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Working Papers

From Banco de Portugal, Economics and Research Department
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2006: An input-output analysis: linkages vs leakages Downloads
António Rua and Hugo Reis
2006: On the Relevance of Exchange Rate Regimes for Stabilization Policy Downloads
Bernardino Adao, Pedro Teles and Isabel Correia
2006: Computing General Equilibrium Models with Occupational Choice and Financial Frictions Downloads
António Antunes and Tiago Cavalcanti
2006: Earnings Losses of Displaced Workers: Evidence from a Matched Employer-Employee Data Set Downloads
Pedro Portugal and Anabela Carneiro
2006: U.S. Unemployment Duration: Has Long Become Longer or Short Become Shorter? Downloads
Pedro Portugal and José António Machado
2006: The Impact of Unemployment Insurance Generosity on Match Quality Distribution Downloads
Mário Centeno
2006: Measuring export competitiveness: revisiting the effective exchange rate weights for the euro area countries Downloads
Paulo Esteves and Carolina Reis
2006: Market Power, Dismissal Threat and Rent Sharing: The Role of Insider and Outsider Forces in Wage Bargaining Downloads
Pedro Portugal and Anabela Carneiro
2006: Excess burden and the cost of inefficiency in public services provision Downloads
Antonio Afonso
2006: Identifying asset price booms and busts with quantile regressions Downloads
José António Machado
2006: A disaggregated framework for the analysis of structural developments in public finances Downloads
Cláudia Braz and Jana Kremer
2006: Nominal Debt as a Burden on Monetary Policy Downloads
Pedro Teles and Javier Días-Giménez
2006: Sticky Prices in The Euro Area: a Summary of New Micro Evidence Downloads
Fernando Martins and Luis Alvarez
2006: The Price Setting Behaviour of Portuguese Firms Evidence From Survey Data Downloads
Fernando Martins
2006: Measuring the Importance of the Uniform Nonsynchronization Hypothesis Downloads
Daniel Dias
2006: The Transmission of Monetary and Technology Shocks in the Euro Area Downloads
Nuno Alves, Sandra Gomes and José Brandão de Brito
2006: The Effects of a Technology Shock in the Euro Area Downloads
Nuno Alves, Sandra Gomes and José Brandão de Brito
2005: Market Integration in the Golden Periphery - the Lisbon/London Exchange, 1854-1891 Downloads
Rui Esteves
2005: The effects of a government expenditures shock Downloads
Bernardino Adao and José Brandão de Brito
2005: Unique equilibrium with single monetary instrument rules Downloads
Bernardino Adao
2005: The Pricing Behaviour of Firms in the Euro Area: New Survey Evidence Downloads
Fernando Martins and Silvia Fabiani
2005: Business Cycle at a Sectoral Level: the Portuguese Case Downloads
Hugo Reis
2005: Time or State Dependent Price Setting Rules? Evidence from Portuguese Micro Data Downloads
Daniel Dias
2005: Intermediation costs, investor protection and economic development Downloads
António Antunes and Tiago Cavalcanti
2005: Price setting in the euro area: Some stylized facts from Individual Consumer Price Data Downloads
Emmanuel Dhyne
2005: Analysis of delinquent firms using multi-state transitions Downloads
António Antunes
2005: Household wealth in Portugal: 1980-2004 Downloads
Fátima Cardoso and Vanda Geraldes da Cunha
2005: Using Mean Reversion as a Measure of Persistence Downloads
Daniel Dias
2005: Forecasting Inflation Through a Bottom-Up Approach: The Portuguese Case Downloads
António Rua and Cláudia Duarte
2005: SEAM: A Small-Scale Euro Area Model With Forward-Looking Elements Downloads
José Brandão de Brito
2004: Accounting for the Hidden Economy: Barriers to Legality and Legal Failures Downloads
António Antunes and Tiago Cavalcanti
2004: Monetary Policy with Single Instrument Feedback Rules Downloads
Bernardino Adao and Pedro Teles
2004: Monetary Policy with State Contingent Interest Rates Downloads
Bernardino Adao and Pedro Teles
2004: Neoclassical Investment with Moral Hazard Downloads
João Ejarque
2004: Monetary Policy in a Currency Union with National Price Asymmetries Downloads
Sandra Gomes
2004: Nominal Wage Inertia in General Equilibrium Models Downloads
Nuno Alves
2004: The Monetary Transmission in the US and the Euro Area: Common Features and Common Frictions Downloads
Nuno Alves
2004: Reservation Wages, Search Duration, and Accepted Wages in Europe Downloads
Pedro Portugal and John Addison
2004: Key Elasticities in Job Search Theory: International Evidence Downloads
Pedro Portugal and John Addison
2004: The Locational Determinants of the U.S. Multinationals Activities Downloads
Felipa de Mello Sampayo
2004: Matching Workers to Jobs in the Fast Lane: the Operation of Fixed-term Contracts Downloads
Pedro Portugal and Jose Varejao
2004: Workers' Flows and Real Wage Cyclicality Downloads
Pedro Portugal and Anabela Carneiro
2004: On the Fisher-Konieczny Index of Price Changes Synchronization Downloads
Daniel Dias
2004: A Flexible View on Prices Downloads
Nuno Alves
2004: Stylised Features of Price Setting Behaviour in Portugal: 1992-2001 Downloads
Monica Costa Dias
2004: Oil prices assumptions in macroeconomic forecasts: should we follow futures market expectations? Downloads
Paulo Esteves and Carlos Coimbra
2004: On the Use of the First Principal Component as a Core Inflation Indicator Downloads
José Maria
2004: Real Exchange Rate and Human Capital in the Empirics of Economic Growth Downloads
Delfim Gomes Neto
2004: How Does the Unemployment Insurance System Shape the Time Profile of Jobless Duration? Downloads
Pedro Portugal and John Addison
2003: Uncertainty And Risk Analysis Of Macroeconomic Forecasts: Fan Charts Revisited Downloads
Maximiano Pinheiro
2003: Bargained Wages, Wage Drift and the Design of the Wage Setting System Downloads
Pedro Portugal and Ana Rute Cardoso
2003: Corruption, Credit Market Imperfections, and Economic Development Downloads
António Antunes and Tiago Cavalcanti
2003: Tracking Growth and the Business Cycle: a Stochastic Common Cycle Model for the Euro Area Downloads
António Rua, João Valle e Azevedo and Siem Jan Koopman
2003: The Careers of Top Managers and Firm Openness: Internal Versus External Labour Markets Downloads
Francisco Lima
2003: The Impact of Interest-rate Subsidies on Long-term Household Debt: Evidence from a Large Program Downloads
Nuno C. Martins
2003: The Monetary Transmission Mechanism: Is it Relevant for Policy? Downloads
Bernardino Adao and Pedro Teles
2003: Employment Dynamics and the Structure of Labor Adjustment Costs Downloads
Pedro Portugal and Jose Varejao
2003: Six Ways to Leave Unemployment Downloads
Pedro Portugal and John Addison
2003: Wages and the Risk of Displacement Downloads
Pedro Portugal and Anabela Carneiro
2003: Nonlinearities over the Business Cycle: an Application of the Smooth Transition Autoregressive Model to characterize GDP dynamics for the Euro-area and Portugal Downloads
Francisco Craveiro Dias
2003: Why do Firms Use Fixed-Term Contracts? Downloads
Pedro Portugal and Jose Varejao
2003: Coincident and Leading Indicators for the Euro Area: A Frequency Band Approach Downloads
António Rua and Luis Nunes
2003: The Distribution of Liquidity in a Monetary Union with Different Portfolio Rigidities Downloads
Nuno Alves
2003: Forecasting Euro Area Aggregates with Bayesian VAR and VECM Models Downloads
Luis Nunes
2003: Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy: Equivalence Results Downloads
Pedro Teles and Juan Pablo Nicolini
2003: The Timing and Probability of FDI: An Application to the United States Multinational Enterprises Downloads
José Brandão de Brito
2003: Founding Conditions and the Survival of New Firms Downloads
Pedro Portugal and Paul Geroski
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