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Economic Journal

2008 - 2018

Continuation of Economic Journal. Continued by The Economic Journal.

Current editor(s): Estelle Cantillon, Martin Cripps, Andrea Galeotti, Morten Ravn, Kjell G. Salvanes, Frederic Vermeulen, Hans-Joachim Voth and Rachel Kranton

From Royal Economic Society
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2018, issue 616, vol 128

Commuting and Taxes: Theory, Empirics and Welfare Implications pp. 2969-3007 Downloads
David Agrawal and William H. Hoyt
Labour Market Effects of International Trade When Mobility is Costly pp. 3008-3038 Downloads
Damoun Ashournia
Higher Education and Prosperity: From Catholic Missionaries to Luminosity in India pp. 3039-3075 Downloads
Amparo Castelló‐Climent, Latika Chaudhary and Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay
To Rebate or Not to Rebate: Fuel Economy Standards Versus Feebates pp. 3076-3116 Downloads
Isis Durrmeyer and Mario Samano
Looking Down the Barrel of a Loaded Gun: The Effect of Mandatory Handgun Purchase Delays on Homicide and Suicide pp. 3117-3140 Downloads
Griffin Edwards, Erik Nesson, Joshua Robinson and Fredrick Vars
Access to Citizenship and the Economic Assimilation of Immigrants pp. 3141-3181 Downloads
Christina Gathmann and Nicolas Keller
Risk and Temptation: A Meta‐study on Prisoner's Dilemma Games pp. 3182-3209 Downloads
Friederike Mengel
Trade and Geography in the Spread of Islam pp. 3210-3241 Downloads
Stelios Michalopoulos, Alireza Naghavi and Giovanni Prarolo
Commodity Prices and Growth pp. 3242-3265 Downloads
Domenico Ferraro and Pietro Peretto
Identifying Uncertainty Shocks Using the Price of Gold pp. 3266-3284 Downloads
Michele Piffer and Maximilian Podstawski
Additional Returns to Investing in Girls' Education: Impact on Younger Sibling Human Capital pp. 3285-3319 Downloads
Javaeria Qureshi
Political Budget Cycles with Informed Voters: Evidence from Italy pp. 3320-3353 Downloads
Luca Repetto

2018, issue 615, vol 128

Making Do With What You Have: Conflict, Input Misallocation and Firm Performance pp. 2559-2612 Downloads
Francesco Amodio and Michele Di Maio
Consumption and Investment in Resource Pooling Family Networks pp. 2613-2651 Downloads
Manuela Angelucci, Giacomo De Giorgi and Imran Rasul
Coal Smoke and Mortality in an Early Industrial Economy pp. 2652-2675 Downloads
Brian Beach and W Hanlon
Designing Property Rights over Land in Rural China pp. 2676-2710 Downloads
Yuk‐Shing Cheng and Kim-Sau Chung
Social Division with Endogenous Hierarchy pp. 2711-2742 Downloads
James Choy
Laboratory Measure of Cheating Predicts School Misconduct pp. 2743-2754 Downloads
Alain Cohn and Michel Maréchal
Inflation Targeting, Fiscal Rules and the Policy Mix: Cross‐effects and Interactions pp. 2755-2784 Downloads
Jean-Louis Combes, Xavier Debrun, Alexandru Minea and René Tapsoba
Dynamic Coordination and the Optimal Stimulus Policies pp. 2785-2811 Downloads
Bernardo Guimaraes and Caio Machado
Reference Health and the Demand for Medical Care pp. 2812-2842 Downloads
Matthew Harris and Jennifer L. Kohn
Inelastic Buyers and Competition pp. 2843-2875 Downloads
Giacomo Calzolari, Andrea Ichino, Francesco Manaresi and Viki Nellas
Patents As Negotiating Assets: Patenting Versus Secrecy For Startups pp. 2876-2894 Downloads
Andreas Panagopoulos and In-Uck Park
The Gravity of Ideas: How Distance Affects Translations pp. 2895-2932 Downloads
Isabelle Sin
Breaking the Unbreakable Union: Nationalism, Disintegration and the Soviet Economic Collapse pp. 2933-2967 Downloads
Marvin Suesse

2018, issue 614, vol 128

Two Sides of the Same Rupee? Comparing Demand for Microcredit and Microsaving in a Framed Field Experiment in Rural Pakistan pp. 2161-2190 Downloads
Uzma Afzal, Giovanna d’Adda, Marcel Fafchamps, Simon Quinn and Farah Said
On the Political Economy of Deficit Bias and Immigration pp. 2191-2221 Downloads
Michael Ben‐Gad
Growth, Import Dependence, and War pp. 2222-2257 Downloads
Roberto Bonfatti and Kevin O'Rourke
Speculation and Financial Wealth Distribution Under Belief Heterogeneity pp. 2258-2281 Downloads
Dan Cao
Human Capital, Technology Adoption and Firm Performance: Impacts of China's Higher Education Expansion in the Late 1990s pp. 2282-2320 Downloads
Yi Che and Lei Zhang
Migration, Population Composition and Long Run Economic Development: Evidence from Settlements in the Pampas pp. 2321-2352 Downloads
Federico Droller
Location, Search Costs and Youth Unemployment: Experimental Evidence from Transport Subsidies pp. 2353-2379 Downloads
Simon Franklin
Vertical Bargaining and Retail Competition: What Drives Countervailing Power? pp. 2380-2413 Downloads
Germain Gaudin
Hitler's Judges: Ideological Commitment and the Death Penalty in Nazi Germany pp. 2414-2449 Downloads
Wayne Geerling, Gary Magee, Vinod Mishra and Russell Smyth
Indecisiveness, Undesirability and Overload Revealed Through Rational Choice Deferral pp. 2450-2479 Downloads
Georgios Gerasimou
You Need to Recognise Ambiguity to Avoid It pp. 2480-2506 Downloads
Chew Soo Hong, Mark Ratchford and Jacob S. Sagi
New and Improved: Does FDI Boost Production Complexity in Host Countries? pp. 2507-2537 Downloads
Beata Javorcik, Alessia Lo Turco and Daniela Maggioni
Measuring the Impact of Travel Costs on Grocery Shopping pp. 2538-2557 Downloads
Guillermo Marshall and Tiago Pires

2018, issue 613, vol 128

Liquidity and Firms’ Response to Fiscal Stimulus pp. 1759-1785 Downloads
Antonio Acconcia and Claudia Cantabene
Trusting Former Rebels: An Experimental Approach to Understanding Reintegration after Civil War pp. 1786-1819 Downloads
Michal Bauer, Nathan Fiala and Ian Levely
The Time Value of Housing: Historical Evidence on Discount Rates pp. 1820-1843 Downloads
Philippe Bracke, Edward Pinchbeck and James Wyatt
Pathbreakers? Women's Electoral Success and Future Political Participation pp. 1844-1878 Downloads
Sonia Bhalotra, Irma Clots‐Figueras and Lakshmi Iyer
Costly Labour Adjustment: General Equilibrium Effects of China's Employment Regulations and Financial Reforms pp. 1879-1922 Downloads
Russell Cooper, Guan Gong and Ping Yan
Non‐performance Pay and Relational Contracting: Evidence from CEO Compensation pp. 1923-1951 Downloads
Jed DeVaro, Jin‐Hyuk Kim and Nick Vikander
Human Capital and Career Success: Evidence from Linked Employer‐Employee Data pp. 1952-1982 Downloads
Anders Frederiksen and Takao Kato
Information Processing and Commitment pp. 1983-2002 Downloads
Armin Falk and Florian Zimmermann
Matching to Share Risk without Commitment pp. 2003-2031 Downloads
Johannes Gierlinger and Sarolta Laczó
Labour Market Responses To Immigration: Evidence From Internal Migration Driven By Weather Shocks pp. 2032-2065 Downloads
Marieke Kleemans and Jeremy Magruder
Witch Trials pp. 2066-2105 Downloads
Peter Leeson and Jacob W. Russ
Advertising and Aggregate Consumption: A Bayesian DSGE Assessment pp. 2106-2130 Downloads
Benedetto Molinari and Francesco Turino
Competing Identities: A Field Study of In‐group Bias Among Professional Evaluators pp. 2131-2159 Downloads
Anna Sandberg

2018, issue 612, vol 128

The Openness‐equality Trade‐off in Global Redistribution pp. F1-F36 Downloads
E. Glen Weyl
Revisiting the Classical View of Benefit‐based Taxation pp. F37-F64 Downloads
Matthew Weinzierl
Evaluating Allocations of Freedom pp. F65-F94 Downloads
Itai Sher
Voids or Fragmentation: Moral Responsibility For Collective Outcomes pp. F95-F113 Downloads
Matthew Braham and Martin van Hees
Economic Policy and Equality of Opportunity pp. F114-F151 Downloads
Sang Yoon (Tim) Lee and Ananth Seshadri
Four Conceptions of Equal Opportunity pp. F152-F173 Downloads
Richard Arneson
Cross‐country Perspectives on Migration and Development: Introduction pp. F174-F178 Downloads
Caglar Ozden and Hillel Rapoport
Why Don't Remittances Appear to Affect Growth? pp. F179-F209 Downloads
Michael Clemens and David McKenzie
Migrant Networks and Trade: The Vietnamese Boat People as a Natural Experiment pp. F210-F234 Downloads
Christopher Parsons and Pierre-Louis Vézina
Global Collaborative Patents pp. F235-F272 Downloads
Sari Pekkala Kerr and William Kerr
Migration, Knowledge Diffusion and the Comparative Advantage of Nations pp. F273-F305 Downloads
Dany Bahar and Hillel Rapoport
Transit Migration: All Roads Lead to America pp. F306-F334 Downloads
Erhan Artuc and Caglar Ozden
New Directions in Measuring Intergenerational Mobility: Introduction pp. F335-F339 Downloads
Maia Güell, José V. Rodríguez Mora and Gary Solon
What Do We Know So Far about Multigenerational Mobility? pp. F340-F352 Downloads
Gary Solon
Correlating Social Mobility and Economic Outcomes pp. F353-F403 Downloads
Maia Güell, Michele Pellizzari, Giovanni Pica and José V. Rodríguez Mora
Is the Simple Law of Mobility Really a Law? Testing Clark's Hypothesis pp. F404-F421 Downloads
Kelly Vosters
Grandfathers Matter(ed): Occupational Mobility Across Three Generations in the US and Britain, 1850–1911 pp. F422-F445 Downloads
Jason Long and Joseph Ferrie
Multiple Measures of Historical Intergenerational Mobility: Iowa 1915 to 1940 pp. F446-F481 Downloads
James Feigenbaum
Intergenerational Wealth Mobility and the Role of Inheritance: Evidence from Multiple Generations pp. F482-F513 Downloads
Adrian Adermon, Mikael Lindahl and Daniel Waldenström
Born with a Silver Spoon? Danish Evidence on Wealth Inequality in Childhood pp. F514-F544 Downloads
Simon Boserup, Wojciech Kopczuk and Claus Kreiner
Learning, Hygiene and Traditional Medicine pp. F545-F574 Downloads
Daniel Bennett, Asjad Naqvi and Wolf‐Peter Schmidt
Group Size and the Efficiency of Informal Risk Sharing pp. F575-F608 Downloads
Emla Fitzsimons, Bansi Malde and Marcos Vera‐Hernández
Measuring and Changing Control: Women's Empowerment and Targeted Transfers pp. F609-F639 Downloads
Ingvild Almås, Alex Armand, Orazio Attanasio and Pedro Carneiro

2018, issue 611, vol 128

Wet Laws, Drinking Establishments and Violent Crime pp. 1333-1366 Downloads
D. Mark Anderson, Benjamin Crost and Daniel I. Rees
Credence Goods, Costly Diagnosis and Subjective Evaluation pp. 1367-1394 Downloads
Helmut Bester and Matthias Dahm
Sanitation, Disease Externalities and Anaemia: Evidence From Nepal pp. 1395-1432 Downloads
Diane Coffey, Michael Geruso and Dean Spears
The Political Economy of Financial Systems: Evidence from Suffrage Reforms in the Last Two Centuries pp. 1433-1475 Downloads
Hans Degryse, Thomas Lambert and Armin Schwienbacher
A Cup Runneth Over: Fiscal Policy Spillovers from the 2009 Recovery Act pp. 1476-1508 Downloads
Bill Dupor and Peter B. McCrory
Noisy Introspection in the 11–20 Game pp. 1509-1530 Downloads
Jacob Goeree, Philippos Louis and Jingjing Zhang
On the Impossibility of Protecting Risk†takers pp. 1531-1544 Downloads
Toomas Hinnosaar
Victimisation, Well†being and Compensation: Using Panel Data to Estimate the Costs of Violent Crime pp. 1545-1569 Downloads
David Johnston, Michael Shields and Agne Suziedelyte
Does Competition Eliminate Discrimination? Evidence from the Commercial Sex Market in Singapore pp. 1570-1608 Downloads
Huailu Li, Kevin Lang and Kaiwen Leong
Opportunities as Chances: Maximising the Probability that Everybody Succeeds pp. 1609-1633 Downloads
Marco Mariotti and Roberto Veneziani
The Ponds Dilemma pp. 1634-1682 Downloads
John Morgan, Dana Sisak and Felix Várdy
Indirect Reciprocity and Prosocial Behaviour: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment pp. 1683-1699 Downloads
Redzo Mujcic and Andreas Leibbrandt
Labour Supply Effects of Winning a Lottery pp. 1700-1729 Downloads
Matteo Picchio, Sigrid Suetens and Jan van Ours
The Zero Lower Bound and Endogenous Uncertainty pp. 1730-1757 Downloads
Michael Plante, Alexander Richter and Nathaniel Throckmorton

2018, issue 610, vol 128

Identification and Estimation of Dynamic Causal Effects in Macroeconomics Using External Instruments pp. 917-948 Downloads
James H. Stock and Mark Watson
Communication Costs and the Internal Organisation of Multi†plant Businesses: Evidence from the Impact of the French High†speed Rail pp. 949-994 Downloads
Pauline Charnoz, Claire Lelarge and Corentin Trevien
Lost in the Storm: The Academic Collaborations That Went Missing in Hurricane ISSAC pp. 995-1018 Downloads
Raquel Campos, Fernanda Leon and Ben McQuillin
Market Structure and Borrower Welfare in Microfinance pp. 1019-1046 Downloads
Jonathan de Quidt, Thiemo Fetzer and Maitreesh Ghatak
Retirement Savings: A Tale of Decisions and Defaults pp. 1047-1094 Downloads
Loretti Dobrescu, Xiaodong Fan, Hazel Bateman, Ben Rhodri Newell, Andreas Ortmann and Susan Thorp
Melting Ice Caps and the Economic Impact of Opening the Northern Sea Route pp. 1095-1127 Downloads
Eddy Bekkers, Joseph Francois and Hugo Rojas†Romagosa
Limited Commitment and the Demand for Money pp. 1128-1156 Downloads
Aleksander Berentsen, Samuel Huber and Alessandro Marchesiani
Compulsory Licensing and Patent Protection: A North†South Perspective pp. 1157-1179 Downloads
Eric Bond and Kamal Saggi
‘Good Nudge Lullaby’: Choice Architecture and Default Bias Reinforcement pp. 1180-1206 Downloads
Thomas de Haan and Jona Linde
Malaria and Early African Development: Evidence from the Sickle Cell Trait pp. 1207-1234 Downloads
Emilio Depetris-Chauvin and David Weil
How Risk Sharing may Enhance Efficiency of English Auctions pp. 1235-1256 Downloads
Audrey Hu, Theo Offerman and Liang Zou
Piracy versus Monopoly in the Market for Conspicuous Consumption pp. 1257-1275 Downloads
Michael Mandler
Can Compulsory Dialogues Nudge Sick†listed Workers Back to Work? pp. 1276-1303 Downloads
Simen Markussen, Knut Røed and Ragnhild C. Schreiner
Are Supermarkets Squeezing Small Suppliers? Evidence from Negotiated Wholesale Prices pp. 1304-1330 Downloads
Carlos Noton and Andrés Elberg
Upward Pricing Pressure in Two†sided Markets: Corrigendum pp. 1331-1332 Downloads
Pauline Affeldt, Lapo Filistrucchi and Tobias Klein

2018, issue 609, vol 128

The Distribution of Talent Across Contests pp. 471-509 Downloads
Ghazala Azmat and Marc Möller
Firm Entry and Financial Shocks pp. 510-540 Downloads
Paul Bergin, Ling Feng and Ching†Yi Lin
Party Connections, Interest Groups and the Slow Diffusion of Infrastructure: Evidence from Britain's First Transport Revolution pp. 541-575 Downloads
Dan Bogart
The Transmission of Inequality Across Multiple Generations: Testing Recent Theories with Evidence from Germany pp. 576-611 Downloads
Sebastian Braun and Jan Stuhler
Betting on Exports: Trade and Endogenous Heterogeneity pp. 612-651 Downloads
Alessandra Bonfiglioli, Rosario Crinò and Gino Gancia
Human Capital and Unemployment Dynamics: Why More Educated Workers Enjoy Greater Employment Stability pp. 652-682 Downloads
Isabel Cairó and Tomaz Cajner
Self†fulfilling Mistakes: Characterisation and Welfare pp. 683-709 Downloads
Patricio Dalton and Sayantan Ghosal
Equilibrium Coordination with Discretionary Policy Making pp. 710-727 Downloads
Richard Dennis and Tatiana Kirsanova
Carbon Prices for the Next Hundred Years pp. 728-757 Downloads
Reyer Gerlagh and Matti Liski
The Financial Power of the Powerless: Socio†economic Status and Interest Rates under Partial Rule of Law pp. 758-796 Downloads
Timur Kuran and Jared Rubin
Monetary and Macroprudential Policies in a Leveraged Economy pp. 797-826 Downloads
Sylvain Leduc and Jean-Marc Natal
Competing for Attention: Is the Showiest Also the Best? pp. 827-844 Downloads
Paola Manzini and Marco Mariotti
Information Use and Acquisition in Price†setting Oligopolies pp. 845-886 Downloads
David Myatt and Chris Wallace
Targets of Violence: Evidence from India's Naxalite Conflict pp. 887-916 Downloads
Oliver Vanden Eynde

2018, issue 608, vol 128

Distinctively Different: A New Approach to Valuing Architectural Amenities pp. 1-33 Downloads
Gabriel Ahlfeldt and Nancy Holman
Competition for Advertisers and for Viewers in Media Markets pp. 34-54 Downloads
Simon Anderson, Øystein Foros and Hans Jarle Kind
Entry and Welfare in Search Markets pp. 55-80 Downloads
Yongmin Chen and Tianle Zhang
Paid Parental Leave and Children's Schooling Outcomes pp. 81-117 Downloads
Natalia Danzer and Victor Lavy
Credit Risk in the Euro Area pp. 118-158 Downloads
Simon Gilchrist and Benoit Mojon
Revising Commitments: Field Evidence on the Adjustment of Prior Choices pp. 159-188 Downloads
Xavier Giné, Jessica Goldberg, Dan Silverman and Dean Yang
Trade, Firm Selection and Innovation: The Competition Channel pp. 189-229 Downloads
Giammario Impullitti and Omar Licandro
Climate Change and Labour Allocation in Rural Mexico: Evidence from Annual Fluctuations in Weather pp. 230-261 Downloads
Katrina Jessoe, Dale Manning and J. Edward Taylor
Top Incomes, Rising Inequality and Welfare pp. 262-297 Downloads
Kevin Lansing and Agnieszka Markiewicz
Locus of Control and its Intergenerational Implications for Early Childhood Skill Formation pp. 298-329 Downloads
Warn Nuarpear Lekfuangfu, Nattavudh Powdthavee, Nele Warrinnier and Francesca Cornaglia
On the International Spillovers of US Quantitative Easing pp. 330-377 Downloads
Marcel Fratzscher, Marco Lo Duca and Roland Straub
Resetting the Urban Network: 117–2012 pp. 378-412 Downloads
Guy Michaels and Ferdinand Rauch
Management of Bureaucrats and Public Service Delivery: Evidence from the Nigerian Civil Service pp. 413-446 Downloads
Imran Rasul and Daniel Rogger
Good Jobs and Recidivism pp. 447-469 Downloads
Kevin Schnepel
Page updated 2024-10-04