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Journal of Public Economics

1972 - 2025

Current editor(s): R. Boadway and J. Poterba

From Elsevier
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Volume 217, issue C, 2023

How do government transfer payments affect retail prices and welfare? Evidence from SNAP Downloads
Justin H. Leung and Hee Kwon Seo
Home or away? Profit shifting with territorial taxation Downloads
Dominika Langenmayr and Li Liu
Combining rules and discretion in economic development policy: Evidence on the impacts of the California Competes Tax Credit Downloads
Matthew Freedman, Shantanu Khanna and David Neumark
Violence-induced migration and peer effects in academic performance Downloads
María Padilla-Romo and Cecilia Peluffo
When (and why) providers do not respond to changes in reimbursement rates Downloads
Marcus Dillender, Lu Jinks and Anthony T. Lo Sasso
Majority choice of taxation and redistribution in a federation Downloads
Stephen Calabrese, Dennis Epple and Richard Romano
Primary care providers’ influence on opioid use and its adverse consequences Downloads
Sarah Eichmeyer and Jonathan Zhang
Offshore tax evasion and wealth inequality: Evidence from a tax amnesty in the Netherlands Downloads
Wouter Leenders, Arjan Lejour, Simon Rabate and Maarten van ’t Riet,
Do environmental markets cause environmental injustice? Evidence from California’s carbon market Downloads
Danae Hernandez-Cortes and Kyle C. Meng
Judicial subversion: The effects of political power on court outcomes Downloads
Guilherme Lambais and Henrik Sigstad
Ordinal rank and the structure of ability peer effects Downloads
Marco Bertoni and Roberto Nisticò
Pretrial juvenile detention Downloads
E. Jason Baron, Brian Jacob and Joseph Ryan

Volume 216, issue C, 2022

State responses to federal matching grants: The case of medicaid Downloads
Pauline Leung
Subsidizing low- and middle-income adoption of electric vehicles: Quasi-experimental evidence from California Downloads
Erich Muehlegger and David Rapson
Reference points and redistributive preferences: Experimental evidence Downloads
Jimmy Charité, Raymond Fisman, Ilyana Kuziemko and Kewei Zhang
Do mandated health insurance benefits for diabetes save lives? Downloads
Jinyeong Son
Paternalism and pseudo-rationality: An illustration based on retirement savings Downloads
Itzik Fadlon and David Laibson
Identity and underrepresentation: Interactions between race and gender Downloads
Jean-Paul Carvalho and Bary Pradelski
Small-group instruction to improve student performance in mathematics in early grades: Results from a randomized field experiment Downloads
Hans Bonesrønning, Henning Finseraas, Inés Hardoy, Jon Marius Vaag Iversen, Ole Henning Nyhus, Vibeke Opheim, Kari Vea Salvanes, Astrid Marie Sandsør and Pål Schøne
Assessing knowledge or classroom behavior? Evidence of teachers’ grading bias Downloads
Bruno Ferman and Luiz Felipe Fontes

Volume 215, issue C, 2022

The minimum wage, informal pay, and tax enforcement Downloads
Anikó Bíró, Daniel Prinz and László Sándor
Syringe exchange programs and harm reduction: New evidence in the wake of the opioid epidemic Downloads
Analisa Packham
Temporary and permanent effects of withdrawal penalties on retirement savings accounts✩ Downloads
Gopi Goda, Damon Jones and Shanthi Ramnath
How does group identification affect redistribution in representative democracies? An Experiment Downloads
Shaun P. Hargreaves Heap, Emma Manifold, Konstantinos Matakos and Dimitrios Xefteris
Noise pollution and violent crime☆ Downloads
Timo Hener
The emergence of private high schools in India: The impact of public-private competition on public school students Downloads
Surendrakumar Bagde, Dennis Epple and Lowell Taylor
Regulatory arbitrage in teacher hiring and retention: Evidence from Massachusetts Charter Schools Downloads
Jesse Bruhn, Scott Imberman and Marcus Winters
Cutting special interests by the roots: Evidence from the Brazilian Amazon Downloads
Arthur Bragança and Ricardo Dahis

Volume 214, issue C, 2022

Do higher income taxes on top earners trickle down? A local labor markets approach Downloads
Paul M. Kindsgrab
Eliciting preferences for income redistribution: A new survey item Downloads
Jochem de Bresser and Marike Knoef
Infrastructure maintenance and rural economic activity: Evidence from India Downloads
Ritam Chaurey and Duong Trung Le
Politics from the Bench? Ideology and Strategic Voting in the U.S. Supreme Court Downloads
Tom S. Clark, B. Pablo Montagnes and Jörg Spenkuch
Bunching and Adjustment Costs: Evidence from Cypriot Tax Reforms Downloads
Panos Mavrokonstantis and Arthur Seibold
Does single-sex schooling help or hurt labor market outcomes? Evidence from a natural experiment in South Korea Downloads
Youngju Lee and Nobuhiko Nakazawa
Political manipulation of urban land markets: Evidence from China Downloads
J. Vernon Henderson, Dongling Su, Qinghua Zhang and Siqi Zheng
A generalization of the Deaton-Hellwig results on uniform commodity taxation Downloads
Robin Boadway and Katherine Cuff
The impact of diversity on perceptions of income distribution and preferences for redistribution Downloads
Juliana Londoño-Vélez
Do social media ads matter for political behavior? A field experiment Downloads
George Beknazar-Yuzbashev and Mateusz Stalinski
Real responses to anti-tax avoidance: Evidence from the UK Worldwide Debt Cap Downloads
Katarzyna Bilicka, Yaxuan Qi and Jing Xing
Gender, beliefs, and coordination with externalities Downloads
Timothy Cason, Lata Gangadharan and Philip Grossman
Subjective well-being and social desirability Downloads
James Reisinger

Volume 213, issue C, 2022

Ministers Engage in Favoritism Too Downloads
Philine Widmer and Noémie Zurlinden
Coal use, air pollution, and student performance Downloads
Valentina Duque and Michael Gilraine
Simulated power analyses for observational studies: An application to the Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansion Downloads
Bernard Black, Alex Hollingsworth, Letícia Nunes and Kosali Simon
The psychology of taxing capital income: Evidence from a survey experiment on the realization rule Downloads
Zachary Liscow and Edward Fox
Another day, another visit: Impact of Arkansas’ mandatory waiting period for women seeking an abortion by demographic groups Downloads
Onur Altindag and Theodore Joyce
Statutory incidence and sales tax compliance: Evidence from Wayfair Downloads
William Fox, Enda Hargaden and LeAnn Luna

Volume 212, issue C, 2022

The quality of the estimators of the ETI Downloads
Thomas Aronsson, Katharina Jenderny and Gauthier Lanot
Public childcare benefits children and mothers: Evidence from a nationwide experiment in a developing country Downloads
Andrés Hojman and Florencia Lopez Boo
Gridlock, leverage, and policy bundling Downloads
Barton Lee
Political differences in air pollution abatement under the Clean Air Act Downloads
Zach Raff, Andrew Meyer and Jason Walter
Tax enforcement and the intended and unintended consequences of information disclosure Downloads
Laura Konda, Elena Patel and Nathan Seegert
Identifying behavioral responses to tax reforms: New insights and a new approach Downloads
Katrine Marie Jakobsen and Jakob Søgaard
A dynamic model of fiscal decentralization and public debt accumulation Downloads
Si Guo, Yun Pei and Zoe Xie
Vertical integration and production inefficiency in the presence of a gross receipts tax Downloads
Benjamin Hansen, Keaton Miller and Caroline Weber
Social norms, sanctions, and conditional entry in markets with externalities: Evidence from an artefactual field experiment Downloads
Tobias Riehm, Nicolas Fugger, Philippe Gillen, Vitali Gretschko and Peter Werner
Sequential referenda with sophisticated voters Downloads
Howard Rosenthal and William Zame
Limited supply and lagging enrollment: Production technologies and enrollment changes at community colleges during the pandemic Downloads
Diane Schanzenbach and Sarah Turner
The effects of corporate taxes on small firms Downloads
Jarkko Harju, Aliisa Koivisto and Tuomas Matikka
Public disclosure of tax information: Compliance tool or social network? Downloads
Daniel Reck, Joel Slemrod and Trine Engh Vattø
The global minimum tax Downloads
Niels Johannesen
The Pandemic’s effect on demand for public schools, homeschooling, and private schools Downloads
Tareena Musaddiq, Kevin Stange, Andrew Bacher-Hicks and Joshua Goodman
Rivers, lakes and revenue streams: The heterogeneous effects of Clean Water Act grants on local spending Downloads
Patrick Flynn and Tucker Smith
Page updated 2025-03-31