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Jena Research Papers in Business and Economics - Working and Discussion Papers (Expired!)

From Friedrich Schiller University Jena, School of Economics and Business Administration
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05/2011: SALBPGen - A systematic data generator for (simple) assembly line balancing Downloads
Alena Otto, Christian Otto and Armin Scholl
04/2011: Software zur Entscheidungsanalyse - Eine Marktübersicht
Robert Klein, Michael Neugebauer and Armin Scholl
03/2011: Resequencing of mixed-model assembly lines: Survey and research agenda Downloads
Nils Boysen, Armin Scholl and Nico Wopperer
02/2011: Scheduling of inventory releasing jobs to satisfy time-varying demand Downloads
Nils Boysen, Stefan Bock and Malte Fliedner
01/2011: A survey on container processing in railway yards: Decision problems, optimization procedures and research challenges Downloads
Nils Boysen, Malte Fliedner, F. Jaehn and E. Pesch
14/2010: Optimally locating in-house logistics areas to facilitate JIT-supply of mixed-model assembly lines Downloads
Simon Emde and Nils Boysen
13/2010: Comparing the minimum completion times of two longest-first scheduling-heuristics Downloads
Rico Walter
12/2010: Vis-à-vis vs. mixed dock door assignment: A comparison of different cross dock layouts Downloads
Konrad Stephan and Nils Boysen
11/2010: Incorporating ergonomic risks into assembly line balancing Downloads
Alena Otto and Armin Scholl
10/2010: Truck scheduling in cross docking terminals with fixed outbound departures Downloads
Nils Boysen, Dirk Briskorn and Martin Tschöke
09/2010: On a learning precedence graph concept for the automotive industry Downloads
Hanne Klindworth, Christian Otto and Armin Scholl
08/2010: Optimally routing and scheduling tow trains for JIT-supply of mixed-model assembly lines Downloads
Simon Emde and Nils Boysen
07/2010: Acceptance of new products and brands by older consumers
Roland Helm and Sebastian Landschulze
06/2010: Level scheduling under limited resequencing flexibility Downloads
Nils Boysen, Malte Fliedner and Armin Scholl
05/2010: Sequencing mixed-model assembly lines to minimise the number of work overload situations Downloads
Nils Boysen, Mirko Kiel and Armin Scholl
04/2010: Ökonomische Analyse der Modernisierungsanreize im deutschen Mietrecht Downloads
Johannes Ruhland, Christian Alexander Kreibich and Ralf Herud
03/2010: Offline- versus Online Multiplikator: Eine kritische Betrachtung des klassischen Meinungsführerkonzepts
Roland Helm, Michael Möller and Jana Rosenbusch
02/2010: How to Park Freight Trains on Rail-Rail Transshipment Yards: The Train Location Problem Downloads
Michael Kellner, Nils Boysen and Malte Fliedner
01/2010: Scheduling Just-in-Time Part Supply for Mixed-Model Assembly Lines Downloads
Nils Boysen and Stefan Bock
11/2009: The assembly line balancing and scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times: Problem extension, model formulation and efficient heuristics Downloads
Armin Scholl, Nils Boysen and Malte Fliedner
10/2009: Optimally loading clocked tow trains for JIT-supply of mixed-model assembly lines Downloads
Simon Emde, Malte Fliedner and Nils Boysen
09/2009: Analysis and design of sequencing rules for car sequencing Downloads
Uli Golle, Nils Boysen and Franz Rothlauf
08/2009: 10. Interuniversitäres Doktorandenseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik Juli 2009 Downloads
Johannes Ruhland (Hrsg.) and Kathrin Kirchner (Hrsg.)
07/2009: Determining fixed Crane Areas in Rail-Rail Transshipment Yards Downloads
Nils Boysen, Malte Fliedner and Michael Kellner
06/2009: The Impact of Evaluation Context on Attribute Processing and Attitude Formation: The Example of Comparative Advertising
Roland Helm and Antonia Szelig
05/2009: Seniorenmarketing - Stand der Forschung zum Kaufverhalten in Abhängigkeit des Alters der Verbraucher
Roland Helm, Sebastian Landschulze and Uta Scheunert
04/2009: Determining Crane Areas in Intermodal Transshipment Yards: The Yard Partition Problem Downloads
Nils Boysen and Malte Fliedner
03/2009: Design und Betrieb von Cross Docks Downloads
Sinja-Katharina Tiedemann and Nils Boysen
02/2009: Cross Dock Scheduling: Classification, Literature Review and Research Agenda Downloads
Nils Boysen and Malte Fliedner
01/2009: Level Scheduling for batched JIT supply Downloads
Nils Boysen, Malte Fliedner and Armin Scholl
21/2008: A newsvendor model with service and loss constraints Downloads
Werner Jammernegg and Peter Kischka
20/2008: Unsicherheiten über die Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheit bei der Präferenzmessung Downloads
Roland Helm, Malte Fliedner and Armin Scholl
19/2008: Analysis and Evaluation of Moderator Effects in Regression Models - State of Art, Alternatives and Empirical Example
Roland Helm and Antje Mark
18/2008: Solving symmetric mixed-model multi-level just-in-time scheduling problems Downloads
Malte Fliedner, Nils Boysen and Armin Scholl
17/2008: Balancing mixed-model assembly lines: a computational evaluation of objectives to smoothen workload Downloads
Simon Emde, Nils Boysen and Armin Scholl
16/2008: Umschlagbahnhöfe aus entscheidungsorientierter Sicht Downloads
Michael Kellner and Nils Boysen
15/2008: Standpunkt: "Wozu und für wen Risikomanagement?"
Wolfgang Kürsten
14/2008: Kohärente Risikomessung versus individuelle Akzeptanzmengen - Anmerkungen zur Reichweite des Risikomaßes "Conditional Value-at-Risk"
Wolfgang Kürsten and Mario Brandtner
13/2008: The Multiproduct Parallel Assembly Lines Balancing Problem: Model and Optimization Procedure Downloads
Armin Scholl and Nils Boysen
12/2008: A general solution framework for component commonality problems Downloads
Nils Boysen and Armin Scholl
11/2008: Scheduling freight trains in rail-rail transshipment yards Downloads
Nils Boysen and Erwin Pesch
10/2008: Identification of unacceptable attribute levels for preference measurement: An empirical comparison of different methods
Roland Helm, Frank Huber, Henrik Sattler, Michael Steiner and Antonia Szelig
09/2008: Endogene Mischung von Nachfrageverteilungen im Newsvendor-Modell
Annett Brandtner, Peter Kischka and Marko Schneider
08/2008: Scheduling aircraft landings to balance workload of ground staff Downloads
Nils Boysen and Malte Fliedner
07/2008: Optimal Stimulation Level Theory and Exploratory Consumer Behavior: An Analysis of Underlying Structures across Product Categories
Roland Helm and Sebastian Landschulze
06/2008: Balancing assembly lines with variable parallel workplaces: Problem definition, model and exact solution procedure Downloads
Christian Becker and Armin Scholl
05/2008: Optimally solving the Alternative Subgraphs Assembly Line Balancing Problem Downloads
Armin Scholl, Nils Boysen and Malte Fliedner
04/2008: Zum Erklärungsgehalt der verhaltensorientierten Spieltheorie Downloads
Markus Pasche
03/2008: Determinants of spin-offs' long term success - a causal model
Roland Helm and Oliver Mauroner
02/2008: Absalom: Balancing assembly lines with assignment restrictions Downloads
Armin Scholl, Malte Fliedner and Nils Boysen
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