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Judgment and Decision Making

2006 - 2025

From Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press, UPH, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8BS UK.

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Volume 3, month December, 2008

Who helps more? How self-other discrepancies influence decisions in helping situations pp. 595-606 Downloads
Tehila Kogut and Ruth Beyth-Marom
Affective reactions and context-dependent processing of negations pp. 607-618 Downloads
Enrico Rubaltelli and Paul Slovic
Intuitive numbers guide decisions pp. 619-635 Downloads
Ellen Peters, Paul Slovic, Daniel Västfjäll and C. K. Mertz
Perceived time pressure and the Iowa Gambling Task pp. 636-640 Downloads
Michael A. DeDonno and Heath A. Demaree
Identifying decision strategies in a consumer choice situation pp. 641-658 Downloads
Nils Reisen, Ulrich Hoffrage and Fred W. Mast
Learning to communicate risk information in groups pp. 659-666 Downloads
Hsuchi Ting and Thomas S. Wallsten
On the complexity of traffic judges' decisions pp. 667-678 Downloads
David Leiser and Dov-Ron Schatzberg
Mhairi’s Dilemma: A study of decision analysis at work pp. 679-689 Downloads
Barbara Mullin, Mhairi Mullin, Roger Mullin, Jack Dowie and Rex V. Brown

Volume 3, month October, 2008

The value of victory: social origins of the winner’s curse in common value auctions pp. 483-492 Downloads
Wouter van den Bos, Jian Li, Tatiana Lau, Eric Maskin, Jonathan D. Cohen, P. Read Montague and Samuel M. McClure
Observing others’ behavior and risk taking in decisions from experience pp. 493-500 Downloads
Eldad Yechiam, Meir Druyan and Eyal Ert
Changing her ways: The number of options and mate-standard strength impact mate choice strategy and satisfaction pp. 501-511 Downloads
Alison P. Lenton and Amanda Stewart
Decision making in civil disputes: The effects of legal role, frame, and perceived chance of winning pp. 512-527 Downloads
Victoria Gilliland and John C. Dunn
Tests of Cumulative Prospect Theory with graphical displays of probability pp. 528-546 Downloads
Michael H. Birnbaum, Kathleen Johnson and Jay-Lee Longbottom
Evolution of the interpersonal conflict paradigm pp. 547-569 Downloads
Mandeep K. Dhami and Henrik Olsson
Modeling sequential context effects in judgment analysis: A time series approach pp. 570-584 Downloads
Jason W. Beckstead

Volume 3, month August, 2008

Dissecting the risky-choice framing effect: Numeracy as an individual-difference factor in weighting risky and riskless options pp. 435-448 Downloads
Ellen Peters and Irwin P. Levin
“Feeling more regret than I would have imagined”: Self-report and behavioral evidence pp. 449-456 Downloads
Diego Fernandez-Duque and Jessica Landers
One-reason decision making in risky choice? A closer look at the priority heuristic pp. 457-462 Downloads
Benjamin E. Hilbig
Debiasing context effects in strategic decisions: Playing against a consistent opponent can correct perceptual but not reinforcement biases pp. 463-475 Downloads
Ivo Vlaev and Nick Chater
The power of touch: An examination of the effect of duration of physical contact on the valuation of objects pp. 476-482 Downloads
James R. Wolf, Hal Arkes and Waleed A. Muhanna

Volume 3, month June, 2008

Are maximizers really unhappy? The measurement of maximizing tendency pp. 364-370 Downloads
Dalia L. Diab, Michael A. Gillespie and Scott Highhouse
A short form of the Maximization Scale: Factor structure, reliability and validity studies pp. 371-388 Downloads
Gergana Y. Nenkov, Maureen Morrin, Andrew Ward, Barry Schwartz and John Hulland
Cognitive influences on risk-seeking by rhesus macaques pp. 389-395 Downloads
Benjamin Y. Hayden, Sarah R. Heilbronner, Amrita C. Nair and Michael L. Platt
Biasing simple choices by manipulating relative visual attention pp. 396-403 Downloads
K. Carrie Armel, Aurelie Beaumel and Antonio Rangel
In the “I” of the storm: Shared initials increase disaster donations pp. 404-410 Downloads
Jesse Chandler, Tiffany M. Griffin and Nicholas Sorensen
How to make a risk seem riskier: The ratio bias versus construal level theory pp. 411-416 Downloads
Carissa Bonner and Ben R. Newell
Liberal-conservative differences in inclusion-exclusion strategy choice pp. 417-424 Downloads
John D. Jasper and Daniel Ansted
Choices and affective reactions to negative life events: An averaging/summation analysis pp. 425-434 Downloads
John J. Seta, Ashleigh Haire and Catherine E. Seta

Volume 3, month April, 2008

New findings on unconscious versus conscious thought in decision making: additional empirical data and meta-analysis pp. 292-303 Downloads
Felix Acker
New tests of cumulative prospect theory and the priority heuristic: Probability-outcome tradeoff with branch splitting pp. 304-316 Downloads
Michael H. Birnbaum
On the perception and operationalization of risk perception pp. 317-324 Downloads
Yoav Ganzach, Shmuel Ellis, Asya Pazy and Tali Ricci-Siag
Attachment to land: The case of the land of Israel for American and Israeli Jews and the role of contagion pp. 325-334 Downloads
Paul Rozin and Sharon Wolf
Lay attitudes to trade with low-wage countries pp. 335-343 Downloads
Simon Kemp
Moral distance in dictator games pp. 344-354 Downloads
Fernando Aguiar, Pablo Brañas-Garza and Luis Miller
A note on neglect defaulting pp. 355-363 Downloads
Howard Margolis

Volume 3, month March, 2008

Cognitive processes, models and metaphors in decision research pp. 195-204 Downloads
Ben R. Newell and Arndt Bröder
Challenging some common beliefs: Empirical work within the adaptive toolbox metaphor pp. 205-214 Downloads
Arndt Bröder and Ben R. Newell
Modeling option and strategy choices with connectionist networks: Towards an integrative model of automatic and deliberate decision making pp. 215-228 Downloads
Andreas Glöckner and Tilmann Betsch
Sequential evidence accumulation in decision making: The individual desired level of confidence can explain the extent of information acquisition pp. 229-243 Downloads
Daniel Hausmann and Damian Läge
Exemplar-based inference in multi-attribute decision making: Contingent, not automatic, strategy shifts? pp. 244-260 Downloads
Linnea Karlsson, Peter Juslin and Henrik Olsson
The importance of learning when making inferences pp. 261-277 Downloads
Jörg Rieskamp
An ecological perspective to cognitive limits: Modeling environment-mind interactions with ACT-R pp. 278-291 Downloads
Wolfgang Gaissmaier, Lael J. Schooler and Rui Mata

Volume 3, month February, 2008

The psychology of moral reasoning pp. 121-139 Downloads
Monica Bucciarelli, Sangeet Khemlani and P. N. Johnson-Laird
Frequency formats, probability formats, or problem structure? A test of the nested-sets hypothesis in an extensional reasoning task pp. 140-152 Downloads
William P. Neace, Steven Michaud, Lauren Bolling, Kate Deer and Ljiljana Zecevic
WTP and WTA in competitive and non-competitive environments pp. 153-161 Downloads
Shosh Shahrabani, Uri Benzion and Tal Shavit
Reference-dependent preferences and loss aversion: A discrete choice experiment in the health-care sector pp. 162-173 Downloads
Einat Neuman and Shoshana Neuman
Prospect theory, reference points, and health decisions pp. 174-180 Downloads
Alan Schwartz, Julie Goldberg and Gordon Hazen
The effects of total sleep deprivation on bayesian updating pp. 181-190 Downloads
David Dickinson and Sean P. A. Drummond
Hedonic “adaptation”: Specific habituation to disgust/death elicitors as a result of dissecting a cadaver pp. 191-194 Downloads
Paul Rozin

Volume 3, month January, 2008

Intuition and affect in risk perception and decision making pp. 1-4 Downloads
Gisela Böhm and Wibecke Brun
The multiplicity of emotions: A framework of emotional functions in decision making pp. 5-17 Downloads
Hans-Rüdiger Pfister and Gisela Böhm
On emotion specificity in decision making: Why feeling is for doing pp. 18-27 Downloads
Marcel Zeelenberg, Rob M. A. Nelissen, Seger M. Breugelmans and Rik Pieters
Intuitive decisions on the fringes of consciousness: Are they conscious and does it matter? pp. 28-41 Downloads
Mark C. Price and Elisabeth Norman
In the winning mood: Affect in the Iowa gambling task pp. 42-50 Downloads
Marieke de Vries, Rob W. Holland and Cilia L. M. Witteman
Taboos and conflicts in decision making: Sacred values, decision difficulty, and emotions pp. 51-63 Downloads
Martin Hanselmann and Carmen Tanner
Affect, risk perception and future optimism after the tsunami disaster pp. 64-72 Downloads
Daniel Västfjäll, Ellen Peters and Paul Slovic
Anticipated and experienced emotions in environmental risk perception pp. 73-86 Downloads
Gisela Böhm and Hans-Rüdiger Pfister
The Regret and Disappointment Scale: An instrument for assessing regret and disappointment in decision making pp. 87-99 Downloads
Francesco Marcatto and Donatella Ferrante
Emotional tone and argumentation in risk communication pp. 100-110 Downloads
Denis Hilton
Trust in motives, trust in competence: Separate factors determining the effectiveness of risk communication pp. 111-120 Downloads
Matt Twyman, Nigel Harvey and Clare Harries
Page updated 2025-03-31