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Working Papers

From Banco de Portugal, Economics and Research Department
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2021: Markups and Financial Shocks Downloads
Ana Cristina Soares and Philipp Meinen
2021: Coworker Networks and the Labor Market Outcomes of Displaced Workers: Evidence from Portugal Downloads
Marta Silva and Jose Garcia-Louzao
2021: Not All Shocks Are Created Equal: Assessing Heterogeneity in the Bank Lending Channel Downloads
Gil Nogueira, Luísa Farinha and Laura Blattner
2021: Trade, Misallocation, and Capital Market Integration Downloads
Laszlo Tetenyi
2021: On the Cleansing Effect of Recessions and Government Policy: Evidence from Covid-19 Downloads
Pedro Dias Moreira and Nicholas Kozeniauskas
2021: Permanent and temporary monetary policy shocks and the dynamics of exchange rates Downloads
Alexandre Carvalho, João Valle e Azevedo and Pedro Pires Ribeiro
2021: The impact of a macroprudential borrower based measure on households’ leverage and housing choices Downloads
Sónia Félix and Daniel Abreu
2021: The sensitivity of SME’s investment and employment to the cost of debt financing Downloads
Diana Bonfim and Cláudia Custódio
2021: COVID-19, Lockdowns and International Trade: Evidence from Firm-Level Data Downloads
Ana Catarina Pimenta, Carlos Melo Gouveia and João Amador
2021: Serial Entrepreneurs, the Macroeconomy and Top Income Inequality Downloads
Sónia Félix and Sudipto Karmakar
2021: The persistence of wages Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues, Pedro Portugal and Anabela Carneiro
2021: Scrapping, Renewable Technology Adoption, and Growth Downloads
Bernardino Adão and Borghan Narajabad
2021: Assessing the effectiveness of the Portuguese borrower-based measure in the Covid-19 context Downloads
Katja Neugebauer
2021: Sovereign-Bank Diabolic Loop: The Government Procurement Channel Downloads
Diana Bonfim, Sujiao Zhao and Miguel A. Ferreira
2021: Risk shocks, due loans, and policy options: When less is more! Downloads
José Maria, Paulo Júlio and Sílvia Santos
2021: Assessment of the effectiveness of the macroprudential measures implemented in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic Downloads
Lucas Avezum
2021: Institutional Arrangements and Inflation Bias: A Dynamic Heterogeneous Panel Approach Downloads
Vasco Gabriel
2021: Spectral decomposition of the information about latent variables in dynamic macroeconomic models Downloads
Nikolay Iskrev
2021: Extensions to IVX methods of inference for return predictability Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Matei Demetrescu
2021: The Role of Macroprudential Policy in Times of Trouble Downloads
Jagjit Chadha
2021: Multivariate Fractional Integration Tests allowing for Conditional Heteroskedasticity with an Application to Return Volatility and Trading Volume Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Marina Balboa
2021: Optimal Social Insurance: Insights from a Continuous-Time Stochastic Setup Downloads
João Amador and Pedro G. Rodrigues
2021: Assessment of the exposure of the Portuguese banking system to non-financial corporations sensitive to climate transition risks Downloads
Ricardo Marques
2020: To change or not to change: the impact of the law on mortgage origination Downloads
Ana Sa
2020: Heterogeneous response of consumers to income shocks throughout a financial assistance program Downloads
Fátima Cardoso, Manuel Pereira and Nuno Alves
2020: Climate Change Mitigation Policies: Aggregate and Distributional Effects Downloads
Cezar Santos
2020: Assessing the Scoreboard of the EU Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure: (Machine) Learning from Decisions Downloads
João Amador and Tiago Alves
2020: Slums and Pandemics Downloads
Luiz Brotherhood
2020: An economic model of the Covid-19 pandemic with young and old agents: Behavior, testing and policies Downloads
Luiz Brotherhood
2020: The DEI: tracking economic activity daily during the lockdown Downloads
António Rua and Nuno Lourenço
2020: Dream jobs Downloads
Luca David Opromolla and Giordano Mion
2020: The importance of deposit insurance credibility Downloads
Diana Bonfim and Joao Santos
2020: Banks’ complexity and risk: agency problems and diversification benefits Downloads
Diana Bonfim and Sónia Félix
2020: Intergenerational wealth inequality: the role of demographics Downloads
António Antunes and Valerio Ercolani
2020: Measuring wage inequality under right censoring Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and João Nicolau
2020: A non-hierarchical dynamic factor model for three-way data Downloads
António Rua and Francisco Dias
2020: The expected time to cross a threshold and its determinants: A simple and flexible framework Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Gabriel Zsurkis
2020: Forecasting tourism with targeted predictors in a data-rich environment Downloads
António Rua, Carlos Melo Gouveia and Nuno Lourenço
2020: Types of International Traders and the Network of Capital Participations Downloads
João Amador, Sonia Cabral and Birgitte Ringstad
2020: Endogenous Growth and Monetary Policy: How Do Interest-Rate Feedback Rules Shape Nominal and Real Transitional Dynamics? Downloads
Gustavo Iglésias
2020: Labor Earnings Dynamics in a Developing Economy with a Large Informal Sector Downloads
Cezar Santos
2020: On-site inspecting zombie lending Downloads
Diana Bonfim and Geraldo Cerqueiro
2020: Occasional paper on crypto-assets Downloads
Banco de Portugal working group on crypto-assets
2020: The short-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Portuguese companies Downloads
Ana Sequeira, Cristina Manteu and Nuno Monteiro
2020: Imputation of the Portuguese Household Finance and Consumption Survey Downloads
Luís Martins
2020: Banco de Portugal TARGET balance: evolution and main drivers Downloads
Joana Sousa-Leite, Rita Soares, João Filipe and Nuno Nóbrega
2019: Tighter Credit and Consumer Bankruptcy Insurance Downloads
António Antunes and Tiago Cavalcanti
2019: From Micro to Macro: A Note on the Analysis of Aggregate Productivity Dynamics Using Firm-Level Data Downloads
Daniel Dias
2019: Bank Funding and the Survival of Start-ups Downloads
Luísa Farinha, Sónia Félix and Joao Santos
2019: Trends and cycles under changing economic conditions Downloads
Cláudia Duarte, José Maria and Sharmin Sazedj
2019: Time vs. Risk Preferences, Bank Liquidity Provision and Financial Fragility Downloads
Ettore Panetti
2019: Sovereign exposures in the Portuguese banking system: determinants and dynamics Downloads
Maria Campos and Ana Rita Mateus
2019: The Financial Channels of Labor Rigidities: Evidence from Portugal Downloads
Ettore Panetti and Edoardo Maria Acabbi
2019: ECB, BoE and Fed Monetary-Policy announcements: price and volume effects on European securities markets Downloads
Eurico Ferreira
2019: Monthly Forecasting of GDP with Mixed Frequency Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Downloads
António Rua and Hossein Hassani
2019: Testing for breaks in the cointegrating relationship: On the stability of government bond markets’ equilibrium Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Philipp Sibbertsen
2019: The Neutrality of Nominal Rates: How Long is the Long Run? Downloads
João Valle e Azevedo and Pedro Teles
2019: Euro area fiscal policy changes: stylised features of the past two decades Downloads
Cláudia Braz and Nicolas Carnot
2019: A reexamination of inflation persistence dynamics in OECD countries: A new approach Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Gabriel Zsurkis
2019: Into the heterogeneities in the Portuguese labour market: an empirical assessment Downloads
Fernando Martins and Domingos Seward
2019: The new ESCB methodology for the calculation of cyclically adjusted budget balances: an application to the Portuguese case Downloads
Cláudia Braz, Maria Campos and Sharmin Sazedj
2019: Testing for Episodic Predictability in Stock Returns Downloads
Paulo Rodrigues and Matei Demetrescu
2019: Modelling the Demand for Euro Banknotes Downloads
António Rua
2019: What is the Impact of Increased Business Competition? Downloads
Sónia Félix and Chiara Maggi
2019: Vocational high school graduate wage gap: the role of cognitive skills and firms Downloads
Hugo Reis and Joop Hartog
2019: How Responsive are Wages to Demand within the Firm? Evidence from Idiosyncratic Export Demand Shocks Downloads
Andrew Garin
2019: The transmission of unconventional monetary policy to bank credit supply: evidence from the TLTRO Downloads
Joana Sousa-Leite and Antonio Afonso
2019: Economic consequences of high public debt and challenges ahead for the euro area Downloads
Maria Campos and Cristina Checherita-Westphal
2019: Sovereign exposures in the Portuguese banking system: evidence from an original dataset Downloads
Maria Campos and Ana Rita Mateus
2019: A tentative exploration of the effects of Brexit on foreign direct investment vis-à-vis the United Kingdom Downloads
Ana de Almeida
2019: The Deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union Downloads
Cláudia Braz, João Amador and João Valle e Azevedo
Page updated 2024-09-16
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