justifiability for ethical decision making pp. 563-571 Downloads
Sina A. Klein, Isabel Thielmann, Benjamin E. Hilbig and Ingo Zettler
Are additives unnatural? Generality and mechanisms of additivity dominance pp. 572-583 Downloads
Sydney E. Scott and Paul Rozin
Ambiguity and expectation-neglect in dilemmas of interpersonal trust pp. 584-595 Downloads
Anthony M. Evans and Joachim I. Krueger
A novel approach to studying strategic decisions with eye-tracking and machine learning pp. 596-609 Downloads
Michal Krol and Magdalena Krol
Accountability and adaptive performance under uncertainty: A long-term view pp. 610-626 Downloads
Welton Chang, Pavel Atanasov, Shefali Patil, Barbara A. Mellers and Philip E. Tetlock
Justifying the judgment process affects neither judgment accuracy, nor strategy use pp. 627-641 Downloads
Janina A. Hoffmann, Wolfgang Gaissmaier and Bettina von Helversen

Volume 12, month September, 2017

When your anchor sinks your boat: Information asymmetry in distributive negotiations and the disadvantage of making the first offer pp. 420-429 Downloads
Yossi Maaravi and Aharon Levy
A Bayesian latent mixture model approach to assessing performance in stock-flow reasoning pp. 430-444 Downloads
Arthur Kary, Guy E. Hawkins, Brett K. Hayes and Ben R. Newell
“I am uncertain” vs “It is uncertain”. How linguistic markers of the uncertainty source affect uncertainty communication pp. 445-465 Downloads
Marie Juanchich, Amélie Gourdon-Kanhukamwe and Miroslav Sirota
What lies beneath? Fear vs. disgust as affective predictors of absolutist opposition to genetically modified food and other new technologies pp. 466-480 Downloads
Edward Royzman, Corey Cusimano and Robert F. Leeman
Decisions in moral dilemmas: The influence of subjective beliefs in outcome probabilities pp. 481-490 Downloads
Yiyun Shou and Fei Song
Measuring the relative contributions of rule-based and exemplar-based processes in judgment: Validation of a simple model pp. 491-506 Downloads
Arndt Bröder, Michael Gräf and Pascal J. Kieslich
How should we measure Americans’ perceptions of socio-economic mobility? pp. 507-515 Downloads
Lawton K. Swan, John R. Chambers, Martin Heesacker and Sondre S. Nero
Vulnerable maximizers: The role of decision difficulty pp. 516-526 Downloads
Kaeun Kim and Elizabeth G. Miller

Volume 12, month July, 2017

The relationship between crowd majority and accuracy for binary decisions pp. 328-343 Downloads
Michael D. Lee and Megan N. Lee
FFTrees: A toolbox to create, visualize, and evaluate fast-and-frugal decision trees pp. 344-368 Downloads
Nathaniel D. Phillips, Hansjörg Neth, Jan K. Woike and Wolfgang Gaissmaier
How generalizable is good judgment? A multi-task, multi-benchmark study pp. 369-381 Downloads
Barbara A. Mellers, Joshua D. Baker, Eva Chen, David R. Mandel and Philip E. Tetlock
Is broad bracketing always better? How broad decision framing leads to more optimal preferences over repeated gambles pp. 382-395 Downloads
Elizabeth C. Webb and Suzanne B. Shu
When is it appropriate to reprimand a norm violation? The roles of anger, behavioral consequences, violation severity, and social distance pp. 396-407 Downloads
Kimmo Eriksson, Per A. Andersson and Pontus Strimling
The value of vulnerability: The transformative capacity of risky trust pp. 408-414 Downloads
Luigino Bruni and Fabio Tufano
Order effects in the results of song contests: Evidence from the Eurovision and the New Wave pp. 415-419 Downloads
Evgeny A. Antipov and Elena B. Pokryshevskaya

Volume 12, month May, 2017

To increase engagement, offer less: The effect of assortment size on children’s engagement pp. 198-207 Downloads
Michal Maimaran
It’s not fair: Folk intuitions about disadvantageous and advantageous inequity aversion pp. 208-223 Downloads
Alex Shaw and Shoham Choshen-Hillel
How do individuals evaluate and respond to pro-equality decision makers? It depends on joint outcome and Social Value Orientation pp. 224-235 Downloads
Hong Zhang, Weijing Deng and Jiawei Zhu
Moral judgments of risky choices: A moral echoing effect pp. 236-252 Downloads
Mary Parkinson and Ruth M. J. Byrne
Better is worse, worse is better: Reexamination of violations of dominance in intertemporal choice pp. 253-259 Downloads
Cheng-Ming Jiang, Hong-Mei Sun, Long-Fei Zhu, Lei Zhao, Hong-Zhi Liu and Hong-Yue Sun
Establishing the relevance of non-compensatory choice algorithms from stated choice surveys – an exploration pp. 260-279 Downloads
Evert Jan van de Kaa
Is saving lives your task or God’s? Religiosity, belief in god, and moral judgment pp. 280-296 Downloads
Netta Barak-Corren and Max H. Bazerman
Moral pluralism on the trolley tracks: Different normative principles are used for different reasons in justifying moral judgments pp. 297-307 Downloads
Büsra Aktas, Onurcan Yilmaz and Hasan G. Bahçekapili
It’s not right but it’s permitted: Wording effects in moral judgement pp. 308-313 Downloads
Sergio Barbosa and William Jiménez-Leal
Perceptions of water systems pp. 314-327 Downloads
Shahzeen Z. Attari, Kelsey Poinsatte-Jones and Kelsey Hinton

Volume 12, month March, 2017

An IRT forecasting model: linking proper scoring rules to item response theory pp. 90-103 Downloads
Yuanchao Emily Bo, David V. Budescu, Charles Lewis, Philip E. Tetlock and Barbara Mellers
Strategies for exploration in the domain of losses pp. 104-117 Downloads
Paul M. Krueger, Robert C. Wilson and Jonathan D. Cohen
Hold on to it? An experimental analysis of the disposition effect pp. 118-127 Downloads
Matteo Ploner
Numeracy predicts preference consistency: Deliberative search heuristics increase choice consistency for choices from description and experience pp. 128-139 Downloads
Nathaniel J. S. Ashby
The relationship between cognitive style and political orientation depends on the measures used pp. 140-147 Downloads
Onurcan Yilmaz and S. Adil Saribay
Dual processes and moral conflict: Evidence for deontological reasoners’ intuitive utilitarian sensitivity pp. 148-167 Downloads
Michal Białek and Wim De Neys
Home bias in sport betting: Evidence from Czech betting market pp. 168-172 Downloads
Rostislav Stanek
Memory retrieval processes help explain the incumbency advantage pp. 173-182 Downloads
Anna Katharina Spälti, Mark J. Brandt and Marcel Zeelenberg
How much compensation is too much? An investigation of the effectiveness of financial overcompensation as a means to enhance customer loyalty pp. 183-197 Downloads
Tessa Haesevoets, Alain Van Hiel, Mario Pandelaere, Dries H. Bostyn and David De Cremer

Volume 12, month January, 2017

The relationship between intertemporal choice and following the path of least resistance across choices, preferences, and beliefs pp. 1-18 Downloads
Amitai Shenhav, David G. Rand and Joshua D. Greene
Hierarchical Bayesian modeling of intertemporal choice pp. 19-28 Downloads
Melisa E. Chávez, Elena Villalobos, José L. Baroja and Arturo Bouzas
Overconfidence over the lifespan pp. 29-41 Downloads
Julia P. Prims and Don A. Moore
How the number of options and perceived variety influence choice satisfaction: An experiment with prescription drug plans pp. 42-59 Downloads
Helena Szrek
Choice-justifications after allocating resources in helping dilemmas pp. 60-80 Downloads
Arvid Erlandsson, Fredrik Björklund and Martin Bäckström
Is loss-aversion magnitude-dependent? Measuring prospective affective judgments regarding gains and losses pp. 81-89 Downloads
Sumitava Mukherjee, Arvind Sahay, V. S. Chandrasekhar Pammi and Narayanan Srinivasan

Volume 11, month November, 2016

Toward understanding everyday decision making by adults across the autism spectrum pp. 537-547 Downloads
Gary J. Gaeth, Irwin P. Levin, Gaurav Jain and Eleanor V. Burke
The potential relationship between spicy taste and risk seeking pp. 547-553 Downloads
Xue Wang, Liuna Geng, Jiawen Qin and Sixie Yao
Contamination without contact: An examination of intention-based contagion pp. 554-571 Downloads
Olga Stavrova, George E. Newman, Anna Kulemann and Detlef Fetchenhauer
Semantic cross-scale numerical anchoring pp. 572-581 Downloads
Adam J. L. Harris and Maarten Speekenbrink
Trade-upgrade framing effects: Trades are losses, but upgrades are improvements pp. 582-588 Downloads
Yan Sun and Barbara Mellers
Partner selection supported by opaque reputation promotes cooperative behavior pp. 589-600 Downloads
Valerio Capraro, Francesca Giardini, Daniele Vilone and Mario Paolucci
The irrational hungry judge effect revisited: Simulations reveal that the magnitude of the effect is overestimated pp. 601-610 Downloads
Andreas Glöckner
The effect of interruption on the decision-making process pp. 611-626 Downloads
Cheryl A. Nicholas and Andrew L. Cohen

Volume 11, month September, 2016

Downside financial risk is misunderstood pp. 416-423 Downloads
Philip W. S. Newall
The effects of surrounding positive and negative experiences on risk taking pp. 424-440 Downloads
Sandra Schneider, Sandra Kauffman and Andrea Ranieri
Proportion dominance in valuing lives: The role of deliberative thinking pp. 441-449 Downloads
André Mata
Not by desire alone: The role of cognitive consistency in the desirability bias pp. 449-459 Downloads
J. Edward Russo and Jonathan C. Corbin
Salient nutrition labels increase the integration of health attributes in food decision-making pp. 460-471 Downloads
Laura Enax, Ian Krajbich and Bernd Weber
Process dynamics in delay discounting decisions: An attractor dynamics approach pp. 472-495 Downloads
Stefan Scherbaum, Simon Frisch, Susanne Leiberg, Steven J. Lade, Thomas Goschke and Maja Dshemuchadse
Representations of moral violations: Category members and associated features pp. 496-508 Downloads
Justin F. Landy
Developing expert political judgment: The impact of training and practice on judgmental accuracy in geopolitical forecasting tournaments pp. 509-526 Downloads
Welton Chang, Eva Chen, Barbara Mellers and Philip Tetlock
Anonymity and incentives: An investigation of techniques to reduce socially desirable responding in the Trust Game pp. 527-536 Downloads
Isabel Thielmann, Daniel W. Heck and Benjamin E. Hilbig

Volume 11, month July, 2016

Do Europeans like nudges? pp. 310-325 Downloads
Lucia A. Reisch and Cass R. Sunstein
It’s personal: The effect of personal value on utilitarian moral judgments pp. 326-331 Downloads
Charles Millar, Christina Starmans, Jonathan Fugelsang and Ori Friedman
Hedonic products for you, utilitarian products for me pp. 332-341 Downloads
Jingyi Lu, Zhengyan Liu and Zhe Fang
Energy conservation goals: What people adopt, what they recommend, and why pp. 342-351 Downloads
Shahzeen Z. Attari, David H. Krantz and Elke U. Weber
Are neoliberals more susceptible to bullshit? pp. 352-360 Downloads
Joanna Sterling, John T. Jost and Gordon Pennycook
The persistence of common-ratio effects in multiple-play decisions pp. 361-379 Downloads
Michael L. DeKay, Dan R. Schley, Seth A. Miller, Breann M. Erford, Jonghun Sun, Michael N. Karim and Mandy B. Lanyon
Enlarging the market yet decreasing the profit: An experimental study of competitive behavior when investment affects the prize pp. 380-390 Downloads
Einav Hart, Judith Avrahami and Yaakov Kareev
Framing effects on bidding behavior in experimental first-price sealed-bid money auctions pp. 391-400 Downloads
Justin S. Skillman and Michael J. Vernarelli
Seeking advice: A sampling approach to advice taking pp. 401-415 Downloads
Mandy Hütter and Fabian Ache

Volume 11, month May, 2016

Procedural priming of a numerical cognitive illusion pp. 205-212 Downloads
Kimmo Eriksson and Fredrik Jansson
Asymmetric dominance and the stability of constructed preferences pp. 213-222 Downloads
Anyuan Shen and Shuguang Liu
Graphs versus numbers: How information format affects risk aversion in gambling pp. 223-242 Downloads
Michael Dambacher, Peter Haffke, Daniel Groß and Ronald Hübner
Number preferences in lotteries pp. 243-259 Downloads
Tong V. Wang, Rogier J.D. Potter van Loon, Martijn J. van den Assem and Dennie van Dolder
The impact of time limitation: Insights from a queueing experiment pp. 260-274 Downloads
Anna Conte, Marco Scarsini and Oktay Sürücü
The Regret Elements Scale: Distinguishing the affective and cognitive components of regret pp. 275-286 Downloads
Joshua Buchanan, Amy Summerville, Jennifer Lehmann and Jochen Reb
An attempt to clarify the link between cognitive style and political ideology: A non-western replication and extension pp. 287-300 Downloads
Onurcan Yilmaz and S. Adil Saribay
The Simple Life: New experimental tests of the recognition heuristic pp. 301-309 Downloads
Zachariah Basehore and Richard B. Anderson

Volume 11, month March, 2016

On the meaning and measurement of maximization pp. 126-146 Downloads
Nathan N. Cheek and Barry Schwartz
Backward planning: Effects of planning direction on predictions of task completion time pp. 147-167 Downloads
Jessica Wiese, Roger Buehler and Dale Griffin
“Isn’t everyone like me?”: On the presence of self-similarity in strategic interactions pp. 168-173 Downloads
Ariel Rubinstein and Yuval Salant
Post-error recklessness and the hot hand pp. 174-184 Downloads
Paul Williams, Andrew Heathcote, Keith Nesbitt and Ami Eidels
On the generality of the effect of experiencing prior gains and losses on the Iowa Gambling Task: A study on young and old adults pp. 185-196 Downloads
Alessia Rosi, Elena Cavallini, Nadia Gamboz and Riccardo Russo
The effect of perceived advantage and disadvantage on the variability and stability of efficacy beliefs pp. 197-204 Downloads
Yoav Ganzach

Volume 11, month January, 2016

Prompting deliberation increases base-rate use pp. 1-6 Downloads
Natalie A. Obrecht and Dana L. Chesney
The tide that lifts all focal boats: Asymmetric predictions of ascent and descent in rankings pp. 7-20 Downloads
Shai Davidai and Thomas Gilovich
Why do we overestimate others’ willingness to pay? pp. 21-39 Downloads
William J. Matthews, Ana I. Gheorghiu and Mitchell J. Callan
The price of not putting a price on love pp. 40-47 Downloads
A. Peter McGraw, Derick F. Davis, Sydney E. Scott and Philip E. Tetlock
Predictions on the go: Prevalence of spontaneous spending predictions pp. 48-61 Downloads
Johanna Peetz, Melanie Simmons, Jingwen Chen and Roger Buehler
American attitudes toward nudges pp. 62-74 Downloads
Janice Y. Jung and Barbara A. Mellers
Risky Decision Making: Testing for Violations of Transitivity Predicted by an Editing Mechanism pp. 75-91 Downloads
Michael H. Birnbaum, Daniel Navarro-Martinez, Christoph Ungemach, Neil Stewart and Edika G. Quispe-Torreblanca
Overlap of accessible information undermines the anchoring effect pp. 92-98 Downloads
Štěpán Bahník and Fritz Strack
Investigating an alternate form of the cognitive reflection test pp. 99-113 Downloads
Keela S. Thomson and Daniel M. Oppenheimer
Cognitive reflection as a predictor of susceptibility to behavioral anomalies pp. 114-120 Downloads
Mohammad Noori
Bullshit for you; transcendence for me. A commentary on “On the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bullshit” pp. 121-122 Downloads
Craig Dalton
It’s still bullshit: Reply to Dalton (2016) pp. 123-125 Downloads
Gordon Pennycook, James Allan Cheyne, Nathaniel Barr, Derek J. Koehler and Jonathan A. Fugelsang
Page updated 2025-03-31