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Journal of Economic Methodology

1994 - 2024

Current editor(s): John Davis and D Wade Hands

From Taylor & Francis Journals
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Volume 23, issue 4, 2016

Editorial Board pp. (oeb)-(oeb) Downloads
The Editors
Sen’s criticism of revealed preference theory and its ‘neo-samuelsonian critique’: a methodological and theoretical assessment pp. 349-373 Downloads
Cyril Hédoin
Constitutive explanations in neuroeconomics: principles and a case study on money pp. 374-395 Downloads
Carsten Herrmann-Pillath
Space for virtue in the economics of Kenneth J. Arrow, Amartya Sen and Elinor Ostrom pp. 396-412 Downloads
Dominic Burbidge
Financial functional analysis: a conceptual framework for understanding the changing financial system pp. 413-431 Downloads
John P. Wilson and Larry Campbell
Notes on contributors pp. 432-433 Downloads
John Davis

Volume 23, issue 3, 2016

Introduction to symposium on ‘Patrick Suppes, economics, and economic methodology’ pp. 237-240 Downloads
D. Wade Hands
Patrick Suppes and game theory pp. 241-251 Downloads
Ken Binmore
Measurement theory and utility analysis in Suppes’ early work, 1951–1958 pp. 252-267 Downloads
Ivan Moscati
Choice-based cardinal utility: a tribute to Patrick Suppes pp. 268-288 Downloads
Jean Baccelli and Philippe Mongin
Suppes’ probabilistic theory of causality and causal inference in economics pp. 289-304 Downloads
Julian Reiss
Suppes’s outlines of an empirical measurement theory pp. 305-315 Downloads
Marcel Boumans
Freedom and choice in economics pp. 316-332 Downloads
Adolfo García de la Sienra
The world in axioms: an interview with Patrick Suppes pp. 333-346 Downloads
Catherine Herfeld
Notes on contributors pp. 347-348 Downloads
John Davis

Volume 23, issue 2, 2016

Introduction to discussion forum on Glenn W. Harrison’s ‘field experiments and methodological intolerance’ pp. 127-129 Downloads
Don Ross
Robert A. Millikan meets the credibility revolution: comment on Harrison (2013), ‘field experiments and methodological intolerance’ pp. 130-138 Downloads
Nathaniel Wilcox
Methodological ignorance: A comment on field experiments and methodological intolerance pp. 139-146 Downloads
Marcel Boumans
Experiments, policy, and theory in development economics: a response to Glenn Harrison’s ‘field experiments and methodological intolerance’ pp. 147-156 Downloads
Thomas Bossuroy and Clara Delavallade
Field experiments and methodological intolerance: reply pp. 157-159 Downloads
Glenn Harrison
Economics is not always performative: some limits for performativity pp. 160-184 Downloads
Nicolas Brisset
Beyond welfare economics: some methodological issues pp. 185-202 Downloads
Giuseppe Munda
On the analogy between field experiments in economics and clinical trials in medicine pp. 203-222 Downloads
Judith Favereau
Methodological misconceptions in the social sciences. Rethinking social thought and social processes pp. 223-227 Downloads
Carsten Herrmann-Pillath
Hayek and Popper: on rationality, economism, and democracy pp. 227-234 Downloads
Bruce Caldwell

Volume 23, issue 1, 2016

Preference purification and the inner rational agent: a critique of the conventional wisdom of behavioural welfare economics pp. 1-25 Downloads
Gerardo Infante, Guilhem Lecouteux and Robert Sugden
On the Econ within pp. 26-32 Downloads
Daniel M. Hausman
‘On the Econ within’: a reply to Daniel Hausman pp. 33-37 Downloads
Gerardo Infante, Guilhem Lecouteux and Robert Sugden
Adjusting the model to adjust the world: constructive mechanisms in postwar general equilibrium theory pp. 38-56 Downloads
Ivan Boldyrev and Alexey Ushakov
Firms, agency, and evolution pp. 57-76 Downloads
Armin W. Schulz
Five theses on neuroeconomics pp. 77-96 Downloads
Roberto Fumagalli
The scientific limits of understanding the (potential) relationship between complex social phenomena: the case of democracy and inequality pp. 97-109 Downloads
Alexander Krauss
Governing in a complex society pp. 110-114 Downloads
Wilfred Dolfsma
Economic pluralism for the lecture hall pp. 115-120 Downloads
Manuel Scholz-Wäckerle
Economic methodology into the practice of economics pp. 120-126 Downloads
Vítor Neves

Volume 22, issue 4, 2015

Between Lévi-Strauss and Braudel: Furtado and the historical-structural method in Latin American political economy pp. 413-438 Downloads
Mauro Boianovsky
Accounting for constitutive rules in game theory pp. 439-461 Downloads
Cyril Hédoin
The long-term viability of team reasoning pp. 462-478 Downloads
S.M. Amadae and Daniel Lempert
Mathematics and economics: the case of Menger pp. 479-490 Downloads
Josef Mensik
Abduction and economics: the contributions of Charles Peirce and Herbert Simon pp. 491-516 Downloads
Ramzi Mabsout
Economic rebel in retrospect pp. 517-520 Downloads
Steven Medema
The limits of inference without theory pp. 520-525 Downloads
Attilia Ruzzene
Thomas Mayer pp. 526-527 Downloads
Kevin D. Hoover

Volume 22, issue 3, 2015

The future of the philosophy of economics: papers from the XI. INEM Conference at Erasmus University Rotterdam pp. 261-263 Downloads
Constanze Binder, Conrad Heilmann and Jack Vromen
Policy-making in developing countries: from prediction to planning pp. 264-279 Downloads
Attilia Ruzzene
Can an evidential account justify relying on preferences for well-being policy? pp. 280-291 Downloads
Gil Hersch
Representation theorems and the semantics of decision-theoretic concepts pp. 292-311 Downloads
Mikaël Cozic and Brian Hill
Rationality and the Bayesian paradigm pp. 312-334 Downloads
Itzhak Gilboa
On the meaning of non-welfarism in Kolm's ELIE model of income redistribution pp. 335-353 Downloads
Jean-Sébastien Gharbi and Yves Meinard
Rethinking the ethics of incentives pp. 354-372 Downloads
Ruth W. Grant
Two approaches to reasoning from evidence or what econometrics can learn from biomedical research pp. 373-390 Downloads
Julian Reiss
Expertise and institutional design in economic committees pp. 391-409 Downloads
Carlo Martini

Volume 22, issue 2, 2015

What are stylized facts? pp. 143-156 Downloads
Leticia Arroyo Abad and Kareem Khalifa
Making sense of economists' positive-normative distinction pp. 157-170 Downloads
David Colander and Huei-Chun Su
Revisiting Haavelmo's structural econometrics: bridging the gap between theory and data pp. 171-196 Downloads
Aris Spanos
Structured causal pluralism in poverty analysis pp. 197-214 Downloads
Paul Shaffer
Slaves of the defunct: the epistemic intractability of the Hayek-Keynes debate pp. 215-234 Downloads
Scott Scheall
The world in the model: how economists work and think, by Mary S. Morgan, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012, 435 pp. A world of models: review of Mary S. Morgan, The world in the model: how economists work and think pp. 235-240 Downloads
Itzhak Gilboa
Much ado about models pp. 241-246 Downloads
Daniel M. Hausman
How economists work and think pp. 247-248 Downloads
Erik Angner
Economic models as exploration devices pp. 249-253 Downloads
Liliana Doganova
Moving forward on models pp. 254-258 Downloads
Mary S. Morgan

Volume 22, issue 1, 2015

Simulation, computation and dynamics in economics pp. 1-27 Downloads
K. Vela Velupillai and Stefano Zambelli
A Kuhnian perspective on asset pricing theory pp. 28-45 Downloads
Nicholas Mangee
The challenge of empirically assessing the effects of constitutions pp. 46-76 Downloads
Vlad Tarko
From Edgeworth to econophysics: a methodological perspective pp. 77-95 Downloads
Stavros Drakopoulos and Ioannis Katselidis
Old lady charm: explaining the persistent appeal of Chicago antitrust pp. 96-122 Downloads
Nicola Giocoli
Philosophy of economics pp. 123-128 Downloads
Michiru Nagatsu
A cooperative species: human reciprocity and its evolution pp. 128-134 Downloads
Till Grüne-Yanoff
Finding Equilibrium: Arrow, Debreu, McKenzie and the problem of scientific credit pp. 134-139 Downloads
Camila Orozco Espinel
Page updated 2025-03-27