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European Economic Review

1969 - 2025

Current editor(s): T.S. Eicher, A. Imrohoroglu, E. Leeper, J. Oechssler and M. Pesendorfer

From Elsevier
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Volume 171, issue C, 2025

Income or leisure? On the hidden benefits of (un)employment Downloads
Adrian Chadi and Clemens Hetschko
Regional variations in corporate tax responsiveness: Evidence from Switzerland Downloads
Matthias Krapf and David Staubli
Where are the female composers? Human capital and gender inequality in music history Downloads
Karol Borowiecki, Martin Hørlyk Kristensen and Marc Law
Labor reallocation effects of furlough schemes: Evidence from two recessions in Spain Downloads
Antonia Díaz, Juan Dolado, Álvaro Jáñez and Felix Wellschmied
Introduction to the special issue on climate risks Downloads
Óscar Jordá, Fernanda Nechio and Evi Pappa
The effects of digitalization on production Downloads
Florentine Schwark and Andreas Tryphonides
Navigating the housing channel of monetary policy across euro area regions Downloads
Niccolò Battistini, Matteo Falagiarda, Angelina Hackmann and Moreno Roma
Economic expectations under the shadow of party polarization: Evidence from 135 government changes Downloads
Luis Guirola
It hurts to ask Downloads
Roland Bénabou, Ania Jaroszewicz and George Loewenstein

Volume 170, issue C, 2024

Measuring climate transition risk at the regional level with an application to community banks Downloads
Mitchell Berlin, Sung Je Byun, Pablo D'Erasmo and Edison Yu
Lying in competitive environments: Identifying behavioral impacts Downloads
Simon Dato, Eberhard Feess and Petra Nieken
Do policy instruments that restrict social identity expression increase economic cooperation? Downloads
Daphne Chang, Roy Chen, Erin L. Krupka and Zhewei Song
Subsidies for close substitutes: Aggregate demand for residential solar electricity Downloads
Alexander Abajian and Nick Pretnar
Labour at risk Downloads
Vasco Botelho, Claudia Foroni and Andrea Renzetti
Business taxes, management delegation, and growth Downloads
Maurizio Iacopetta and Pietro F. Peretto
Optimal monetary policy and rational asset bubbles Downloads
Jacopo Bonchi and Salvatore Nisticò
Reassessing grain price variability in early modern Europe (c. 1500–1800) Downloads
Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist and Andrea Seim
Labour costs and the decision to hire the first employee Downloads
Bart Cockx and Sam Desiere
Firm-level impact of public credit guarantees Downloads
Ufuk Akcigit, Ünal Seven, İbrahim Yarba and Fatih Yilmaz
The inelastic demand for affirmative action Downloads
Demid Getik, Marco Islam and Margaret Samahita
Lognormal (re)distribution: A macrofounded theory of inequality Downloads
Jon X. Eguia and Dimitrios Xefteris
Work from home and the racial gap in female wages Downloads
Amairisa Kouki
Unwinding quantitative easing: State dependency and household heterogeneity Downloads
Cristiano Cantore and Pascal Meichtry
Climate defaults and financial adaptation Downloads
Toàn Phan and Felipe Schwartzman
A simple model of buyer–seller networks in international trade Downloads
Philipp Herkenhoff, Sebastian Krautheim and Philip Sauré
Quality differentiation, comparative advantage, and international specialization across products Downloads
Ulrich Schetter
How good am I? Effects and mechanisms behind salient rank Downloads
Rigissa Megalokonomou and Yi Zhang
Voting on the flag of the Weimar Republic Downloads
Alex Gershkov, Andreas Kleiner, Benny Moldovanu and Xianwen Shi
An unemployment re-insurance scheme for the eurozone? Stabilizing and redistributive effects Downloads
Mathias Dolls
Labour market skills, endogenous productivity and business cycles Downloads
Mirko Abbritti and Agostino Consolo
Active or passive? Revisiting the role of fiscal policy during high inflation Downloads
Stephanie Ettmeier and Alexander Kriwoluzky
Energy shocks as Keynesian supply shocks: Implications for fiscal policy Downloads
Enisse Kharroubi and Frank Smets
The bright side of the doom loop: Banks’ sovereign exposure and default incentives Downloads
Luis E. Rojas and Dominik Thaler
Corrigendum to “Identity, Leadership, and Cooperation: An experimental analysis” [European Economic Review 165 (2024) 104741] Downloads
Moumita Roy and Daniel Houser
Corporate finance, collateralized borrowing, and monetary policy Downloads
Yu-Chen Liu and Yiting Li
Effects of extending paid parental leave on children’s socio-emotional skills and well-being in adolescence Downloads
Mikkel Aagaard Houmark, Cecilie Marie Løchte Jørgensen, Ida Lykke Kristiansen and Miriam Gensowski
Robots, occupations, and worker age: A production-unit analysis of employment Downloads
Liuchun Deng, Steffen Müller, Verena Plümpe and Jens Stegmaier
Using double-debiased machine learning to estimate the impact of Covid-19 vaccination on mortality and staff absences in elderly care homes Downloads
Sourafel Girma and David Paton
Carbon taxes and tariffs, financial frictions, and international spillovers Downloads
Stefano Carattini, Giseong Kim, Givi Melkadze and Aude Pommeret
On political ambiguity and anti-median platforms Downloads
Juha Tolvanen
Social norms: Enforcement, breakdown & polarization Downloads
Loukas Balafoutas, Eugen Dimant, Simon Gächter and Erin Krupka
Contingent payments in procurement interactions: Experimental evidence Downloads
Jason Shachat, Matthew Walker and Lijia Wei
A field study of donor behaviour in the Iranian kidney market Downloads
Ali Moghaddasi Kelishomi and Daniel Sgroi
Identifying and quantifying the extraterritorial effects of sanctions Downloads
Ohyun Kwon, Constantinos Syropoulos and Yoto Yotov
Targeted monetary policy, dual rates, and bank risk-taking Downloads
Francesca Barbiero, Lorenzo Burlon, Maria Dimou and Jan Toczynski
Central bank digital currency and bank intermediation: Medium of Exchange vs. Savings vehicle Downloads
Remo Nyffenegger
Don’t put all your legs in one basket: Theory and evidence on coopetition in road cycling Downloads
Julian Matthes and David Piazolo

Volume 169, issue C, 2024

The welfare costs of business cycles unveiled: Measuring the extent of stabilization policies Downloads
Fernando Barros, Fábio Augusto R. Gomes and André Victor Doherty Luduvice
The distributional effects of climate change. An empirical analysis Downloads
Haroon Mumtaz and Angeliki Theophilopoulou
Demographic obstacles to European growth Downloads
Thomas Cooley, Espen Henriksen and Charlie Nusbaum
Belief elicitation under competing motivations: Does it matter how you ask? Downloads
Lata Gangadharan, Philip Grossman and Nina Xue
To stay or to migrate? When Becker meets Harris-Todaro Downloads
Yin-Chi Wang, Pei-Ju Liao, Ping Wang and Chong Kee Yip
E-money, risk-sharing, and welfare Downloads
Francesco Carli and Burak Uras
GDP and temperature: Evidence on cross-country response heterogeneity Downloads
Kimberly Berg, Chadwick Curtis and Nelson C. Mark
Priming ideology I: Why do presidential elections affect U.S. judges Downloads
Daniel L. Chen
Learning from Friends in a Pandemic: Social networks and the macroeconomic response of consumption Downloads
Christos A. Makridis and Tao Wang
Expansions in paid parental leave and mothers’ economic progress Downloads
Gozde Corekcioglu, Marco Francesconi and Astrid Kunze
Page updated 2025-01-23