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Journal of Public Economics

1972 - 2025

Current editor(s): R. Boadway and J. Poterba

From Elsevier
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Volume 14, issue 3, 1980

Inflation, tax rules, and the prices of land and gold pp. 309-317 Downloads
Martin Feldstein
Imperfect job risk information and optimal workmen's compensation benefits pp. 319-337 Downloads
W Viscusi
The effect of potential emigration on the optimal linear income tax pp. 339-353 Downloads
John Wilson
Lobbying and welfare pp. 355-363 Downloads
Jagdish N. Bhagwati
Labor supply, uncertainty, and efficient taxation pp. 365-374 Downloads
Jonathan Eaton and Harvey Rosen
Interdependent welfare functions and optimal income distribution pp. 375-397 Downloads
Arie Kapteyn and Floor G. Van Herwaarden

Volume 14, issue 2, 1980

Econometric studies in public finance pp. 107-107 Downloads
M. A. King
Taxation and the stock market valuation of capital gains and dividends: Theory and emphirical results pp. 109-136 Downloads
Roger Gordon and David Bradford
An econometric model of tenure choice and demand for housing as a joint decision pp. 137-159 Downloads
Mervyn A. King
The effect of wages, taxes, and fixed costs on women's labor force participation pp. 161-194 Downloads
Jerry Hausman
On the switch from direct to indirect taxation pp. 195-224 Downloads
Anthony Atkinson and Nicholas Stern
International differences in social security and saving pp. 225-244 Downloads
Martin Feldstein
Social security and the choice between full-time work, part-time work and retirement pp. 245-276 Downloads
Antoni Zabalza, Christopher Pissarides and M. Barton
Market wages, reservation wages, and retirement decisions pp. 277-308 Downloads
Roger Gordon and Alan Blinder

Volume 14, issue 1, 1980

Optimal taxation in a stochastic economy: A Cobb-Douglas example pp. 1-29 Downloads
Peter Diamond, L. J. Helms and James Mirrlees
Consumer's surplus and income redistribution pp. 31-47 Downloads
Abram Bergson
Redistributive taxation as social insurance pp. 49-68 Downloads
Hal Varian
A reinterpretation of the traditional income-leisure model, with application to in-kind subsidy programs pp. 69-81 Downloads
Michael Murray
The paradox of voting: Effects of individual indifference and intransitivity pp. 83-94 Downloads
Peter C. Fishburn and William V. Gehrlein
Income tax progressivity and labour supply pp. 95-100 Downloads
Richard Hemming
Depreciation and interest deductions and the effect of the corporation income tax on investment: A comment pp. 101-103 Downloads
Michael Sumner
Dual interpersonal comparisons of utility and the welfare economics of income distribution: A corrigendum pp. 105-106 Downloads
Peter Hammond

Volume 13, issue 3, 1980

Price-independent welfare prescriptions pp. 277-297 Downloads
Kevin Roberts
Political economy of a public corporation: Pricing objectives of BART pp. 299-318 Downloads
Robert Cooter and Gregory Topakian
Tax incentives and charitable giving: evidence from a panel of taxpayers pp. 319-340 Downloads
Charles T. Clotfelter
A model of benefit and tax share discrimination by a monopoly bureau pp. 341-368 Downloads
Arthur T. Denzau and Robert J. Mackay
A microeconomic analysis of wage determination in the Canadian public sector pp. 369-387 Downloads
Douglas Auld, Louis Christofides, Robert Swidinsky and D. A. Wilton
Two comments on tax evasion pp. 389-393 Downloads
Vidar Christiansen
Tax constraints on Leviathan: Some second thoughts on the constitutional choice calculus pp. 395-401 Downloads
E. G. West and G. Corke

Volume 13, issue 2, 1980

Fully progressive taxation pp. 141-154 Downloads
Partha Dasgupta and Peter Hammond
Estimating the distribution of tax burdens: A comparison of different approaches pp. 155-182 Downloads
Shantayanan Devarajan, Don Fullerton and Richard A. Musgrave
Time consistency and optimal government policies in perfect foresight equilibrium pp. 183-212 Downloads
Stephen J Turnovsky and William Brock
The effects of taxing foreign investment income pp. 213-230 Downloads
David G. Hartman
Corporate financial structure and the funding of private pension plans pp. 231-247 Downloads
Richard Arnott and Mark Gersovitz
Competitive efficiency in an overlapping-generation model with endogenous population pp. 249-258 Downloads
Elisha A. Pazner and Assaf Razin
The performance and objectives of public and private utilities operating in the United States pp. 259-276 Downloads
Donn R. Pescatrice and John Trapani

Volume 13, issue 1, 1980

Editor's note pp. 1-1 Downloads
Anthony Atkinson
Preface pp. 3-4 Downloads
Claude Henry
Public goods with exclusion pp. 5-24 Downloads
Jacques Dreze
Two-part tariffs, marginal cost pricing and increasing returns in a general equilibrium model pp. 25-49 Downloads
Donald Brown and Geoffrey Heal
Second-best pricing rules in the Boiteux tradition: Derivation, review and discussion pp. 51-80 Downloads
Roger Guesnerie
The state and the railways pp. 81-100 Downloads
L. Walras and Peter Holmes
Income taxation with fixed hours of work pp. 101-110 Downloads
Peter Diamond
The deadweight loss from a tax system pp. 111-119 Downloads
John Kay
Taxation of externalities: Direct versus Indirect pp. 121-129 Downloads
Yves Balcer
A note on the market provision of club goods pp. 131-137 Downloads
Robin Boadway

Volume 12, issue 3, 1979

The role of information in designing social policy towards externalities pp. 271-299 Downloads
J. A. Ordover and Robert Willig
Futures markets, private storage, and price stabilization pp. 301-327 Downloads
Stephen J Turnovsky
Second best welfare economics in the mixed economy pp. 329-349 Downloads
David Starrett
Efficient local taxation and local public goods pp. 351-376 Downloads
Anthony M. Rufolo
Education versus cash redistribution: The lifetime context pp. 377-385 Downloads
Richard Layard
Income averaging and progressive taxation pp. 387-397 Downloads
John Creedy

Volume 12, issue 2, 1979

The elusive median voter pp. 143-170 Downloads
Thomas Romer and Howard Rosenthal
A reconciliation of recent results in optimal taxation theory pp. 171-189 Downloads
John Weymark
Tax policy, capital use, and investment incentives pp. 191-204 Downloads
William Schworm
Notes on economic equality pp. 205-214 Downloads
G. C. Archibald and David Donaldson
A note on progressive taxes and the supply of labour pp. 215-220 Downloads
Monojit Chatterji
McClements on equivalence scales for children pp. 221-231 Downloads
John Muellbauer
Muellbauer on equivalence scales pp. 233-242 Downloads
L. D. McClements
Reply to McClements pp. 243-243 Downloads
John Muellbauer
Trying again to value a life pp. 245-248 Downloads
James Buchanan and Roger L. Faith
Trying to value a life: Why Broome does not sweep clean pp. 249-256 Downloads
M. W. Jones-Lee
A note on `trying to value a life' pp. 257-258 Downloads
Alan Williams
Trying to value a life: A reply pp. 259-262 Downloads
John Broome
Comments on `some effects of taxation and collective goods in postwar U.S.A.: a tentative appraisal' pp. 263-265 Downloads
Robert Parks

Volume 12, issue 1, 1979

The concept of optimal taxation in the overlapping-generations model of capital and wealth pp. 1-26 Downloads
J. A. Ordover and Edmund Phelps
Efficient commodity taxation pp. 27-39 Downloads
Richard Harris
The inheritance function pp. 41-60 Downloads
Sören Blomquist
A model of incentive regulation pp. 61-73 Downloads
Duncan M. Holthausen
The incidence of a classified property tax pp. 75-85 Downloads
Jon Sonstelie
Individual incentives in the supply of public inputs pp. 87-98 Downloads
John McMillan
Information, optimality and pollution control pp. 99-114 Downloads
Gerry L. Suchanek
A note on income tax evasion, labor supply, and nonlinear tax schedules pp. 115-124 Downloads
John Pencavel
The redistributive effects of inflation and of the introduction of a real tax system in the U.S. bond market pp. 125-139 Downloads
Assa Birati and Alex Cukierman
Page updated 2025-03-31