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Journal of Public Economics

1972 - 2025

Current editor(s): R. Boadway and J. Poterba

From Elsevier
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Volume 50, issue 3, 1993

Pension portability and labor mobility: Evidence from the survey of income and program participation pp. 299-323 Downloads
Alan Gustman and Thomas L. Steinmeier
National origin and immigrant welfare recipiency pp. 325-344 Downloads
George Borjas and Stephen Trejo
Hierarchical design and enforcement of income tax policies pp. 345-369 Downloads
Isabel Sanchez and Joel Sobel
The Ramsey problem for congestible facilities pp. 371-396 Downloads
Richard Arnott and Marvin Kraus
Comprehensive income taxation, investments in human and physical capital, and productivity pp. 397-406 Downloads
Marc Nerlove, Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka and Robert K. von Weizsacker
Finite duration of unemployment insurance, reservation wages and participation in the job market pp. 407-427 Downloads
JoseM. Usategui
Two-sided uncertainty in the monopoly agenda setter model pp. 429-444 Downloads
Jeffrey Banks
A note on the optimum income tax pp. 445-451 Downloads
Johann Brunner
Economic policy precommitment and social welfare pp. 455-455 Downloads
Robin Cubitt

Volume 50, issue 2, 1993

Qalys pp. 149-167 Downloads
John Broome
Approaches to efficient capital taxation: Leveling the playing field vs. living by the golden rule pp. 169-196 Downloads
Lawrence H. Goulder and Philippe Thalmann
Optimal non-linear pricing with regulatory preference over customer type pp. 197-229 Downloads
William Sharkey and David S. Sibley
The impact of a nonlinear income tax on the supply of roundwood in Sweden: A policy evaluation experiment based on cross-section data pp. 231-252 Downloads
Thomas Aronsson
Time constraints in consumption and savings behavior pp. 253-259 Downloads
Vito Tanzi and Howell Zee
Tax evasion and optimal commodity taxation pp. 261-275 Downloads
Helmuth Cremer and Firouz Gahvari
Individual production, community characteristics and the provision of local public services pp. 277-289 Downloads
Amy Schwartz
Voting over income tax progression in a two-period model pp. 291-298 Downloads
John Creedy and Patrick Francois

Volume 50, issue 1, 1993

Reconciling voters' behavior with legislative term limits pp. 1-14 Downloads
Andrew R. Dick and John Lott
Productive efficiency in public and private firms pp. 15-30 Downloads
Gianni De Fraja
Uncertainty resolution and the timing of annuity purchases pp. 31-62 Downloads
Agar Brugiavini
Reference-price-independent welfare prescriptions pp. 63-76 Downloads
Charles Blackorby, Francois Laisney and Rolf Schmachtenberg
Welfare effects of unfunded pension systems when labor supply is endogenous pp. 77-91 Downloads
Friedrich Breyer and Martin Straub
Price and income distortions under separate spending and taxing decisions pp. 93-114 Downloads
Cheryl M. Holsey
Alternative tax regimes in a local public good economy pp. 115-141 Downloads
J. M. Pogodzinski and David Sjoquist
Household equivalence scales and welfare comparisons: A comment pp. 143-146 Downloads
Charles Blackorby and David Donaldson
Household equivalence scales and welfare comparisons: Reply pp. 147-148 Downloads
Arthur Lewbel

Volume 49, issue 3, 1992

A direct examination of the dividend clientele hypothesis pp. 261-285 Downloads
John Scholz
Substitution between unemployment insurance and workers' compensation: An analysis applied to the risk of workplace accidents pp. 287-312 Downloads
Bernard Fortin and Paul Lanoie
Evading the use tax on cross-border sales: Pricing and welfare effects pp. 313-331 Downloads
Gregory A. Trandel
Corruption in tax administration pp. 333-349 Downloads
Parkash Chander and Louis Wilde
The comparison between ad valorem and specific taxation under imperfect competition pp. 351-367 Downloads
Sofia Delipalla and Michael Keen
Social contract, taxation and the standing of deadweight loss pp. 369-381 Downloads
Richard A. Musgrave
Some properties of egalitarian economies pp. 383-387 Downloads
Murray Kemp and Ngo Long
The uniqueness of Nash equilibrium in the private provision of public goods: An alternative proof pp. 389-390 Downloads
Clive Fraser
Uniqueness of Nash equilibrium in private provision of public goods: An improved proof pp. 391-392 Downloads
Ted Bergstrom, Lawrence Blume and Hal Varian

Volume 49, issue 2, 1992

The demand for education with 'power equalizing' aid: Estimation and simulation pp. 135-162 Downloads
Paul Rothstein
Grandfather rules and the theory of optimal tax reform pp. 163-190 Downloads
George Zodrow
Economic policy precommitment and social welfare pp. 191-201 Downloads
Robin Cubitt
Some tests of the incentive effects of the research and experimentation tax credit pp. 203-218 Downloads
C. W. Swenson
On efficiency-inducing taxation for a non-renewable resource monopolist pp. 219-239 Downloads
Larry Karp and John Livernois
Infrastructural competition among jurisdictions pp. 241-259 Downloads
Leon Taylor

Volume 49, issue 1, 1992

Economic incentives and political institutions: Spending and voting in school budget referenda pp. 1-33 Downloads
Thomas Romer, Howard Rosenthal and Vincent G. Munley
IRS as loan shark tax compliance with borrowing constraints pp. 35-46 Downloads
James Andreoni
A reexamination of the optimal nonlinear income tax pp. 47-73 Downloads
Udo Ebert
Entry barriers in politics and uncontested elections pp. 75-90 Downloads
R. Morris Coats and Thomas R. Dalton
Social security, longevity, and moral hazard pp. 91-106 Downloads
James Davies and Peter Kuhn
The role of party reputation in the formation of policy pp. 107-121 Downloads
Joseph Harrington
Fiscal policy, seasonality, and intertemporal substitution of investment spending in the UK pp. 123-134 Downloads
Michael Summer

Volume 48, issue 3, 1992

The effect of subsidies in kind on the choice of a college pp. 269-292 Downloads
Philip Ganderton
Introducing risky housing and endogenous tenure choice into a portfolio-based general equilibrium model pp. 293-316 Downloads
Patric Hendershott and Yunhi Won
The social value of hidden information in adverse selection economies pp. 317-347 Downloads
Keith J. Crocker and Arthur Snow
Notes on bribery and the control of corruption pp. 349-359 Downloads
Kaushik Basu, Sudipto Bhattacharya and Ajit Mishra
Competitive tax theory in open economies: Constrained inefficiency and a Pigovian remedy pp. 361-375 Downloads
R. Krelove
Life-cycle valuation of social security and pension wealth pp. 377-384 Downloads
Thad W. Mirer
Impure public goods and transfers in a three-agent model pp. 385-401 Downloads
Toshihiro Ihori

Volume 48, issue 2, 1992

Pressure groups and redistribution pp. 135-163 Downloads
Lorenzo Kristov, Peter Lindert and Robert McClelland
Understanding welfare stigma: Taxpayer resentment and statistical discrimination pp. 165-183 Downloads
Timothy Besley and Stephen Coate
Sensitivity analysis for DEA models: An empirical example using public vs. NFP hospitals pp. 185-205 Downloads
Vivian Valdmanis
Fiscal illusion, uncertainty, and the flypaper effect pp. 207-223 Downloads
Geoffrey K. Turnbull
Effective tax rates and Tobin's q pp. 225-237 Downloads
Yasushi Iwamoto
Pay-as-you-go public pensions with endogenous fertility pp. 239-258 Downloads
Kazuo Nishimura and Junsen Zhang
Allocation of information by majority decisions pp. 259-268 Downloads
Hans Gersbach

Volume 48, issue 1, 1992

The Harambee movement and efficient public good provision in Kenya pp. 1-19 Downloads
Leonard Wilson
Why do people pay taxes? pp. 21-38 Downloads
James Alm, Gary H. McClelland and William D. Schulze
Problems with integrating corporate and personal income taxes in an open economy pp. 39-66 Downloads
Robin Boadway and Neil Bruce
A welfare comparison of private and public monopoly pp. 67-81 Downloads
John Roemer and Joaquim Silvestre
Public facility location and urban spatial structure: Equilibrium and welfare analysis pp. 83-118 Downloads
Jacques Thisse and David Wildasin
Voluntary contributions to united charities pp. 119-133 Downloads
Marc Bilodeau
Page updated 2025-03-31