Journal of Public Economics
1972 - 2025
Current editor(s): R. Boadway and J. Poterba From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 211, issue C, 2022
- Pass-through, welfare, and incidence under imperfect competition

- Takanori Adachi and Michal Fabinger
- Social status and motivated beliefs

- Victor Gonzalez-Jimenez
- An evaluation of the Paycheck Protection Program using administrative payroll microdata

- David Autor, David Cho, Leland Crane, Mita Goldar, Byron Lutz, Joshua Montes, William Peterman, David Ratner, Daniel Villar and Ahu Yildirmaz
- Aging and public financing costs: Evidence from U.S. municipal bond markets

- Alexander Butler and Hanyi Yi
- Technological change, campaign spending and polarization

- Pau Balart, Agustin Casas and Orestis Troumpounis
- The fundamental determinants of protest participation: Evidence from Hong Kong’s antiauthoritarian movement

- Davide Cantoni, Louis-Jonas Heizlsperger, David Yang, Noam Yuchtman and Y. Jane Zhang
- Partisan spatial sorting in the United States: A theoretical and empirical overview

- Ethan Kaplan, Jörg Spenkuch and Rebecca Sullivan
- The effects of public campaign funding: Evidence from Seattle’s Democracy Voucher program

- Alan Griffith and Thomas Noonen
- Relabeling, retirement and regret

- Jonathan Gruber, Ohto Kanninen and Terhi Ravaska
- ICT, collaboration, and innovation: Evidence from BITNET

- Kathrin Wernsdorf, Markus Nagler and Martin Watzinger
Volume 210, issue C, 2022
- Centralized School choice with unequal outside options

- Mohammad Akbarpour, Adam Kapor, Christopher Neilson, Winnie van Dijk and Seth Zimmerman
- The response to dynamic incentives in insurance contracts with a deductible: Evidence from a differences-in-regression-discontinuities design

- Tobias Klein, Martin Salm and Suraj Upadhyay
- Digitalization to improve tax compliance: Evidence from VAT e-Invoicing in Peru

- Matthieu Bellon, Era Dabla-Norris, Salma Khalid and Frederico Lima
- Speed limit enforcement and road safety

- Stefan Bauernschuster and Ramona Rekers
- Do college students benefit from placement into higher-achieving classes?

- Nicolás de Roux and Evan Riehl
Volume 209, issue C, 2022
- Social hierarchies and the allocation of development aid: Evidence from the 2015 earthquake in Nepal

- Prakash Pathak and Matthias Schündeln
- When scale and replication work: Learning from summer youth employment experiments

- Sara B. Heller
- Do temporary workers experience additional employment and earnings risk after workplace injuries?

- Nicholas Broten, Michael Dworsky and David Powell
- Moral hazard in insurance: Theory and evidence from a credit reform in Ghana

- Francis Annan
- Optimal tax policy and endogenous growth through innovation

- Till Gross and Paul Klein
- Labor market institutions and the incidence of payroll taxation

- Jinyoung Kim, Seonghoon Kim and Kanghyock Koh
- The effects of the Great Migration on urban renewal

- Ying Shi, Daniel Hartley, Bhashkar Mazumder and Aastha Rajan
- Mean markets or kind commerce?

- Martin Dufwenberg, Olof Johansson-Stenman, Michael Kirchler, Florian Lindner and Rene Schwaiger
- The zero-rent society: Evidence from hydropower and petroleum windfalls in Norwegian local governments

- Jørgen Andersen and Rune Jørgen Sørensen
- Expectation management of policy leaders: Evidence from COVID-19

- Peter Haan, Andreas Peichl, Annekatrin Schrenker, Georg Weizsäcker and Joachim Winter
Volume 208, issue C, 2022
- The medicaid windfall: Medicaid expansions and the target efficiency of hospital safety-net subsidies

- Sayeh Nikpay
- Natural gas flaring, respiratory health, and distributional effects

- Wesley Blundell and Anatolii Kokoza
- Home bias in humanitarian aid: The role of regional favoritism in the allocation of international disaster relief

- Christian Bommer, Axel Dreher and Marcello Perez-Alvarez
- Diverting domestic turmoil

- Ashani Amarasinghe
- Television and American consumerism

- Woojin Kim
- Financial (dis-)information: Evidence from a multi-country audit study

- Xavier Gine and Rafael Keenan Mazer
- Tradable immigration quotas revisited

- Martin Hagen
- Changes in household diet: Determinants and predictability

- Stefan Hut and Emily Oster
- Reexamining the evidence on gun ownership and homicide using proxy measures of ownership

- Karim Chalak, Daniel Kim, Megan Miller and John Pepper
- Sources of inertia in the individual health insurance market

- Coleman Drake, Conor Ryan and Bryan Dowd
- Opportunity and inequality across generations

- Winfried Koeniger and Carlo Zanella
- Credit constraints and human capital policies

- Braz Camargo and Guilherme Stein
- Incentive effects of the IRS’ passport certification and revocation process

- Paul R. Organ, Alex Ruda, Joel Slemrod and Alex Turk
- The effect of emergency financial assistance on healthcare use

- Henry Downes, David Phillips and James Sullivan
- Are deficits free?

- Johannes Brumm, Xiangyu Feng, Laurence Kotlikoff and Felix Kubler
- Stalin and the origins of mistrust

- Milena Nikolova, Olga Popova and Vladimir Otrachshenko
- Minorities’ strategic response to discrimination: Experimental evidence

- Nikoloz Kudashvili and Philipp Lergetporer
- Fiscal multipliers in advanced and developing countries: Evidence from military spending

- Viacheslav Sheremirov and Sandra Spirovska
- Cash on the table? Imperfect take-up of tax incentives and firm investment behavior

- Wei Cui, Jeffrey Hicks and Jing Xing
- VAT compliance, trade, and institutions

- Peter Morrow, Michael Smart and Artur Swistak
Volume 207, issue C, 2022
- Data-driven incentive alignment in capitation schemes

- Mark Braverman and Sylvain Chassang
- Guns and roses: Police complicity in organized prostitution

- Guojun He and Wenwei Peng
- A more comprehensive estimate of the value of water quality

- Yusuke Kuwayama, Sheila Olmstead and Jiameng Zheng
- Do senators and house members beat the stock market? Evidence from the STOCK Act

- William Belmont, Bruce Sacerdote, Ranjan Sehgal and Ian Van Hoek
- The effects of physician retirement on patient outcomes: Anticipation and disruption

- Xuan Zhang
- The place-based effects of police stations on crime: Evidence from station closures

- Sebastian Blesse and André Diegmann (geb. Nolte)
- COVID-19, college academic performance, and the flexible grading policy: A longitudinal analysis

- Núria Rodriguez-Planas
- Gender and lawmaking in times of quotas

- Quentin Lippmann
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