Economics at your fingertips  

Books and Chapters

Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI)
Edition HWWI
6 Books, 6 with downloads
Edition HWWI: Chapters
57 Chapters, 57 with downloads
HWWI Studies
2 Books, 2 with downloads
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
Chapters from the Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) Institute of Business Logistics and General Management
335 Chapters, 335 with downloads
Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) Institute of Business Logistics and General Management
16 Books, 16 with downloads
Study / edition der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung Böckler, Stiftung, Düsseldorf
481 Books, 481 with downloads
Harvard University Press
Economics Books
37 Books, 0 with downloads
Schriften zu Wirtschaft und Soziales Böll, Stiftung e.V., Berlin
27 Books, 27 with downloads
Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture
Policy Studies Program Reports
11 Books, 11 with downloads
Hoover Institution
Books Stanford University
14 Books, 14 with downloads
Hrvatsko društvo ekonomista (Croatian Society of Economists)
Tradicionalni skup Hrvatskog društva ekonomista u Opatiji - zbornik radova
1 Books, 1 with downloads
Hugo Sinzheimer Institute for Labour and Social Security Law (HSI)
HSI-Schriftenreihe Hans Böckler Foundation
53 Books, 53 with downloads
Hugo Steinhaus Center
HSC Books Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
9 Books, 9 with downloads
Human Development Report Office (HDRO)
Human Development Report (1990 to present) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
21 Books, 21 with downloads
ifo Institute
ifo Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsforschung Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
107 Books, 68 with downloads
ifo Dresden Studien Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
90 Books, 37 with downloads
ifo Forschungsberichte Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
150 Books, 141 with downloads
IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation
Conference proceedings of the Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM) Macroeconomic Policy Institute
16 Books, 16 with downloads
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) / German Economic Institute
155 Books, 155 with downloads
4 Books, 4 with downloads
Institute for Advanced Development Studies
INESAD book chapters
54 Chapters, 54 with downloads
INESAD ebooks
8 Books, 8 with downloads
Institute for World Economics
East European Studies Centre for Economic and Regional Studies
4 Books, 4 with downloads
Economic books Centre for Economic and Regional Studies
13 Books, 13 with downloads
Institute of Economic Research
33 Books, 33 with downloads
27 Chapters, 27 with downloads
Books Slovak Academy of Sciences
3 Books, 3 with downloads
Institute of Economics
Book chapters
4 Chapters, 0 with downloads
Published Books
14 Books, 2 with downloads
The Hungarian Labour Market Yearbooks Centre for Economic and Regional Studies
19 Books, 19 with downloads
Institute of Economic Sciences
Book Chapters
145 Chapters, 145 with downloads
5 Books, 5 with downloads
Institute of Public Finance
Books on Croatian accession to the European Union
3 Books, 3 with downloads
Other books
1 Books, 1 with downloads
Institut für Finanzdienstleistungen e.V. (iff)
18 Books, 18 with downloads
Instituto Universitario de Análisis Económico y Social
Essays and researchs
13 Books, 12 with downloads
Institut za razvoj i medjunarodne odnose
3 Books, 3 with downloads
Instytut Badan Strukturalnych
Books and Reports published by IBS
3 Books, 2 with downloads
650 Books, 650 with downloads
6948 Chapters, 6948 with downloads
IDB Publications (Book Chapters) American Development Bank
52 Chapters, 52 with downloads
IDB Publications (Books) American Development Bank
356 Books, 356 with downloads
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
IFPRI book chapters
595 Chapters, 595 with downloads
IFPRI books
142 Books, 142 with downloads
International Labour Office
Studies on Growth with Equity Research Department
23 Books, 23 with downloads
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
IRRI Books
64 Books, 64 with downloads
International School for Social and Business Studies
ISSBS Monographs Celje, Slovenia
2 Books, 2 with downloads
Knowledge and Learning: Global Empowerment; Proceedings of the Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference 2012 Celje, Slovenia
107 Chapters, 107 with downloads
Knowledge as Business Opportunity: Proceedings of the Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference 2011 Celje, Slovenia
59 Chapters, 59 with downloads
International Water Management Institute
Book Chapters
179 Chapters, 179 with downloads
IWMI Books
134 Books, 134 with downloads
Iowa State University
Commodity Costs and Returns Estimation Handbook
28 Chapters, 28 with downloads
Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference (2015), Kotor, Montengero Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy, Zagreb
69 Chapters, 69 with downloads
Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference (2016), Rovinj, Croatia Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy, Zagreb
62 Chapters, 62 with downloads
Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference (2017), Dubrovnik, Croatia Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy, Zagreb
53 Chapters, 53 with downloads
Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference (2018), Split, Croatia Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy, Zagreb
55 Chapters, 55 with downloads
Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference (2019), Rovinj, Croatia Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy, Zagreb
67 Chapters, 67 with downloads
Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference (2020), Virtual Conference Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy, Zagreb
60 Chapters, 60 with downloads
Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference (2021), Hybrid Conference, Zagreb, Croatia Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy, Zagreb
40 Chapters, 40 with downloads
Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference (2022), Hybrid Conference, Opatija, Croatia Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy, Zagreb
37 Chapters, 37 with downloads
Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference (2023), Hybrid Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy, Zagreb
37 Chapters, 37 with downloads
Istituto Regionale per la Programmazione Economica della Toscana
15 Chapters, 0 with downloads
Izmir University of Economics
Proceedings of the IUE-SUNY Cortland Conference in Economics
3 Books, 3 with downloads
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
Occasional Publications Faculty of Economics
15 Chapters, 15 with downloads
Books Faculty of Economics, Croatia
3 Books, 3 with downloads
KCAT KompetenzCentrum für Accounting & Taxation
KCAT Schriftenreihe FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management
3 Books, 3 with downloads
KCQF KompetenzCentrum für qualitative Forschung
KCQF Schriftenreihe FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management
3 Books, 3 with downloads
Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Kiel E-Books
4 Books, 4 with downloads
King Abdulaziz University
Books published by the Islamic Economics Institute, KAAU. Islamic Economics Institute.
7 Books, 7 with downloads
Chapters of books published by the Islamic Economics Institute, KAAU or its faculty members. Islamic Economics Institute.
84 Chapters, 84 with downloads
Konjunkturforschungsstelle Liechtenstein (KOFL)
KOFL Studien Vaduz
5 Books, 5 with downloads
Korea Development Institute (KDI)
KDI Research Monographs
13 Books, 10 with downloads
Laboratory of Economics and Management (LEM)
LEM Book Series Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy
3 Books, 3 with downloads
LEM Chapters Series Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy
18 Chapters, 18 with downloads
Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)
Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Transition Economies
80 Books, 80 with downloads
Lester Ingber
Lester Ingber Books
10 Books, 3 with downloads
List Gesellschaft e.V.
List Forum
5 Books, 0 with downloads
List Forum Chapter
88 Chapters, 0 with downloads
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
Schriften aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung Köln
86 Books, 86 with downloads
McMaster University Archive for the History of Economic Thought
History of Economic Thought Books
534 Books, 533 with downloads
Histoy of Economic Thought Chapters
209 Chapters, 209 with downloads
Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration (MEDAM)
MEDAM Assessment Report on Asylum and Migration Policies in Europe
6 Books, 6 with downloads
Mohr Siebeck
Beiträge zur Finanzwissenschaft Tübingen
38 Books, 38 with downloads
Beiträge zur Ordnungstheorie und Ordnungspolitik Tübingen
18 Books, 18 with downloads
Monograph Tübingen
3 Books, 0 with downloads
Ökonomische Studien Tübingen
8 Books, 8 with downloads
Rechtsordnung und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Tübingen
52 Books, 52 with downloads
Untersuchungen zur Ordnungstheorie und Ordnungspolitik Tübingen
62 Books, 62 with downloads
MultiMedia Publishing
14 Books, 14 with downloads
Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)
Anuario Estadístico de América Latina y el Caribe / Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean
48 Books, 48 with downloads
8 Books, 8 with downloads
Balance Preliminar de las Economías de América Latina y el Caribe
100 Books, 100 with downloads
Boletín Estadístico de América Latina
16 Books, 16 with downloads
694 Books, 694 with downloads
Colección "La hora de la Igualdad"
8 Books, 8 with downloads
480 Books, 480 with downloads
Cuadernos de la CEPAL
208 Books, 208 with downloads
Estudio Económico de América Latina y el Caribe
152 Books, 152 with downloads
Informe Macroeconómico de América Latina y el Caribe
3 Books, 3 with downloads
La Inversión Extranjera Directa en América Latina y el Caribe
68 Books, 68 with downloads
Libros de la CEPAL
983 Books, 983 with downloads
Libros y Documentos Institucionales
1132 Books, 1132 with downloads
Manuales de la CEPAL
5 Books, 5 with downloads
Observatorio de Igualdad de Género en América Latina y el Caribe. Estudios
12 Books, 12 with downloads
Páginas Selectas de la CEPAL
11 Books, 11 with downloads
Panorama Económico de América Latina
12 Books, 12 with downloads
Textos para Discussão - CEPAL/IPEA
82 Books, 82 with downloads
The Hummingbird
121 Books, 121 with downloads
Narodowy Bank Polski
NBP Conference Publications
2 Books, 2 with downloads
National Autonomous University of Nicaragua
Handbooks León (Unan, León), Researching Center for Applied Economics (RCAE)
4 Books, 4 with downloads
National Bank of Kazakhstan
Financial Stability Reports(National Bank of Kazakhstan)
13 Books, 13 with downloads
National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER Books Inc
1286 Books, 1 with downloads
NBER Chapters Inc
12049 Chapters, 11261 with downloads
National Institute of Agricultural Economics
Books Italy , INEA, Rural Development Policies
6 Books, 6 with downloads
Óbuda University
Bizalom és etika a társadalmi és gazdasági életben - Szimpózium 2013. Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
7 Chapters, 7 with downloads
Proceedings- 10th International Conference on Mangement, Enterprise and Benchmarking (MEB 2012) Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
22 Chapters, 22 with downloads
Proceedings- 11th International Conference on Mangement, Enterprise and Benchmarking (MEB 2013) Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
20 Chapters, 20 with downloads
Proceedings- 11th International Conference on Mangement, Enterprise and Benchmarking (MEB 2018) Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
28 Chapters, 28 with downloads
Proceedings- 11th International Conference on Mangement, Enterprise and Benchmarking (MEB 2019) Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
17 Chapters, 17 with downloads
Proceedings-3rd International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking (MEB 2005) Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
26 Chapters, 26 with downloads
Proceedings-4th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking (MEB 2006) Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
32 Chapters, 32 with downloads
Proceedings-5th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking (MEB 2007) Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
32 Chapters, 32 with downloads
Proceedings-6th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking (MEB 2008) Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
36 Chapters, 36 with downloads
Proceedings-7th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking (MEB 2009) Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
35 Chapters, 35 with downloads
Proceedings-8th International Conference on Mangement,Enterprise and Benchmarking (MEB 2010) Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
26 Chapters, 26 with downloads
Proceedings- 9th International Conference on Mangement, Enterprise and Benchmarking (MEB 2011) Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
27 Chapters, 27 with downloads
Proceedings of FIKUSZ '09 Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
19 Chapters, 19 with downloads
Proceedings of FIKUSZ '10 Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
12 Chapters, 12 with downloads
Proceedings of FIKUSZ '11 Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
10 Chapters, 10 with downloads
Proceedings of FIKUSZ '12 Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
14 Chapters, 14 with downloads
Proceedings of FIKUSZ '13 Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
10 Chapters, 10 with downloads
Proceedings of FIKUSZ '14 Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
23 Chapters, 23 with downloads
Proceedings of FIKUSZ 2015 Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
19 Chapters, 19 with downloads
Proceedings of FIKUSZ 2016 Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
14 Chapters, 14 with downloads
Proceedings of FIKUSZ 2017 Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
13 Chapters, 13 with downloads
Proceedings of FIKUSZ 2018 Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
1 Chapters, 1 with downloads
Proceedings Papers of Business Sciences: Symposium for Young Researchers (FIKUSZ) 2007 Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
17 Chapters, 17 with downloads
Proceedings Papers of Business Sciences: Symposium for Young Researchers (FIKUSZ) 2008 Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
18 Chapters, 18 with downloads
Tanulmánykötet - Vállalkozásfejlesztés a XXI. században Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
11 Chapters, 11 with downloads
Tanulmánykötet - Vállalkozásfejlesztés a XXI. században II. Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
12 Chapters, 12 with downloads
Tanulmánykötet - Vállalkozásfejlesztés a XXI. században III. Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
15 Chapters, 15 with downloads
Tanulmánykötet - Vállalkozásfejlesztés a XXI. században IV. Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
23 Chapters, 23 with downloads
Tanulmánykötet - Vállalkozásfejlesztés a XXI. században V. Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
25 Chapters, 25 with downloads
Tanulmánykötet - Vállalkozásfejlesztés a XXI. században VI. Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
28 Chapters, 28 with downloads
Tanulmánykötet - Vállalkozásfejlesztés a XXI. században VII. Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
51 Chapters, 51 with downloads
Volume of Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking in the 21st century Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
28 Chapters, 28 with downloads
Volume of Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking in the 21st century II Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
30 Chapters, 30 with downloads
Volume of Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking in the 21st century III Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
17 Chapters, 17 with downloads
Volume of Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking in the 21st century IV Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
36 Chapters, 36 with downloads
Office of Financial Research
Reports US Department of the Treasury
10 Books, 10 with downloads
Viewpoint Papers US Department of the Treasury
5 Books, 5 with downloads
Open Access International Journals
Teses, Monografias e Livros
3 Books, 3 with downloads
Otras editoriales / Other publishers
Libros no PUCP / Books other publishers
102 Books, 21 with downloads
Oxford University Press
OUP Catalogue
3901 Books, 17 with downloads
Page updated 2024-12-08