Journal of Economic Methodology
1994 - 2024
Current editor(s): John Davis and D Wade Hands
From Taylor & Francis Journals
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Volume 7, issue 3, 2001
- Theoretical isolation in contract theory: suppressing margins and entrepreneurship pp. 313-339

- Kirsten Foss and Nicolai Foss
- Disciplined stories in the governance of the New Institutional Economics pp. 341-371

- Keith Acheson
- Classical Utilitarianism and the methodology of determinate choice, in economics and in ethics pp. 373-394

- Tom Warke
- Should we abandon optimization theory? The need for bounded rationality pp. 395-426

- Frederic Laville
- Martin Hollis: philosopher of social science pp. 427-445

- Robert Sugden
Volume 7, issue 2, 2001
- Introduction: is data mining a methodological problem? pp. 171-181

- Roger Backhouse and Mary Morgan
- Data mining: a reconsideration pp. 183-194

- Thomas Mayer
- Three attitudes towards data mining pp. 195-210

- Kevin Hoover and Stephen Perez
- Data mining and the econometrics industry: comments on the papers of Mayer and of Hoover and Perez pp. 211-216

- Adrian Pagan and Michael Veall
- I am not, nor have I ever been a member of a data-mining discipline pp. 217-230

- Clinton Greene
- Revisiting data mining: 'hunting' with or without a license pp. 231-264

- Aris Spanos
- Data mining and the selection of instruments pp. 265-277

- Alastair Hall and Fernanda Peixe
Volume 7, issue 1, 2001
- Credible worlds: the status of theoretical models in economics pp. 1-31

- Robert Sugden
- Rational choice, functional selection and empty black boxes pp. 33-57

- Philip Pettit
- The logic of normative falsification: rationality and experiments in decision theory pp. 59-93

- Francesco Guala
- Methodology now! pp. 95-108

- Shaun P. Hargreaves Heap
- Reclaiming relevant realism pp. 109-125

- Uskali Maki
- Realist philosophy and methodology of economics: what is it? pp. 127-133

- Daniel Hausman
Volume 6, issue 3, 1999
- The domain of hypotheses and the realism of assumptions pp. 319-330

- Thomas Mayer
- Verisimilitude and the scientific strategy of economic theory pp. 331-350

- Jesú s P. Zamora Bonilla
- Incentives and preference reversals: escape moves and community decisions in experimental economics pp. 351-380

- Timo Tammi
- Representation and stability in testing and measuring rational expectations pp. 381-402

- Marcel Boumans
- Comparative perspectives in development economics pp. 403-421

- Barbara Ingham
- Raúl Prebisch and the beginnings of the Latin American school of economics: a rhetorical perspective pp. 423-438

- Ana Bianchi and Cleofas Salviano
- A brief response to Jurgen Lange-von Kulessa pp. 439-441

- Geoffrey Hodgson
- A brief reaction to a brief response pp. 443-444

- Jurgen Lange-von Kulessa
- Book Reviews pp. 445-451

- Steven Rappaport
- Book Reviews pp. 451-456

- Daniel Hausman
- Book Reviews pp. 457-467

- Daniel Fusfeld
Volume 6, issue 2, 1999
- The methodology of macroeconomics pp. 159-169

- Roger Backhouse and Andrea Salanti
- Recent developments in monetary policy analysis: the roles of theory and evidence pp. 171-198

- Bennett McCallum
- The evolution of IS-LM models: empirical evidence and theoretical presuppositions pp. 199-219

- Alessandro Vercelli
- New Keynesian economics, nominal rigidities and involuntary unemployment pp. 221-238

- Huw Dixon
- Unit roots and all that: the impact of time-series methods on macroeconomics pp. 239-258

- Ronald Smith
- Models and relations in economics and econometrics pp. 259-290

- Katarina Juselius
- Book Reviews pp. 291-296

- John Dupré
- Book Reviews pp. 297-303

- Philippe Fontaine
Volume 6, issue 1, 1999
- Experiments in economics: should we trust the dismal scientists in white coats? pp. 1-30

- Chris Starmer
- Explanations of an empirical puzzle: what can be learnt from a test of the rational expectations hypothesis? pp. 31-59

- Heather Anderson
- Methodological aspects of the encompassing principle pp. 61-78

- Steven Cook
- Walter Bagehot on economic methodology: evolutionism and realisticnessl pp. 79-94

- Michel Zouboulakis
- Economics of science: survey and suggestions pp. 95-124

- Esther-Mirjam Sent
- 'Ultra-deductivism', perfect knowledge and the methodology of economics pp. 125-130

- Daniel Hausman
- 'Ultra-deductivism', perfect knowledge and the methodology of economics: some lingering doubts pp. 131-132

- T. W. Hutchison
- Book Reviews pp. 133-139

- Esther-Mirjam Sent
- Book Reviews pp. 145-147

- Arjo Klamer
Volume 5, issue 2, 1998
- Is the tatonnement hypothesis a good caricature of market forces? pp. 201-221

- Michel De Vroey
- The new growth theory: some intellectual growth accounting pp. 223-246

- Nicolai Foss
- Simplicity in econometric modelling: some methodological considerations pp. 247-261

- Bernd Hayo
- On the problematic link between fundamental ethics and economic policy recommendations pp. 263-297

- Olof Johansson-Stenman
- Book Reviews pp. 299-304

- Bruce Caldwell
- Book Reviews pp. 304-310

- Arthur Diamond
- Book Reviews pp. 310-317

- Amitava Dutt
Volume 5, issue 1, 1998
- On the use and nonuse of surveys in economics pp. 1-21

- Bryan Boulier and Robert Goldfarb
- Four detours pp. 23-41

- D. P. O'Brien
- Ultra-deductivism from Nassau Senior to Lionel Robbins and Daniel Hausman pp. 43-91

- Terence Hutchison
- Sargent and the unbearable lightness of symmetry pp. 93-114

- Esther-Mirjam Sent
- Transforming macroeconomics: an interview with Robert E. Lucas Jr pp. 115-146

- Brian Snowdon and Howard Vane
- Separateness, inexactness, and economic method pp. 147-154

- Uskali Maki
- Separateness, inexactness and economic method: a very brief response pp. 155-156

- Daniel Hausman
- Book Reviews pp. 157-163

- Robert Sugden
- Book Reviews pp. 164-170

- Bernt Stigum
- Book Reviews pp. 171-178

- Timo Tammi
- Book Reviews pp. 179-185

- Andrea Salanti