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Judgment and Decision Making

2006 - 2025

From Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press, UPH, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8BS UK.

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Volume 6, month December, 2011

Editorial: Methodology in judgment and decision making research pp. 705-710 Downloads
Andreas Glöckner and Benjamin E. Hilbig
The empirical content of theories in judgment and decision making: Shortcomings and remedies pp. 711-721 Downloads
Andreas Glöckner and Tilmann Betsch
Herbert Simon’s spell on judgment and decision making pp. 722-732 Downloads
Konstantinos V. Katsikopoulos and Lan, Cherng-Horng (Dan)
The role of process data in the development and testing of process models of judgment and decision making pp. 733-739 Downloads
Michael Schulte-Mecklenbeck, Anton Kühberger and Rob Ranyard
Applying the decision moving window to risky choice: Comparison of eye-tracking and mouse-tracing methods pp. 740-749 Downloads
Ana M. Franco-Watkins and Joseph G. Johnson
Response dynamics: A new window on the decision process pp. 750-758 Downloads
Gregory J. Koop and Joseph G. Johnson
New designs for research in delay discounting pp. 759-770 Downloads
John R. Doyle, Catherine H. Chen and Krishna Savani
Measuring Social Value Orientation pp. 771-781 Downloads
Ryan O. Murphy, Kurt A. Ackermann and Michel J. J. Handgraaf
Diagnostic Task Selection for Strategy Classification in Judgment and Decision Making: Theory, Validation, and Implementation in R pp. 782-799 Downloads
Marc Jekel, Susann Fiedler and Andreas Glöckner
A shift in strategy or “error”? Strategy classification over multiple stochastic specifications pp. 800-813 Downloads
Clintin P. Davis-Stober and Nicholas Brown
Methodological notes on model comparisons and strategy classification: A falsificationist proposition pp. 814-820 Downloads
Morten Moshagen and Benjamin E. Hilbig
Pair-wise comparisons of multiple models pp. 821-831 Downloads
Stephen B. Broomell, David V. Budescu and Han-Hui Por
Using hierarchical Bayesian methods to examine the tools of decision-making pp. 832-842 Downloads
Michael D. Lee and Benjamin R. Newell
What might judgment and decision making research be like if we took a Bayesian approach to hypothesis testing? pp. 843-856 Downloads
William J. Matthews
A model-based approach for the analysis of the calibration of probability judgments pp. 857-869 Downloads
David V. Budescu and Timothy R. Johnson
Is there evidence of publication biases in JDM research? pp. 870-881 Downloads
Frank Renkewitz, Heather M. Fuchs and Susann Fiedler

Volume 6, month October, 2011

Who makes utilitarian judgments? The influences of emotions on utilitarian judgments pp. 580-592 Downloads
So Young Choe and Kyung-Hwan Min
Trolley problems in context pp. 593-601 Downloads
Christopher Shallow, Rumen Iliev and Douglas Medin
Behind the veil of ignorance: Self-serving bias in climate change negotiations pp. 602-615 Downloads
Peter H. Kriss, George Loewenstein, Xianghong Wang and Roberto A. Weber
The size and distribution of donations: Effects of number of recipients pp. 616-628 Downloads
Emre Soyer and Robin M. Hogarth
The impact of excess choice on deferment of decisions to volunteer pp. 629-637 Downloads
Lauren S. Carroll, Mathew P. White and Sabine Pahl
Numeracy as a precursor to pro-social behavior: The impact of numeracy and presentation format on the cognitive mechanisms underlying donation decisions pp. 638-650 Downloads
Stephan Dickert, Janet Kleber, Ellen Peters and Paul Slovic
What cognitive processes drive response biases? A diffusion model analysis pp. 651-687 Downloads
Fábio P. Leite and Roger Ratcliff
An illusion of control modulates the reluctance to tempt fate pp. 688-696 Downloads
Chloe L. Swirsky, Philip M. Fernbach and Steven A. Sloman
Trust and self-control: The moderating role of the default pp. 697-705 Downloads
Anthony M. Evans, Kyle D. Dillon, Gideon Goldin and Joachim I. Krueger

Volume 6, month August, 2011

Using the ACT-R architecture to specify 39 quantitative process models of decision making pp. 439-519 Downloads
Julian N. Marewski and Katja Mehlhorn
Consumers can make decisions in as little as a third of a second pp. 520-530 Downloads
Milica Milosavljevic, Christof Koch and Antonio Rangel
Disentangling the effects of alternation rate and maximum run length on judgments of randomness pp. 531-541 Downloads
Sabine G. Scholl and Rainer Greifeneder
Why do professional athletes have different time preferences than non-athletes? pp. 542-551 Downloads
Alex Krumer, Tal Shavit and Mosi Rosenboim
Real and hypothetical rewards in self-control and social discounting pp. 552-564 Downloads
Matthew L. Locey, Bryan A. Jones and Howard Rachlin
Studies of the dimensionality, correlates, and meaning of measures of the maximizing tendency pp. 565-579 Downloads
Hye Bin Rim, Brandon M. Turner, Nancy E. Betz and Thomas E. Nygren

Volume 6, month July, 2011

Recognition-based judgments and decisions: What we have learned (so far) pp. 359-380 Downloads
Julian N. Marewski, Rüdiger F. Pohl and Oliver Vitouch
Effects of ignorance and information on judgments and decisions pp. 381-391 Downloads
Peter Ayton, Dilek Önkal and Lisa McReynolds
The beauty of simple models: Themes in recognition heuristic research pp. 392-395 Downloads
Daniel Goldstein and Gerd Gigerenzer
A marketing science perspective on recognition-based heuristics (and the fast-and-frugal paradigm) pp. 396-408 Downloads
John Hauser
Recognising the recognition heuristic for what it is (and what it’s not) pp. 409-412 Downloads
Ben R. Newell
The limited value of precise tests of the recognition heuristic pp. 413-422 Downloads
Thorsten Pachur
On the use of recognition in inferential decision making: An overview of the debate pp. 423-438 Downloads
Rüdiger F. Pohl

Volume 6, month June, 2011

Pay as much as you can afford: Counterpart’s ability to pay and first offers in negotiation pp. 275-282 Downloads
Yossi Maaravi, Asya Pazy and Yoav Ganzach
Repeated judgment sampling: Boundaries pp. 283-294 Downloads
Johannes Müller-Trede
Two sides of the same coin: Information processing style and reverse biases pp. 295-305 Downloads
Shahar Ayal, Guy Hochman and Dan Zakay
Maximizing and customer loyalty: Are maximizers less loyal? pp. 307-313 Downloads
Linda Lai
Would you rather be injured by lightning or a downed power line? Preference for natural hazards pp. 314-322 Downloads
Jeffrey M. Rudski, William Osei, Ari R. Jacobson and Carl R. Lynch
Nudge to nobesity I: Minor changes in accessibility decrease food intake pp. 323-332 Downloads
Paul Rozin, Sydney Scott, Megan Dingley, Joanna K. Urbanek, Hong Jiang and Mark Kaltenbach
Nudge to nobesity II: Menu positions influence food orders pp. 333-342 Downloads
Eran Dayan and Maya Bar-Hillel
How comparing decision outcomes affects subsequent decisions: The carry-over of a comparative mind-set pp. 343-350 Downloads
Daniela Raeva-Beri, Eric van Dijk and Marcel Zeelenberg
Unconscious intuition or conscious analysis? Critical questions for the Deliberation-Without-Attention paradigm pp. 351-358 Downloads
Balazs Aczel, Bence Lukacs, Judit Komlos and Michael R. F. Aitken

Volume 6, month April, 2011

In defense of the personal/impersonal distinction in moral psychology research: Cross-cultural validation of the dual process model of moral judgment pp. 186-195 Downloads
Adam B. Moore, N. Y. Louis Lee, Brian A. M. Clark and Andrew R. A. Conway
Coming close to the ideal alternative: The concordant-ranks strategy pp. 196-210 Downloads
Neda Kerimi, Henry Montgomery and Dan Zakay
Contingency inferences driven by base rates: Valid by sampling pp. 211-221 Downloads
Florian Kutzner, Tobias Vogel, Peter Freytag and Klaus Fiedler
A proximity effect in adults’ contamination intuitions pp. 222-229 Downloads
Laura R. Kim and Nancy S. Kim
Is variety the spice of life? It all depends on the rate of consumption pp. 230-238 Downloads
Jeff Galak, Justin Kruger and George Loewenstein
Are groups more likely to defer choice than their members? pp. 239-251 Downloads
Chris M. White, Sebastian Hafenbrädl, Ulrich Hoffrage, Nils Reisen and Jan K. Woike
The Decision Making Individual Differences Inventory and guidelines for the study of individual differences in judgment and decision-making research pp. 252-262 Downloads
Kirstin C. Appelt, Kerry F. Milch, Michel J. J. Handgraaf and Elke U. Weber
Risk communication with pictographs: The role of numeracy and graph processing pp. 263-274 Downloads
Rebecca Hess, Vivianne H. M. Visschers and Michael Siegrist

Volume 6, month February, 2011

Recognition-based judgments and decisions: Introduction to the special issue (II) pp. 1-6 Downloads
Julian N. Marewski, Rüdiger F. Pohl and Oliver Vitouch
Threshold models of recognition and the recognition heuristic pp. 7-22 Downloads
Edgar Erdfelder, Carolina E. Küpper-Tetzel and Sandra D. Mattern
Processing of recognition information and additional cues: A model-based analysis of choice, confidence, and response time pp. 23-42 Downloads
Andreas Glöckner and Arndt Bröder
Recognition judgments and the performance of the recognition heuristic depend on the size of the reference class pp. 43-57 Downloads
Ulrich Hoffrage
The wisdom of ignorant crowds: Predicting sport outcomes by mere recognition pp. 58-72 Downloads
Stefan M. Herzog and Ralph Hertwig
Forecasting elections with mere recognition from small, lousy samples: A comparison of collective recognition, wisdom of crowds, and representative polls pp. 73-88 Downloads
Wolfgang Gaissmaier and Julian N. Marewski
Four challenges for cognitive research on the recognition heuristic and a call for a research strategy shift pp. 89-99 Downloads
Tracy Tomlinson, Julian N. Marewski and Michael Dougherty
The recognition heuristic: A decade of research pp. 100-121 Downloads
Gerd Gigerenzer and Daniel Goldstein
New paradoxes in intertemporal choice pp. 122-129 Downloads
Li-Lin Rao and Shu Li
The effect of military service on soldiers’ time preferences — Evidence from Israel pp. 130-138 Downloads
Eyal Lahav, Uri Benzion and Tal Shavit
Biased calculations: Numeric anchors influence answers to math equations pp. 139-146 Downloads
Andrew R. Smith and Paul D. Windschitl
To trade or not to trade: The moderating role of vividness when exchanging gambles pp. 147-155 Downloads
Michal Maimaran
A re-examination of the effect of contextual group size on people’s attitude to risk pp. 156-162 Downloads
Kazumi Shimizu and Daisuke Udagawa
The influence of group decision making on indecisiveness-related decisional confidence pp. 163-175 Downloads
Andrea L. Patalano and Zachary LeClair
Relative thinking in consumer choice between differentiated goods and services and its implications for business strategy pp. 176-185 Downloads
Ofer Azar
Page updated 2025-03-31