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Working Papers

From Banco de Portugal, Economics and Research Department
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2012: Bank size and lending specialization Downloads
Diana Bonfim and Qinglei Dai
2012: Liquidity risk in banking: is there herding? Downloads
Diana Bonfim and Moshe Kim
2012: Competition in the Portuguese Economy: Insights from a profit elasticity approach Downloads
Ana Cristina Soares and João Amador
2012: Identifying the determinants of downward wage rigidity: some methodological considerations and new empirical evidence Downloads
Fernando Martins and Daniel Dias
2012: On International Policy Coordination and the Correction of Global Imbalances Downloads
Cristina Manteu
2012: How to create indices for bank branch financial performance measurement using MCDA techniques: an illustrative example Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Fernando A. F. Ferreira
2012: Wage rigidity and employment adjustment at the firm level: evidence from survey data Downloads
Fernando Martins and Daniel Dias
2012: The Effects of Public Spending Externalities Downloads
João Valle e Azevedo and Valerio Ercolani
2012: Market perception of fiscal sustainability: An application to the largest euro area economies Downloads
Maximiano Pinheiro
2012: Competition in the Portuguese Economy:An overview of classical indicators Downloads
Ana Cristina Soares and João Amador
2012: Quantile regression for long memory testing: A case of realized volatility Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Uwe Hassler
2012: The dynamics of capital structure decisions Downloads
Diana Bonfim and Paula Antão
2012: Cohesion within the euro area and the U. S.: a wavelet-based view Downloads
António Rua and Artur Silva Lopes
2012: A wavelet-based assessment of market risk: The emerging markets case Downloads
António Rua and Luis Nunes
2012: Asset pricing with a bank risk factor Downloads
António Rua and João Pedro Pereira
2012: Public-private wage gaps in the period prior to the adoption of the euro: an application based on longitudinal data Downloads
Maria Campos
2012: Inquérito à Situação Financeira das Famílias: metodologia e principais resultados Downloads
Luísa Farinha and Sónia Costa
2011: Evaluating retail banking quality service and convenience with MCDA techniques: a case study at the bank branch level Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Fernando A. F. Ferreira
2011: Direct vs bottom-up approach when forecasting GDP: reconciling literature results with institutional practice Downloads
Paulo Esteves
2011: Modeling and Forecasting Interval Time Series with Threshold Models: An Application to S&P500 Index Returns Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Nazarii Salish
2011: The price elasticity of external demand: how does Portugal compare with other euro area countries? Downloads
Cristina Manteu and Sonia Cabral
2011: A Class of Robust Tests in Augmented Predictive Regressions Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Antonio Rubia
2011: The Tip of the Iceberg: A Quantitative Framework for Estimating Trade Costs Downloads
Luca David Opromolla and Alfonso Irarrazabal
2011: The Impact of Persistent Cycles on Zero Frequency Unit Root Tests Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Tomás del Barrio Castro
2011: Why Ex(Im)porters Pay More: Evidence from Matched Firm-Worker Panels Downloads
Luca David Opromolla and Pedro Martins
2011: Money growth and inflation in the euro area: a time-frequency view Downloads
António Rua
2011: Housing Market Dynamics: Any News? Downloads
Sandra Gomes
2011: International organisations’ vs. private analysts’ forecasts: an evaluation Downloads
Ildeberta Abreu
2011: Asset Returns Under Model Uncertainty: Evidence from the euro area, the U.K. and the U.S Downloads
Ricardo Sousa
2011: Money is an experience good: competition and trust in the private provision of money Downloads
Pedro Teles and Ramon Marimon
2011: Banks’ corporate control and relationship lending: evidence from retail loans Downloads
Paula Antão and Miguel Ferreira
2011: Moment conditions model averaging with an application to a forward-looking monetary policy reaction function Downloads
Luis Martins
2011: Rational vs. Professional Forecasts Downloads
João Valle e Azevedo and Joao Jalles
2011: Structural reforms and macroeconomic performance in the euro area countries: a model-based assessment Downloads
Sandra Gomes and Pascal Jacquinot
2011: Determinants of the EONIA spread and the financial crisis Downloads
Carla Soares and Paulo Rodrigues
2011: Assessing monetary policy in the euro area: a factor-augmented VAR approach Downloads
Rita Soares
2011: Energy content in manufacturing exports: a cross-country analysis Downloads
João Amador
2011: Price and wage setting in Portugal learning by asking Downloads
Fernando Martins
2011: Leaning Against Boom-Bust Cycles in Credit and Housing Prices Downloads
Luisa Lambertini
2011: Why Are Some Prices Stickier Than Others? Firm-Data Evidence on Price Adjustment Lags Downloads
Fernando Martins and Daniel Dias
2011: Choosing Between Time and State Dependence: Micro Evidence on Firms' Price-Reviewing Strategies Downloads
Fernando Martins and Daniel Dias
2011: Fiscal Consolidation in a Small Euro Area Economy Downloads
Gabriela Castro, José Maria and Vanda Almeida
2011: Managers’ Mobility, Trade Status, and Wages Downloads
Luca David Opromolla and Giordano Mion
2011: Unconventional Fiscal Policy at the Zero Bound Downloads
Pedro Teles and Emmanuel Farhi
2011: Is the World Spinning Faster? Assessing the Dynamics of Export Specialization Downloads
João Amador
2011: What Happens After Default? Stylized Facts on Access to Credit Downloads
Diana Bonfim and Daniel Dias
2010: Joblessness Downloads
Pedro Portugal and José António Machado
2010: Evaluating the strength of identification in DSGE models. An a priori approach Downloads
Nikolay Iskrev
2010: Employment and wages of immigrants in Portugal Downloads
Cláudia Duarte and Sonia Cabral
2010: Testing for Persistence Change in Fractionally Integrated Models: An Application to World Inflation Rates Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Luis Martins
2010: The Hidden Side of Temporary Employment: Fixed-term Contracts as a Screening Device Downloads
Pedro Portugal and Jose Varejao
2010: The Instability of Joint Ventures: Learning from Others or Learning to Work with Others Downloads
Pedro Portugal and José Mata
2010: Borrowing Patterns, Bankruptcy and Voluntary Liquidation Downloads
António Antunes, Pedro Portugal and José Mata
2010: The Reservation Wage Unemployment Duration Nexus Downloads
Pedro Portugal and John Addison
2010: The Sources of Wage Variation: An Analysis Using Matched Employer-Employee Data Downloads
Paulo Guimaraes, Pedro Portugal and Sónia Torres
2010: Forecasting Inflation (and the Business Cycle?) with Monetary Aggregates Downloads
João Valle e Azevedo
2010: Fiscal stimulus and exit strategies in a small euro area economy Downloads
Gabriela Castro and José Maria
2010: Determinants of the sovereign bond yield spreads in the Euro Area in the context of the economic and financial crisis Downloads
Luciana Barbosa and Sónia Costa
2010: Time-varying fiscal policy in the U.S Downloads
Manuel Pereira and Artur Silva Lopes
2010: Labor Immobility and the Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in a Monetary Union Downloads
Bernardino Adao
2010: Global policy at the Zero Lower Bound in a large-scale DSGE model Downloads
Sandra Gomes and Pascal Jacquinot
2010: Fiscal Stimulus in a Small Euro Area Economy Downloads
Gabriela Castro and José Maria
2010: Short and Long Interest Rate Targets Downloads
Bernardino Adao and Pedro Teles
2010: Monetary Policy Effects: Evidence from the Portuguese Flow of Funds Downloads
Isabel Gameiro
2010: Marginal Distributions of Random Vectors Generated by Affine Transformations of Independent Two-Piece Normal Variables Downloads
Maximiano Pinheiro
2010: Calendar Effects in Daily ATM Withdrawals Downloads
Paulo Esteves and Paulo Rodrigues
2010: The Effects of Additive Outliers and Measurement Errors when Testing for Structural Breaks in Variance Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Antonio Rubia
2010: A Multiple Criteria Framework to Evaluate Bank Branch Potential Attractiveness Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Fernando A. F. Ferreira
2010: Tracking the US Business Cycle With a Singular Spectrum Analysis Downloads
António Rua and Miguel de Carvalho
2010: Extremal Dependence in International Output Growth: Tales from the Tails Downloads
António Rua and Miguel de Carvalho
2010: A Wavelet Approach for Factor-Augmented Forecasting Downloads
António Rua
2010: The EAGLE. A model for policy analysis of macroeconomic interdependence in the euro area Downloads
Sandra Gomes and Pascal Jacquinot
2010: Counterfactual Analysis of Bank Mergers Downloads
Diana Bonfim and Pedro Barros
2010: Expectations-Driven Cycles in the Housing Market Downloads
Luisa Lambertini
2010: Nonstationary Extremes and the US Business Cycle Downloads
António Rua and Miguel de Carvalho
2010: Exports, Imports and Wages:Evidence from Matched Firm-Worker-Product Panels Downloads
Luca David Opromolla and Pedro Martins
2010: Measuring comovement in the time-frequency space Downloads
António Rua
2010: Financial Stability and Policy Cooperation Downloads
Vítor Gaspar
Page updated 2024-09-12
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