Journal of Public Economics
1972 - 2025
Current editor(s): R. Boadway and J. Poterba From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 93, issue 11-12, 2009
- Why do parents socialize their children to behave pro-socially? An information-based theory pp. 1119-1124

- Fabrizio Adriani and Silvia Sonderegger
- Are labels effective against child labor? pp. 1125-1130

- Jean-Marie Baland and Cédric Duprez
- Tax compliance and firms' strategic interdependence pp. 1131-1143

- Ralph-C Bayer and Frank Cowell
- War and local collective action in Sierra Leone pp. 1144-1157

- John Bellows and Edward Miguel
- Competitive rivalry, social disposition, and subjective well-being: An experiment pp. 1158-1167

- Jordi Brandts, Arno Riedl and Frans van Winden
- Separability and public finance pp. 1168-1174

- Stephane Gauthier and Guy Laroque
- Terror and the costs of crime pp. 1175-1188

- Eric Gould and Guy Stecklov
- Equality of opportunity and luck: Definitions and testable conditions, with an application to income in France pp. 1189-1207

- Arnaud Lefranc, Nicolas Pistolesi and Alain Trannoy
- Labor supply responses to marginal Social Security benefits: Evidence from discontinuities pp. 1208-1223

- Jeffrey Liebman, Erzo Luttmer and David G. Seif
- Labor supply effects of the recent social security benefit cuts: Empirical estimates using cohort discontinuities pp. 1224-1233

- Giovanni Mastrobuoni
- The long-term effects of job search requirements: Evidence from the UK JSA reform pp. 1234-1253

- Barbara Petrongolo
- Taxing education in Ramsey's tradition pp. 1254-1260

- Wolfram Richter
- Tax competition with parasitic tax havens pp. 1261-1270

- Joel Slemrod and John Wilson
- Do binding agreements solve the social dilemma? pp. 1271-1282

- Sylvie Thoron, Emmanuel Sol and Marc Willinger
- Corrigendum to "Disruption versus Tiebout improvement: The costs and benefits of switching schools" [Journal of Public Economics Volume 88 (2004), pages 1721-1746] pp. 1283-1284

- Eric Hanushek, John Kain and Steven Rivkin
Volume 93, issue 9-10, 2009
- Optimal policy and the risk properties of human capital reconsidered pp. 1017-1026

- Dan Anderberg
- Incorporating affirmative action into the welfare state pp. 1027-1035

- Tomer Blumkin, Yoram Margalioth and Efraim Sadka
- Whatever you say, your reputation precedes you: Observation and cheap talk in the trust game pp. 1036-1044

- Juergen Bracht and Nick Feltovich
- How accountability pressure on failing schools affects student achievement pp. 1045-1057

- Hanley Chiang
- Which countries become tax havens? pp. 1058-1068

- Dhammika Dharmapala and James Hines
- Public sector performance measurement and stakeholder support pp. 1069-1077

- David Figlio and Lawrence Kenny
- Democracy, collective action and intra-elite conflict pp. 1078-1089

- Sayantan Ghosal and Eugenio Proto
- The life insurance market: Asymmetric information revisited pp. 1090-1097

- Daifeng He
- Optimal nonlinear income taxation with learning-by-doing pp. 1098-1110

- Alan Krause
- How responsive are charitable donors to requests to give? pp. 1111-1117

- Barış Yörük
Volume 93, issue 7-8, 2009
- Should we tax or cap political contributions? A lobbying model with policy favors and access pp. 831-842

- Christopher Cotton
- Propensities to engage in and punish corrupt behavior: Experimental evidence from Australia, India, Indonesia and Singapore pp. 843-851

- Lisa Cameron, Ananish Chaudhuri, Nisvan Erkal and Lata Gangadharan
- A note on the Bourguignon-Fields class of poverty indices pp. 852-854

- Lucio Esposito and Peter Lambert
- Tax structures in developing countries: Many puzzles and a possible explanation pp. 855-866

- Roger Gordon and Wei Li
- Labor supply elasticity and social security reform pp. 867-878

- Selahattin Imrohoroglu and Sagiri Kitao
- Assessing policies to equalize opportunity using an equilibrium model of educational and occupational choices pp. 879-898

- Michael Keane and John Roemer
- Can good projects succeed in bad communities? pp. 899-916

- Asim Khwaja
- Targeting public goods to the poor in a segregated economy: An empirical analysis of central mandates in rural India pp. 917-930

- Anjini Kochar, Kesar Singh and Sukhwinder Singh
- Escaping epidemics through migration? Quarantine measures under incomplete information about infection risk pp. 931-938

- Alice Mesnard and Paul Seabright
- International commodity taxation in the presence of unemployment pp. 939-949

- Simone Moriconi and Yasuhiro Sato
- Corruption perceptions vs. corruption reality pp. 950-964

- Benjamin Olken
- School tracking and intergenerational income mobility: Evidence from the Finnish comprehensive school reform pp. 965-973

- Tuomas Pekkarinen, Roope Uusitalo and Sari Pekkala Kerr
- The long-run determinants of inequality: What can we learn from top income data? pp. 974-988

- Jesper Roine, Jonas Vlachos and Daniel Waldenström
- Political constraints to growth in an economic union pp. 989-997

- Michele Ruta
- Does the diversity of human capital increase GDP? A comparison of education systems pp. 998-1007

- Katsuya Takii and Ryuichi Tanaka
- AIDS treatment and intrahousehold resource allocation: Children's nutrition and schooling in Kenya pp. 1008-1015

- Joshua Graff Zivin, Harsha Thirumurthy and Markus Goldstein
Volume 93, issue 5-6, 2009
- Giving overseas and public policy pp. 647-653

- Anthony Atkinson
- The effects of low income housing tax credit developments on neighborhoods pp. 654-666

- Nathaniel Baum-Snow and Justin Marion
- A note on optimal income taxation, public goods provision and robust mechanism design pp. 667-670

- Felix Bierbrauer
- Family background and income during the rise of the welfare state: Brother correlations in income for Swedish men born 1932-1968 pp. 671-680

- Anders Bjorklund, Markus Jantti and Matthew Lindquist
- Price vs. quantity-based approaches to airport congestion management pp. 681-690

- Jan Brueckner
- A theory of tolerance pp. 691-702

- Giacomo Corneo and Olivier Jeanne
- Taxes, institutions and foreign diversification opportunities pp. 703-714

- Mihir A. Desai and Dhammika Dharmapala
- A theory of self-fulfilling political expectations pp. 715-720

- Lars Frisell
- Do merging local governments free ride on their counterparts when facing boundary reform? pp. 721-728

- Björn Tyrefors
- Crowd-out and diversity pp. 729-740

- Daniel Hungerman
- Public provision of private child goods pp. 741-751

- Masako Kimura and Daishin Yasui
- A spatial merger estimator with an application to school district consolidation pp. 752-765

- Nora Gordon and Brian Knight
- The response of firms to eligibility thresholds: Evidence from the Japanese value-added tax pp. 766-775

- Kazuki Onji
- Adverse selection in annuity markets: Evidence from the British Life Annuity Act of 1808 pp. 776-784

- Casey Rothschild
- The tragedy of the commons revisited: The importance of group decision-making pp. 785-797

- Joris Gillet, Arthur Schram and Joep Sonnemans
- Rebate rules in threshold public good provision pp. 798-806

- Michael Spencer, Stephen Swallow, Jason Shogren and John List
- Segregation and Black political efficacy pp. 807-822

- Elizabeth Oltmans Ananat and Ebonya Washington
- Junk-food, home cooking, physical activity and obesity: The effect of the fat tax and the thin subsidy pp. 823-830

- Gideon Yaniv, Odelia Rosin and Yossef (Yossi) Tobol
Volume 93, issue 3-4, 2009
- Political rents in a non-corrupt democracy pp. 355-372

- Helena Svaleryd and Jonas Vlachos
- Campaign finance regulation with competing interest groups pp. 373-391

- Gergely Ujhelyi
- Getting the word out: Enforcement information dissemination and compliance behavior pp. 392-402

- James Alm, Betty R. Jackson and Michael McKee
- The effect of police intelligence on group violence: Evidence from reassignments in Sweden pp. 403-411

- Panu Poutvaara and Mikael Priks
- Love, hate and murder: Commitment devices in violent relationships pp. 412-428

- Anna Aizer and Pedro Dal B
- Providing public goods in the absence of strong institutions pp. 429-439

- Anke Gerber and Philipp Wichardt
- Public goods provision and redistributive taxation pp. 440-453

- Neslihan Uler
- Crowding out of private support to the elderly: Evidence from a demogrant in Mexico pp. 454-463

- Laura Juarez
- On the optimality of a minimum wage: New insights from optimal tax theory pp. 464-481

- Mathias Hungerbühler and Etienne Lehmann
- A theory of employment guarantees: Contestability, credibility and distributional concerns pp. 482-497

- Arnab Basu, Nancy Chau and Ravi Kanbur
- The effect of redistribution on migration: Evidence from the Israeli kibbutz pp. 498-511

- Ran Abramitzky
- Are there lasting impacts of aid to poor areas? pp. 512-528

- Shaohua Chen, Ren Mu and Martin Ravallion
- Does welfare policy affect residential choices? An empirical investigation accounting for policy endogeneity pp. 529-540

- Jon Fiva
- Innovation and the welfare effects of public drug insurance pp. 541-548

- Darius Lakdawalla and Neeraj Sood
- Policymakers' horizon and the sustainability of international cooperation pp. 549-558

- Paola Conconi and Nicolas Sahuguet
- The general equilibrium effects of fiscal policy: Estimates for the Euro area pp. 559-585

- Lorenzo Forni, Libero Monteforte and Luca Sessa
- Retirement, pensions, and ageing pp. 586-604

- Ben Heijdra and Ward Romp
- Optimal social security in a dynastic model with human capital externalities, fertility and endogenous growth pp. 605-619

- Siew Ling Yew and Jie Zhang
- Valuing flood disasters using the life satisfaction approach pp. 620-633

- Simon Luechinger and Paul Raschky
- Should civil servants be restricted in wage bargaining? A mixed-duopoly approach pp. 634-646

- Junichiro Ishida and Noriaki Matsushima
Volume 93, issue 1-2, 2009
- Dictators and oligarchs: A dynamic theory of contested property rights pp. 1-13

- Sergei Guriev and Konstantin Sonin
- Political decentralization and corruption: Evidence from around the world pp. 14-34

- C. Simon Fan, Chen Lin and Daniel Treisman
- Do large cabinets favor large governments? Evidence on the fiscal commons problem for Swiss Cantons pp. 35-47

- Christoph Schaltegger and Lars Feld
- Collective contests for commons and club goods pp. 48-55

- Shmuel Nitzan and Kaoru Ueda
- The effect of information on the bidding and survival of entrants in procurement auctions pp. 56-72

- Dakshina De Silva, Georgia Kosmopoulou and Carlos Lamarche
- Crime, punishment, and prejudice pp. 73-84

- Phil Curry and Tilman Klumpp
- Does the certainty of arrest reduce domestic violence? Evidence from mandatory and recommended arrest laws pp. 85-98

- Radha Iyengar
- The limit of oversight in policing: Evidence from the 2001 Cincinnati riot pp. 99-113

- Lan Shi
- The impact of the judiciary on entrepreneurship: Evaluation of Pakistan's "Access to Justice Programme" pp. 114-125

- Matthieu Chemin
- What does tax aggressiveness signal? Evidence from stock price reactions to news about tax shelter involvement pp. 126-141

- Michelle Hanlon and Joel Slemrod
- Dividend taxation and intertemporal tax arbitrage pp. 142-159

- Anton Korinek and Joseph Stiglitz
- The taxman tools up: An event history study of the introduction of the personal income tax pp. 160-175

- Toke Aidt and Peter Jensen
- Two-sector perspectives on the effects of payroll tax cuts and their financing pp. 176-190

- Alberto Petrucci and Edmund Phelps
- The trajectory of wealth in retirement pp. 191-208

- David Love, Michael Palumbo and Paul A. Smith
- Inequality in Indonesia: What can we learn from top incomes? pp. 209-212

- Andrew Leigh and Pierre van der Eng
- Openness, country size, and government size: Additional evidence from a large cross-country panel pp. 213-218

- Rati Ram
- The effect of pre-primary education on primary school performance pp. 219-234

- Samuel Berlinski, Sebastian Galiani and Paul Gertler
- Does prenatal WIC participation improve birth outcomes? New evidence from Florida pp. 235-245

- David Figlio, Sarah Hamersma and Jeffrey Roth
- Born on the first of July: An (un)natural experiment in birth timing pp. 246-263

- Joshua Gans and Andrew Leigh
- Community rating and the market for private non-group health insurance pp. 264-279

- Anthony T. Lo Sasso and Ithai Z. Lurie
- Altruism, fertility, and the value of children: Health policy evaluation and intergenerational welfare pp. 280-295

- Javier Birchenall and Rodrigo Soares
- Tax incentives and the decision to purchase long-term care insurance pp. 296-310

- Charles Courtemanche and Daifeng He
- Hybrid allocation mechanisms for publicly provided goods pp. 311-325

- Mary Evans, Christian Vossler and Nicholas Flores
- Simultaneous versus sequential public good provision and the role of refunds -- An experimental study pp. 326-335

- Jennifer C. Coats, Timothy Gronberg and Brit Grosskopf
- Coming and going: Experiments on endogenous group sizes for excludable public goods pp. 336-351

- T.K. Ahn, R. Isaac and Tim Salmon
- Corrigendum for Table 4 of "Teaching to the rating: School accountability and the distribution of student achievement" [Journal of Public Economics 92 (2008) 1394-1415] pp. 352-353

- Randall Reback
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