Judgment and Decision Making
2006 - 2025
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Volume 9, month November, 2014
- Cognitive conflict in social dilemmas: An analysis of response dynamics pp. 510-522

- Pascal J. Kieslich and Benjamin E. Hilbig
- Ostracism and fines in a public goods game with accidental contributions: The importance of punishment type pp. 523-547

- Torrin M. Liddell and John K. Kruschke
- Winning a battle but losing the war: On the drawbacks of using the anchoring tactic in distributive negotiations pp. 548-557

- Yossi Maaravi, Asya Pazy and Yoav Ganzach
- Gender differences in the endowment effect: Women pay less, but won’t accept less pp. 558-571

- Alice Wieland, James Sundali, Markus Kemmelmeier and Rakesh Sarin
- Predecisional information distortion in physicians’ diagnostic judgments: Strengthening a leading hypothesis or weakening its competitor? pp. 572-585

- Martine Nurek, Olga Kostopoulou and York Hagmayer
- The effect of dynamic proximity cues on counterfactual plausibility pp. 586-592

- Judith Covey and Qiyuan Zhang
Volume 9, month September, 2014
- Spontaneous associations and label framing have similar effects in the public goods game pp. 360-372

- Kimmo Eriksson and Pontus Strimling
- Taking the sting out of choice: Diversification of investments pp. 373-386

- Judith Avrahami, Yaakov Kareev and Einav Hart
- An interpretation of focal point responses as non-additive beliefs pp. 387-402

- Aylit Tina Romm
- Multi-attribute utility models as cognitive search engines pp. 403-419

- Pantelis P. Analytis, Amit Kothiyal and Konstantinos Katsikopoulos
- Numeric and graphic risk information processing of high and low numerates in the intuitive and deliberative decision modes: An eye-tracker study pp. 420-432

- Carmen Keller, Christina Kreuzmair, Rebecca Leins-Hess and Michael Siegrist
- Public policy for thee, but not for me: Varying the grammatical person of public policy justifications influences their support pp. 433-444

- James F. M. Cornwell and David H. Krantz
- Framing effect in evaluation of others’ predictions pp. 445-464

- Saiwing Yeung
- Modeling and debiasing resource saving judgments pp. 465-478

- Ola Svenson, Nichel Gonzalez and Gabriella Eriksson
- The letter versus the spirit of the law: A lay perspective on culpability pp. 479-490

- Stephen M. Garcia, Patricia Chen and Matthew T. Gordon
- Subjective integration of probabilistic information from experience and description pp. 491-499

- Yaron Shlomi
- The price of gaining: maximization in decision-making, regret and life satisfaction pp. 500-509

- Emilio Moyano-Díaz, Agustín Martínez-Molina and Fernando P. Ponce
Volume 9, month July, 2014
- Introducing upfront losses as well as gains decreases impatience in intertemporal choices with rewards pp. 297-302

- Cheng-Ming Jiang, Feng-Pei Hu and Long-Fei Zhu
- The evaluability bias in charitable giving: Saving administration costs or saving lives? pp. 303-315

- Lucius Caviola, Nadira Faulmüller, Jim. A. C. Everett, Julian Savulescu and Guy Kahane
- Reasons for cooperation and defection in real-world social dilemmas pp. 316-334

- Shahzeen Z. Attari, David H. Krantz and Elke U. Weber
- Responsibility judgments of wins and losses in the 2013 chess championship pp. 335-348

- Gro Hege Haraldsen Nordbye and Karl Halvor Teigen
- Using metacognitive cues to infer others’ thinking pp. 349-359

- André Mata and Tiago Almeida
Volume 9, month May, 2014
- Are good reasoners more incest-friendly? Trait cognitive reflection predicts selective moralization in a sample of American adults pp. 176-190

- Edward B. Royzman, Justin F. Landy and Geoffrey P. Goodwin
- Cynicism in negotiation: When communication increases buyers’ skepticism pp. 191-199

- Eyal Ert, Stephanie Creary and Max H. Bazerman
- Limited capacity to lie: Cognitive load interferes with being dishonest pp. 199-206

- E. van ’t Veer, Anna, Mariëlle Stel and Ilja van Beest
- On the psychology of self-prediction: Consideration of situational barriers to intended actions pp. 207-225

- Connie S. K. Poon, Derek J. Koehler and Roger Buehler
- The effects of mental steps and compatibility on Bayesian reasoning pp. 226-242

- Shahar Ayal and Ruth Beyth-Marom
- How many calories were in those hamburgers again? Distribution density biases recall of attribute values pp. 243-258

- Jessica M. Choplin and Douglas H. Wedell
- Using cognitive models to combine probability estimates pp. 258-272

- Michael D. Lee and Irina Danileiko
- The combined role of task, child’s age and individual differences in understanding decision processes pp. 273-285

- Irwin P. Levin, Elaine A. Bossard, Gary J. Gaeth and Haoyang Yan
- Change and status quo in decisions with defaults: The effect of incidental emotions depends on the type of default pp. 287-296

- Yury Shevchenko, Bettina von Helversen and Benjamin Scheibehenne
Volume 9, month March, 2014
- Outcomes and expectations in dilemmas of trust pp. 90-103

- Anthony M. Evans and Joachim I. Krueger
- Interpersonal effects of expressed anger and sorrow in morally charged negotiation pp. 104-113

- Morteza Dehghani, Peter J. Carnevale and Jonathan Gratch
- A signal detection theory analysis of racial and ethnic disproportionality in the referral and substantiation processes of the U.S. child welfare services system pp. 114-128

- Jeryl L. Mumpower and Gary H. McClelland
- Approximating rationality under incomplete information: Adaptive inferences for missing cue values based on cue-discrimination pp. 129-147

- Marc Jekel, Andreas Glöckner, Arndt Bröder and Viktoriya Maydych
- Cognitive reflection test and behavioral biases in Malaysia pp. 148-151

- Mohamed Albaity, Mahfuzur Rahman and Islam Shahidul
- Subjective but not objective numeracy influences willingness to pay for BRCA1/2 genetic testing pp. 152-158

- Talya Miron-Shatz, Yaniv Hanoch, Glen M. Doniger, Zehra B. Omer and Elissa M. Ozanne
- Good luck, bad luck, and ambiguity aversion pp. 159-166

- Briony Pulford and Poonam Gill
- Effects of induced moods on economic choices pp. 167-175

- Steven J. Stanton, Crystal Reeck, Scott A. Huettel and Kevin S. LaBar
Volume 9, month January, 2014
- Lay understanding of probability distributions pp. 1-14

- Daniel Goldstein and David Rothschild
- Predicting biases in very highly educated samples: Numeracy and metacognition pp. 15-34

- Saima Ghazal, Edward T. Cokely and Rocio Garcia-Retamero
- Cognitive integration of recognition information and additional cues in memory-based decisions pp. 35-50

- Andreas Glöckner and Arndt Bröder
- On the role of recognition in consumer choice: A model comparison pp. 51-57

- Benjamin E. Hilbig
- Self-reported ethical risk taking tendencies predict actual dishonesty pp. 58-64

- Liora Zimerman, Shaul Shalvi and Yoella Bereby-Meyer
- Cultural differences in responses to real-life and hypothetical trolley problems pp. 65-76

- Natalie Gold, Andrew M. Colman and Briony Pulford
- Does menu design influence retirement investment choices? Evidence from Italian occupational pension funds pp. 77-82

- Andrea Lippi
- Foreground-background salience effect in traffic risk communication pp. 83-89

- Tian-Yi Hu, Xin-Wen Jiang, Xiaofei Xie, Xiao-Qin Ma and Chao Xu
Volume 8, month November, 2013
- “Lean not on your own understanding”: Belief that morality is founded on divine authority and non-utilitarian moral judgments pp. 639-661

- Jared Piazza and Justin F. Landy
- Assessing the sensitivity of information distortion to four potential influences in studies of risky choice pp. 662-677

- Seth A. Miller, Michael L. DeKay, Eric R. Stone and Clare M. Sorenson
- Others’ opinions count, but not all of them: anchoring to ingroup versus outgroup members’ behavior in charitable giving pp. 678-690

- Dorina Hysenbelli, Enrico Rubaltelli and Rino Rumiati
- Risk perception and risk attitudes in Tokyo: A report of the first administration of DOSPERT+M in Japan pp. 691-699

- Alan Schwartz, Kimihiko Yamagishi, Norimichi Hirahara, Hirotaka Onishi, James Barnes, Adam Rosman, Maggie Garcia, Sam Lee and Shoshana Butler
- Learning affects top down and bottom up modulation of eye movements in decision making pp. 700-716

- Jacob L. Orquin, Martin P. Bagger and Simone Mueller Loose
- True-and-error models violate independence and yet they are testable pp. 717-737

- Michael H. Birnbaum
Volume 8, month September, 2013
- Belief in the unstructured interview: The persistence of an illusion pp. 512-520

- Jason Dana, Robyn Dawes and Nathanial Peterson
- Game interrupted: The rationality of considering the future pp. 521-526

- Brandon Almy and Joachim I. Krueger
- An assessment of the temporal dynamics of moral decisions pp. 527-539

- Gregory J. Koop
- Response time and decision making: An experimental study pp. 540-551

- Ariel Rubinstein
- How do defendants choose their trial court? Evidence for a heuristic processing account pp. 552-560

- Mandeep K. Dhami and David R. Mandel
- Preference-driven biases in decision makers’ information search and evaluation pp. 561-576

- Anne-Sophie Chaxel, J. Edward Russo and Neda Kerimi
- Choice blindness in financial decision making pp. 577-588

- Owen McLaughlin and Jason Somerville
- External validity of individual differences in multiple cue probability learning: The case of pilot training pp. 589-602

- Nadine Matton, Éric Raufaste and Stéphane Vautier
- Charting the internal landscape: Affect associated with thoughts about major life domains explains life satisfaction pp. 603-616

- Talya Miron-Shatz, Ed Diener, Glen M. Doniger, Tyler Moore and Shimon Saphire-Bernstein
- Myopic loss aversion: Potential causes of replication failures pp. 617-629

- Alexander Klos
- A Criticism of Doyle’s survey of time preference: A correction regarding the CRDI and CADI families pp. 630-631

- Han Bleichrodt, Rogier J. D. Potter van Loon, Kirsten I. M. Rohde and Peter Wakker
- Social distance decreases responders’ sensitivity to fairness in the ultimatum game pp. 632-638

- Hyunji Kim, Simone Schnall, Do-Joon Yi and Mathew P. White
Volume 8, month July, 2013
- Compassion fade and the challenge of environmental conservation pp. 397-406

- Ezra M. Markowitz, Paul Slovic, Daniel Västfjäll and Sara D. Hodges
- Ideology, motivated reasoning, and cognitive reflection pp. 407-424

- Dan M. Kahan
- When uncertainty meets life: The effect of animacy on probability expression pp. 425-438

- Xue-Lei Du, Shi-Hong Liu, Jie-Hong Xu, Li-Lin Rao, Cheng-Ming Jiang and Shu Li
- Glad to be sad, and other examples of benign masochism pp. 439-447

- Paul Rozin, Lily Guillot, Katrina Fincher, Alexander Rozin and Eli Tsukayama
- Maximizing as a predictor of job satisfaction and performance: A tale of three scales pp. 448-469

- Nicole M. Giacopelli, Kaila M. Simpson, Reeshad S. Dalal, Kristen L. Randolph and Samantha J. Holland
- DOSPERT+M: A survey of medical risk attitudes in the United States pp. 470-481

- Adam Rosman, Maggie Garcia, Sam Lee, Shoshana Butler and Alan Schwartz
- Is a picture worth a thousand words? The interaction of visual display and attribute representation in attenuating framing bias pp. 482-491

- Eyal Gamliel and Hamutal Kreiner
- The time-saving bias: Judgements, cognition and perception pp. 492-497

- Gabriella Eriksson, Ola Svenson and Lars Eriksson
- Success-slope effects on the illusion of control and on remembered success-frequency pp. 498-511

- Anastasia Ejova, Daniel J. Navarro and Paul H. Delfabbro
Volume 8, month May, 2013
- The role of actively open-minded thinking in information acquisition, accuracy, and calibration pp. 188-201

- Uriel Haran, Ilana Ritov and Barbara A. Mellers
- Decisional enhancement and autonomy: public attitudes towards overt and covert nudges pp. 202-213

- Gidon Felsen, Noah Castelo and Peter B. Reiner
- On the descriptive value of loss aversion in decisions under risk: Six clarifications pp. 214-235

- Eyal Ert and Ido Erev
- How to measure time preferences: An experimental comparison of three methods pp. 236-249

- David J. Hardisty, Katherine F. Thompson, David H. Krantz and Elke U. Weber
- I can take the risk, but you should be safe: Self-other differences in situations involving physical safety pp. 250-267

- Eric R. Stone, YoonSun Choi, Wändi Bruine de Bruin and David R. Mandel
- When imagining future wealth influences risky decision making pp. 268-277

- Adam Greenberg
- Deliberation versus automaticity in decision making: Which presentation format features facilitate automatic decision making? pp. 278-298

- Anke Söllner, Arndt Bröder and Benjamin E. Hilbig
- The environment matters: Comparing individuals and dyads in their adaptive use of decision strategies pp. 299-329

- Juliane E. Kämmer, Wolfgang Gaissmaier and Uwe Czienskowski
- Inferring uncertainty from interval estimates: Effects of alpha level and numeracy pp. 330-344

- Luke F. Rinne and Michèle M. M. Mazzocco
- Top scores are possible, bottom scores are certain (and middle scores are not worth mentioning): A pragmatic view of verbal probabilities pp. 345-364

- Marie Juanchich, Karl Halvor Teigen and Amélie Gourdon
- Leftmost-digit-bias in an enumerated public sector? An experiment on citizens’ judgment of performance information pp. 365-371

- Asmus Leth Olsen
- Enactment of one-to-many communication may induce self-focused attention that leads to diminished perspective taking: The case of Facebook pp. 372-380

- Wen-Bin Chiou and Chun-Chia Lee
- The value of a smile: Facial expression affects ultimatum-game responses pp. 381-385

- Patrick Mussel, Anja S. Göritz and Johannes Hewig
- Validation of the Adult Decision-Making Competence in Slovak students pp. 386-392

- Jozef Bavolar
- American’s desire for less wealth inequality does not depend on how you ask them pp. 393-394

- Michael I. Norton and Dan Ariely
- The available evidence suggests the percent measure should not be used to study inequality: Reply to Norton and Ariely pp. 395-396

- Kimmo Eriksson and Brent Simpson
Volume 8, month March, 2013
- The wisdom of crowds: Predicting a weather and climate-related event pp. 91-105

- Karsten Hueffer, Miguel Fonseca, Anthony Leiserowitz and Karen M. Taylor
- Pace yourself: Improving time-saving judgments when increasing activity speed pp. 106-115

- Eyal Peer and Eyal Gamliel
- Survey of time preference, delay discounting models pp. 116-135

- John R. Doyle
- Regret salience and accountability in the decoy effect pp. 136-149

- Terry Connolly, Jochen Reb and Edgar Kausel
- Why are gainers more risk seeking pp. 150-160

- Jiaxi Peng, Danmin Miao and Wei Xiao
- The insured victim effect: When and why compensating harm decreases punishment recommendations pp. 161-173

- Philippe P. F. M. van de Calseyde, Gideon Keren and Marcel Zeelenberg
- The insurance effect: How the possession of gas masks reduces the likelihood of a missile attack pp. 174-178

- Orit E. Tykocinski
- Risky choice in younger versus older adults: Affective context matters pp. 179-187

- Yumi Huang, Stacey Wood, Dale Berger and Yaniv Hanoch
Volume 8, month January, 2013
- How well can adolescents really judge risk? Simple, self reported risk factors out-predict teens’ self estimates of personal risk pp. 1-6

- Alexander Persoskie
- Reluctant altruism and peer pressure in charitable giving pp. 7-15

- Diane Reyniers and Richa Bhalla
- Savings, subgoals, and reference points pp. 16-24

- Helen Colby and Gretchen B. Chapman
- A cautionary note on global recalibration pp. 25-28

- Joseph B. Kadane and Baruch Fischhoff
- Communicating clinical trial outcomes: Effects of presentation method on physicians’ evaluations of new treatments pp. 29-33

- Francesco Marcatto, Jonathan J. Rolison and Donatella Ferrante
- The devil you know: The effect of brand recognition and product ratings on consumer choice pp. 34-44

- Volker Thoma and Alwyn Williams
- Magical thinking in predictions of negative events: Evidence for tempting fate but not for a protection effect pp. 45-54

- Job van Wolferen, Yoel Inbar and Marcel Zeelenberg
- Reply: Birnbaum’s (2012) statistical tests of independence have unknown Type-I error rates and do not replicate within participant pp. 55-73

- Yun-shil Cha, Michelle Choi, Ying Guo, Michel Regenwetter and Chris Zwilling
- Preference for increasing wages: How do people value various streams of income? pp. 74-90

- Sean Duffy and John Smith
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