Journal of Economic Methodology
1994 - 2024
Current editor(s): John Davis and D Wade Hands From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 12, issue 4, 2005
- Experiments in economics: External validity and the robustness of phenomena pp. 495-515

- Francesco Guala and Luigi Mittone
- Methodological issues in forecasting: Insights from the egregious business forecast errors of late 1930 pp. 517-542

- Robert Goldfarb, H. O. Stekler and Joel David
- A defence of absurd theories in economics pp. 543-562

- Ole Rogeberg and Morten Nordberg
- Methods of evolutionism and rivalry with neoclassical analysis. The example of the National System of Innovation concept pp. 563-579

- Patrick Eparvier
- The Duhem-Quine thesis and experimental economics: A reinterpretation pp. 581-597

- Morten Søberg
Volume 12, issue 3, 2005
- Introduction pp. 361-361

- John Davis
- The meaning of open systems pp. 363-381

- Victoria Chick and Sheila Dow
- Unobservability, tractability and the battle of assumptions pp. 383-406

- Frank Hindriks
- Models as measuring instruments: measurement of duration dependence of unemployment pp. 407-431

- Peter Rodenburg
- Causality in macroeconometrics: some considerations about reductionism and realism pp. 433-453

- Alessio Moneta
- Anthropology as the basic science of economic theory: towards a cultural theory of economics pp. 455-469

- Nils Goldschmidt and Bernd Remmele
Volume 12, issue 2, 2005
- Experiment, theory, world: A symposium on the role of experiments in economics pp. 177-184

- Robert Sugden
- Economics in the lab: Completeness vs. testability pp. 185-196

- Francesco Guala
- Experiments and the domain of economic theory pp. 197-210

- Robin Cubitt
- 'Testing' game theory pp. 211-223

- Daniel Hausman
- Artificiality: The tension between internal and external validity in economic experiments pp. 225-237

- Arthur Schram
- Experimental economics and the artificiality of alteration pp. 239-251

- Nicholas Bardsley
- The challenge of representative design in psychology and economics pp. 253-263

- Robin Hogarth
- Monetary incentives, what are they good for? pp. 265-276

- Daniel Read
- Normative notions in descriptive dialogues pp. 277-289

- Chris Starmer
- Experiments as exhibits and experiments as tests pp. 291-302

- Robert Sugden
- Models are experiments, experiments are models pp. 303-315

- Uskali Maki
- Experiments versus models: New phenomena, inference and surprise pp. 317-329

- Mary Morgan
Volume 12, issue 1, 2005
- Graphical models, causal inference, and econometric models pp. 3-34

- Peter Spirtes
- Evaluating the historiography of the Great Depression: explanation or single-theory driven? pp. 35-61

- Rick Szostak
- Persuasion: Reflections on economics, data, and the 'homogeneity assumption' pp. 63-91

- Adam Fforde
- Clarifying the 'puzzle' between the Textbook and LSE approaches to econometrics: A comment on Cook's Kuhnian perspective on econometric modelling pp. 93-115

- George Davis
- On the semantic approach to econometric methodology pp. 117-123

- Steven Cook
- A misconception of the semantic conception of econometrics? pp. 125-135

- Hsiang-Ke Chao
- A rejoinder to Cook and response to Chao: Moving the Textbook/LSE debate forward pp. 137-147

- George Davis
Volume 11, issue 4, 2001
- The rational-behavioral debate in financial economics pp. 393-409

- Alon Brav, J. B. Heaton and Alexander Rosenberg
- Analytical egalitarianism, anecdotal evidence and information aggregation via proverbial wisdom pp. 411-435

- David Levy and Sandra Peart
- Economic explanation, ordinality and the adequacy of analytic specification pp. 437-453

- Donald Katzner and Peter Skott
- Research programs, model-building and actor-network-theory: Reassessing the case of the Leontief Paradox pp. 455-476

- Justin Bledin and Sharon Shewmake
Volume 11, issue 3, 2004
- Introduction pp. 273-273

- John Davis
- Structured pluralism pp. 275-290

- Sheila Dow
- History and equilibrium: A partial defense of equilibrium economics pp. 291-305

- Roger Backhouse
- Reorienting Economics: Some epistemological issues pp. 307-312

- Sheila Dow
- No methodology without ontology! Reorienting economics pp. 313-319

- Mark Peacock
- Critical realism and the mainstream pp. 321-327

- Julian Reiss
- Reorienting Economics: On heterodox economics, themata and the use of mathematics in economics pp. 329-340

- Tony Lawson
- Two rhetorical strategies of laissez-faire pp. 341-357

- Andy Denis
- Evolutionary economics: In defence of 'vagueness' pp. 359-376

- Matthias Klaes
- Obituary. Don Lavoie (1950-2001) pp. 377-379

- Peter Boettke
Volume 11, issue 2, 2004
- Ontological issues in evolutionary economics: Introduction pp. 121-124

- Matthias Klaes
- On the proper interpretation of 'evolution' in economics and its implications for production theory pp. 125-146

- Ulrich Witt
- General selection theory and economic evolution: The Price equation and the replicator/interactor distinction pp. 147-173

- Thorbjørn Knudsen
- Darwinism, causality and the social sciences pp. 175-194

- Geoffrey Hodgson
- Evolutionary realism: a new ontology for economics pp. 195-212

- Kurt Dopfer and Jason Potts
- Conjectural revisionary economic ontology: Outline of an ambitious research agenda for evolutionary economics pp. 213-247

- Jack Vromen
Volume 11, issue 1, 2004
- The rationality postulate in economics: its ambiguity, its deficiency and its evolutionary alternative pp. 1-29

- Viktor Vanberg
- The forgotten role of the rationality principle in economics pp. 31-51

- Maurice Lagueux
- Some claims made for critical realism in economics: two case studies pp. 53-73

- Geoffrey Hodgson
- On closure in economics pp. 75-89

- Stephen John Nash
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