Journal of Economic Methodology
1994 - 2024
Current editor(s): John Davis and D Wade Hands From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 21, issue 4, 2014
- Introduction: methodologies of bounded rationality pp. 325-342

- Till Grüne-Yanoff, Caterina Marchionni and Ivan Moscati
- Welfare economics and bounded rationality: the case for model-based approaches pp. 343-360

- Paola Manzini and Marco Mariotti
- Bounded rationality: the two cultures pp. 361-374

- Konstantinos V. Katsikopoulos
- The consistency and ecological rationality approaches to normative bounded rationality pp. 375-395

- Nathan Berg
- Normative ecological rationality: normative rationality in the fast-and-frugal-heuristics research program pp. 396-410

- D. Wade Hands
- Psychological versus economic models of bounded rationality pp. 411-427

- Don Ross
- Notes on contributors pp. 428-429

- The Editors
- Editorial Board pp. ebi-ebi

- The Editors
Volume 21, issue 3, 2014
- The power of stereotyping and confirmation bias to overwhelm accurate assessment: the case of economics, gender, and risk aversion pp. 211-231

- Julie A. Nelson
- A probabilistic ghost in the experimental machine pp. 232-250

- Dorian Jullien and Nicolas Vallois
- Conventionalism, coordination, and mental models: from Poincaré to Simon pp. 251-272

- Rouslan Koumakhov
- Normative and positive theories of public finance: contrasting Musgrave and Buchanan pp. 273-289

- Maxime Desmarais-Tremblay
- Frank Knight's 'categories' and the definition of economics pp. 290-307

- John Hart
- The foundations of economic complexity in behavioral rationality and heterogeneous expectations pp. 308-312

- J. Barkley Rosser
- Rethinking rational expectations in complex economic systems: Cars Hommes' resurrection of Poincaré's view pp. 313-316

- Alan Kirman
- A reply to Rosser and Kirman pp. 317-321

- Cars Hommes
Volume 21, issue 2, 2014
- To stylize or not to stylize, is it a fact then? Clarifying the role of stylized facts in empirical model evaluation pp. 107-124

- Stefan Mendritzki
- Epistemological foundations for the assessment of risks in banking and finance pp. 125-138

- Guillaume Vuillemey
- Logic, rationality and knowledge in Ramsey's thought: reassessing 'human logic' pp. 139-157

- Marion Gaspard
- 'Economic imperialism' in health care resource allocation - how can equity considerations be incorporated into economic evaluation? pp. 158-174

- Andrea Klonschinski
- The economic debate on power: a Marxist critique pp. 175-192

- Giulio Palermo
- Theory of conditional games pp. 193-198

- Don Ross
- Philosophy of economics: a contemporary introduction pp. 198-202

- María Jiménez-Buedo
- Theoretical and practical reason in economics: capacities and capabilities pp. 202-207

- Thomas R. Wells
Volume 21, issue 1, 2014
- Introduction to the special issue: papers from the IX INEM Conference in Helsinki pp. 1-2

- Aki Lehtinen, Uskali Mäki and Caterina Marchionni
- Why macroeconomics does not supervene on microeconomics pp. 3-18

- Brian Epstein
- Understanding with theoretical models pp. 19-36

- Petri Ylikoski and N. Emrah Aydinonat
- A non-monotonic intensional framework for framing effects pp. 37-53

- Silvia Lerner
- Causal models and evidential pluralism in econometrics pp. 54-76

- Alessio Moneta and Federica Russo
- The role of experts in the methodology of economics pp. 77-91

- Carlo Martini
- Mainstreaming Behavioral Economics pp. 92-95

- Floris Heukelom
- Philosophy of economics [Handbook of the philosophy of science, vol. 13] pp. 96-98

- David Teira
- Philosophy of economics for real pp. 98-103

- Stefan Mendritzki
Volume 20, issue 4, 2013
- Introduction to symposium on 'reflexivity and economics: George Soros's theory of reflexivity and the methodology of economic science' pp. 303-308

- D. Wade Hands
- Fallibility, reflexivity, and the human uncertainty principle pp. 309-329

- George Soros
- Reflexivity, complexity, and the nature of social science pp. 330-342

- Eric D. Beinhocker
- Reflexivity unpacked: performativity, uncertainty and analytical monocultures pp. 343-349

- Richard Bronk
- George Soros: Hayekian? pp. 350-356

- Bruce Caldwell
- Reflections on Soros: Mach, Quine, Arthur and far-from-equilibrium dynamics pp. 357-367

- Rod Cross, Harold Hutchinson, Harbir Lamba and Doug Strachan
- Soros's reflexivity concept in a complex world: Cauchy distributions, rational expectations, and rational addiction pp. 368-376

- John Davis
- Hypotheses non fingo: Problems with the scientific method in economics pp. 377-385

- J. Farmer
- Fallibility in formal macroeconomics and finance theory pp. 386-396

- Roman Frydman and Michael D. Goldberg
- Reflexivity and equilibria pp. 397-405

- Francesco Guala
- Reflexivity, expectations feedback and almost self-fulfilling equilibria: economic theory, empirical evidence and laboratory experiments pp. 406-419

- Cars Hommes
- Soros and Popper: on fallibility, reflexivity, and the unity of method pp. 420-428

- Mark Amadeus Notturno
- Reflexivity, uncertainty and the unity of science pp. 429-438

- Alex Rosenberg
- On the role of reflexivity in economic analysis pp. 439-445

- Anwar Shaikh
- Broader scopes of the reflexivity principle in the economy pp. 446-453

- Yi-Cheng Zhang
Volume 20, issue 3, 2013
- Introduction to symposium on the explanation paradox pp. 235-236

- D. Wade Hands
- How fictional accounts can explain pp. 237-243

- Robert Sugden
- Reply to Julian Reiss pp. 244-249

- Menno Rol
- Paradox postponed pp. 250-254

- Daniel M. Hausman
- Genuineness resolved: a reply to Reiss' purported paradox pp. 255-261

- Till Grüne-Yanoff
- It's just a feeling: why economic models do not explain pp. 262-267

- Anna Alexandrova and Robert Northcott
- On a paradox of truth, or how not to obscure the issue of whether explanatory models can be true pp. 268-279

- Uskali Mäki
- The explanation paradox redux pp. 280-292

- Julian Reiss
Volume 20, issue 2, 2013
- Field experiments and methodological intolerance pp. 103-117

- Glenn Harrison
- Change and expectations in macroeconomic models: recognizing the limits to knowability pp. 118-138

- Roman Frydman and Michael D. Goldberg
- Performativity of economic systems: approach and implications for taxonomy pp. 139-163

- Carsten Herrmann-Pillath
- Towards a transdisciplinary econophysics pp. 164-183

- Christophe Schinckus and Franck Jovanovic
- Three kinds of ‘as-if’ claims pp. 184-205

- Aki Lehtinen
- Preferences as total subjective comparative evaluations pp. 206-210

- Aki Lehtinen
- Asymmetric paternalism for economists pp. 211-214

- Miriam Teschl
- The concepts of choice and preference in economics pp. 215-218

- Prasanta K. Pattanaik
- A reply to Lehtinen, Teschl and Pattanaik pp. 219-223

- Daniel M. Hausman
Volume 20, issue 1, 2013
- Introduction: Methodology, systemic risk, and the economics profession pp. 1-5

- John Davis and Wade Hands
- Modeling herding behavior and its risks pp. 6-18

- Michael Weisberg
- Herding and the quest for credit pp. 19-34

- Michael Strevens
- Herding, social influence and expert opinion pp. 35-44

- Michelle Baddeley
- Bad advice, herding and bubbles pp. 45-55

- Mark Thoma
- The systemic failure of economic methodologists pp. 56-68

- David Colander
- Beyond mechanical markets – asset price swings, risk and the role of the state pp. 69-75

- Kevin Hoover
- Science-mart: privatizing American science pp. 75-81

- Tiago Mata
- The Elgar companion to recent economic methodology pp. 81-86

- François Claveau
- The making of the economy: a phenomenology of economic science pp. 86-91

- Edward Nik-Khah
- Notes on contributors pp. 92-94

- The Editors
- Erratum pp. e95-e95

- The Editors
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