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Temi di discussione (Economic working papers)

From Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
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1058: The quantity of corporate credit rationing with matched bank-firm data Downloads
Lorenzo Burlon, Davide Fantino, Andrea Nobili and Gabriele Sene
1057: The real effects of credit crunch in the Great Recession: evidence from Italian provinces Downloads
Guglielmo Barone, Guido de Blasio and Sauro Mocetti
1056: Retirement, pension eligibility and home production Downloads
Emanuele Ciani
1055: Bank internationalization and firm exports: evidence from matched firm-bank data Downloads
Raffaello Bronzini and Alessio D'Ignazio
1054: Labor force participation, wage rigidities, and inflation Downloads
Francesco Nucci and Marianna Riggi
1053: Estimation of counterfactual distributions with a continuous endogenous treatment Downloads
Santiago Pereda-Fernández
1052: Adaptive models and heavy tails Downloads
Davide Delle Monache and Ivan Petrella
1051: How does bank capital affect the supply of mortgages? Evidence from a randomized experiment Downloads
Valentina Michelangeli and Enrico Sette
1050: Contagion and fire sales in banking networks Downloads
Sara Cecchetti, Marco Rocco and Laura Sigalotti
1049: Debt maturity and the liquidity of secondary debt markets Downloads
Max Bruche and Anatoli Segura
1048: Heterogeneous peer effects in education Downloads
Eleonora Patacchini, Edoardo Rainone and Yves Zenou
1047: A new method for the correction of test scores manipulation Downloads
Santiago Pereda-Fernández
1046: Carry trades and exchange rate volatility: a TVAR approach Downloads
Alessio Anzuini and Francesca Brusa
1045: Optimal inflation weights in the euro area Downloads
Daniela Bragoli, Massimiliano Rigon and Francesco Zanetti
1044: The supply side of household finance Downloads
Gabriele Foà, Leonardo Gambacorta, Luigi Guiso and Paolo Emilio Mistrulli
1043: Exposure to media and corruption perceptions Downloads
Lucia Rizzica and Marco Tonello
1042: Multitask agents and incetives: the case of teaching and research for university professors Downloads
Marta De Philippis
1041: The use of fixed-term contracts and the (adverse) selection of public sector workers Downloads
Lucia Rizzica
1040: The macroeconomic effects of low and falling inflation at the zero lower bound Downloads
Stefano Neri and Alessandro Notarpietro
1039: Shoe-leather costs in the euro area and the foreign demand for euro banknotes Downloads
Alessandro Calza and Andrea Zaghini
1038: Young adults living with their parents and the influence of peers Downloads
Effrosyni Adamopoulou and Ezgi Kaya
1037: Deconstructing the gains from trade: selection of industries vs. reallocation of workers Downloads
Stefano Bolatto and Massimo Sbracia
1036: Domestic and international macroeconomic effects of the Eurosystem expanded asset purchase programme Downloads
Pietro Cova, Patrizio Pagano and Massimiliano Pisani
1035: The time varying effect of oil price shocks on euro-area exports Downloads
Marianna Riggi and Fabrizio Venditti
1034: Procyclicality of credit rating systems: how to manage it Downloads
Tatiana Cesaroni
1033: Does trend inflation make a difference? Downloads
Michele Loberto and Chiara Perricone
1032: Sovereign debt exposure and the bank lending channel: impact on credit supply and the real economy Downloads
Margherita Bottero, Simone Lenzu and Filippo Mezzanotti
1031: The predictive content of business survey indicators: evidence from SIGE Downloads
Tatiana Cesaroni and Stefano Iezzi
1030: Female employment and pre-kindergarten: on the uninteded effects of an Italian reform Downloads
Francesca Carta and Lucia Rizzica
1029: European structural funds during the crisis: evidence from Southern Italy Downloads
Emanuele Ciani and Guido de Blasio
1028: The impact of CCPs� margin policies on Repo markets Downloads
Arianna Miglietta, Cristina Picillo and Mario Pietrunti
1027: On the conditional distribution of euro area inflation forecast Downloads
Fabio Busetti, Michele Caivano and Lisa Rodano
1026: Follow the value added: bilateral gross export accounting Downloads
Alessandro Borin and Michele Mancini
1025: Tail comovement in option-implied inflation expectations as an indicator of anchoring Downloads
Sara Cecchetti, Filippo Natoli and Laura Sigalotti
1024: Accessorizing. The effect of union contract renewals on consumption Downloads
Effrosyni Adamopoulou and Roberta Zizza
1023: Understanding policy rates at the zero lower bound: insights from a Bayesian shadow rate model Downloads
Marcello Pericoli and Marco Taboga
1022: Testing information diffusion in the decentralized unsecured market for euro funds Downloads
Edoardo Rainone
1021: Decomposing euro area sovereign spreads: credit, liquidity and convenience Downloads
Marcello Pericoli and Marco Taboga
1020: Forecaster heterogeneity, surprises and financial markets Downloads
Marcello Pericoli and Giovanni Veronese
1019: Why is inflation so low in the euro area? Downloads
Antonio Conti, Stefano Neri and Andrea Nobili
1018: Statistical matching and uncertainty analysis in combining household income and expenditure data Downloads
Pier Luigi Conti, Daniela Marella and Andrea Neri
1017: A note on social capital, space and growth in Europe Downloads
Luciano Lavecchia
1016: Short term inflation forecasting: the M.E.T.A. approach Downloads
Giacomo Sbrana, Andrea Silvestrini and Fabrizio Venditti
1015: Inflation, financial conditions and non-standard monetary policy in a monetary union. A model-based evaluation Downloads
Lorenzo Burlon, Andrea Gerali, Alessandro Notarpietro and Massimiliano Pisani
1014: Women as ‘gold dust’: gender diversity in top boards and the performance of Italian banks Downloads
Silvia Del Prete and Maria Lucia Stefani
1013: Bankruptcy law and bank financing Downloads
Giacomo Rodano, Nicolas Serrano-Velarde and Emanuele Tarantino
1012: Sovereign debt and reserves with liquidity and productivity crises Downloads
Flavia Corneli and Emanuele Tarantino
1011: Foreign direct investment and firm performance: an empirical analysis of Italian firms Downloads
Alessandro Borin and Michele Mancini
1010: Every cloud has a silver lining. The sovereign crisis and Italian potential output Downloads
Andrea Gerali, Alberto Locarno, Alessandro Notarpietro and Massimiliano Pisani
1009: Social capital and the cost of credit: evidence from a crisis Downloads
Paolo Emilio Mistrulli and Valerio Vacca
Page updated 2024-09-08
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