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Judgment and Decision Making

2006 - 2025

From Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press, UPH, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8BS UK.

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Volume 15, month November, 2020

Without a mask: Judgments of Corona virus exposure as a function of inter personal distance pp. 881-888 Downloads
Ola Svenson, Sophia Appelbom, Marcus Mayorga and Torun Lindholm Öjmyr
“Quick and dirty”: Intuitive cognitive style predicts trust in Didier Raoult and his hydroxychloroquine-based treatment against COVID-19 pp. 889-908 Downloads
Joffrey Fuhrer and Florian Cova
Inducing feelings of ignorance makes people more receptive to expert (economist) opinion pp. 909-925 Downloads
Ethan A. Meyers, Martin H. Turpin, Michał Białek, Jonathan A. Fugelsang and Derek J. Koehler
Activating reflective thinking with decision justification and debiasing training pp. 926-938 Downloads
Ozan Isler, Onurcan Yilmaz and Burak Dogruyol
Coherence of probability judgments from uncertain evidence: Does ACH help? pp. 939-958 Downloads
Christopher W. Karvetski and David R. Mandel
Will she give you two cookies for one chocolate? Children’s intuitions about trades pp. 959-971 Downloads
Margaret Echelbarger, Kayla Good and Alex Shaw
Kilo what? Default units increase value sensitivity in joint evaluations of energy efficiency pp. 972-988 Downloads
Mario Herberz, Tobias Brosch and Ulf J. J. Hahnel
Unit Asking — a method for increasing donations: A replication and extension pp. 989-993 Downloads
Hulda Karlsson, Simon Hellström, Hajdi Moche and Daniel Västfjäll
More time, more work: How time limits bias estimates of task scope and project duration pp. 994-1008 Downloads
Indranil Goswami and Oleg Urminsky
Carryover of domain-dependent risk preferences in a novel decision-making task pp. 1009-1023 Downloads
Martin S. Shapiro, Paul C. Price and Edward Mitchell
A meta-analytical and experimental examination of blood glucose effects on decision making under risk pp. 1024-1036 Downloads
Jacob Lund Orquin, Jacob Dalgaard Christensen and Carl-Johan Lagerkvist
Evaluating prosocial COVID-19 messaging frames: Evidence from a field study on Facebook pp. 1037-1043 Downloads
Sachin Banker and Joowon Park
Reanalysis of Butler and Pogrebna (2018) using true and error model pp. 1044-1051 Downloads
Michael H. Birnbaum
Intransitive preferences or choice errors? A reply to Birnbaum pp. 1052-1053 Downloads
David Butler
On the validity of the CNI model of moral decision-making: Reply to Baron and Goodwin (2020) pp. 1054-1072 Downloads
Bertram Gawronski, Paul Conway, Mandy Hütter, Dillon M. Luke, Joel Armstrong and Rebecca Friesdorf

Volume 15, month September, 2020

The delay-reward heuristic: What do people expect in intertemporal choice tasks? pp. 611-629 Downloads
William J. Skylark, Kieran T. F. Chan, George D. Farmer, Kai W. Gaskin and Amelia R. Miller
Mycological rationality: Heuristics, perception and decision-making in mushroom foraging pp. 630-647 Downloads
Roope O. Kaaronen
Strategic thinking and behavior during a pandemic pp. 648-659 Downloads
Nir Halevy
Comparing fast thinking and slow thinking: The relative benefits of interventions, individual differences, and inferential rules pp. 660-684 Downloads
M. Asher Lawson, Richard P. Larrick and Jack B. Soll
Risky choice frames shift the structure and emotional valence of internal arguments: A query theory account of the unusual disease problem pp. 685-703 Downloads
Daniel Wall, Raymond D. Crookes, Eric J. Johnson and Elke U. Weber
Attraction comes from many sources: Attentional and comparative processes in decoy effects pp. 704-726 Downloads
Marco Marini, Alessandro Ansani and Fabio Paglieri
Too smart for their own good: Trading truthfulness for efficiency in the Israeli medical internship market pp. 727-740 Downloads
Ariel Rosenfeld and Avinatan Hassidim
A reflection on cognitive reflection – testing convergent/divergent validity of two measures of cognitive reflection pp. 741-755 Downloads
Nikola Erceg, Zvonimir Galić and Mitja Ružojčić
Impact of superstitious beliefs on the timing of marriage and childbirth: Evidence from Denmark pp. 756-762 Downloads
Evgeny A. Antipov and Elena B. Pokryshevskaya
Effect of confidence interval construction on judgment accuracy pp. 783-797 Downloads
David R. Mandel, Robert N. Collins, Evan F. Risko and Jonathan A. Fugelsang
The way of making choices: Maximizing and satisficing and its relationship to well-being, personality, and self-rumination pp. 798-806 Downloads
Lenka Vargová, Ľubica Zibrínová and Gabriel Baník
Does pregnancy make women more cautious and calm? The impact of pregnancy on risk decision-making pp. 807-822 Downloads
Jing Chen, Yinghan Guo, Zongqing Liao, Weihai Xia and Shengxiang She
A cognitive modeling analysis of risk in sequential choice tasks pp. 823-850 Downloads
Maime Guan, Ryan Stokes, Joachim Vandekerckhove and Michael D. Lee
The individual true and error model: Getting the most out of limited data pp. 851-861 Downloads
Pele Schramm
Note on Birnbaum and Wan (2020): True and error model analysis is robust with respect to certain violations of the MARTER model pp. 861-862 Downloads
Michael H. Birnbaum and Bonny Quan
Information, incentives, and goals in election forecasts pp. 863-880 Downloads
Andrew Gelman, Jessica Hullman, Christopher Wlezien and George Elliott Morris

Volume 15, month July, 2020

Moral preferences in helping dilemmas expressed by matching and forced choice pp. 452-475 Downloads
Arvid Erlandsson, Amanda Lindkvist, Kajsa Lundqvist, Per A. Andersson, Stephan Dickert, Paul Slovic and Daniel Västfjäll
On the belief that beliefs should change according to evidence: Implications for conspiratorial, moral, paranormal, political, religious, and science beliefs pp. 476-498 Downloads
Gordon Pennycook, James Allan Cheyne, Derek J. Koehler and Jonathan A. Fugelsang
Taking risks for the best: Maximizing and risk-taking tendencies pp. 499-508 Downloads
Tian Qiu, Yang Bai and Jingyi Lu
Donors vastly underestimate differences in charities’ effectiveness pp. 509-516 Downloads
Lucius Caviola, Stefan Schubert, Elliot Teperman, David Moss, Spencer Greenberg and Nadira S. Faber
Procedural and economic utilities in consequentialist choice: Trading freedom of choice to minimize financial losses pp. 517-533 Downloads
Daniel A. DeCaro, Marci S. DeCaro, Jared M. Hotaling and Joseph G. Johnson
Gender differences in the trade-off between objective equality and efficiency pp. 534-544 Downloads
Valerio Capraro
Biased perceptions about momentum: Do comeback teams have higher chances to win in basketball overtimes? pp. 545-560 Downloads
Elia Morgulev, Alisa Voslinsky, Ofer Azar and Michael Bar-Eli
Solve the dilemma by spinning a penny? On using random decision-making aids pp. 561-571 Downloads
Mariela E. Jaffé, Maria Douneva and Rainer Greifeneder
Are the symptoms really remitting? How the subjective interpretation of outcomes can produce an illusion of causality pp. 572-585 Downloads
Fernando Blanco, Maria Manuela Moreno-Fernández and Helena Matute
The psychology of task management: The smaller tasks trap pp. 586-599 Downloads
Zohar Rusou, Moty Amar and Shahar Ayal
May the odds — or your personality — be in your favor: Probability of observing a favorable outcome, Honesty-Humility, and dishonest behavior pp. 600-610 Downloads
Christoph Schild, Morten Moshagen, Karolina A. Ścigała and Ingo Zettler

Volume 15, month May, 2020

Money makes the world go round, and basic research can help pp. 304-310 Downloads
Ido Erev
An experimental guide to vehicles in the park pp. 312-329 Downloads
Noel Struchiner, Ivar R. Hannikainen and Guilherme da F. C. F. de Almeida
Do multiple-trial games better reflect prosocial behavior than single-trial games? pp. 330-345 Downloads
Tessa Haesevoets, Alain Van Hiel, Kim Dierckx and Chris Reinders Folmer
Crowding-out (-in) Effects of Subsidy Schemes on Individual Donations: An Experimental Study pp. 346-352 Downloads
Hui-Chun Peng and Wen-Jing Liu
Harbingers of foul play: A field study of gain/loss frames and regulatory fit in the NFL pp. 353-370 Downloads
Evan Polman, Lyn M. Van Swol and Paul R. Hoban
Inducing alternative-based and characteristic-based search procedures in risky choice pp. 371-380 Downloads
Luigi Mittone and Mauro Papi
Delay discounting and risky choice: Meta-analytic evidence regarding single-process theories pp. 381-400 Downloads
Kelli L. Johnson, Michael T. Bixter and Christian C. Luhmann
Individual differences in receptivity to scientific bullshit pp. 401-412 Downloads
Anthony Evans, Willem Sleegers and Žan Mlakar
Comparing the effect of rational and emotional appeals on donation behavior pp. 413-420 Downloads
Matthew Lindauer, Marcus Mayorga, Joshua Greene, Paul Slovic, Daniel Västfjäll and Peter Singer
Consequences, norms, and inaction: A critical analysis pp. 421-442 Downloads
Jonathan Baron and Geoffrey P. Goodwin
Patients prefer artificial intelligence to a human provider, provided the AI is better than the human: A commentary on Longoni, Bonezzi and Morewedge (2019) pp. 443-445 Downloads
Mark V. Pezzo and Jason W. Beckstead
Resistance to medical artificial intelligence is an attribute in a compensatory decision process: response to Pezzo and Beckstead (2020) pp. 446-448 Downloads
Chiara Longoni, Andrea Bonezzi and Carey K. Morewedge
Algorithm aversion is too often presented as though it were non-compensatory: A reply to Longoni et al. (2020) pp. 449-451 Downloads
Mark V. Pezzo and Jason W. Beckstead

Volume 15, month March, 2020

The many obstacles to effective giving pp. 159-172 Downloads
Lucius Caviola, Stefan Schubert and Jason Nemirow
Fewer but poorer: Benevolent partiality in prosocial preferences pp. 173-181 Downloads
Gabriele Paolacci and Gizem Yalcin
“Do the right thing” for whom? An experiment on ingroup favouritism, group assorting and moral suasion pp. 182-192 Downloads
Ennio Bilancini, Leonardo Boncinelli, Valerio Capraro, Tatiana Celadin and Roberto Di Paolo
Does intuitive mindset influence belief in God? A registered replication of Shenhav, Rand and Greene (2012) pp. 193-202 Downloads
S. Adil Saribay, Onurcan Yilmaz and Gülay Gözde Körpe
Interpreting politically-charged numerical information: The influence of numeracy and problem difficulty on response accuracy pp. 203-213 Downloads
S. Glenn Baker, Niraj Patel, Curtis Von Gunten, K. D. Valentine and Laura D. Scherer
Is justice blind or myopic? An examination of the effects of meta-cognitive myopia and truth bias on mock jurors and judges pp. 214-229 Downloads
Myrto Pantazi, Olivier Klein and Mikhail Kissine
Gaze patterns disclose the link between cognitive reflection and sophistication in strategic interaction pp. 230-245 Downloads
Joshua Zonca, Giorgio Coricelli and Luca Polonio
Preferences for rank in competition: Is first-place seeking stronger than last-place aversion? pp. 246-253 Downloads
Steven M. Shechter and David J. Hardisty
Training choices toward low value options pp. 254-265 Downloads
Michael J. Zoltak, Rob W. Holland, Niels Kukken and Harm Veling
Reliance on small samples and the value of taxing reckless behaviors pp. 266-281 Downloads
Ofir Yakobi, Doron Cohen, Eitan Naveh and Ido Erev
Decisions from experience: Competitive search and choice in kind and wicked environments pp. 282-303 Downloads
Renato Frey

Volume 15, month January, 2020

Prosociality in the economic Dictator Game is associated with less parochialism and greater willingness to vote for intergroup compromise pp. 1-6 Downloads
Mohsen Mosleh, Alexander J. Stewart, Joshua B. Plotkin and David G. Rand
What does it mean to maximize? “Decision difficulty,” indecisiveness, and the jingle-jangle fallacies in the measurement of maximizing pp. 7-24 Downloads
Nathan N. Cheek and Jacob Goebel
This way, please: Uncovering the directional effects of attribute translations on decision making pp. 25-46 Downloads
Stephanie Mertens, Ulf J. J. Hahnel and Tobias Brosch
MARTER: Markov True and Error model of drifting parameters pp. 47-73 Downloads
Michael H. Birnbaum and Lucy Wan
Robust consistency of choice switching in decisions from experience pp. 74-81 Downloads
Eldad Yechiam
The effect of incentive structure on search in the secretary problem pp. 82-92 Downloads
Yu-Chin Hsiao and Simon Kemp
The false allure of fast lures pp. 93-111 Downloads
Yigal Attali and Maya Bar-Hillel
Assessing a domain-specific risk-taking construct: A meta-analysis of reliability of the DOSPERT scale pp. 112-134 Downloads
Yiyun Shou and Joel Olney
Validation and invariance across age and gender for the Melbourne Decision-Making Questionnaire in a sample of Portuguese adults pp. 135-148 Downloads
Luís Filipe, Maria-João Alvarez, Magda Sofia Roberto and Joaquim A. Ferreira
Translation and validation of the Moral Foundations Vignettes (MFVs) for the Portuguese language in a Brazilian sample pp. 149-158 Downloads
Lucas Murrins Marques, Scott Clifford, Vijeth Iyengar, Graziela Vieira Bonato, Patrícia Moraes Cabral, Rafaela Barreto dos Santos, Roberto Cabeza, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and Paulo Sérgio Boggio
Page updated 2025-03-31