Judgment and Decision Making
2006 - 2025
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Volume 5, month December, 2010
- A simple remedy for overprecision in judgment pp. 467-476

- Uriel Haran, Don A. Moore and Carey K. Morewedge
- Exploring the time-saving bias: How drivers misestimate time saved when increasing speed pp. 477-488

- Eyal Peer
- When being wasteful appears better than feeling wasteful pp. 489-496

- Zultan, Ro’i, Maya Bar-Hillel and Nitsan Guy
- Moral identity in psychopathy pp. 497-505

- Andrea L. Glenn, Spassena Koleva, Ravi Iyer, Jesse Graham and Peter H. Ditto
- Decision-making styles and depressive symptomatology: Development of the Decision Styles Questionnaire pp. 506-515

- Yan Leykin and Robert J. DeRubeis
- Thoughtful days and valenced nights: How much will you think about the problem? pp. 516-523

- Todd McElroy and David Dickinson
- Towards an understanding of the relative strengths of positive and negative reciprocity pp. 524-539

- Omar Al-Ubaydli, Uri Gneezy, Min Sok Lee and John List
- Sacred values and conflict over Iran’s nuclear program pp. 540-546

- Morteza Dehghani, Scott Atran, Rumen Iliev, Sonya Sachdeva, Douglas Medin and Jeremy Ginges
- Wording effects in moral judgments pp. 547-554

- O’Hara, Ross E., Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and Nicholas A. Sinnott-Armstrong
Volume 5, month October, 2010
- Preferring balanced vs. advantageous peace agreements: A study of Israeli attitudes towards a two state solution pp. 420-427

- Deepak Malhotra and Jeremy Ginges
- To give or not to give: Parental experience and adherence to the Food and Drug Administration warning about over-the-counter cough and cold medicine usage pp. 428-436

- Talya Miron-Shatz, Greg Barron, Yaniv Hanoch, Michaela Gummerum and Glen M. Doniger
- The Drift Diffusion Model can account for the accuracy and reaction time of value-based choices under high and low time pressure pp. 437-449

- Milica Milosavljevic, Jonathan Malmaud, Alexander Huth, Christof Koch and Antonio Rangel
- Glucose promotes controlled processing: Matching, maximizing, and root beer pp. 450-457

- Anthony J. McMahon and Matthew H. Scheel
- Risk, uncertainty and prophet: The psychological insights of Frank H. Knight pp. 458-466

- Tim Rakow
Volume 5, month August, 2010
- Cue integration vs. exemplar-based reasoning in multi-attribute decisions from memory: A matter of cue representation pp. 326-338

- Arndt Bröder, Ben R. Newell and Christine Platzer
- Bracketing effects on risk tolerance: Generalizability and underlying mechanisms pp. 339-346

- Ester Moher and Derek J. Koehler
- Encoding, storage and judgment of experienced frequency and duration pp. 347-364

- Tilmann Betsch, Madlen Glauer, Frank Renkewitz, Isabell Winkler and Peter Sedlmeier
- Cognitive determinants of affective forecasting errors pp. 365-373

- Michael Hoerger, Stuart W. Quirk, Richard E. Lucas and Thomas H. Carr
- Allowing repeat winners pp. 374-379

- Marco D. Huesch and Richard Brady
- Cultural differences in risk: The group facilitation effect pp. 380-390

- Do-Yeong Kim and Junsu Park
- Fast Acceptance by Common Experience: FACE-recognition in Schelling's model of neighborhood segregation pp. 391-410

- Nathan Berg, Ulrich Hoffrage and Katarzyna Abramczuk
- Running experiments on Amazon Mechanical Turk pp. 411-419

- Gabriele Paolacci, Jesse Chandler and Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis
Volume 5, month July, 2010
- Recognition-based judgments and decisions: Introduction to the special issue (Vol. 1) pp. 207-215

- Julian N. Marewski, Rüdiger F. Pohl and Oliver Vitouch
- Why recognition is rational: Optimality results on single-variable decision rules pp. 216-229

- Clintin P. Davis-Stober, Jason Dana and David V. Budescu
- When less is more in the recognition heuristic pp. 230-243

- Michael Smithson
- The less-is-more effect: Predictions and tests pp. 244-257

- Konstantinos V. Katsikopoulos
- Less-is-more effects without the recognition heuristic pp. 258-271

- C. Philip Beaman, Philip T. Smith, Caren A. Frosch and Rachel McCloy
- Precise models deserve precise measures: A methodological dissection pp. 272-284

- Benjamin E. Hilbig
- Physiological arousal in processing recognition information: Ignoring or integrating cognitive cues? pp. 285-299

- Guy Hochman, Shahar Ayal and Andreas Glöckner
- Think or blink — is the recognition heuristic an “intuitive” strategy? pp. 300-309

- Benjamin E. Hilbig, Sabine G. Scholl and Rüdiger F. Pohl
- I like what I know: Is recognition a non-compensatory determiner of consumer choice? pp. 310-325

- Onvara Oeusoonthornwattana and David R. Shanks
Volume 5, month June, 2010
- The “organic” path to obesity? Organic claims influence calorie judgments and exercise recommendations pp. 144-150

- Jonathon P. Schuldt and Norbert Schwarz
- Attribute salience in graphical representations affects evaluation pp. 151-158

- Yan Sun, Shu Li and Nicolao Bonini
- Emotional reactions to losing explain gender differences in entering a risky lottery pp. 159-163

- Kimmo Eriksson and Brent Simpson
- Maximizing without difficulty: A modified maximizing scale and its correlates pp. 164-175

- Linda Lai
- Incentives in religious performance: a stochastic dominance approach pp. 176-181

- Teresa García-Muñoz
- Correlations of cognitive reflection with judgments and choices pp. 182-191

- Guillermo Campitelli and Martín Labollita
- Ability, chance, and ambiguity aversion: Revisiting the competence hypothesis pp. 192-199

- William M. P. Klein, Jennifer L. Cerully, Matthew M. Monin and Don A. Moore
- Predicting soccer matches: A reassessment of the benefit of unconscious thinking pp. 200-206

- Claudia González-Vallejo and Nathaniel Phillips
Volume 5, month April, 2010
- Domain-specific temporal discounting and temptation pp. 72-82

- Eli Tsukayama and Angela Lee Duckworth
- Decisions by coin toss: Inappropriate but fair pp. 83-101

- Gideon Keren and Karl H. Teigen
- The effects of attractive but unattainable alternatives on the attractiveness of near and distant future menus pp. 102-109

- Leah Borovoi, Nira Liberman and Yaacov Trope
- Memory reflected in our decisions: Higher working memory capacity predicts greater bias in risky choice pp. 110-115

- Jonathan Corbin, Todd McElroy and Cassie Black
- Genetic testing and risk interpretation: How do women understand lifetime risk results? pp. 116-123

- Yaniv Hanoch, Talya Miron-Shatz and Mary Himmelstein
- Gambler’s fallacy, hot hand belief, and the time of patterns pp. 124-132

- Yanlong Sun and Hongbin Wang
- The gambler’s fallacy in retrospect: A supplementary comment on Oppenheimer and Monin (2009) pp. 133-137

- William J. Matthews
- (When) are religious people nicer? Religious salience and the “Sunday Effect” on pro-social behavior pp. 138-143

- Deepak Malhotra
Volume 5, month February, 2010
- You don’t want to know what you’re missing: When information about forgone rewards impedes dynamic decision making pp. 1-10

- A. Ross Otto and Bradley C. Love
- Attribute framing affects the perceived fairness of health care allocation principles pp. 11-20

- Eyal Gamliel and Eyal Peer
- How to study cognitive decision algorithms: The case of the priority heuristic pp. 21-32

- Klaus Fiedler
- Who throws good money after bad? Action vs. state orientation moderates the sunk cost fallacy pp. 33-36

- Marijke van Putten, Marcel Zeelenberg and Eric van Dijk
- Conflict of interest and the intrusion of bias pp. 37-53

- Don A. Moore, Lloyd Tanlu and Max H. Bazerman
- Implementation of the Multiple-Measure Maximum Likelihood strategy classification method in R: Addendum to Glöckner (2009) and practical guide for application pp. 54-63

- Marc Jekel, Andreas Nicklisch and Andreas Glöckner
- How do jurors argue with one another? pp. 64-71

- Joshua Warren and Deanna Kuhn
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