Journal of Public Economics
1972 - 2025
Current editor(s): R. Boadway and J. Poterba From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 206, issue C, 2022
- Data, discretion and institutional capacity: Evidence from cash transfers in Pakistan

- Muhammad Haseeb and Kate Vyborny
- Tax filing and take-up: Experimental evidence on tax preparation outreach and benefit claiming

- Jacob Goldin, Tatiana Homonoff, Rizwan Javaid and Brenda Schafer
- The effect of highly publicized police killings on policing: Evidence from large U.S. cities

- Cheng Cheng and Wei Long
- The heterogeneous price of a vote: Evidence from multiparty systems, 1993–2017

- Yasmine Bekkouche, Julia Cagé and Edgard Dewitte
- Test scores and educational opportunities: Panel evidence from five low- and middle-income countries

- Jishnu Das, Abhijeet Singh and Andres Yi Chang
- When the great equalizer shuts down: Schools, peers, and parents in pandemic times

- Francesco Agostinelli, Matthias Doepke, Giuseppe Sorrenti and Fabrizio Zilibotti
- Who benefits from tax incentives? The heterogeneous wage incidence of a tax credit

- Clément Carbonnier, Clément Malgouyres, Loriane Py and Camille Urvoy
- Broadband Internet and social capital

- Andrea Geraci, Mattia Nardotto, Tommaso Reggiani and Fabio Sabatini
- Demand-side determinants of public spending allocations: Voter trust, risk and time preferences

- Philip Keefer, Carlos Scartascini and Razvan Vlaicu
- Performance pay, productivity, and strategic opt-out: Evidence from a community health center

- Brian Cadena and Austin C. Smith
- Guns and violence: The enduring impact of crack cocaine markets on young black males

- William Evans, Craig Garthwaite and Timothy Moore
- When the minimum wage really bites hard: The negative spillover effect on high-skilled workers

- Terry Gregory and Ulrich Zierahn-Weilage
- Political elites and the “War on Truth’’

- Thomas Bräuninger and Nikolay Marinov
- School district revenue shocks, resource allocations, and student achievement: Evidence from the universe of U.S. wind energy installations

- Eric Brunner, Ben Hoen and Joshua Hyman
- Tax evasion and tax avoidance

- Annette Alstadsæter, Niels Johannesen, Ségal Le Guern Herry and Gabriel Zucman
- What determines where opportunity knocks? Political affiliation in the selection of Opportunity Zones

- Mary Margaret Frank, Jeffrey Hoopes and Rebecca Lester
- Earnings shocks and stabilization during COVID-19

- Jeff Larrimore, Jacob Mortenson and David Splinter
- Income and saving responses to tax incentives for private retirement savings

- Marc Chan, Todd Morris, Cain Polidano and Ha Vu
Volume 205, issue C, 2022
- Do people demand fact-checked news? Evidence from U.S. Democrats

- Felix Chopra, Ingar Haaland and Christopher Roth
- Counting on my vote not counting: Expressive voting in committees

- Boris Ginzburg, Jose-Alberto Guerra and Warn Nuarpear Lekfuangfu
- Incumbent regulation and adverse selection: You can keep your health plan, but at what cost?

- Sebastian Fleitas, Gautam Gowrisankaran and Anthony Lo Sasso
- The labor market effects of Mexican repatriations: Longitudinal evidence from the 1930s

- Jongkwan Lee, Giovanni Peri and Vasil Yasenov
- Environmental taxes and productivity: Lessons from Canadian manufacturing

- Akio Yamazaki
- Estimating structural demand and supply models using tax rates as instruments

- Adam Dearing
- Multilateral regime change

- Jon Eguia
- Workplace disruptions, judge caseloads, and judge decisions: Evidence from SSA judicial corps retirements

- Clayson Shumway and Riley Wilson
Volume 204, issue C, 2021
- The effect of changes in alcohol tax differentials on alcohol consumption

- Markus Gehrsitz, Henry Saffer and Michael Grossman
- Firm mobility and jurisdictions’ tax rate choices: Evidence from immobile firm entry

- Dominika Langenmayr and Martin Simmler
- Carbon taxes and footprint leakage: Spoilsport effects

- Carol McAusland
- Institutional flexibility, political alternation, and middle-of-the-road policies

- Ascension Andina-Diaz, Francesco Feri and Miguel Meléndez-Jiménez
- Backlash in policy attitudes after the election of an extreme political party

- Magnus Carlsson, Gordon Dahl and Dan-Olof Rooth
- Do prize-linked incentives promote positive financial behavior? Evidence from a debt reduction intervention

- Jeremy Burke
- Thinking outside the box: The cross-border effect of tax cuts on R&D

- Thomas Schwab and Maximilian Todtenhaupt
- The effects of introducing withholding and third-party reporting on tax collections: Evidence from the U.S. state personal income tax

- Sutirtha Bagchi and Libor Dusek
- Unmasking partisanship: Polarization undermines public response to collective risk

- Maria Milosh, Marcus Painter, Konstantin Sonin, David Van Dijcke and Austin L. Wright
- Long-term effects of grants and loans for vocational education

- Josefa Aguirre
- Learning from praise: Evidence from a field experiment with teachers

- Maria Cotofan
- Too much trade: The hidden problem of adverse selection

- David de Meza, Francesco Reito and Diane Reyniers
- Crowd-out in school-based health interventions: Evidence from India’s midday meals program

- James Berry, Saurabh Mehta, Priya Mukherjee, Hannah Ruebeck and Gauri Shastry
- Wealth inequality and the political economy of financial and labour regulations

- Ronald Fischer and Diego Huerta
- Politics and the distribution of federal funds: Evidence from federal legislation in response to COVID-19

- Jeffrey Clemens and Stan Veuger
Volume 203, issue C, 2021
- Certain effects of random taxes

- James Hines and Michael Keen
- Informative fundraising: The signaling value of seed money and matching gifts

- Silvana Krasteva and Piruz Saboury
- Spot price biases in non-linear health insurance contracts

- Marianne Simonsen, Lars Skipper, Niels Skipper and Anne Illemann Christensen
- Limits to third-party reporting: Evidence from a randomized field experiment in Norway

- Marie Bjørneby, Annette Alstadsæter and Kjetil Telle
- Government spending multipliers in (un)certain times

- Jan Philipp Fritsche, Mathias Klein and Malte Rieth
- Small business tax compliance under third-party reporting

- Bibek Adhikari, James Alm and Timothy F. Harris
- More birds than stones – A framework for second-best energy and climate policy adjustments

- Carolyn Fischer, Michael Hübler and Oliver Schenker
- Pension incentives and labor supply: Evidence from the introduction of universal old-age assistance in the UK

- Matthias Giesecke and Philipp Jäger
- Tax enforcement using a hybrid between self- and third-party reporting

- Sarah Clifford and Panos Mavrokonstantis
- Environmental regulations and international trade: A quantitative economic analysis of world pollution emissions

- Yuwan Duan, Ting Ji, Yi Lu and Siying Wang
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