Research Working Paper
From Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
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- RWP 08-12: The economics of two-sided payment card markets: pricing, adoption and usage

- James McAndrews and Zhu Wang
- RWP 08-11: Long run risks in the term structure of interest rates: estimation

- Taeyoung Doh
- RWP 08-10: Alternative methods of solving state-dependent pricing models

- Edward Knotek and Stephen Terry
- RWP 08-09: Price-level targeting and risk management in a low-inflation economy

- Roberto Billi
- RWP 08-08: The economics of payment card fee structure: policy considerations of payment card rewards

- Fumiko Hayashi
- RWP 08-07: The economics of payment card fee structure: what drives payment card rewards?

- Fumiko Hayashi
- RWP 08-06: The economics of payment card fee structure: what is the optimal balance between merchant fee and payment card rewards?

- Fumiko Hayashi
- RWP 08-05: An empirical assessment of the relationships among inflation and short- and long-term expectations

- Todd Clark and Troy Davig
- RWP 08-04: Convenient prices and price rigidity: cross-sectional evidence

- Edward Knotek
- RWP 08-03: Labor market search and interest rate policy

- Takushi Kurozumi and Willem Van Zandweghe
- RWP 08-02: Markov-chain approximations of vector autoregressions: application of general multivariate-normal integration techniques

- Edward Knotek and Stephen Terry
- RWP 08-01: How do large banking organizations manage their capital ratio?

- Allen Berger, Robert DeYoung, Mark Flannery, David Lee and Ozde Oztekin
- RWP 07-13: Target's corporate governance and bank merger payoffs

- Elijah Brewer, William E. Jackson and Julapa Jagtiani
- RWP 07-12: Phillips curves, monetary policy, and a labor market transmission mechanism

- Robert Reed and Stacey Schreft
- RWP 07-11: The Taylor rule and the transformation of monetary policy

- Pier Asso, George Kahn and Robert Leeson
- RWP 07-10: What does the yield curve tell us about the Federal Reserve's implicit inflation target?

- Taeyoung Doh
- RWP 07-09: Expectational stability in regime-switching rational expectations models

- William Branch, Troy Davig and Bruce McGough
- RWP 07-08: Do federal funds futures need adjustment for excess returns? a state-dependent approach

- Brent Bundick
- RWP 07-07: The potential role of subordinated debt programs in enhancing market discipline in banking

- Douglas Evanoff, Julapa Jagtiani and Taisuke Nakata
- RWP 07-06: Tests of equal predictive ability with real-time data

- Todd Clark and Michael McCracken
- RWP 07-05: How much would banks be willing to pay to become \"too-big-to-fail\" and to capture other benefits?

- Elijah Brewer and Julapa Jagtiani
- RWP 07-04: Phillips curve instability and optimal monetary policy

- Troy Davig
- RWP 07-03: Optimal inflation for the U.S

- Roberto Billi
- RWP 07-02: Moving to high quality of life

- Jordan Rappaport
- RWP 07-01: Monetary conservatism and fiscal policy

- Klaus Adam and Roberto Billi
- RWP 06-16: Long-term changes in labor supply and taxes: evidence from OECD countries, 1956-2004

- Lee Ohanian, Andrea Raffo and Richard Rogerson
- RWP 06-15: A tale of two rigidities: sticky prices in a sticky-information environment

- Edward Knotek
- RWP 06-14: Hours and employment implications of search frictions: matching aggregate and establishment-level observations

- Russell Cooper, John Haltiwanger and Jonathan Willis
- RWP 06-13: Sticky information and sticky prices

- Pete Klenow and Jonathan Willis
- RWP 06-12: Averaging forecasts from VARs with uncertain instabilities

- Todd Clark and Michael McCracken
- RWP 06-11: Endogenous monetary policy regime change

- Troy Davig and Eric Leeper
- RWP 06-10: Consumption amenities and city crowdedness

- Jordan Rappaport
- RWP 06-09: Forecasting of small macroeconomic VARs in the presence of instabilities

- Todd Clark and Michael McCracken
- RWP 06-08: Amenities, local conditions and fiscal determinants of factor growth in rural America

- George Hammond, Eric C. Thompson and Stephan Weiler
- RWP 06-07: Targeting inflation and the fiscal balance: what is the optimal policy mix?

- Marcela Meirelles Aurelio
- RWP 06-06: A productivity model of city crowdedness

- Jordan Rappaport
- RWP 06-05: Regime changes and monetary stagflation

- Edward Knotek
- RWP 06-04: How and why do consumers choose their payment methods?

- Stacey Schreft
- RWP 06-03: Real rigidities and nominal price changes

- Pete Klenow and Jonathan Willis
- RWP 06-02: Combining forecasts from nested models

- Todd Clark and Michael McCracken
- RWP 06-01: Net exports, consumption volatility, and international real business cycle models

- Andrea Raffo
- RWP 05-13: Generalizing the Taylor principle

- Troy Davig and Eric Leeper
- RWP 05-12: Monetary and fiscal policy switching

- Hess Chung, Troy Davig and Eric Leeper
- RWP 05-11: Convenient prices, currency, and nominal rigidity: theory with evidence from newspaper prices

- Edward Knotek
- RWP 05-10: The impact of wildlife recreation on farmland values

- Jason Henderson and Sean Moore
- RWP 05-09: A park by any other name: national park designation as a natural experiment in signaling

- Stephan Weiler
- RWP 05-08: Discretionary monetary policy and the zero lower bound on nominal interest rates

- Klaus Adam and Roberto Billi
- RWP 05-07: Optimal monetary policy under commitment with a zero bound on nominal interest rates

- Klaus Adam and Roberto Billi
- RWP 05-06: Term structure transmission of monetary policy

- Sharon Kozicki and Peter Tinsley
- RWP 05-05: Approximately normal tests for equal predictive accuracy in nested models

- Todd Clark and Kenneth West