Journal of Public Economics
1972 - 2025
Current editor(s): R. Boadway and J. Poterba From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 92, issue 12, 2008
- New directions in fiscal federalism: Introduction pp. 2285-2287

- Robin Boadway, Thiess Buettner and David Wildasin
- Fiscal federalism and lobbying pp. 2288-2301

- Massimo Bordignon, Luca Colombo and Umberto Galmarini
- The effects of partisan alignment on the allocation of intergovernmental transfers. Differences-in-differences estimates for Spain pp. 2302-2319

- Albert Solé-Ollé and Pilar Sorribas-Navarro
- Using a discontinuous grant rule to identify the effect of grants on local taxes and spending pp. 2320-2335

- Matz Dahlberg, Eva Mörk, Jorn Rattso and Hanna Ågren
- Accountability and fiscal equalization pp. 2336-2349

- Christos Kotsogiannis and Robert Schwager
- Interregional redistribution and budget institutions under asymmetric information pp. 2350-2361

- Bernd Huber and Marco Runkel
- State investment tax incentives: A zero-sum game? pp. 2362-2384

- Bob Chirinko and Daniel Wilson
- A voluntary brain-drain tax pp. 2385-2391

- John Wilson
- Competing in taxes and investment under fiscal equalization pp. 2392-2402

- Jean Hindriks, Susana Peralta and Shlomo Weber
- Are regional asymmetries detrimental to tax coordination in a repeated game setting? pp. 2403-2411

- Jun-ichi Itaya, Makoto Okamura and Chikara Yamaguchi
Volume 92, issue 10-11, 2008
- Private v. public antitrust enforcement: A strategic analysis pp. 1863-1875

- Randolph McAfee, Hugo Mialon and Sue Mialon
- Crime and the labor market: A search model with optimal contracts pp. 1876-1891

- Bryan Engelhardt, Guillaume Rocheteau and Peter Rupert
- VAT, tariffs, and withholding: Border taxes and informality in developing countries pp. 1892-1906

- Michael Keen
- Tariffs, enforcement, and customs evasion: Evidence from India pp. 1907-1925

- Prachi Mishra, Arvind Subramanian and Petia Topalova
- Effects of enforcement on illegal markets: Evidence from migrant smuggling along the southwestern border pp. 1926-1941

- Christina Gathmann
- Religion, terrorism and public goods: Testing the club model pp. 1942-1967

- Eli Berman and David D. Laitin
- Status effects, public goods provision, and excess burden pp. 1968-1985

- Ron Wendner and Lawrence H. Goulder
- Hyperbolic discounting and uniform savings floors pp. 1986-2002

- Benjamin Malin
- Optimum income taxation and layoff taxes pp. 2003-2019

- Pierre Cahuc and Andre Zylberberg
- How to help unemployed find jobs quickly: Experimental evidence from a mandatory activation program pp. 2020-2035

- Brian Krogh Graversen and Jan C. van Ours
- Evaluating the impact of the French tax credit on the employment rate of women pp. 2036-2047

- Elena Stancanelli
- To search or not to search? The effects of UI benefit extension for the older unemployed pp. 2048-2070

- Tomi Kyyrä and Virve Ollikainen
- The employment effect of stricter rules for eligibility for DI: Evidence from a natural experiment in Sweden pp. 2071-2082

- Anders Karlström, Mårten Palme and Ingemar Svensson
- Do gender stereotypes reduce girls' or boys' human capital outcomes? Evidence from a natural experiment pp. 2083-2105

- Victor Lavy
- School decentralization: Helping the good get better, but leaving the poor behind pp. 2106-2120

- Sebastian Galiani, Paul Gertler and Ernesto Schargrodsky
- Who merits financial aid?: Massachusetts' Adams Scholarship pp. 2121-2131

- Joshua Goodman
- Estimating permanent and transitory income elasticities of education spending from panel data pp. 2132-2145

- Stephen Schmidt and Therese A. McCarty
- The intergenerational transmission of generosity pp. 2146-2156

- Mark Wilhelm, Eleanor Brown, Patrick M. Rooney and Richard Steinberg
- Postponing retirement: the political effect of aging pp. 2157-2169

- Vincenzo Galasso
- Prosperity without conflict pp. 2170-2181

- Francisco Gonzalez and Hugh M. Neary
- Does grassroots democracy reduce income inequality in China? pp. 2182-2198

- Yan Shen and Yang Yao
- Tax law changes, income-shifting and measured wage inequality: Evidence from India pp. 2199-2224

- Jagadeesh Sivadasan and Joel Slemrod
- The informational role of supermajorities pp. 2225-2239

- Emeric Henry
- A simple scheme to improve the efficiency of referenda pp. 2240-2261

- Alessandra Casella and Andrew Gelman
- Redistribution and optimal mixed taxation in the presence of consumption externalities pp. 2262-2274

- Luca Micheletto
- A note on incomplete factor taxation pp. 2275-2281

- Roc Armenter
- Addendum: The aging population and the size of the welfare state: Is there a puzzle? [Journal of Public Economics 92 (2008) 625-671] pp. 2282-2283

- Cameron Shelton
Volume 92, issue 8-9, 2008
- Introduction pp. 1773-1776

- Richard Layard
- Should public policy respond to positional externalities? pp. 1777-1786

- Robert Frank
- How are preferences revealed? pp. 1787-1794

- John Beshears, James Choi, David Laibson and Brigitte Madrian
- Hedonic adaptation and the role of decision and experience utility in public policy pp. 1795-1810

- George Loewenstein and Peter A. Ubel
- Social preferences and public economics: Mechanism design when social preferences depend on incentives pp. 1811-1820

- Samuel Bowles and Sung-Ha Hwang
- Choices, situations, and happiness pp. 1821-1832

- Botond Koszegi and Matthew Rabin
- The reliability of subjective well-being measures pp. 1833-1845

- Alan Krueger and David A. Schkade
- The marginal utility of income pp. 1846-1857

- Richard Layard, Guy Mayraz and Stephen Nickell
- Behavioral economics pp. 1858-1862

- Peter Diamond
Volume 92, issue 7, 2008
- The informational effects of competition and collusion in legislative politics pp. 1541-1563

- David Martimort and Aggey Semenov
- Crime and punishment in the "American Dream" pp. 1564-1584

- Rafael Di Tella and Juan Dubra
- Performance competition in local media markets pp. 1585-1594

- Federico Revelli
- Reliability of individual valuations of public and private goods: Choice consistency, response time, and preference refinement pp. 1595-1606

- Thomas C. Brown, David Kingsley, George L. Peterson, Nicholas Flores, Andrea Clarke and Andrej Birjulin
- Competition and waiting times in hospital markets pp. 1607-1628

- Kurt Brekke, Luigi Siciliani and Odd Rune Straume
- Subsidizing (and taxing) business procurement pp. 1629-1643

- John Asker
- What did Medicare do? The initial impact of Medicare on mortality and out of pocket medical spending pp. 1644-1668

- Amy Finkelstein and Robin McKnight
- Does work pay in France? Monetary incentives, hours constraints, and the guaranteed minimum income pp. 1669-1697

- Marc Gurgand and David Margolis
- The effects of joint taxation of married couples on labor supply and non-wage income pp. 1698-1719

- Sara LaLumia
- Labor supply, home production, and welfare comparisons pp. 1720-1737

- Olivier Donni
- Optimal grouping of commodities for indirect taxation pp. 1738-1750

- Pascal Belan, Stephane Gauthier and Guy Laroque
- Estate taxes, consumption externalities, and altruism pp. 1751-1764

- Jaime Alonso-Carrera, Jordi Caballe and Xavier Raurich
- The impact of changing skill levels on optimal nonlinear income taxes pp. 1765-1771

- Craig Brett and John Weymark
Volume 92, issue 5-6, 2008
- Diversity and redistribution pp. 925-943

- Raquel Fernández and Gilat Levy
- Understanding preferences for income redistribution pp. 944-961

- Louise Keely and Chih Ming Tan
- Market and public provision in the presence of human capital externalities pp. 962-985

- Gianni De Fraja
- When the Joneses' consumption hurts: Optimal public good provision and nonlinear income taxation pp. 986-997

- Thomas Aronsson and Olof Johansson-Stenman
- Learning, public good provision, and the information trap pp. 998-1010

- Aleksander Berentsen, Esther Bruegger and Simon Loertscher
- An experimental test of warm glow giving pp. 1011-1021

- Heidi Crumpler and Philip Grossman
- Local inequality and project choice: Theory and evidence from Ecuador pp. 1022-1046

- M. Caridad Araujo, Francisco Ferreira, Peter Lanjouw and Berk Özler
- Anonymity, reciprocity, and conformity: Evidence from voluntary contributions to a national park in Costa Rica pp. 1047-1060

- Francisco Alpizar Rodriguez, Fredrik Carlsson and Olof Johansson-Stenman
- Does happiness adapt? A longitudinal study of disability with implications for economists and judges pp. 1061-1077

- Andrew Oswald and Nattavudh Powdthavee
- Information, polarization and term length in democracy pp. 1078-1091

- Christian Schultz
- Political polarization and the electoral effects of media bias pp. 1092-1104

- Dan Bernhardt, Stefan Krasa and Mattias K Polborn
- Public good differentiation and the intensity of tax competition pp. 1105-1121

- Benjamin Zissimos and Myrna Wooders
- A bargaining model of tax competition pp. 1122-1141

- Seungjin Han and John Leach
- The effects of tax competition when politicians create rents to buy political support pp. 1142-1163

- Wolfgang Eggert and Peter Birch Sørensen
- International profit shifting within multinationals: A multi-country perspective pp. 1164-1182

- Harry Huizinga and Luc Laeven
- Must losing taxes on saving be harmful? pp. 1183-1192

- Harry Huizinga and Søren Nielsen
- Is there a "race-to-the-bottom" in the setting of welfare benefit levels? Evidence from a policy intervention pp. 1193-1209

- Matz Dahlberg and Karin Edmark
- Do countries compete over corporate tax rates? pp. 1210-1235

- Michael Devereux, Ben Lockwood and Michela Redoano
- Costs of alternative environmental policy instruments in the presence of industry compensation requirements pp. 1236-1253

- Lans Bovenberg, Lawrence H. Goulder and Mark R. Jacobsen
- Evaluating policy interventions with general equilibrium externalities pp. 1254-1274

- Jared Carbone and V. Smith
- Prices vs. quantities: The effects on technology choice pp. 1275-1287

- Frank Krysiak
- Drunk driving after the passage of smoking bans in bars pp. 1288-1305

- Scott Adams and Chad Cotti
- Cost-benefit analysis of the FDA: The case of the prescription drug user fee acts pp. 1306-1325

- Tomas Philipson, Ernst R. Berndt, Adrian H.B. Gottschalk and Eric Sun
- School finance reform: Assessing general equilibrium effects pp. 1326-1351

- Dennis Epple and Maria Marta Ferreyra
- Would higher salaries keep teachers in high-poverty schools? Evidence from a policy intervention in North Carolina pp. 1352-1370

- Charles Clotfelter, Elizabeth Glennie, Helen Ladd and Jacob Vigdor
- Can increasing private school participation and monetary loss in a voucher program affect public school performance? Evidence from Milwaukee pp. 1371-1393

- Rajashri Chakrabarti
- Teaching to the rating: School accountability and the distribution of student achievement pp. 1394-1415

- Randall Reback
- Giving children a better start: Preschool attendance and school-age profiles pp. 1416-1440

- Samuel Berlinski, Sebastian Galiani and Marco Manacorda
- The literacy hour pp. 1441-1462

- Stephen Machin and Sandra McNally
- Intergenerational risk-sharing and risk-taking of a pension fund pp. 1463-1485

- Christian Gollier
- The effects of fiscal policy on consumption in recessions and expansions pp. 1486-1508

- Athanasios Tagkalakis
- Effects of individual development accounts on asset purchases and saving behavior: Evidence from a controlled experiment pp. 1509-1530

- Gregory Mills, William Gale, Rhiannon Patterson, Gary V. Engelhardt, Michael Eriksen and Emil Apostolov
- Efficiency enhancing taxation in two-sided markets pp. 1531-1539

- Hans Jarle Kind, Marko Koethenbuerger and Guttorm Schjelderup
Volume 92, issue 3-4, 2008
- Separation of powers and the budget process pp. 407-425

- Gene Grossman and Elhanan Helpman
- Bureaucrats or politicians? Part II: Multiple policy tasks pp. 426-447

- Alberto Alesina and Guido Tabellini
- Perverse committee appointments may foster divide and rule pp. 448-455

- Daniel Seidmann
- Ideological uncertainty and lobbying competition pp. 456-481

- David Martimort and Aggey Semenov
- Interest groups and the electoral control of politicians pp. 482-500

- James Snyder and Michael M. Ting
- Policy platforms, campaign spending and voter participation pp. 501-513

- Helios Herrera, David Levine and Cesar Martinelli
- "One Man, One Dollar"? Campaign contribution limits, equal influence, and political communication pp. 514-531

- Christoph Vanberg
- Political competition within and between parties: An application to environmental policy pp. 532-547

- Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder and Firouz Gahvari
- Special interest groups and the allocation of public funds pp. 548-564

- Monica Singhal
- Context-dependent voting and political ambiguity pp. 565-581

- Steven Callander and Catherine H. Wilson
- The performance of pivotal-voter models in small-scale elections: Evidence from Texas liquor referenda pp. 582-596

- Stephen Coate, Michael Conlin and Andrea Moro
- Political careers or career politicians? pp. 597-608

- Andrea Mattozzi and Antonio Merlo
- Political complements in the welfare state: Health care and social security pp. 609-632

- Carlos Bethencourt and Vincenzo Galasso
- Increasing longevity and social security reforms--A legislative procedure approach pp. 633-646

- Torben M. Andersen
- The aging population and the size of the welfare state: Is there a puzzle? pp. 647-651

- Cameron Shelton
- A quantitative theory of social security without commitment pp. 652-671

- Xavier Mateos-Planas
- Capital-skill complementarity and the redistributive effects of Social Security Reform pp. 672-683

- Alessandra Casarico and Carlo Devillanova
- Does reducing unemployment insurance generosity reduce job match quality? pp. 684-695

- Jan C. van Ours and Milan Vodopivec
- The perverse effects of partial employment protection reform: The case of French older workers pp. 696-721

- Luc Behaghel, Bruno Crépon and Béatrice Sédillot
- Takeup, social multipliers and optimal social insurance pp. 722-737

- Kory Kroft
- Why progressive redistribution can hurt the poor pp. 738-747

- Reto Foellmi and Manuel Oechslin
- Distributional impacts of the Self-Sufficiency Project pp. 748-765

- Marianne Bitler, Jonah Gelbach and Hilary Hoynes
- Incorporating nonmarket time into benefit-cost analyses of social programs: An application to the self-sufficiency project pp. 766-794

- David Greenberg and Philip Robins
- Evaluation of four tax reforms in the United States: Labor supply and welfare effects for single mothers pp. 795-816

- Nada Eissa, Henrik Jacobsen Kleven and Claus Kreiner
- A quantitative evaluation of payroll tax subsidies for low-wage workers: An equilibrium search approach pp. 817-843

- Arnaud Cheron, Jean-Olivier Hairault and Francois Langot
- Pareto efficient income taxation with stochastic abilities pp. 844-868

- Marco Battaglini and Stephen Coate
- $2.00 Gas! Studying the effects of a gas tax moratorium pp. 869-884

- Joseph J. Doyle and Krislert Samphantharak
- Optimal taxation in a growth model with public consumption and home production pp. 885-896

- Jie Zhang, James Davies, Jinli Zeng and Stuart McDonald
- Sustainability of public debt, public capital formation, and endogenous growth in an overlapping generations setting pp. 897-914

- Akira Yakita
- Income taxes, property values, and migration pp. 915-923

- Amihai Glazer, Vesa Kanniainen and Panu Poutvaara
Volume 92, issue 1-2, 2008
- The Hedonistic Paradox: Is homo economicus happier pp. 1-33

- James Konow and Joseph Earley
- Social ties and coordination on negative reciprocity: The role of affect pp. 34-53

- Ernesto Reuben and Frans van Winden
- Relative performance of two simple incentive mechanisms in a public goods experiment pp. 54-90

- Juergen Bracht, Charles Figuieres and Marisa Ratto
- Punishment and counter-punishment in public good games: Can we really govern ourselves pp. 91-112

- Nikos Nikiforakis
- Education, preferences for leisure and the optimal income tax schedule pp. 113-138

- Carlos Eugênio da Costa and Tiago Severo
- Government spending and intergenerational mobility pp. 139-158

- Susan Mayer and Leonard M. Lopoo
- Dynamic scoring: Alternative financing schemes pp. 159-182

- Eric Leeper and Shu-Chun Yang
- Inequality and media capture pp. 183-212

- Maria Petrova
- Delegation versus communication in the organization of government pp. 213-235

- Rodney Ludema and Anders Olofsgård
- Labor supply, deadweight loss and tax reform act of 1986: A nonparametric evaluation using panel data pp. 236-253

- Anil Kumar
- Is partial tax harmonization desirable pp. 254-267

- Paola Conconi, Carlo Perroni and Raymond Riezman
- Managerial contracting and corporate social responsibility pp. 268-288

- David P. Baron
- What's the monetary value of distributive justice pp. 289-308

- Giacomo Corneo and Christina M. Fong
- Social networks and private philanthropy pp. 309-328

- Amornrat Apinunmahakul and Rose Anne Devlin
- The old boy (and girl) network: Social network formation on university campuses pp. 329-347

- Adalbert Mayer and Steven Puller
- Inequality and trust in Sweden: Some inequalities are more harmful than others pp. 348-365

- Magnus Gustavsson and Henrik Jordahl
- The evolution of top incomes in an egalitarian society: Sweden, 1903-2004 pp. 366-387

- Jesper Roine and Daniel Waldenström
- Volunteering to be taxed: Business improvement districts and the extra-governmental provision of public safety pp. 388-406

- Leah Brooks
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