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Temi di discussione (Economic working papers)

From Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
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1411: The anatomy of labor cost adjustment to demand shocks: Germany and Italy during the Great Recession Downloads
Francesco D'Amuri, Salvatore Lattanzio and Benjamin S. Smith
1410: Should inequality factor into central banks’ decisions? Downloads
Niels-Jakob H. Hansen, Alessandro Lin and Rui Mano
1409: EU structural funds and GDP per capita: spatial VAR evidence for the European regions Downloads
Sergio Destefanis and Valter Di Giacinto
1408: The impact of credit substitution between banks on investment Downloads
Francesco Bripi
1407: The macroeconomic effects of temperature surprise shocks Downloads
Filippo Natoli
1406: The role of banks' technology adoption in credit markets during the pandemic Downloads
Nicola Branzoli, Edoardo Rainone and Ilaria Supino
1405: Forecasting fiscal crises in emerging markets and low-income countries with machine learning models Downloads
Raffaele De Marchi and Alessandro Moro
1404: Financial fragilities and risk-taking of corporate bond funds in the aftermath of central bank policy interventions Downloads
Nicola Branzoli, Raffaele Gallo, Antonio Ilari and Dario Portioli
1403: EU banks' dividend policies: main determinants and the role of capital ratios Downloads
Salvatore Cardillo and Jacopo Raponi
1402: Remittances in times of crisis: evidence from Italian corridors Downloads
Alessio Ciarlone
1401: Schools and the transmission of Sars-Cov-2: evidence from Italy Downloads
Salvatore Lattanzio
1400: Firms' innovation and university cooperation. New evidence from a survey of Italian firms Downloads
Daniela Bragoli, Flavia Cortelezzi and Massimiliano Rigon
1399: Measuring peer effects in parental leaves: evidence from a reform Downloads
Davide Dottori, Francesca Modena and Giulia Martina Tanzi
1398: Make-up strategies and exchange rate pass-through in a low-interest-rate environment Downloads
Alessandro Cantelmo, Pietro Cova, Alessandro Notarpietro and Massimiliano Pisani
1397: The impact of sovereign tensions on bank lending: identifying the channels at work Downloads
Fabiana Sabatini
1396: Real-time ineuqalities and policies during the pandemic in the US Downloads
Luisa Corrado, Daniela Fantozzi and Simona Giglioli
1395: Gender quotas, board diversity and spillover effects. Evidence from Italian banks Downloads
Silvia Del Prete, Giulio Papini and Marco Tonello
1394: The impact of "Metro C" in Rome on the housing market Downloads
Federica Daniele and Elena Romito
1393: Economic fundamentals and stock market valuation: a CAPE-based approach Downloads
Maria Ludovica Drudi and Federico Calogero Nucera
1392: Issuing bonds during the Covid-19 pandemic: is there an ESG premium? Downloads
Fabrizio Ferriani
1391: The role of majority status in close elections studies Downloads
Marta Crispino and Matteo Alpino
1390: The effects of partial employment protection reforms: evidence from Italy Downloads
Diego Daruich, Sabrina Di Addario and Raffaele Saggio
1389: Mediation Analysis Synthetic Control Downloads
Giovanni Mellace and Alessandra Pasquini
1388: Liberalizing the opening of new pharmacies and hospitalizations Downloads
Andrea Cintolesi and Andrea Riganti
1387: Unburdening regulation: the impact of regulatory simplification on photovoltaic adoption in Italy Downloads
Federica Daniele, Alessandra Pasquini, Stefano Clò and Enza Maltese
1386: Labor market spillovers of a large plan opening. Evidence from the oil industry Downloads
Matteo Alpino, Irene Di Marzio, Maurizio Lozzi and Vincenzo Mariani
1385: Revisiting the real exchange rate misalignment-economic growth nexus via the across-sector misallocation channel Downloads
Claire Giordano
1384: Macroeconomic effects of growth-enhancing measures in the euro area Downloads
Alessandro Cantelmo, Alessandro Notarpietro and Massimiliano Pisani
1383: Bank lending to small firms: metamorphosis of a financing model Downloads
Paolo Finaldi Russo, Valentina Nigro and Sabrina Pastorelli
1382: The heterogeneous effects of bank mergers and acquisitions on credit to firms: evidence from Italian macro-regions Downloads
Silvia Del Prete, Cristina Demma, Iconio Garrì, Marco Piazza and Giovanni Soggia
1381: The role of central bank communication in inflation-targeting Eastern European emerging economies Downloads
Valerio Astuti, Alessio Ciarlone and Alberto Coco
1380: An analysis of objective inflation expectations and inflation risk premia Downloads
Sara Cecchetti, Adriana Grasso and Marcello Pericoli
1379: The impact of Covid-19 on the european short-term rental market Downloads
Elisa Guglielminetti, Michele Loberto and Alessandro Mistretta
1378: Firm liquidity and the transmission of monetary policy Downloads
Margherita Bottero and Stefano Schiaffi
1377: "Green" fiscal policy measures and non-standard monetary policy in the euro area Downloads
Anna Bartocci, Alessandro Notarpietro and Massimiliano Pisani
1376: Connecting to power: political connections, innovation, and firm dynamics Downloads
Ufuk Akcigit, Salomé Baslandze and Francesca Lotti
1375: New facts on consumer price rigidity in the Euro Area Downloads
Erwan Gautier, Cristina Conflitti, Riemer P. Faber, Brian Fabo, Ludmila Fadejeva, Valentin Jouvanceau, Jan-Oliver Menz, Teresa Messner, Pavlos Petroulas, Pau Roldan-Blanco, Fabio Rumler, Sergio Santoro, Elisabeth Wieland and Hélène Zimmer
1374: It ain't where you're from it's where you're at: firm effects, state dependence, and the gender wage gap Downloads
Sabrina Di Addario, Patrick Kline, Raffaele Saggio and Mikkel Soelvsten
1373: Voluntary support and ring-fencing in cross-border banks Downloads
Gyoengyi Loranth, Anatoli Segura and Jing Zeng
1372: Higher capital requirements and credit supply: evidence from Italy Downloads
Maddalena Galardo and Valerio Vacca
1371: Mutual fund trading and ESG stock resilience during the Covid-19 stock market crash Downloads
Rui Albuquerque, Yrjo Koskinen and Raffaele Santioni
1370: The effects of local demand and supply restrictions on markup Downloads
Antonio Acconcia and Elisa Scarinzi
1369: Public guarantees and credit additionality during the Covid-19 pandemic Downloads
Giuseppe Cascarino, Raffaele Gallo, Francesco Palazzo and Enrico Sette
1368: Exchange rate pass-through in small, open, commodity-exporting economies: lessons from Canada Downloads
Marco Flaccadoro
1367: The role of non-bank financial institutions in the intermediation of capital flows to emerging markets Downloads
Alessandro Moro and Alessandro Schiavone
1366: Monetary policy in the open economy with digital currencies Downloads
Pietro Cova, Alessandro Notarpietro, Patrizio Pagano and Massimiliano Pisani
1365: Foreign monetary policy and domestic inflation in emerging markets Downloads
Marco Flaccadoro and Valerio Nispi Landi
1364: Making subsidies work: rules vs. discretion Downloads
Federico Cingano, Filippo Palomba, Paolo Pinotti and Enrico Rettore
1363: Insurers' investments before and after the Covid-19 outbreak Downloads
Federico Apicella, Raffaele Gallo and Giovanni Guazzarotti
1362: Nowcasting the state of the Italian economy: the role of financial markets Downloads
Donato Ceci and Andrea Silvestrini
Page updated 2024-09-17
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