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Research Working Paper

From Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
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RWP 05-04: Perhaps the FOMC did what it said it did: an alternative interpretation of the Great Inflation Downloads
Sharon Kozicki and Peter Tinsley
RWP 05-03: Minding the gap: central bank estimates of the unemployment natural rate Downloads
Sharon Kozicki and Peter Tinsley
RWP 05-02: Do we really know how inflation targeters set interest rates? Downloads
Marcela Meirelles Aurelio
RWP 05-01: The performance of monetary and fiscal rules in an open economy with imperfect capital mobility Downloads
Marcela Meirelles Aurelio
RWP 04-12: A simple model of city crowdedness Downloads
Jordan Rappaport
RWP 04-11: Barriers to network-specific innovation Downloads
Antoine Martin and Michael Orlando
RWP 04-10: Improving forecast accuracy by combining recursive and rolling forecasts Downloads
Todd Clark and Michael McCracken
RWP 04-09: Identification and normalization in Markov switching models of \"business cycles\" Downloads
Penelope Smith and Peter Summers
RWP 04-08: Estimating equilibrium real interest rates in real time Downloads
Todd Clark and Sharon Kozicki
RWP 04-07: Aggregate consumption-wealth ratio and the cross-section of stock returns: some international evidence Downloads
Paul Gao and Kevin Huang
RWP 04-06: Specific factors meet intermediate inputs: implications for strategic complementarities and persistence Downloads
Kevin Huang
RWP 04-05: Multiple stages of processing and the quantity anomaly in international business cycle models Downloads
Kevin Huang and Zheng Liu
RWP 04-04: Production interdependence and welfare Downloads
Kevin Huang and Zheng Liu
RWP 04-03: Using out-of-sample mean squared prediction errors to test the Martingale difference hypothesis Downloads
Todd Clark and Kenneth West
RWP 04-02: Financial intermediaries, markets, and growth Downloads
Falko Fecht, Kevin Huang and Antoine Martin
RWP 04-01: Heterogeneity, redistribution, and the Friedman rule Downloads
Joydeep Bhattacharya, Joseph Haslag and Antoine Martin
RWP 03-13: Is auditor independence endogenous: evidence and implications for public policy Downloads
Dino Falaschetti and Michael Orlando
RWP 03-12: Dynamics of labor demand: evidence from plant-level observations and aggregate implications Downloads
Russell Cooper, John Haltiwanger and Jonathan Willis
RWP 03-11: Disaggregate evidence on the persistence of consumer price inflation Downloads
Todd Clark
RWP 03-10: Inflation to target: what inflation to target? Downloads
Kevin Huang and Zheng Liu
RWP 03-09: Permanent and transitory policy shocks in an empirical macro model with asymmetric information Downloads
Sharon Kozicki and Peter Tinsley
RWP 03-08: Portfolio choice in tax-deferred and Roth-type savings accounts Downloads
Richard L. Johnson
RWP 03-07: Moving to nice weather Downloads
Jordan Rappaport
RWP 03-06: The predictive content of the output gap for inflation: resolving in-sample and out-of-sample evidence Downloads
Todd Clark and Michael McCracken
RWP 03-05: The economics of labor adjustment: mind the gap Downloads
Russell Cooper and Jonathan Willis
RWP 03-04: Currency competition: a partial vindication of Hayek Downloads
Antoine Martin and Stacey Schreft
RWP 03-03: Optimality of the Friedman rule in overlapping generations model with spatial separation Downloads
Joseph Haslag and Antoine Martin
RWP 03-02: The social value of risk-free government debt Downloads
Stacey Schreft and Bruce Smith
RWP 03-01: An examination of rating agencies' actions around the investment-grade boundary Downloads
Richard L. Johnson
RWP 02-12: Alternative sources of the lag dynamics of inflation Downloads
Sharon Kozicki and Peter Tinsley
RWP 02-11: The cost of labor adjustment: inferences from the gap Downloads
Russell Cooper and Jonathan Willis
RWP 02-10: Reconciling Bagehot with the Fed's response to Sept. 11 Downloads
Antoine Martin
RWP 02-09: Why does the cyclical behavior of real wages change over time? Downloads
Kevin Huang, Zheng Liu and Louis Phaneuf
RWP 02-08: Implementing Arrow-Debreu equilibria by trading infinitely-lived securities Downloads
Kevin Huang and Jan Werner
RWP 02-07: Term premia: endogenous constraints on monetary policy Downloads
Sharon Kozicki and Peter Tinsley
RWP 02-06: Measuring R & D spillovers: on the importance of geographic and technological proximity Downloads
Michael Orlando
RWP 02-05: Forecast-based model selection in the presence of structural breaks Downloads
Todd Clark and Michael McCracken
RWP 02-04: Coyote crossings: the role of smugglers in illegal immigration and border enforcement Downloads
Mark Guzman, Joseph Haslag and Pia Orrenius
RWP 02-03: Endogenous multiple currencies Downloads
Antoine Martin
RWP 02-02: Optimal pricing of intra-day liquidity Downloads
Antoine Martin
RWP 02-01: Market timing strategies that worked Downloads
Pu Shen
RWP 01-15: Magazine prices revisited Downloads
Jonathan Willis
RWP 01-14: Evaluating long-horizon forecasts Downloads
Todd Clark and Michael McCracken
RWP 01-13: The birth and growth of the social-insurance state: explaining old-age and medical insurance across countries Downloads
David Cutler and Richard L. Johnson
RWP 01-12: Implications of real-time data for forecasting and modeling expectations Downloads
Sharon Kozicki
RWP 01-11: The U.S. as a coastal nation Downloads
Jordan Rappaport and Jeffrey D. Sachs
RWP 01-10: A bottleneck capital model of development Downloads
Jordan Rappaport
RWP 01-09: The conduct of monetary policy with a shrinking stock of government debt Downloads
Stacey Schreft and Bruce Smith
RWP 01-08: Effects of old-age insurance on female retirement: evidence from cross-country time-series data Downloads
Richard L. Johnson
RWP 01-07: When should labor contracts be nominal? Downloads
Antoine Martin and Cyril Monnet
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