Journal of Economic Methodology
1994 - 2024
Current editor(s): John Davis and D Wade Hands From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 15, issue 4, 2008
- Sraffa's mathematical economics: a constructive interpretation pp. 325-342

- K. Vela Velupillai
- The explanatory logic and ontological commitments of generalized Darwinism pp. 343-363

- J. W. Stoelhorst
- Rationality, behavior, institutional, and economic change in Schumpeter pp. 365-390

- Agnès Festré and Pierre Garrouste
- On the autonomy of experiments in economics pp. 391-407

- Martin Jones
- Method and appraisal in economics, 1976-2006 pp. 409-423

- Uskali Maki
Volume 15, issue 3, 2008
- Introduction: Also Sprach der homo oeconomicus pp. 241-244

- Miranda del Corral and Jesus Zamora Bonilla
- Simulating processes of concept formation and communication pp. 245-259

- Timo Honkela, Ville Kononen, Tiina Lindh-Knuutila and Mari-Sanna Paukkeri
- Games and Quantity implicatures pp. 261-274

- Robert van Rooij
- The evolution of Horn's rule pp. 275-284

- Kris De Jaegher
- The surprise exam paradox, rationality, and pragmatics: a simple game-theoretic analysis pp. 285-299

- José Luis Ferreira and Jesus Zamora Bonilla
Volume 15, issue 2, 2008
- The roles of stories in applying game theory pp. 131-146

- Till Grune-Yanoff and Paul Schweinzer
- Anger and economic rationality pp. 147-167

- Daniel Zizzo
- Collective intention, social identity, and rational choice pp. 169-184

- Jelle de Boer
Volume 15, issue 1, 2008
- Sound and fury: McCloskey and significance testing in economics pp. 1-37

- Kevin Hoover and Mark Siegler
- Signifying nothing: reply to Hoover and Siegler pp. 39-55

- Deirdre McCloskey and Stephen Ziliak
- The rhetoric of 'Signifying nothing': a rejoinder to Ziliak and McCloskey pp. 57-68

- Kevin Hoover and Mark Siegler
- Idealization, abstraction, and the policy relevance of economic theories pp. 69-97

- Menno Rol
- The role of data/code archives in the future of economic research pp. 99-119

- Richard Anderson, William Greene, B McCullough and Hrishikesh Vinod
Volume 14, issue 4, 2007
- Introduction: Thomas Schelling's distinctive approach pp. 403-408

- S. Rizvi
- Player heterogeneity and empiricism in Schelling pp. 409-428

- Alessandro Innocenti
- Models, conjectures and exploration: an analysis of Schelling's checkerboard model of residential segregation pp. 429-454

- N. Emrah Aydinonat
- Some like it cold: Thomas Schelling as a Cold Warrior pp. 455-471

- Esther-Mirjam Sent
- Realism, closed systems and abstraction pp. 473-497

- Stephen Pratten
- Reorienting critical realism: a system-wide perspective on the capitalist economy pp. 499-519

- Andrew Brown
Volume 14, issue 3, 2007
- Introduction pp. 273-273

- Roger Backhouse
- The turn in economics and the turn in economic methodology pp. 275-290

- John Davis
- Great expectations, mixed results and resilient beliefs: the troubles of empirical research in economic controversies pp. 291-309

- Pedro Teixeira
- The 'materials' of experimental economics: technological versus behavioral experiments pp. 311-337

- Ana C. Santos
- Setting the scene with 'firms' and 'workers' pp. 339-352

- Fredrik Hansen
- What does tacit knowledge actually explain? pp. 353-370

- Jonathan Perraton and Iona Tarrant
- 'Practical comparability' and ends in Economics pp. 371-393

- Ricardo Crespo
Volume 14, issue 2, 2007
- The experiment in macroeconometrics pp. 143-166

- John Aldrich and Anna Staszewska
- A Gricean analysis of understanding in economic experiments pp. 167-185

- Martin Jones
- Piero Sraffa: economic reality, the economist and economic theory: an interpretation pp. 187-209

- Neri Salvadori and Rodolfo Signorino
- Meanings of methodological individualism pp. 211-226

- Geoffrey Hodgson
- A structure of the consumption function pp. 227-248

- Hsiang-Ke Chao
Volume 14, issue 1, 2007
- Introduction: the methodology of development economics pp. 1-4

- Sheila Dow
- The metamorphosis of Lewis's dual economy model pp. 5-25

- Dipak Ghosh
- Evaluating Marxian contributions to development economics pp. 27-46

- Jonathan Perraton
- On rhetoric and being realistic about the monetary policy of developing countries pp. 47-55

- Jan Toporowski
- Pluralist methodology for development economics: the example of moral economy of Indian labour markets pp. 57-82

- Wendy Olsen
- Modernism, reflexivity and the Washington Consensus pp. 83-105

- Daniel Gay
- Needs and resources in the investigation of well-being in developing countries: illustrative evidence from Bangladesh and Peru pp. 107-131

- J. Allister McGregor, Andy McKay and Jackeline Velazco
Volume 13, issue 4, 2006
- Tractability assumptions and the Musgrave-Maki typology pp. 401-423

- Frank Hindriks
- Contrastive explanation and unrealistic models: The case of the new economic geography pp. 425-446

- Caterina Marchionni
- Economic history and economic theory pp. 447-467

- Filippo Cesarano
- Coleman's Hypothesis on trusting behaviour and a remark on meta-studies pp. 469-483

- Friedel Bolle and Jessica Kaehler
- Evidence of a Harvard and Chicago Matthew Effect pp. 485-506

- Marshall Medoff
Volume 13, issue 3, 2006
- Introduction: Capabilities and identity pp. 293-298

- Flavio Comim and Miriam Teschl
- Searching for identity in the capability space pp. 299-325

- Alan Kirman and Miriam Teschl
- Identities, capabilities and revisions pp. 327-348

- Pierre Livet
- Identity, commitment and morality pp. 349-369

- Herlinde Pauer-Studer
- Social identity strategies in recent economics pp. 371-390

- John Davis
Volume 13, issue 2, 2006
- Fragility and robustness in econometrics: Introduction to the symposium pp. 159-160

- Kevin Hoover
- When are inferences too fragile to be believed? pp. 161-177

- John Aldrich
- Revisiting the omitted variables argument: Substantive vs. statistical adequacy pp. 179-218

- Aris Spanos
- Some varieties of robustness pp. 219-240

- Jim Woodward
- Clap happy: Applause and the voting paradox pp. 241-256

- Steven Pressman
- Comparing responses to critical realism pp. 257-282

- Siobhan Austen and Therese Jefferson
Volume 13, issue 1, 2006
- Economists as experts: Overconfidence in theory and practice pp. 1-24

- Erik Angner
- A positivist tradition in early demand theory pp. 25-47

- David Teira Serrano
- Evaluating growth theories and their empirical support: An assessment of the convergence hypothesis pp. 49-75

- Nevin Cavusoglu and Edinaldo Tebaldi
- Model selection and multiple research goals: The case of rational addiction pp. 77-96

- Andrew Yuengert
- De gustibus est disputandum: Frank H. Knight's reply to George Stigler and Gary Becker's 'De gustibus non est disputandum' with an introductory essay pp. 97-111

- Ross Emmett
- Reflexivity in perspective: A note on Davis and Klaes' reading of Las Meninas pp. 113-119

- Thomas Basbøll
- Imprecise precision: Rejoinder to Basbøll pp. 121-123

- John Davis and Matthias Klaes
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