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Temi di discussione (Economic working papers)

From Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
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458: The economic consequences of euro area modelling shortcuts Downloads
Libero Monteforte and Stefano Siviero
457: Monetary Policy Rules for the Euro Area: What Role for National Information? Downloads
Paolo Angelini, Paolo Del Giovane, Stefano Siviero and Daniele Terlizzese
456: Real-time GDP forecasting in the euro area Downloads
Alberto Baffigi, Roberto Golinelli and Giuseppe Parigi
455: Heterogeneity in Human Capital and Economic Growth Downloads
Stefania Zotteri
454: Italian households' debt: determinants of demand and supply Downloads
Silvia Magri
453: Labor market pooling: evidence from Italian industrial districts Downloads
Guido de Blasio and Sabrina Di Addario
452: Misura e determinanti dell�agglomerazione spaziale nei comparti industriali in Italia Downloads
Marcello Pagnini
451: Liquidity and Announcement Effects in the Euro Area Downloads
Paolo Angelini
450: Un�analisi critica delle definizioni di disoccupazione e partecipazione in Italia Downloads
Eliana Viviano
449: Contemporaneous aggregation of GARCH processes Downloads
Paolo Zaffaroni
448: Are Mergers Beneficial to Consumers? Evidence from the Market for Bank Deposits Downloads
Dario Focarelli and Fabio Panetta
447: The size of the equity premium Downloads
Fabio Fornari
446: Currency crises and uncertainty about fundamentals Downloads
Alessandro Prati and Massimo Sbracia
445: Is money informative? Evidence form a large model used for policy analysis Downloads
Filippo Altissimo, Eugenio Gaiotti and Alberto Locarno
444: On the 'conquest' of inflation Downloads
Andrea Gerali and Francesco Lippi
443: Rational ignorance and the public choice of redistribution Downloads
Valentino Larcinese
442: Introduction to social choice and welfare Downloads
Kotaro Suzumura
441: Forecasting the industrial production index for the euro area through forecasts for the main countries Downloads
Roberta Zizza
440: Bootstrap bias-correction procedure in estimating long-run relationships from dynamic panels, with an application to money demand in the euro area Downloads
Dario Focarelli
439: Durable goods, price indexes and quality change: an application to automobile prices in Italy, 1988-1998 Downloads
Gian Maria Tomat
438: Financial crises, moral hazard and the "speciality" of the international interbank market: further evidence from the pricing of syndicated bank loans to emerging markets Downloads
Francesco Spadafora
437: The use of preliminary data in econometric forecasting: an application with the Bank of Italy Quarterly Model Downloads
Fabio Busetti
436: A real time coincident indicator of the euro area business cycle Downloads
Filippo Altissimo, Antonio Bassanetti, Riccardo Cristadoro, Mario Forni, Marco Lippi, Lucrezia Reichlin and Giovanni Veronese
435: A core inflation index for the euro area Downloads
Riccardo Cristadoro, Mario Forni, Lucrezia Reichlin and Giovanni Veronese
434: The construction of coincident and leading indicators for the euro area business cycler of the euro area business cycle Downloads
Filippo Altissimo, Antonio Bassanetti, Riccardo Cristadoro, Lucrezia Reichlin and Giovanni Veronese
433: Monetary policy transmission in the euro area: what do aggregate and national structural models tell us? Downloads
Peter van Els, Alberto Locarno, Julian Morgan and Jean-Pierre Villetelle
432: Fynancial Systems and the Role of Banks in Monetary Policy Transmission in the Euro area Downloads
Michael Ehrmann, Leonardo Gambacorta, Jorge Mart�nez-Pag�s, Patrick Sevestre and Andreas Worms
431: Firm investment and monetary transmission in the euro area Downloads
Jean-Bernard Chatelain, Andrea Generale, Ignacio Hernando, Ulf von Kalckreuth and Philip Vermeulen
430: Bank-Specific Characteristics and Monetary Policy Transmission: The Case of Italy Downloads
Leonardo Gambacorta
429: Does monetary policy have asymmetric effects? A look at the investment decisions of Italian firms Downloads
Eugenio Gaiotti and Andrea Generale
428: Nuove tecnologie e cambiamenti organizzativi: alcune implicazioni per le imprese italiane Downloads
Sandro Trento and Massimo Warglien
427: Earnings Dispersion, Low Pay and Household Poverty in Italy, 1977-1998 Downloads
Andrea Brandolini, Piero Cipollone and Paolo Sestito
426: Consumption and fiscal policies: medium-run non-Keynesian effects Downloads
Giorgio Rodano and Enrico Saltari
425: Assessing the effects of monetary and fiscal policy Downloads
Stefano Neri
424: Labor effort over the business cycle Downloads
Domenico J. Marchetti and Francesco Nucci
423: Tax reforms to influence corporate financial policy: the case of the Italian business tax reform of 1997-98 Downloads
Alessandra Staderini
422: Multifactor Productivity and Labour Quality in Italy, 1981-2000 Downloads
Andrea Brandolini and Piero Cipollone
421: Struttura dell�offerta e divari territoriali nella filiera dell�information and communication technologies in Italia Downloads
Giovanni Iuzzolino
420: Barriers to investment in ICT Downloads
Matteo Bugamelli and Patrizio Pagano
419: ICT accumulation and productivity growth in the United States: an analysis based on industry data Downloads
Paola Caselli and Francesco Patern�
418: Ingredients for the New Economy: How Much does finance matter? Downloads
Matteo Bugamelli, Patrizio Pagano, Francesco Patern�, Alberto Pozzolo, Fabiano Schivardi and Salvatore Rossi
417: Personal Saving and Social Security in Italy: Fresh Evidence from a Time Series Analysis Downloads
Francesco Zollino
416: Decentramento fiscale e perequazione regionale. Efficienza e redistribuzione nel nuovo sistema di finanziamento delle regioni a statuto ordinario Downloads
Giovanna Messina
415: Limited Financial Market Participation: A Transaction Cost-Based Explanation Downloads
Monica Paiella
414: Insurance within the Firm Downloads
Luigi Guiso, Luigi Pistaferri and Fabiano Schivardi
413: Equilibrium Welfare and Government Policy with Quasi-Geometric Discounting Downloads
Per Krusell, Burhanettin Kuruscu and Anthony Smith
412: Political Institutions and Policy Outcomes: What are the Stylized Facts? Downloads
Torsten Persson and Guido Tabellini
411: Why is the Business-Cycle Behavior of Fundamentals Alike Across Exchange-Rate Regimes? Downloads
Luca Dedola and Sylvain Leduc
410: International Transmission Via Trade Links: Theoretically Consistent Indicators of Interdependence for Latin America and South-East Asia Downloads
Chiara Bentivogli and Paola Monti
409: The Role of the Banking System in the International Transmission of Shocks Downloads
Massimo Sbracia and Andrea Zaghini
Page updated 2024-09-15
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