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Temi di discussione (Economic working papers)

From Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
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758: A non-parametric model-based approach to uncertainty and risk analysis of macroeconomic forecast Downloads
Claudia Miani and Stefano Siviero
757: A note on rationalizability and restrictions on belief Downloads
Giuseppe Cappelletti
756: Credit supply, flight to quality and evergreening: an analysis of bank-firm relationships after Lehman Downloads
Ugo Albertazzi and Domenico J. Marchetti
755: Asset-based measurement of poverty Downloads
Andrea Brandolini, Silvia Magri and Timothy M. Smeeding
754: Value-added measures in Italian high schools: problems and findings Downloads
Piero Cipollone, Pasqualino Montanaro and Paolo Sestito
753: The pricing of government-guaranteed bank bonds Downloads
Aviram Levy and Andrea Zaghini
752: Information technology and banking organization Downloads
Sauro Mocetti, Marcello Pagnini and Enrico Sette
751: Down the non-linear road from oil to consumer energy prices: no much asymmetry along the way Downloads
Fabrizio Venditti
750: Estimating DSGE models with unknown data persistence Downloads
Gianluca Moretti and Giulio Nicoletti
749: An analysis of the determinants of credit default swap spread changes before and during the subprime financial turmoil Downloads
Antonio Di Cesare and Giovanni Guazzarotti
748: How does immigration affect native internal mobility? New evidence from Italy Downloads
Sauro Mocetti and Carmine Porello
747: The macroeconomics of fiscal consolidations in a monetary union: the case of Italy Downloads
Lorenzo Forni, Andrea Gerali and Massimiliano Pisani
746: On vector autoregressive modeling in space and time Downloads
Valter Di Giacinto
745: Too many lawyers? Litigation in Italian civil courts Downloads
Amanda Carmignani and Silvia Giacomelli
744: Trade, technical progress and the environment: the role of a unilateral green tax on consumption Downloads
Daniela Marconi
743: The effect of the Uruguay Round on the intensive and extensive margins of trade Downloads
Ines Buono and Guy Lalanne
742: Outsourcing versus Integration at Home or Abroad Downloads
Stefano Federico
741: Why do (or did?) banks securitize their loans? Evidence from Italy Downloads
Massimiliano Affinito and Edoardo Tagliaferri
740: Credit and banking in a DSGE model of the euro area Downloads
Andrea Gerali, Stefano Neri, Luca Sessa and Federico Signoretti
739: The use of survey weights in regression analysis Downloads
Ivan Faiella
738: External trade and monetary policy in a currency area Downloads
Martina Cecioni
737: The pro-competitive effect of imports from China: an analysis of firm-level price data Downloads
Matteo Bugamelli, Silvia Fabiani and Enrico Sette
736: Sacrifice ratio or welfare gain ratio? Disinflation in a DSGE monetary model Downloads
Guido Ascari and Tiziano Ropele
735: Mutual guarantee institutions and small business finance Downloads
Francesco Columba, Leonardo Gambacorta and Paolo Emilio Mistrulli
734: Networks with decreasing returns to linking Downloads
Filippo Vergara Caffarelli
733: Dynamic macroeconomic effects of public capital: evidence from regional Italian data Downloads
Valter Di Giacinto, Giacinto Micucci and Pasqualino Montanaro
732: Tax morale and public spending inefficiency Downloads
Guglielmo Barone and Sauro Mocetti
731: The interbank market after August 2007: what has changed, and why? Downloads
Paolo Angelini, Andrea Nobili and Cristina Picillo
730: The riskiness of corporate bonds Downloads
Marco Taboga
729: Trade-Revealed TFP Downloads
Andrea Finicelli, Patrizio Pagano and Massimo Sbracia
728: Ricardian selection Downloads
Andrea Finicelli, Patrizio Pagano and Massimo Sbracia
727: Sorting, reputation and entry in a market for experts Downloads
Enrico Sette
726: Low skilled immigration and the expansion of private schools Downloads
Davide Dottori and I-Ling Shen
725: How are firms' wages and prices linked: survey evidence in Europe Downloads
Martine Druant, Silvia Fabiani, Gabor Kezdig, Ana Lamo, Fernando Martins and Roberto Sabbatini
724: Nonlinear dynamics in welfare and the evolution of world inequality Downloads
Davide Fiaschi and Marzia Romanelli
723: Comparing forecast accuracy: A Monte Carlo investigation Downloads
Fabio Busetti, Juri Marcucci and Giovanni Veronese
722: The effects of privatization and consolidation on bank productivity: comparative evidence from Italy and Germany Downloads
Elisabetta Fiorentino, Alessio De Vincenzo, Frank Heid, Alexander Karmann and Michael Koetter
721: Trust and Regulation: Addressing a Cultural Bias Downloads
Paolo Pinotti
720: The Announcement of Monetary Policy Intentions Downloads
Giuseppe Ferrero and Alessandro Secchi
719: Household wealth and entrepreneurship: is there a link? Downloads
Silvia Magri
718: Innovation and productivity in SMEs. Empirical evidence for Italy Downloads
Bronwyn Hall, Francesca Lotti and Jacques Mairesse
717: When the highest bidder loses the auction: theory and evidence from public procurement Downloads
Francesco Decarolis
716: The euro and firm restructuring Downloads
Matteo Bugamelli, Fabiano Schivardi and Roberta Zizza
715: Firm heterogeneity and comparative advantage: the response of French firms to Turkey's entry in the European Customs Union Downloads
Ines Buono
714: The retail activity of foreign banks in Italy: effects on credit supply to households and firms Downloads
Luigi Infante and Paola Rossi
713: Composite indicators for monetary analysis Downloads
Andrea Nobili
712: Bank risk and monetary policy Downloads
Yener Altunbas, Leonardo Gambacorta and David Marqu�s-Ib��ez
711: The topology of the interbank market: developments in Italy since 1990 Downloads
Michele Manna and Carmela Iazzetta
710: Gradualism, transparency and the improved operational framework: a look at the overnight volatility transmission Downloads
Silvio Colarossi and Andrea Zaghini
709: Politicians at work. The private returns and social costs of political connections Downloads
Federico Cingano and Paolo Pinotti
Page updated 2024-09-17
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