Journal of Economic Methodology
1994 - 2024
Current editor(s): John Davis and D Wade Hands From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 19, issue 4, 2012
- The firm, property rights and methodological individualism: some lessons from J.S. Mill pp. 339-355

- Amos Witztum
- The history of the use of self-reports and the methodology of economics pp. 357-374

- José M. Edwards
- Beyond the positive--normative dichotomy: some remarks on Colander's Lost Art of Economics pp. 375-390

- Huei-chun Su
- New economics of science, economics of scientific knowledge and sociology of science: the case of Paul David pp. 391-406

- Matthieu Ballandonne
- ‘Heterodox economics’ and the problems of classification pp. 407-424

- Andrew Mearman
- Famous figures and diagrams in economics pp. 437-442

- Daniel Little
- Economists and societies: discipline and profession in the United States, Britain, & France, 1890s to 1990s pp. 442-446

- D. Wade Hands
- Individuals and identity in economics pp. 446-451

- Don Ross
- The hesitant hand. Taming self-interest in the history of economic ideas pp. 451-457

- Nicola Giocoli
Volume 19, issue 3, 2012
- The paradox of popularity in economics pp. 187-192

- Diane Coyle
- A less-is-more approach to introductory economics pp. 193-198

- Robert H. Frank
- Finding the right levers: the serious side of ‘economics made fun’ pp. 199-217

- Jack Vromen
- On the philosophy of the new kiosk economics of everything pp. 219-230

- Uskali Mäki
- Economics is a serious and difficult subject pp. 231-241

- Roger Backhouse
- The two images of economics: why the fun disappears when difficult questions are at stake? pp. 243-258

- N. Emrah Aydinonat
- Inland empire: economics imperialism as an imperative of Chicago neoliberalism pp. 259-282

- Edward Nik-Khah and Robert Van Horn
- The unbearable lightness of the economics-made-fun genre pp. 283-301

- Peter Spiegler
- The evolving notion of relevance: an historical perspective to the ‘economics made fun’ movement pp. 303-316

- Jean-Baptiste Fleury
- Economic page turners pp. 317-327

- Björn Frank
Volume 19, issue 2, 2012
- Introduction: values and justice pp. 99-99

- John Davis
- Values and justice pp. 101-108

- Amartya Sen
- Values, classical political economy and the Portuguese empire pp. 109-119

- Emma Rothschild
- On the centrality of human value pp. 121-141

- Teresa Carla Oliveira and Stuart Holland
- Sen, Sraffa and the revival of classical political economy pp. 143-157

- Nuno Martins
- Are transcendental theories of justice redundant? pp. 159-163

- Ingrid Robeyns
- Sen's Idea of Justice and the locus of normative reasoning pp. 165-167

- Fabienne Peter
- The idea of public reasoning pp. 169-172

- John Davis
- A reply to Robeyns, Peter and Davis pp. 173-176

- Amartya Sen
Volume 19, issue 1, 2012
- The influence of economics on political science: by what pathway? pp. 1-19

- Lee Sigelman and Robert Goldfarb
- Institutions, distributed cognition and agency: rule-following as performative action pp. 21-42

- Carsten Herrmann-Pillath
- The explanation paradox pp. 43-62

- Julian Reiss
- A test of the experimental method in the spirit of Popper pp. 63-76

- Shaun Hargreaves Heap, Arjan Verschoor and Daniel Zizzo
Volume 18, issue 4, 2011
- Implementing theoretical models in the laboratory, and what this can and cannot achieve pp. 323-343

- Stefania Sitzia and Robert Sugden
- Rational choice without closure: the microfoundations of virtuous cycles and vicious circles pp. 345-361

- Adam Martin
- Virtually science: an agent-based model of the rise and fall of scientific research programs pp. 363-385

- Daniel Farhat
- Hayek, Gödel, and the case for methodological dualism pp. 387-407

- Ludwig Van Den Hauwe
- Terence Hutchison and the introduction of Popper's falsifiability criterion to economics pp. 409-426

- John Hart
- Economic methodology: understanding economics as a science pp. 427-432

- Ivan Boldyrev
- The social epistemology of economic experiments pp. 432-434

- Helen Longino
- Von Neumann, Morgenstern, and the creation of game theory. From chess to social science, 1900--1960 pp. 434-440

- Ivan Moscati
- Why some things should not be for sale: the moral limits of markets pp. 440-444

- Adrian Walsh
Volume 18, issue 3, 2011
- Estranged parents and a schizophrenic child: choice in economics, psychology and neuroeconomics pp. 217-231

- Don Ross
- Evidential variety as a source of credibility for causal inference: beyond sharp designs and structural models pp. 233-253

- François Claveau
- The Stern Review and its critics: economics at work in an interdisciplinary setting pp. 255-270

- Fredrik Hansen
- Conceptual tools for assessing experiments: some well-entrenched confusions regarding the internal/external validity distinction pp. 271-282

- María Jiménez-Buedo
- Explaining growth? The case of the trade--growth relationship pp. 283-296

- Jonathan Perraton
- What are animal spirits? Rationality and explanation in economics pp. 297-301

- Shaun P. Hargreaves Heap
- Variations in causal reasoning Causality and causal modelling in the social sciences: measuring variations pp. 301-305

- Jaakko Kuorikoski
- New directions in economics and the philosophy of economics? The Oxford handbook of philosophy of economics pp. 305-311

- Roger Backhouse
Volume 18, issue 2, 2011
- Becker random behavior and the as-if defense of rational choice theory in demand analysis pp. 107-128

- Ivan Moscati and Paola Tubaro
- Internal consistency, price rigidity and the microfoundations of macroeconomics pp. 129-146

- Simon Wren-Lewis
- Why economics is not a science of behaviour pp. 147-162

- Marek Hudik
- How economic methodology became a separate science pp. 163-176

- Till Duppe
- Review pp. 177-181

- Ken Binmore
- The methodological promise of experimental economics pp. 183-187

- Glenn Harrison
- Methodology for experiments should be determined empirically, not philosophically pp. 189-193

- Don Ross
- A response to Binmore, Harrison and Ross on Experimental Economics: Rethinking the Rules pp. 195-199

- Nicholas Bardsley, Chris Starmer, Robin Cubitt, Graham Loomes, Peter Moffatt and Robert Sugden
Volume 18, issue 1, 2011
- Scientific realism as a challenge to economics (and vice versa) pp. 1-12

- Uskali Maki
- How validity travelled to economic experimenting pp. 13-28

- Floris Heukelom
- Acceptance of unsupported claims about reality: a blind spot in economics pp. 29-52

- Ole Rogeberg and Hans Melberg
- Imagining the imaginable: a reinterpretation of the function of economists' concern about structural isomorphism in economic theorizing pp. 53-78

- Szu-Ting Chen
- Making philosophy of economics relevant pp. 79-81

- Harold Kincaid
- Theory-centrism in experimental economics pp. 83-86

- Francesco Guala
- Comments on 'Error in Economics: Toward a More Evidence-Based Methodology' by Julian Reiss pp. 87-92

- John DiNardo
- Theory, generalisations from cases and methodological maxims in evidence-based economics: Responses to the reviews by DiNardo, Guala and Kincaid pp. 93-96

- Julian Reiss
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