POLIS Working Papers
From Institute of Public Policy and Public Choice - POLIS
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- 188: The King and the Marquis
- Guido Ortona
- 187: The challenge of fear to Economics
- Mario Cedrini and Marco Novarese
- 186: Is Italy a Federal or even a Quasi-Federal State?
- Albert Breton and Angela Fraschini
- 185: Crisi economica e disoccupazione giovanile: valutazione del consenso verso politiche di intervento pubblico
- Maria Luisa Bianco, Flavio Ceravolo, Giovanna Garrone and Guido Ortona
- 184: Political realism and models of the state - Antonio de Viti de Marco and the origins of Public Choice
- Michele Giuranno and Manuela Mosca
- 183: Internal migration and public policy
- Michele Giuranno and Rongili Biswas
- 182: A commonsense assessment of Arrow's theorem
- Guido Ortona
- 181: Trade tariff, wage gap and public spending
- Michele Giuranno and Antonella Nocco
- 180: Asymmetric yardstick competition and municipal cooperation
- Michele Giuranno and Giuseppe Di Liddo
- 179: Not Through Fear But Through Habit. Procrastination, cognitive capabilities and self-confidence
- Marco Novarese and Viviana Di Giovinazzo
- 178: Efficienza Tecnica e Geografia Giudiziaria
- Roberto Ippoliti
- 177: Are better students really less overconfident? A preliminary test of different measures
- Gianna Lotito, Anna Maffioletti and Marco Novarese
- 176: Publish or Perish. Causes and consequences of a paradigm
- Gloria Origgi, Giovanni Ramello and Francesco Silva
- 175: Efficienza Giudiziaria e Mercato Forense
- Roberto Ippoliti
- 174: Extermination as a substitute for assimilation or deportation: an economic approach
- Mario Ferrero
- 173: The choice to enrol in a small university: A case study of Piemonte Orientale
- Tiziana Caliman and Alberto Cassone
- 172: Artifactual evidence of discrimination in correspondence studies? A replication of the Neumark method
- Magnus Carlsson, Luca Fumarco and Dan-Olof Rooth
- 171: Democracy, Dictatorship and the Cultural Transmission of Political Values
- Davide Ticchi, Thierry Verdier and Andrea Vindigni
- 170: The determinants of perceived overall security
- Giovanna Garrone and Guido Ortona
- 169: A theory of political entrenchment
- Gilles Saint-Paul, Davide Ticchi and Andrea Vindigni
- 168: Public debt and economic growth: Is there a causal effect?
- Ugo Panizza and Andrea Presbitero
- 167: Competition among parties and power: An empirical analysis
- Matteo Migheli, Guido Ortona and Ferruccio Ponzano
- 166: Designing Fees for Music Copyright Holders in Radio Services
- Roberto Bombana and Carla Marchese
- 165: Pharmaceutical clinical research and regulation: an impact evaluation of public policy
- Roberto Ippoliti and Greta Falavigna
- 164: Diffusione dei luoghi di culto islamici e gestione delle conflittualita'. La moschea di via Urbino a Torino come studio di caso
- Elisa Rebessi
- 163: Il consumo di carne halal nei paesi europei: caratteristiche e trasformazioni in atto
- Laura Priore
- 162: Le risorse finanziarie e cognitive del sistema universitario italiano. Uno sguardo d'insieme
- Melania Verde and Magali' Fia
- 161: Is cooperation instinctive? Evidence from the response times in a Public Goods Game
- Gianna Lotito, Matteo Migheli and Guido Ortona
- 160: An experimental inquiry into the nature of relational goods
- Gianna Lotito, Matteo Migheli and Guido Ortona
- 159: Data Envelopment Analysis e sistemi sanitari regionali italiani
- Greta Falavigna and Roberto Ippoliti
- 158: Saracco e i problemi finanziari del Regno d'Italia
- Angela Fraschini
- 157: Fractals and Self-Similarity in Economics: the Case of a Stochastic Two-Sector Growth Model
- Davide La Torre, Simone Marsiglio and Fabio Privileggi
- 156: The determinants of the composition of public debt in developing and emerging market countries
- Kristine Forslund, Lycia Lima and Ugo Panizza
- 155: Democracy, education and the quality of government
- Piergiuseppe Fortunato and Ugo Panizza
- 154: Microcredit and poverty. An overview of the principal statistical methods used to measure the program net impacts
- Cristina Elisa Orso
- 153: Transition dynamics in endogenous recombinant growth models by means of projection methods
- Fabio Privileggi
- 152: Introducing Class Actions in Finland: an Example of Lawmaking without Economic Analysis
- Mikko Valimaki
- 151: Do the Vietnamese support Doi Moi?
- Matteo Migheli
- 150: Punishment and cooperation: the "old" theory
- Guido Ortona
- 149: Property rights and externalities: The uneasy case of knowledge
- Giovanni Ramello
- 148: An analysis of the determinants of corruption: Evidence from the Italian regions
- Nadia Fiorino and Emma Galli
- 147: State capacity, manufacturing and civil conflict
- Jacopo Costa and Roberto Ricciuti
- 146: Copyright and endogenous market structure: a glimpse from the journal-publishing market
- Giovanni Ramello
- 145: The cult of martyrs
- Mario Ferrero
- 144: The indirect effect of fine particulate matter on health through individuals' life-style
- Cinzia Di Novi
- 143: Class action and financial markets: Insights from law and economics
- Giovanni Ramello and Donatella Porrini
- 142: Gender at work: Productivity and incentives
- Matteo Migheli
- 141: Accumulazione del capitale e crescita economica tra Italia liberale e regime fascista
- Roberto Ricciuti
- 140: In the beginning was the Word. Now is the Copyright
- Carla Marchese and Giovanni Ramello
- 139: Free-riding on altruistic punishment? An experimental comparison of third-party-punishment in a stand-alone and in an in-group environment
- Lewisch Peter, Stefania Ottone and Ferruccio Ponzano