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Temi di discussione (Economic working papers)

From Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
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708: Trend inflation, Taylor principle and indeterminacy Downloads
Guido Ascari and Tiziano Ropele
707: What determines the size of bank loans in industrialized countries? The role of government debt Downloads
Riccardo De Bonis and Massimiliano Stacchini
706: Macroeconomic effects of greater competition in the service sector: the case of Italy Downloads
Lorenzo Forni, Andrea Gerali and Massimiliano Pisani
705: The (mis)specification of discrete duration models with unobserved heterogeneity: a Monte Carlo study Downloads
Concetta Rondinelli and Cheti Nicoletti
704: Oil and the macroeconomy: a quantitative structural analysis Downloads
Francesco Lippi and Andrea Nobili
703: Measuring wealth mobility Downloads
Andrea Neri
702: Dropping the books and working off the books Downloads
Rita Cappariello and Roberta Zizza
701: On analysing the world distribution of income Downloads
Anthony Atkinson and Andrea Brandolini
700: What determines debt intolerance? The role of political and monetary institutions Downloads
Raffaela Giordano and Pietro Tommasino
699: Bond risk premia, macroeconomic fundamentals and the exchange rate Downloads
Marcello Pericoli and Marco Taboga
698: Immigration and crime: an empirical analysis Downloads
Milo Bianchi, Paolo Buonanno and Paolo Pinotti
697: Technological change and the demand for currency: An analysis with household data Downloads
Francesco Lippi and Alessandro Secchi
696: Reservation wages: explaining some puzzling regional patterns Downloads
Paolo Sestito and Eliana Viviano
695: Immigrant earnings in the Italian labour market Downloads
Antonio Accetturo and Luigi Infante
694: Tax revenue and the macroeconomic framework in Italy Downloads
Alberto Locarno and Alessandra Staderini
693: Competing influence Downloads
Enrico Sette
692: Investors' risk attitude and risky behavior: a Bayesian approach with imperfect information Downloads
Stefano Iezzi
691: Educational choices and the selection process before and after compulsory schooling Downloads
Sauro Mocetti
690: Nonlinearities in the dynamics of the euro area demand for M1 Downloads
Alessandro Calza and Andrea Zaghini
689: A beta based framework for (lower) bond risk premia Downloads
Stefano Nobili and Gerardo Palazzo
688: Agglomeration and growth: the effects of commuting costs Downloads
Antonio Accetturo
687: The Labor Market Impact of Immigration in Western Germany in the 1990's Downloads
Francesco D'Amuri, Gianmarco Ottaviano and Giovanni Peri
686: Exploring agent-based methods for the analysis of payment systems: a crisis model for StarLogo TNG Downloads
Luca Arciero, Claudia Biancotti, Leandro D�Aurizio and Claudio Impenna
685: Temporal aggregation of univariate and multivariate time series models: A survey Downloads
Andrea Silvestrini and David Veredas
684: Balancing work and family in Italy: New mothers� employment decisions after childbirth Downloads
Piero Casadio, Martina Lo Conte and Andrea Neri
683: A likelihood-based analysis for relaxing the exclusion restriction in randomized experiments with imperfect compliance Downloads
Andrea Mercatanti
682: Vertical specialisation in Europe: Evidence from the import content of exports Downloads
Emanuele Breda, Rita Cappariello and Roberta Zizza
681: Short-term interest rate futures as monetary policy forecasts Downloads
Giuseppe Ferrero and Andrea Nobili
680: Family Succession and Firm Performance: Evidence from Italian Family Firms Downloads
Marco Cucculelli and Giacinto Micucci
679: Does the expansion of higher education increase the equality of educational opportunities? Evidence from Italy Downloads
Massimiliano Bratti, Daniele Checchi and Guido de Blasio
678: Monetary Policy Effects: New Evidence from the Italian Flow of Funds Downloads
Riccardo Bonci and Francesco Columba
677: Forecasting inflation and tracking monetary policy in the euro area: does national information help? Downloads
Riccardo Cristadoro, Fabrizio Venditti and Giuseppe Saporito
676: Has globalisation changed the Phillips curve? Firm-level evidence on the effect of activity on prices Downloads
Eugenio Gaiotti
675: Service regulation and growth: evidence from OECD countries Downloads
Guglielmo Barone and Federico Cingano
674: Agglomeration within and between regions: Two econometric based indicators Downloads
Valter Di Giacinto and Marcello Pagnini
673: Output growth volatility and remittances Downloads
Matteo Bugamelli and Francesco Patern�
672: Labour market for teachers: Demographic characteristics and allocative mechanisms Downloads
Gianna Barbieri, Piero Cipollone and Paolo Sestito
671: Cyclical asymmetry in fiscal variables Downloads
Fabrizio Balassone, Maura Francese and Stefania Zotteri
670: Credit risk and business cycle over different regimes Downloads
Juri Marcucci and Mario Quagliariello
669: Values, inequality and happiness Downloads
Claudia Biancotti and Giovanni D'Alessio
668: On applying synthetic indices of multidimensional well-being: health and income inequalities in selected EU countries Downloads
Andrea Brandolini
667: Innovation driven sectoral shocks and aggregate city cycles Downloads
Andrea Lamorgese
666: What are borders made of? An analysis of barriers to European banking integration Downloads
Massimiliano Affinito and Matteo Piazza
665: Directed Matching with Endogenous Markov Probability: Clients or Competitors? Downloads
Emanuela Ciapanna
664: Portfolio Selection with Monotone Mean-Variance Preferences Downloads
Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci, Aldo Rustichini and Marco Taboga
663: Delayed privatization Downloads
Bernardo Bortolotti and Paolo Pinotti
662: Accounting for sampling design in the SHIW Downloads
Ivan Faiella
661: The effect of investment tax credit: Evidence from an atypical programme in Italy Downloads
Raffaello Bronzini, Guido de Blasio, Guido Pellegrini and Alessandro Scognamiglio
660: Real exchange rate volatility and disconnect: an empirical investigation Downloads
Riccardo Cristadoro, Andrea Gerali, Stefano Neri and Massimiliano Pisani
659: Housing market spillovers: Evidence from an estimated DSGE model Downloads
Matteo Iacoviello and Stefano Neri
Page updated 2024-09-17
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