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Working Papers

From Banco de Portugal, Economics and Research Department
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2009: Evidence from surveys of price-setting managers: Policy lessons and directions for ongoing research Downloads
Fernando Martins and Vítor Gaspar
2009: Back to basics: Data revisions Downloads
Cláudia Duarte and Fátima Cardoso
2009: Are ATM/POS Data Relevant When Nowcasting Private Consumption? Downloads
Paulo Esteves
2009: The Cross Sectional Dynamics of Heterogenous Trade Models Downloads
Luca David Opromolla and Alfonso Irarrazabal
2009: Adding Value to Bank Branch Performance Evaluation Using Cognitive Maps and MCDA: A Case Study Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Fernando A. F. Ferreira
2009: An Assessment of Portuguese Bank's Costs and Efficiency Downloads
Thomas Weyman-Jones
2009: A New Measure of Fiscal Shocks Based on Budget Forecasts and its Implications Downloads
Manuel Pereira
2009: On LM-Type Tests for Seasonal Unit Roots in the Presence of a Break in Trend Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Luis Nunes
2009: The Flexible Fourier Form and Local GLS De-trended Unit Root Tests Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Robert Taylor
2009: How are Firms’ Wages and Prices Linked: Survey Evidence in Europe Downloads
Fernando Martins and M. Druant
2009: Monetary Policy and the Financing of Firms Downloads
Pedro Teles and Fiorella De Fiore
2009: Money is an Experience Good: Competition and Trust in the Private Provision of Money Downloads
Pedro Teles and Ramon Marimon
2009: The dynamic effects of shocks to wages and prices in the United States and the Euro Area Downloads
Rita Duarte
2009: Dynamic factor models with jagged edge panel data: Taking on board the dynamics of the idiosyncratic components Downloads
António Rua and Maximiano Pinheiro
2009: The Number of Bank Relationships, Borrowing Costs and Bank Competition Downloads
Diana Bonfim and Qinglei Dai
2009: Double Coverage and Health Care Utilisation:Evidence from Quantile Regression Downloads
Sara Moreira
2009: Real Wages and the Business Cycle: Accounting for Worker and Firm Heterogeneity Downloads
Paulo Guimaraes, Pedro Portugal and Anabela Carneiro
2009: A Simple Feasible Alternative Procedure to Estimate Models with High-Dimensional Fixed Effects Downloads
Paulo Guimaraes and Pedro Portugal
2009: Credit Risk and Capital Requirements for the Portuguese Banking System Downloads
Paula Antão
2009: Local Identification in DSGE Models Downloads
Nikolay Iskrev
2009: Elusive Counter-Cyclicality and Deliberate Opportunism? Fiscal Policy from Plans to Final Outcomes Downloads
Álvaro Pina
2009: The interest rate pass-through of the Portuguese banking system: characterization and determinants Downloads
Paula Antão
2009: International comovement of stock market returns: a wavelet analysis Downloads
António Rua and Luis Nunes
2009: The Monetary Transmission Mechanism for a Small Open Economy in a Monetary Union Downloads
Bernardino Adao
2009: Finite Sample Performance of Frequency and Time Domain Tests for Seasonal Fractional Integration Downloads
João Valle e Azevedo, Paulo Rodrigues and Antonio Rubia
2009: The Main Trends in Public Finance Developments in Portugal:1986-2008 Downloads
Cláudia Braz
2008: Inflation expectations in the euro area: Are consumers rational? Downloads
António Rua, Cláudia Duarte and Francisco Craveiro Dias
2008: Analysis of the Predictors of Default for Portuguese Firms Downloads
Russ Moro
2008: On the uncertainty and risks of macroeconomic forecasts: Combining judgements with sample and model information Downloads
Paulo Esteves and Maximiano Pinheiro
2008: A Theory of Entry and Exit into Exports Markets Downloads
Luca David Opromolla and Alfonso Irarrazabal
2008: Approximating and Forecasting Macroeconomic Signals in Real-Time Downloads
João Valle e Azevedo and Ana Pereira
2008: Forecasting investment: A fishing contest using survey data Downloads
José Maria and Sara Serra
2008: Product and Destination Mix in Export Markets Downloads
João Amador and Luca David Opromolla
2008: Improving Competition in the Non-Tradable Goods and Labour Markets: The Portuguese Case Downloads
Gabriela Castro
2008: Impact on Welfare of Country Heterogeneity in a Currency Union Downloads
Carla Soares
2008: Empirical Evidence on the Behavior and Stabilizing Role of Fiscal and Monetary Policies in the US Downloads
Manuel Pereira
2008: Impact of the Recent Reform of the Portuguese Public Employees’ Pension System Downloads
Manuel Pereira and Maria Campos
2008: International Fragmentation of Production in the Portuguese Economy: What do Different Measures Tell Us? Downloads
João Amador and Sonia Cabral
2008: Vertical Specialization Across the World: A Relative Measure Downloads
João Amador and Sonia Cabral
2008: Determining the number of factors in approximate factor models with global and group-specific factors Downloads
António Rua and Francisco Craveiro Dias
2008: Statistical Arbitrage with Default and Collateral Downloads
José Fajardo
2008: Forecasting Using Targeted Diffusion Indexes Downloads
António Rua and Francisco Craveiro Dias
2008: Evaluating Job Search Programs for Old and Young Individuals: Heterogeneous Impact on Unemployment Duration Downloads
Mário Centeno
2008: What is behind the recent evolution of Portuguese terms of trade? Downloads
Fátima Cardoso and Paulo Esteves
2008: The effects of low-cost countries on Portuguese manufacturing import prices Downloads
Fátima Cardoso and Paulo Esteves
2008: Unemployment Benefits and Reservation Wages: Key Elasticities from a Stripped-Down Job Search Approach Downloads
Pedro Portugal and John Addison
2008: Do Reservation Wages Really Decline? Some International Evidence on the Determinants of Reservation Wages Downloads
Pedro Portugal and John Addison
2008: Household Wealth in Portugal: Revised Series Downloads
Fátima Cardoso, Luísa Farinha and Rita Lameira
2007: Do labor market policies affect employment composition? Lessons from European countries Downloads
António Antunes
2007: Is the euro area M3 abandoning us? Downloads
Nuno Alves
2007: Is Time Ripe for Price Level Path Stability? Downloads
Vítor Gaspar
2007: An Open Economy Model of the Euro Area and the US Downloads
Nuno Alves and Sandra Gomes
2007: A Multivariate Band-Pass Filter Downloads
João Valle e Azevedo
2007: Labor Adjustment Costs in a Panel of Establishments: A Structural Approach Downloads
Pedro Portugal and João Ejarque
2007: Inflation (mis)perceptions in the euro area Downloads
António Rua, Cláudia Duarte and Francisco Craveiro Dias
2007: International Trade Patterns over the Last Four Decades: How does Portugal Compare with other Cohesion Countries? Downloads
João Amador, José Maria and Sonia Cabral
2007: Exact Limit of the Expected Periodogram in the Unit-Root case Downloads
João Valle e Azevedo
2007: Interpretation of the Effects of Filtering Integrated Time Series Downloads
João Valle e Azevedo
2007: How Do Different Entitlements to Unemployment Benefits Affect the Transitions from Unemployment into Employment? Downloads
Pedro Portugal and John Addison
2007: Total Factor Productivity Growth in the G7 Countries: Different or Alike? Downloads
João Amador and Carlos Coimbra
2007: Characteristics of the Portuguese Economic Growth: What has been Missing? Downloads
João Amador and Carlos Coimbra
2007: Credit Risk Drivers: Evaluating the Contribution of Firm Level Information and of Macroeconomic Dynamics Downloads
Diana Bonfim
2007: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis of Secondary Education Output in Portugal Downloads
Manuel Pereira and Sara Moreira
2007: Price setting in the euro area: Some stylised facts from Individual Producer Price Data Downloads
Philip Vermeulen
2007: Spatial and Temporal Aggregation in the Estimation of Labor Demand Functions Downloads
Pedro Portugal and Jose Varejao
2007: Adjusting to the Euro Downloads
Gabriel Fagan
2007: The Forward Premium of Euro Interest Rates Downloads
Sónia Costa and Ana Galvão
2007: Relative Export Structures and Vertical Specialization: A Simple Cross-Country Index Downloads
João Amador, José Maria and Sonia Cabral
2007: MISS: A model for assessing the sustainability of public social security in Portugal Downloads
Maximiano Pinheiro
2007: Financial Sector Assessment Programme Portugal: Banking System Stress-Testing Downloads
Economics and Research Department
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