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Working Paper Series in Economics

From Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Department of Economics and Management
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164: Preference diversity Downloads
Matthias Ammann and Clemens Puppe
163: Picking winners: Managerial ability and capital allocation Downloads
Andreas Benz, Peter R. Demerjian, Daniel Hoang and Martin E. Ruckes
162: Credit cycles revisited Downloads
Jörg Urban
161: Apportionment in times of digitalization Downloads
Andranick S. Tanguiane
160: Multi-dimensional social choice under frugal information: The Tukey median as Condorcet winner ex ante by Downloads
Klaus Nehring and Clemens Puppe
159: Maximal Condorcet domains: A further progress report Downloads
Clemens Puppe and Arkadii Slinko
158: Machine learning methods in finance: Recent applications and prospects Downloads
Daniel Hoang and Kevin Wiegratz
157: How to start a grassroots movement Downloads
David Ehrlich and Nora Szech
156: Condorcet solutions in frugal models of budget allocation Downloads
Klaus Nehring and Clemens Puppe
155: Participation in voting over budget allocations: A field experiment Downloads
Clemens Puppe and Jana Rollmann
154: Analysis of the 2021 Bundestag elections. 4/4. The third vote application Downloads
Andranick S. Tanguiane
153: Analysis of the 2021 Bundestag elections. 3/4. Tackling the Bundestag growth Downloads
Andranick S. Tanguiane
152: Analysis of the 2021 Bundestag elections. 2/4. Political spectrum Downloads
Andranick S. Tanguiane
151: Analysis of the 2021 Bundestag elections. 1/4. Representativeness of the parties and the Bundestag Downloads
Andranick S. Tanguiane
150: Choice architecture and incentives increase COVID-19 vaccine intentions and test demand Downloads
Marta Serra-Garcia and Nora Szech
149: Do nonfinancial firms hold risky financial assets? Evidence from Germany Downloads
Daniel Hoang, Fabian Silbereis and Raphael Stengel
148: Managing households' expectations with unconventional policies Downloads
Francesco D'Acunto, Daniel Hoang and Michael Weber
147: Effective policy communication: Targets versus instruments Downloads
Francesco D'Acunto, Daniel Hoang, Maritta Paloviita and Michael Weber
146: Credit cycles revisited Downloads
Jörg Urban
145: Voting: A machine learning approach Downloads
Dávid Burka, Clemens Puppe, László Szepesváry and Attila Tasnádi
144: Towards a classification of maximal peak-pit Condorcet domains Downloads
Guanhao Li, Clemens Puppe and Arkadii Slinko
143: Using composite indicators in econometric decision models: With application to occupational health Downloads
Andranick S. Tanguiane
142: Institutional design and spatial (in)equality: The Janus face of economic integration Downloads
Ingrid Ott and Susanne Soretz
141: Predicting the global minimum variance portfolio Downloads
Laura Reh, Fabian Krüger and Roman Liesenfeld
140: Understanding demand for COVID-19 antibody testing Downloads
Marta Serra Garcia and Nora Szech
139: Quantifying subjective uncertainty in survey expectations Downloads
Fabian Krüger and Lora Pavlova
138: Strategy-proofness and responsiveness imply minimal participation Downloads
Michael Müller and Clemens Puppe
137: Tackling the Bundestag growth by introducing fraction-valued votes Downloads
Andranick S. Tanguiane
136: Structures of rational behavior in economics Downloads
Susanne Fuchs-Seliger
135: Intermodal competition between intercity buses and trains: A theoretical model Downloads
Cornelia Gremm, David Bälz, Chris Corbo and Kay Mitusch
134: The (in)elasticity of moral ignorance Downloads
Marta Serra-Garcia and Nora Szech
133: Composite indicators for computer-aided collective bargaining Downloads
Andranick S. Tanguiane
132: Combining the third vote with traditional elections Downloads
Andranick S. Tanguiane
131: Resource allocation by frugal majority rule Downloads
Klaus Nehring and Clemens Puppe
130: The blockchain, plums, and lemons: Information asymmetries & transparency in decentralized markets Downloads
Benedikt Notheisen and Christof Weinhardt
129: Trading stocks on blocks: The quality of decentralized markets Downloads
Benedikt Notheisen, Vincenzo Marino, Daniel Englert and Christof Weinhardt
128: Human frictions in the transmission of economic policy Downloads
Francesco D'Acunto, Daniel Hoang, Maritta Paloviita and Michael Weber
127: IQ, expectations, and choice Downloads
Francesco D'Acunto, Daniel Hoang, Maritta Paloviita and Michael Weber
126: Cognitive abilities and inflation expectations Downloads
Francesco D'Acunto, Daniel Hoang, Maritta Paloviita and Michael Weber
125: Effectiveness of policy and regulation in European sovereign credit risk markets: A network analysis Downloads
Rebekka Buse, Melanie Schienle and Jörg Urban
124: Determination of vector error correction models in high dimensions Downloads
Chong Liang and Melanie Schienle
123: Measuring connectedness of euro area sovereign risk Downloads
Rebekka Buse and Melanie Schienle
122: Detecting structural differences in tail dependence of financial time series Downloads
Carsten Bormann and Melanie Schienle
121: Testing for an omitted multiplicative long-term component in GARCH models Downloads
Christian Conrad and Melanie Schienle
120: The (in)elasticity of moral ignorance Downloads
Marta Serra-Garcia and Nora Szech
119: Information nudges and self-control Downloads
Thomas Mariotti, Nikolaus Schweizer, Nora Szech and Jonas von Wangenheim
118: Methodological notes on composite indicators for monitoring working conditions Downloads
Andranik S. Tangian
117: Testing the improved third vote during the 2018 election of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology student parliament Downloads
Andranik S. Tangian
116: On robust stopping times for detecting changes in distribution Downloads
Yuri Golubev and Mher M. Safarian
115: The economics of capital allocation in firms: Evidence from internal capital markets Downloads
Daniel Hoang, Sebastian Gatzer and Martin E. Ruckes
Page updated 2024-12-11
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