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Temi di discussione (Economic working papers)

From Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
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808: The monetary transmission mechanism in the euro area: has it changed and why? Downloads
Martina Cecioni and Stefano Neri
807: Housing, consumption and monetary policy: how different are the U.S. and the euro area? Downloads
Alberto Musso, Stefano Neri and Livio Stracca
806: Heterogeneity and learning with complete markets Downloads
Sergio Santoro
805: What determines annuity demand at retirement? Downloads
Giuseppe Cappelletti, Giovanni Guazzarotti and Pietro Tommasino
804: Quality upgrading of Italian manufactures: evidence from firms� prices and strategies Downloads
Valter Di Giacinto and Giacinto Micucci
803: Financial subsidies and bank lending: substitutes or complements? Micro level evidence from Italy Downloads
Amanda Carmignani and Alessio D'Ignazio
802: Imperfect information, real-time data and monetary policy in the euro area Downloads
Stefano Neri and Tiziano Ropele
801: Monetary and macroprudential policies Downloads
Paolo Angelini, Stefano Neri and Fabio Panetta
800: Performance pay and shifts in macroeconomic correlations Downloads
Francesco Nucci and Marianna Riggi
799: Bootstrap LR tests of stationarity, common trends and cointegration Downloads
Fabio Busetti and Silvestro Di Sanzo
798: Managerial incentives, financial constraints and ownership concentration Downloads
Marco Protopapa
797: Reserve management and sovereign debt cost in a world with liquidity crises Downloads
Flavia Corneli and Emanuele Tarantino
796: Securitization is not that evil after all Downloads
Ugo Albertazzi, Ginette Eramo, Leonardo Gambacorta and Carmelo Salleo
795: Italian open-end funds: performance of asset management companies Downloads
Michele Leonardo Bianchi and Maria Grazia Miele
794: Bridging the gap between migrants and the banking system Downloads
Giorgio Albareto and Paolo Emilio Mistrulli
793: Credit availability and investment in Italy: lessons from the "Great Recession" Downloads
Eugenio Gaiotti
792: Evaluating the impact of innovation incentives: evidence from an unexpected shortage of funds Downloads
Guido de Blasio, Davide Fantino and Guido Pellegrini
791: Are incentives for R&D effective? Evidence from a regression discontinuity approach Downloads
Raffaello Bronzini and Eleonora Iachini
790: Testing for East-West contagion in the European banking sector during the financial crisis Downloads
Emidio Cocozza and Paolo Piselli
789: Policies for local development: an evaluation of Italy's "Patti Territoriali" Downloads
Antonio Accetturo and Guido de Blasio
788: FaMIDAS: A Mixed Frequency Factor Model with MIDAS structure Downloads
Cecilia Frale and Libero Monteforte
787: Monetary incentives vs. monitoring in addressing absenteeism: experimental evidence Downloads
Francesco D'Amuri
786: Public sector efficiency and political culture Downloads
Raffaela Giordano and Pietro Tommasino
785: Sectoral money demand and the great disinflation in the US Downloads
Alessandro Calza and Andrea Zaghini
784: Stars and comets: an exploration of the patent universe Downloads
Carlo Menon
783: (Non)persistent effects of fertility on female labour supply Downloads
Concetta Rondinelli and Roberta Zizza
782: Central banks' macroeconomic projections and learning Downloads
Giuseppe Ferrero and Alessandro Secchi
781: Changing institutions in the European market: the impact on mark-ups and rents allocation Downloads
Antonio Bassanetti, Roberto Torrini and Francesco Zollino
780: Under/over-valuation of the stock market and cyclically adjusted earnings Downloads
Marco Taboga
779: On the interaction between market and credit risk: a factor-augmented vector autoregressive (FAVAR) approach Downloads
Roberta Fiori and Simonetta Iannotti
778: The rise of risk-based pricing of mortgage interest rates in Italy Downloads
Silvia Magri and Raffaella Pico
777: Income reporting behaviour in sample surveys Downloads
Andrea Neri and Roberta Zizza
776: Measuring the price elasticity of import demand in the destination markets of Italian export Downloads
Alberto Felettigh and Stefano Federico
775: Entrepreneurship and market size. The case of young college graduates in Italy Downloads
Sabrina Di Addario and Daniela Vuri
774: Credit ratings in structured finance and the role of systemic risk Downloads
Roberto Violi
773: Firm entry, competitive pressures and the US inflation dynamics Downloads
Martina Cecioni
772: Relationship lending in a financial turmoil Downloads
Stefania De Mitri, Giorgio Gobbi and Enrico Sette
771: Modelling Italian potential output and the output gap Downloads
Antonio Bassanetti, Michele Caivano and Alberto Locarno
770: The EAGLE. A model for policy analysis of macroeconomic interdependence in the euro area Downloads
Sandra Gomes, Pascal Jacquinot and Massimiliano Pisani
769: Does investing abroad reduce domestic activity? Evidence from Italian manufacturing firms Downloads
Raffaello Bronzini
768: The effect of age on portfolio choices: evidence form an Italian pension fund Downloads
Giuseppe Cappelletti, Giovanni Guazzarotti and Pietro Tommasino
767: Real time forecasts of inflation: the role of financial variables Downloads
Libero Monteforte and Gianluca Moretti
766: With a little help from abroad: the effect of low-skilled immigration on the female labor supply Downloads
Guglielmo Barone and Sauro Mocetti
765: Information uncertainty and the reaction of stock prices to news Downloads
Paolo Angelini and Giovanni Guazzarotti
764: Disentangling demand and supply in credit developments: a survey-based analysis for Italy Downloads
Paolo Del Giovane, Ginette Eramo and Andrea Nobili
763: Debt restructuring and the role of lending technologies Downloads
Giacinto Micucci and Paola Rossi
762: A public guarantee of a minimum return to defined contribution pension scheme members Downloads
Giuseppe Grande and Ignazio Visco
761: The determinants of teacher mobility. Evidence from a panel of Italian teachers Downloads
Gianna Barbieri, Claudio Rossetti and Paolo Sestito
760: Switching costs in local credit markets Downloads
Guglielmo Barone, Roberto Felici and Marcello Pagnini
759: Financial innovation and risk: the role of information Downloads
Roberto Piazza
Page updated 2024-09-15
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