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Temi di discussione (Economic working papers)

From Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
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658: R&D and market structure in a horizontal differentiation framework Downloads
Davide Fantino
657: Excess money growth and inflation dynamics Downloads
Barbara Roffia and Andrea Zaghini
656: The effetcs of fiscal policy in Italy: Evidence from a VAR model Downloads
Raffaela Giordano, Sandro Momigliano, Stefano Neri and Roberto Perotti
655: What�s behind �inflation perceptions�? A survey-based analysis of Italian consumers Downloads
Paolo Del Giovane, Silvia Fabiani and Roberto Sabbatini
654: The cyclical response of fiscal policies in the euro area. Why do results of empirical research differ so strongly? Downloads
Roberto Golinelli and Sandro Momigliano
653: Securitisation and the bank lending channel Downloads
Yener Altunbas, Leonardo Gambacorta and David Marqu�s
652: The general equilibrium effects of fiscal policy: estimates for the euro area Downloads
Lorenzo Forni, Libero Monteforte and Luca Sessa
651: Revisiting poverty and welfare dominance Downloads
Gian Maria Tomat
650: Modelling bank lending in the euro area: A non-linear approach Downloads
Leonardo Gambacorta and Carlotta Rossi
649: Bank profitability and taxation Downloads
Ugo Albertazzi and Leonardo Gambacorta
648: Balance-sheet ratios and stock returns: An analysis for Italian banks Downloads
Angela Romagnoli
647: Optimal monetary policy under low trend inflation Downloads
Guido Ascari and Tiziano Ropele
646: Does the underground economy hold back financial deepening? Evidence from the Italian credit market Downloads
Giorgio Gobbi and Roberta Zizza
645: Costs and benefits of creditor concentration: An empirical approach Downloads
Amanda Carmignani and Massimo Omiccioli
644: Bank consolidation and lending policies to small business: Differences across geographical areas Downloads
Enrico Beretta and Silvia Del Prete
643: The producer service sector in Italy: Long-term growth and its local determinants Downloads
Valter Di Giacinto and Giacinto Micucci
642: Detecting long memory co-movements in macroeconomic time series Downloads
Gianluca Moretti
641: Assessing financial contagion in the interbank market: Maximum entropy versus observed interbank lending patterns Downloads
Paolo Emilio Mistrulli
640: The financing of small innovative firms: The Italian case Downloads
Silvia Magri
639: The generation gap: relative earnings of young and old workers in Italy Downloads
Alfonso Rosolia and Roberto Torrini
638: Comparative advantage patterns and domestic determinants in emerging countries: an analysis with a focus on technology Downloads
Daniela Marconi and Valeria Rolli
637: Emerging Markets Spreads and Global Financial Conditions Downloads
Alessio Ciarlone, Paolo Piselli and Giorgio Trebeschi
636: The Weighting Process in the SHIW Downloads
Ivan Faiella and Romina Gambacorta
635: Openess to trade and industry cost dispersion: Evidence from a panel of Italian firms Downloads
Massimo Del Gatto, Gianmarco Ottaviano and Marcello Pagnini
634: Export prices, product quality and firms' characteristic: An analisys on a sample of Italian firms Downloads
Matteo Bugamelli
633: The Reliability of EMU FIscal Indicators: Risks and Safeguards Downloads
Fabrizio Balassone, Daniele Franco and Stefania Zotteri
632: Oil supply news in a VAR: Information from financial markets Downloads
Alessio Anzuini, Patrizio Pagano and Massimiliano Pisani
631: New Eurocoin: Tracking Economic Growth in Real Time Downloads
Filippo Altissimo, Riccardo Cristadoro, Mario Forni, Marco Lippi and Giovanni Veronese
630: Endogenous growth and trade liberalization between asymmetric countries Downloads
Daniela Marconi
629: Monetary Policy Shocks in the Euro Area and Global Liquidity Spillovers Downloads
João Sousa and Andrea Zaghini
628: Changes in transport and non transport costs: local vs. global impacts in a spatial network Downloads
Kristian Behrens, Andrea Lamorgese, Gianmarco Ottaviano and Takatoshi Tabuchi
627: The sectoral distribution of money supply in the Euro area Downloads
Giuseppe Ferrero, Andrea Nobili and Patrizia Passiglia
626: University drop-out. The case of Italy Downloads
Federico Cingano and Piero Cipollone
625: The forgone gains of incomplete portfolios Downloads
Monica Paiella
624: A new measure of local endowments of transport infrastructures Downloads
Giovanna Messina
623: Measurement of income distribution in supranational entities: the case of the European Union Downloads
Andrea Brandolini
622: Employment, innovation, and productivity: Evidence from italian microdata Downloads
Bronwyn Hall, Francesca Lotti and Jacques Mairesse
621: Why demand uncertainty curbs investment: Evidence froma a panel of Italian manufacturing firms Downloads
Maria Bontempi, Roberto Golinelli and Giuseppe Parigi
620: Intertemporal Consumption Choices, Transaction Costs and Limited Participation in Financial Markets: Reconciling Data and Theory Downloads
Orazio Attanasio and Monica Paiella
619: Memory for prices and the euro cash changeover: An analysis for cinema prices in Italy Downloads
Vincenzo Cestari, Paolo Del Giovane and Clelia Rossi-Arnaud
618: The opinion of Italians on tax evasion Downloads
Luigi Cannari and Giovanni D'Alessio
617: A policy-sensible core-inflation measure for the euro area Downloads
Stefano Siviero and Giovanni Veronese
616: Entry barriers in Italian retail trade Downloads
Fabiano Schivardi and Eliana Viviano
615: Macroeconomic uncertainty and banks' lending decisions: The case of Italy Downloads
Mario Quagliariello
614: Testing for trend Downloads
Fabio Busetti and Andrew Harvey
613: Outward FDI and local employment growth in Italy Downloads
Stefano Federico and Gaetano Alfredo Minerva
612: A neural network architecture for data editing in the Bank of Italy�s business surveys Downloads
Claudia Biancotti, Leandro D'Aurizio and Raffaele Tartaglia-Polcini
611: The geographical polarization of per capita output: an analysis of the Italian case based on provincial data Downloads
Stefano Iezzi
610: The under-reporting of financial wealth in the Survey on Household income and Wealth Downloads
Leandro D�Aurizio, Ivan Faiella, Stefano Iezzi and Andrea Neri
609: Real-time determinants of fiscal policies in the euro area: Fiscal rules, cyclical conditions and elections Downloads
Roberto Golinelli and Sandro Momigliano
Page updated 2024-09-15
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