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Working Papers

From Banco de Portugal, Economics and Research Department
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2018: Credit Subsidies Downloads
Pedro Teles and Fiorella De Fiore
2018: Does domestic demand matter for firms’ exports? Downloads
António Rua, Paulo Esteves and Miguel Portela
2018: Bank credit allocation and productivity: stylised facts for Portugal Downloads
Nuno Azevedo
2018: Bank shocks and firm performance: New evidence from the sovereign debt crisis Downloads
Luísa Farinha and Marina-Eliza Spaliara
2018: Exploring the implications of different loan-to-value macroprudential policy designs Downloads
Sandra Gomes and Rita Basto
2018: A General Equilibrium Theory of Occupational Choice under Optimistic Beliefs about Entrepreneurial Ability Downloads
Luca David Opromolla and Michele Dell'Era
2018: CEO Performance in Severe Crises: The Role of Newcomers Downloads
João Amador, Sharmin Sazedj and Jose Tavares
2018: Thirty Years of Economic Growth in Africa Downloads
António Santos and João Amador
2018: To Ask or Not To Ask? Collateral versus Screening in Lending Relationships Downloads
Artashes Karapetyan
2018: Every cloud has a silver lining: micro-level evidence on the cleansing effects of the portuguese financial crisis Downloads
Daniel Dias
2018: Testing the fractionally integrated hypothesis using M estimation: With an application to stock market volatility Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Matei Demetrescu
2018: When losses turn into loans: the cost of undercapitalized banks Downloads
Luísa Farinha and Francisca Rebelo
2018: Cross-border spillovers of monetary policy: what changes during a financial crisis? Downloads
Diana Bonfim, Luciana Barbosa, Sónia Costa and Mary Everett
2018: Structural Changes in the Duration of Bull Markets and Business Cycle Dynamics Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and João Cruz
2018: An integrated financial amplifier: the role of defaulted loans and occasionally binding constraints in output fluctuations Downloads
José Maria and Paulo Júlio
2018: Collateral Damage? Labour Market Effects of Competing with China - at Home and Abroad Downloads
Sonia Cabral and Pedro Martins
2018: Fear the walking dead: zombie firms, spillovers and exit barriers Downloads
Christian Osterhold
2018: International trade in services: Evidence for Portuguese firms Downloads
João Amador, Sonia Cabral and Birgitte Ringstad
2018: The effects of official and unofficial information on tax compliance Downloads
Luca David Opromolla and Filomena Garcia
2018: Flexible wage components as a source of wage adaptability to shocks:evidence from European firms, 2010–2013 Downloads
Fernando Martins and Jan Babecký
2018: Did recent reforms facilitate EU labour market adjustment? Firm level evidence Downloads
Fernando Martins and Mario Izquierdo
2018: Real Effects of Financial Distress: The Role of Heterogeneity Downloads
Francisco Buera
2018: The returns to schooling unveiled Downloads
Hugo Reis, Paulo Guimaraes, Pedro Portugal and Ana Rute Cardoso
2018: The Effect of Firm Cash Holdings on Monetary Policy Downloads
Bernardino Adão and Andre Silva
2018: Sub-Optimality of the Friedman Rule with Distorting Taxes Downloads
Bernardino Adão and Andre Silva
2018: Are asset price data informative about news shocks? A DSGE perspective Downloads
Nikolay Iskrev
2018: Calibration and the estimation of macroeconomic models Downloads
Nikolay Iskrev
2018: O Aprofundamento da União Económica e Monetária Downloads
Cláudia Braz, João Amador and João Valle e Azevedo
2017: Goods and Factor Market Integration: A Quantitative Assessment of the EU Enlargement Downloads
Luca David Opromolla and Lorenzo Caliendo
2017: A Theory of Government Bailouts in a Heterogeneous Banking System Downloads
Ettore Panetti and Filomena Garcia
2017: The Portuguese post-2008 period: A narrative from an estimated DSGE model Downloads
José Maria and Paulo Júlio
2017: Entrepreneurial Risk and Diversification through Trade Downloads
Federico Esposito
2017: Banks’ Liquidity Management and Systemic Risk Downloads
Ettore Panetti and Luca Deidda
2017: Inefficiency Distribution of the European Banking System Downloads
João Gouveia-Oliveira
2017: Boom, Slump, Sudden stops, Recovery, and Policy Options. Portugal and the Euro Downloads
Pedro Portugal and Olivier Blanchard
2017: Modelling currency demand in a small open economy within a monetary union Downloads
António Rua
2017: Impact of uncertainty measures on the Portuguese economy Downloads
Cristina Manteu and Sara Serra
2017: Lending relationships and the real economy: evidence in the context of the euro area sovereign debt crisis Downloads
Luciana Barbosa
2017: Who's who in global value chains? A weighted network approach Downloads
João Amador, Sonia Cabral and Rossana Mastrandrea
2017: Disentangling the channels from birthdate to educational attainment Downloads
Luís Martins and Manuel Pereira
2017: International Banking and Cross-border Effects of Regulation: Lessons from Portugal Downloads
Diana Bonfim and Sónia Costa
2017: Labor market imperfections and the firm’s wage setting policy Downloads
Pedro Portugal and Sónia Félix
2017: Zooming the Ins and Outs of the U.S. Unemployment Downloads
António Rua and Pedro Portugal
2017: Upward Nominal Wage Rigidity Downloads
Fernando Martins, Paulo Guimaraes and Pedro Portugal
2017: The Diffusion of Knowledge via Managers' Mobility Downloads
Luca David Opromolla and Giordano Mion
2016: Public debt expansions and the dynamics of the household borrowing constraint Downloads
António Antunes
2016: Surviving the perfect storm: the role of the lender of last resort Downloads
Carla Soares, Diana Bonfim and Nuno Alves
2016: Leverage and Risk Weighted Capital Requirements Downloads
Leonardo Gambacorta
2016: The unsecured interbank money market: A description of the Portuguese case Downloads
Sofia Saldanha
2016: A tale of two sectors: why is misallocation higher in services than in manufacturing? Downloads
Daniel Dias
2016: Forecasting banking crises with dynamic panel probit models Downloads
António Antunes, Diana Bonfim, Nuno Monteiro and Paulo Rodrigues
2016: A wavelet-based multivariate multiscale approach for forecasting Downloads
António Rua
2016: Temporary contracts' transitions: the role of training and institutions Downloads
Sara Serra
2016: EAGLE-FLI - A macroeconomic model of banking and financial interdependence in the euro area Downloads
Sandra Gomes and N. Bokan
2016: Market integration and the persistence of electricity prices Downloads
António Rua, Paulo Rodrigues and João Pedro Pereira
2016: The Effect of Quantitative Easing on Lending Conditions Downloads
Gil Nogueira, Luísa Farinha and Laura Blattner
2016: Sorry, We're Closed: Loan Conditions When Bank Branches Close and Firms Transfer to Another Bank Downloads
Diana Bonfim, Gil Nogueira and Steven Ongena
2016: Understanding the public sector pay gap Downloads
Maria Campos and Domenico Depalo
2016: Residual-augmented IVX predictive regression Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Matei Demetrescu
2016: Productivity and Organization in Portuguese Firms Downloads
Luca David Opromolla and Lorenzo Caliendo
2016: Output and unemployment, Portugal, 2008–2012 Downloads
José Maria
2016: Monetary Developments and Expansionary Fiscal Consolidations: Evidence from the EMU Downloads
Luís Martins and Antonio Afonso
2016: A Mixed Frequency Approach to Forecast Private Consumption with ATM/POS Data Downloads
Cláudia Duarte
2016: Sustentabilidade da dívida pública: Metodologias e discussões nas instituições europeias Downloads
Cláudia Braz, João Amador, Lara Wemans, Maria Campos and Sharmin Sazedj
Page updated 2024-09-13
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